Cyperaceae Juss., 1789 Sarakasvit Sedge Family
  • Elynaceae Rchb. ex Barnhart
  • Cyperaceae (Cyperales); [FFP, #410]
  • Cyperaceae (Glumiflorae); [GMB, #23]
  • Cyperaceae (Cyperales); [GNSP]; [RK, #126]

Foodplants for Bactra lancealana, Coenonympha haydenii?, C. hero perseis, Ctenostola sparganoides, Cyllopsis pertepida?, Deltote bankiana, D. uncula, Erebia callias?, E. scoparia, E. youngi?, Euclidia mi, Hypenodes humidalis, Kirinia epaminondas, K. epimenides, Lygephila maxima, Megisto cymela, Melapia electaria, Mocis frugalis, Oeneis bore taygete?, O. melissa, Panoquina panoquin, Poanes massasoit, Rivula sericealis, Spodoptera exempta, Tholera decimalis, Zanclognatha fumosa

Tribe Rhynchosporeae
  • Rhynchosporeae (Cyperaceae); [FFP, 706]
Tribe Scirpeae
  • Scirpeae (Cyperaceae); [FFP, 707]
  • Cypereae (Cyperaceae); [FFP, 708]
  • Hypolytreae (Cyperaceae); [FFP, 709]
  • Sclerieae (Cyperaceae); [FFP, 709]
  • Cryptangieae (Cyperaceae); [FFP, 709]
  • Cariceae (Cyperaceae); [FFP, 710]

2.6.2007 (372)


If you have corrections, comments or information to add into these pages, just send mail to Markku Savela
Keep in mind that the taxonomic information is copied from various sources, and may include many inaccuracies. Expert help is welcome.