Remora Gill, 1862
Remoropsis Gill, 1863; (synonym)
Rhombochirus Gill, 1863; (synonym)
Remilegia Gill, 1862; (synonym)
Remora australis Eschmeyer & Herald, 1983
Echeneis australis Bennett, 1840; (valid as)
Echeneis scutata Gìnther, 1860; (synonym)
Remilegia scutata Gill, 1862; (synonym)
Remora brachyptera Eschmeyer & Herald, 1983
Echeneis sex-decim lamellata Eydoux & Gervais, 1837; (misspelling)
Echeneis sexdecimlamellata Eydoux & Gervais, 1837; (opinion 1033)
Echeneis sexdecimlamellata Eydoux & Gervais, 1837; (synonym)
Echeneis brachyptera Lowe, 1839; (valid as)
Echeneis quatuordecimlaminatus Storer, 1839; (opinion 1121)
Echeneis quatuordecimlaminatus Storer, 1839; (synonym)
Echeneis nieuhofii Bleeker, 1853; (synonym)
Remoropsis brachyptera Gill, 1863; (valid as)
Remora osteochir Eschmeyer & Herald, 1983
Echeneis osteochir Cuvier, 1829; (valid as)
Echeneis jacobaea Lowe, 1839; (synonym)
Echeneis musignani Costa, 1840; (synonym)
Echeneis tetrapturorum Poey, 1860; (synonym)
Echeneis pediculus Girard, 1893; (synonym)
Echeneis megalodiscus Franz, 1910; (synonym)
Remora remora Gill, 1862
Echeneis remora Linnaeus, 1758; (valid as)
Echeneis squalipeta Daldorff, 1793; (synonym)
Echeneis parva Gronow, 1854; (synonym)
Echeneis remoroides Bleeker, 1855; (synonym)
Echeneis remoro¯des Bleeker, 1855; (misspelling)
Echeneis bourboniensis Guichenot, 1858; (unavailable, no features)
Echeneis postica Poey, 1860; (synonym)
Echeneis borboniensis Guichenot, 1863; (synonym)
Echeneis remeligo Guichenot (ex Dum©ril), 1863; (synonym)
Echeneis remeligo Guichenot (ex Dum©ril), 1863; (unavailable, no features)
Remora jacoboea Gill, 1863; (synonym)
Echeneis nubibera Tanaka, 1915; (misspelling)
Echeneis nubifera Tanaka, 1915; (synonym)
Remora remora Eschmeyer & Herald, 1983
24.4.2004 (4)
Additional information sources:
The taxonomic information and the basic database has been provided by; e-mail: Igor Sheremetyev ; This is a conversion from a database dump, and there are probably many odd things as result of automatic conversion.