Agrostis L.
Bent Grass
Foodplants for
Amblyscirtes vialis ,
Coenonympha dorus ,
Elachista albifrontella ,
E. argentella ,
E. argentella ,
E. herrichii ,
E. humilis ,
E. illectella ,
E. stabilella ,
Erebia aethiops ,
Hesperia leonardus ,
Hylephila phyleus ,
Lopinga deidamia
Agrostis canina L.
Koiran rölli
Brown Bent
Velvet Bent-grass
Brown Bent Grass
Rhode Island Bent
Agrostis canina ; [RK , 607]; [SK , 68]; [GMBOT , 133]
f. pallida Ands.
Agrostis canina f. pallida ; [SK , 68]
f. mutica Gaud.
Agrostis canina f. mutica ; [SK , 68]
Agrostis vinealis Schreber
Brown Bent-grass
Agrostis stircta J. F. Gmel.
Agrostis hyperborea Laest.
Agrostis canina ssp. montana Hartm. Hartm.
Agrostis vinealis ; [RK , 608]
Agrostis mertensii Trin.
Agrostis borealis Hartm.
?Agrostis rubra Wahlenb.
Agrostis canina var. alpina Oakes
Agrostis novae-angliae Vasey
Agrostis mertensii ; [RK , 608]
Agrostis borealis ; [SK , 68]; [GMBOT , 133]
Agrostis clavata Trin.
Agrostis clavata ; [RK , 608]
Foodplant for
Melanargia epimede
Agrostis scabra Willd.
Rough Bent
Agrostis scabra ; [RK , 608]
Agrostis pourretii Willd.
Agrostis capillaris L.
Common Bent
Common Bent-grass
Colonial Bent-grass
Agrostis tenuis Sibth.
Agrostis vulgaris L.
Agrostis capillaris ; [RK , 608]
Agrostis vulgaris ; [SK , 68]
1371x1028 (~332Kb) Finland: Perniö, Lupaja, Somerikko, 29.6.2008, Photo © Harri Arkkio
Foodplant for
Bryotropha terrella
Agrostis capillaris × gigantea
Agrostis × bjoerkmanii Widén
Agrostis capillaris × gigantea ; [RK , 608]
Agrostis capillaris × stolonifera
Agrostis × murbeckii Fouill. ex P. Fourn.
Agrostis capillaris × stolonifera ; [RK , 608]
Agrostis gigantea Roth
Black Bent
Agrostis stolonifera var. major Farw.
Agrostis stolonifera var. aristata auct.
Agrostis stolonifera f. gigantea Roth. Murb.
Agrostis gigantea ; [RK , 609]
Agrostis stolonifera f. gigantea ; [SK , 68]
620x909 (~45Kb) Finland, Pori, Reposaari 2.8.1995, Photo © Harri Arkkio
580x336 (~16Kb) Finland, Pori, Reposaari 2.8.1995, Photo © Harri Arkkio
Foodplant for
Elachista bifasciella
var. gigantea s.l.
Agrostis gigantea var. dispar (Michx.) (incl.); TL : Philipson
Agrostis gigantea var. gigantea ; [RK , 609]
748x1047 (~70Kb) Finland, Tampere, Kaarila, 17.7.2005, Photo © Harri Arkkio
var. glaucescens Widén
Agrostis gigantea var. glaucescens ; [RK , 609]
558x780 (~75Kb) Finland, Vehkalahti, Summa, 14.8.2000, Photo © Harri Arkkio
673x884 (~54Kb) Finland, Vehkalahti, Summa Kainiemi, 14.8.2000, Photo © Harri Arkkio
var. repens (Laest.) Widén
Agrostis gigantea var. repens ; [RK , 609]
Agrostis gigantea × stolonifera
Agrostis gigantea × stolonifera ; [RK , 609]
Agrostis stolonifera L.
Creeping Bent
Creeping Bent-grass
White Bent Grass
Red Top
Agrostis stolonifera ; [RK , 609]; [SK , 67]
Agrostis alba ; [GMBOT , 132]
463x625 (~19Kb) Finland, Orivesi, Suomasema, 9.8.1994, Photo © Harri Arkkio
551x750 (~120Kb) Finland, Tampere, Aakkula, 12.8.2001, Photo © Harri Arkkio
Foodplant for
Coscinia cribraria ,
Elachista nobilella ,
Xylena vetusta
Appear to have a problem, is Agrostis alba really synonym of Agrostis stolonifera ?
? ssp. vulgaris With.
Red Top
Herd's Grass
Agrotis vulgaris With.
?Agrotis sylvatica L.
Agrostis alba ssp. vulgaris With. Thurb.
Agrostis alba ssp. vulgaris ; [GMBOT , 132]
var. bottnica Hyl.
Agrostis stolonifera var. bottnica ; [RK , 609 (note)]
? var. aristata Gray
Agrostis stricta Willd.
Agrostis alba var. aristata Gray
Agrostis alba var. aristata ; [GMBOT , 132]
? var. maritima Lam:
Agrostis coarcatana Ehrh.
Agrostis alba var. maritima Lam. G. F. W. Mey.
?Agrostis stolonifera f. maritima Lam. Murb.
Agrostis alba var. maritima ; [GMBOT , 132]
?Agrostis stolonifera f. maritima ; [SK , 68]
Agrostis laxiflora R. Br.
Hoikka rölli
Agrostis bottnica Murb.
Agrostis perennae Lindb. fil.
Agrostis laxiflora ; [SK , 68]
= Agrostis clavata ?
Agrostis elliottiana Schultes
Agrostis Elliottiana ; [GMBOT , 132]
Agrostis hyemalis (Walt.) BSP.
Hair Grass
Trichodium montanum Torr.
Agrostis laxiflora var. montana Tuckerm.
?Agrostis scabra Willd.
Agrostis hyemalis ; [GMBOT , 132]
Need to sort out synonyms in relation to Agrostis scabra ?
Agrostis perennans (Walt.) Tuckerm.
Thin Grass
Agrostis intermedia Scribn.
Agrostis perennans ; [GMBOT , 133]
Foodplant for
Elachista irrorata
var. elata (Pursh) Hitchc.
Agrostis elata Pusrh Trin.
Agrostis altissima Tuckerm.
Agrostis perennans var. elata ; [GMBOT , 133]
24.11.1998 (13)
[DVF] Den Virtuella floran ; Ett projekt vid Naturhistoriska riksmuseet (Stockholm, Sweden).; Even for non-Swedish speaker, the distribution maps on species are nice (map buttons "Norden" and "Norra halvklotet")
[GMBOT] Robinson, Benjamin, Fernald, Lyndon, 1908
Gray's New Manual of Botany (7th edition); A Handbook of the Flowering Plants and Ferns of the Central and Northeastern United States and adjacent Canada; American Book Company
[Harri Arkkio]
Finland; For the time being these pictures are only for this site. Other usage not allowed.
[RK] Hämet-Ahti, L., Suominen, J., Ulvinen, T. & Uotila, P. (eds), 1998
Retkeilykasvio (Field Flora of Finland); Ed. 4. 656 pp.; Finnish Museum of Natural History, Botanical Museum. Helsinki
[RUNEBERG] Project Runeberg: Nordic literature online
Project Runeberg ; Bilder ur Nordens Fauna (Carl Axel Magnus Lindman)
[SK] Mela & Cajander, 1906
Suomen Kasvio; Viides painos
If you have corrections, comments or
information to add into these pages, just send mail to
Markku Savela
Keep in mind that the taxonomic information is copied from various sources, and may include many inaccuracies. Expert help is welcome.