Abachausia Balinsky, 1994
Abachausia (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Acolastodes Meyrick, 1934
Acolastodes Meyrick, 1934; Exotic Microlep. 4 (16-17): 489; TS : Acolastodes oenotripta Meyrick
Acolastodes (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Acrobasopsis Amsel, 1958
Acrobasopsis (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Acroncosa Barnes & McDunnough, 1917
— 2 spp.
Actinocrates Meyrick, 1934
Actinocrates Meyrick, 1934; Exotic Microlep. 4 (16-17): 492; TS : Actinocrates euryniphas Meyrick
Actinocrates (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Actrix Heinrich, 1956
— 2 spp.
Adanarsa Heinrich, 1956
— 1 sp.
Adelperga Heinrich, 1956
Adelperga (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Adelphia Heinrich, 1956
— 2 spp.
Africella Hampson, 1930
Africella (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Afromyelois Balinsky, 1991
Afromyelois Balinsky, 1991; 107; TS : Afromyelois communis Balinsky
Afromyelois (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Afrosipyla Balinsky, 1994
Afrosipyla Balinsky, 1994; 44; TS : Afrosipyla similis Balinsky
Afrosipyla (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Alispoides Ragonot, 1888
Alispoides (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Ambesa Grote, 1880
— 3 spp.
Ambetilia Balinsky, 1994
Ambetilia Balinsky, 1994; 12; TS : Ambetilia crucifera Balinsky
Ambetilia (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Ambluncus Amsel, 1954
Ambluncus Amsel, 1954; Ark. Zool. (2) 6 : 301; TS : Ambluncus nervosellus Amsel
Ambluncus (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Amechedia Amsel, 1961
Amechedia Amsel, 1961; Ark. Zool. (2) 13 : 385; TS : Amechedia pagmanella Amsel
Amechedia (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Amphignostis Meyrick, 1934
Amphignostis Meyrick, 1934; Exotic Microlep. 4 (16-17): 494; TS : Amphignostis nephelocentra Meyrick
Amphignostis (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Amyelois Amsel, 1956
— 1 sp.
Anabasis Heinrich, 1956
— 1 sp.
Anadelosemia Dyar, 1919
— 2 spp.
Ancylodinia Joannis, 1913
Ancylodinia (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Anderida Heinrich, 1956
— 2 spp.
Anegcephalesis Dyar, 1917
— 1 sp.
Anemmalocera Amsel, 1961
— 1 sp.
Anephopteryx Amsel, 1955
Anephopteryx (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Anerosoma Roesler, 1971
— 1 sp.
Anjumania Amsel, 1970
Anjumania Amsel, 1970; 86; TS : Anjumania dimorphella Amsel
Anjumania (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Anthopteryx Dyar, 1914
— 1 sp.
Anypsipyla Dyar, 1914
— 1 sp.
Aphycita Amsel, 1968
Aphycita (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Aprophthasia Amsel, 1968
Aprophthasia (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Aptunga Heinrich, 1956
Aptunga (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Archigalleria Rebel in Staudinger & Rebel, 1901
— 1 sp.
Aria Ragonot, 1887
— 1 sp.
Arimania Amsel, 1954
Arimania Amsel, 1954; Ark. Zool. (2) 6 : 289; TS : Salebria komaroffi Ragonot
Arimania (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Atheloca Heinrich, 1956
— 1 sp.
Auchmera Hampson, 1930
Auchmera (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Audeoudia Joannis, 1927
Audeoudia (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Autocyrota Meyrick, 1933
Autocyrota Meyrick, 1933; Exotic Microlep. 4 (13-14): 388; TS : Autocyrota diacma Meyrick
Autocyrota (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Auxacia Ragonot, 1888
Auxacia (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Azaera Schaus, 1913
— 3 spp.
Azanicola Balinsky, 1991
Azanicola Balinsky, 1991; 96; TS : Azanicola adspersa Balinsky
Azanicola (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Bandera Ragonot, 1887
— 3 spp.
Baphala Heinrich, 1956
— 1 sp.
Barberia Dyar, 1905
— 1 sp.
Belutchistania Amsel, 1951
Belutchistania Amsel, 1951; Ark. Zool. (2) 1 : 539; TS : Belutchistania squamalis Amsel
Belutschistania ; Amsel, 1951, 557, 558 (missp.)
Belutchistania (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Bema Dyar, 1914
— 3 spp.
Bertelia Barnes & McDunnough, 1913
— 2 spp.
Bethulia Ragonot, 1888
Bethulia (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Bibundiana Strand, 1913
— 1 sp.
