Paspalum L.
Foodplants for
Borbo cinnara ,
Cissia labe ,
Diatraea moorella ,
Lerema accius ,
Leucania loreyi ,
L. yu ,
Melanitis leda ,
M. leda ,
M. leda ,
Mycalesis janardana ,
Pelopidas agna ,
P. mathias ,
Pseudoborbo bevani ,
Spilarctia strigatula ,
Suniana sunias ,
Ypthima norma
Paspalum mucronarum Muhl.
Paspalum mucronarum ; [GMBOT , 97]
Paspalum dissectum L.
Paspalum membranaceum Walt.
Paspalum walterianum Schultes
Paspalum dissectum ; [GMBOT , 98]
Paspalum longipedunculatum Le Conte
Paspalum longipedunculatum ; [GMBOT , 98]
Paspalum setaceum Michx.
Paspalum setaceum ; [GMBOT , 98]
Paspalum ciliatifolium Michx.
Paspalum ciliatifolium ; [GMBOT , 98]
Foodplant for
Polites vibex
Paspalum pubescens Muhl.
Paspalum pubescens ; [GMBOT , 98]
Paspalum muhlenbergii Nash.
Paspalum Muhlenbergii ; [GMBOT , 98]
Paspalum stramineum Nash.
Paspalum stramineum ; [GMBOT , 98]
Paspalum bushii Nash.
Paspalum Bushii ; [GMBOT , 98]
Paspalum psammophilum Nash.
Paspalum prostratum Nash, not Scribn. & Merr.
Paspalum psammophilum ; [GMBOT , 98]
Paspalum laeve Michx.
Paspalum laeve ; [GMBOT , 98]
var. australe Nash.
Paspalum laeve var. australe ; [GMBOT , 99]
Paspalum angustifolium Le Conte
Paspalum angustifolium ; [GMBOT , 99]
Paspalum plenipilum Nash.
Paspalum praelongum Nash.
Paspalum plenipilum ; [GMBOT , 99]
Paspalum circulare Nash.
Paspalum circulare ; [GMBOT , 99]
Paspalum floridanum Michx.
Paspalum floridanum ; [GMBOT , 99]
var. glabratum Engelm.
Paspalum arundinaceum Poir.
Paspalum floridanum var. glabratum ; [GMBOT , 99]
Paspalum laeviglume Scribn.
Paspalum laeviglume ; [GMBOT , 99]
Paspalum boscianum Flügge
Paspalum Boscianum ; [GMBOT , 99]
Paspalum dilatatum Poiret
Paspalum dilatatum ; [GMBOT , 99]
Foodplant for
Junonia villida ,
Melanitis leda ,
Pelopidas lyelli ,
Poanes melane ,
Taractrocera ina ,
T. papyria
Paspalum distichum L.
Digitaria paspalodes Michx.
Paspalum distichum ; [GMBOT , 99]
26.11.1998 (20)
[GMBOT] Robinson, Benjamin, Fernald, Lyndon, 1908
Gray's New Manual of Botany (7th edition); A Handbook of the Flowering Plants and Ferns of the Central and Northeastern United States and adjacent Canada; American Book Company
If you have corrections, comments or
information to add into these pages, just send mail to
Markku Savela
Keep in mind that the taxonomic information is copied from various sources, and may include many inaccuracies. Expert help is welcome.