Tinea pellionella Linnaeus, 1758
Case-bearing Clothes Moth
- Phalaena zoolegella Scopoli, 1763
- Tinea albella Costa, [1836]; Fauna Reg. Nap. Lepid.: [231], (Lep. Nott.) pl. 4, f. 9
- Tinea demiurga Meyrick, 1920
- Tinea gerasimovi Zagulajev, 1978
Larva on
wool ,
hair ,
fur ,
feathers ,
stored vegetable products [MBGB2]
Tinea murariella Staudinger, 1859
- Tineola bipunctella Ragonot, 1874
Tinea messalina Robinson, 1979
Tinea translucens Meyrick, 1917
Tinea dubiella Stainton, 1859
- Tinea turicencis Müller-Rutz, 1920
- Tinea bispinella Zagulajev, 1960
- Tinea tenerifi Zagulajev, 1966
Tinea flavescentella Haworth, 1828
Tinea lanella Pierce & Metcalfe, 1934
Tinea basifasciella Ragonot, 1895
Tinea bothniella Svensson, 1953
- Tinea sibiriella Zagulajev, 1960
- Tinea unidentella Zagulajev, 1960
Tinea pallescentella Stainton, 1851
- Tinea nigrifoldella Gregson, 1856
- Tinea galeatella Mabille, 1888
- Tinea horosema Meyrick, 1931
- Tinea stimulatrix Meyrick, 1931
- Tinea semilineatella Knaben, 1944
- Tinea coacticella Zagulajev, 1954
Tinea steueri Petersen, 1966
Tinea columbariella Wocke, 1877
- Tinea latro Meyrick, 1931
Larva on
nests of birds [MBGB2]
Tinea svenssoni Opheim, 1965
Tinea flavofimbriella (Chrétien, 1925)
Tinea semifulvella Haworth, 1828
Larva on
birds nests,
woollen material in the open [MBGB2]
Tinea trinotella Thunberg, 1794
- Tinea ganomella Treitschke, 1833
Larva on
birds nests,
woollen material in the open [MBGB2]
Tinea omichlopis Meyrick, 1928
- Monopina nonimella Zagulajev, 1955
Tinea apicimaculella Chambers, 1875
- Tinea apicimaculella; [NACL], #392
Tinea behrensella Chambers, 1875
- Tinea behrensella; [NACL], #393 (ident. uncert.)
Tinea carnariella Clemens, 1859
- Tinea carnariella; [NACL], #394
Tinea croceoverticella Chambers, 1876
- Tinea croceoverticella; [NACL], #396
Tinea grumella Zeller, 1873
Tinea irrepta Braun, 1926
Tinea mandarinella Dietz, 1905
- bimaculella Chambers, 1873; (preocc. Thunberg, 1794)
- Tinea mandarinella; [NACL], #400
Tinea misceella Chambers, 1873
- Tinea misceella; [NACL], #401 (ident. uncert.)
Tinea niveocapitella Chambers, 1875
- Tinea leucocapitella Busck, 1903
- Tinea niveocapitella; [NACL], #402
Tinea occidentella Chambers, 1880
- Tinea tuscanella Dietz, 1905
- Tinea occidentella; [NACL], #403
Tinea straminella Chambers, 1873
- Tinea straminella; [NACL], #406 (ident. uncert.)
Tinea thoracestrigella Chambers, 1876
- Tinea thoracestrigella; [NACL], #407 (ident. uncert.)
Tinea unomaculella Chambers, 1875
- Tinea unomaculella; [NACL], #409
Tinea xanthostictella Dietz, 1905
- Tinea xanthostictella; [NACL], #410
If you have corrections, comments or
information to add into these pages, just send mail to
Markku Savela
Keep in mind that the taxonomic information is copied from various sources, and may include many inaccuracies. Expert help is welcome.