Homosetia Clemens, 1863
Pitys Chambers, 1873
Semele Chambers, 1875
Calostinea Dietz, 1905
Pityo[sic, recte Pitys ] ; Chambers, 1876
Homosetia (Tineidae) ; [NACL] , 5
Homosetia argentinotella (Chambers, 1876)
Homosetia argentinotella ; [NACL] , #284
Homosetia argentistrigella (Chambers, 1873)
Homosetia argentistrigella ; [NACL] , #285 (ident. uncert.)
Homosetia auricristatella (Chambers, 1873)
Homosetia aurocristatella[sic] ; Dietz, 1905
Homosetia auricristatella ; [NACL] , #286
Homosetia bifasciella (Chambers, 1876)
Homosetia bifasciella ; [NACL] , #287
Homosetia chrysoadspersella Dietz, 1905
Homosetia chrysoadspersella ; [NACL] , #288
Homosetia costisignella (Clemens, 1863)
Homosetia costisignella ; [NACL] , #289
Homosetia cristatella (Chambers, 1875)
Homosetia cristatella ; [NACL] , #290
Homosetia fasciella (Chambers, 1873)
Homosetia fasciella ; [NACL] , #291
Homosetia fuscocristatella (Chambers, 1873)
Homosetia fuscocristatella ; [NACL] , #292 (ident. uncert.)
Homosetia marginimaculella (Chambers, 1875)
maculatella (Clemens, 1863)
Homosetia maculimarginella[sic] ; Dietz, 1905
Homosetia marginimaculella ; [NACL] , #293
Homosetia miscecristatella (Chambers, 1873)
Homosetia miscecristatella ; [NACL] , #294
Homosetia tricingulatella (Clemens, 1863)
Homosetia tricingulatella ; [NACL] , #295
29.9.2013 (12)
Some related literature:
[NACL]; Hodges, 1983
Check List of the Lepidoptera of America North of Mexico
Check List Lep. Am. N of Mexico
If you have corrections, comments or
information to add into these pages, just send mail to
Markku Savela
Keep in mind that the taxonomic information is copied from various sources, and may include many inaccuracies. Expert help is welcome.