Ammocrypta Jordan, 1877
Pleurolepis Putnam (ex Agassiz), 1863; (preoccupied)
Vigil Jordan, 1919; (synonym)
Ammocrypta bifascia Williams, 1975
Etheostoma bifascia Page & Burr, 1991; (valid as)
Ammocrypta clara Jordan & Meek, 1885
Etheostoma clarum Page & Burr, 1991; (valid as)
Ammocrypta meridiana Williams, 1975
Etheostoma meridianum Page & Burr, 1991; (valid as)
Ammocrypta pellucida Lee et al., 1980
Pleurolepis pellucida Putnam (ex Agassiz), 1863; (valid as)
Pleurolepis pellucidus Agassiz, 1863; (valid as)
Vigil pellucidus Jordan, 1919; (valid as)
Etheostoma pellucidum Page & Burr, 1991; (valid as)
Ammocrypta vivax Hay, 1882
Etheostoma vivax Page & Burr, 1991; (valid as)
24.4.2004 (5)
Additional information sources:
The taxonomic information and the basic database has been provided by; e-mail: Igor Sheremetyev ; This is a conversion from a database dump, and there are probably many odd things as result of automatic conversion.