Birinus Heinrich, 1956
Birinus (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Boeswarthia Roesler, 1975
Boeswarthia Roesler, 1975; 90; TS : Boeswarthia oberleella Roesler
Boeswarthia (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Borosia Gozmány, 1959
Borosia (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Brachiolodes Amsel, 1953
Brachiolodes (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Cacozophera Dyar, 1919
Cacozophera (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Cahela Heinrich, 1939
— 1 sp.
Caina Ragonot, 1893
— 2 spp.
Calamotropodes Janse, 1922
— 1 sp.
Candiope Ragonot, 1888
Candiope (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Candiopella Balinsky, 1994
Candiopella Balinsky, 1994; 46; TS : Candiopella dukei Balinsky
Candiopella (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Caradjaria Roesler, 1975
Caradjaria Roesler, 1975; 96; TS : Caradjaria asiatella Roesler
Caradjaria (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Caristanius Heinrich, 1956
— 6 spp.
Cassiana Heinrich, 1956
Cassiana (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Catopyla Bradley, 1968
Catopyla (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Caudellia Dyar, 1904
— 5 spp.
Caustella Hampson, 1930
Caustella (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Cayennia Hampson, 1930
Cayennia (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Centrometopia Ragonot, 1887
— 2 spp.
Ceracanthia Ragonot, 1893
— 11 spp.
Ceratagra Meyrick, 1932
Ceratagra Meyrick, 1932; Exotic Microlep. 4 (8-9): 235; TS : Ceratagra mitrophora Meyrick
Ceratagra (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Chararica Heinrich, 1956
— 3 spp.
Cherchera Dumont, 1932
Cherchera (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Chilocremastis Meyrick, 1934
Chilocremastis Meyrick, 1934; Exotic Microlep. 4 (16-17): 492; TS : Chilocremastis castanias Meyrick
Chilocremastis (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Chorrera Dyar, 1914
— 1 sp.
Chrysoscinia Hampson, 1930
Chrysoscinia (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Ciliocera Amsel, 1954
— 1 sp.
Ciliopempelia Amsel, 1961
Ciliopempelia Amsel, 1961; Ark. Zool. (2) 13 : 355; TS : Ciliopempelia hyrcanella Amsel
Ciliopempelia (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Citripestis Ragonot, 1893
Citripestis Ragonot, 1893; in Romanoff, Mém. Lépid. 7 : 151 ; TS : Nephopterix sagittiferella Moore
Philotroctis Meyrick, 1933; Exotic Microlep. 4 (13-14): 387; TS : Philotroctis eutraphera Meyrick
Citripestis (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Cnephidia Ragonot, 1892
Cnephidia (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Coenochroa Ragonot, 1887
— 3 spp.
Coleocornutia Amsel, 1961
Coleocornutia Amsel, 1961; Ark. Zool. (2) 13 : 372; TS : Coleocornutia shirazella Amsel
Coleocornutia (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Comotia Dyar, 1914
— 1 sp.
Coptarthria Ragonot, 1893
Coptarthria (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Crocidomera Zeller, 1848
— 1 sp.
Crystallozyga Meyrick, 1937
Crystallozyga Meyrick, 1937; Exotic Microlep. 5 (4-5): 130; TS : Crystallozyga alicia Meyrick
Crystallozyga (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Cuniberta Heinrich, 1956
— 1 sp.
Cunibertoides Balinsky, 1991
Cunibertoides Balinsky, 1991; 109; TS : Cunibertoides nigripatagiata Balinsky
Cunibertoides (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Cyphomima Meyrick, 1933
Cyphomima Meyrick, 1933; 385; TS : Cyphomima cymogramma Meyrick
Cyphomima (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Dalakia Amsel, 1961
— 1 sp.
Dasypyga Ragonot, 1887
— 2 spp.
Davara Walker, 1859
— 1 sp.
Delogenes Meyrick, 1918
Delogenes (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Dentitegumia Amsel, 1961
Dentitegumia Amsel, 1961; Ark. Zool. (2) 13 : 374; TS : Pristophora nigrigranella Ragonot
Dentitegumia (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Dialepta Turner, 1913
— 1 sp.
Diatomocera Ragonot, 1893
— 3 spp.
Difundella Dyar, 1914
— 1 sp.
Dipsochares Meyrick, 1937
Dipsochares Meyrick, 1937; Exotic Microlep. 5 (3): 71; TS : Dipsochares nephelopa Meyrick
Dipsochares (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Ditrachyptera Ragonot, 1893
Ditrachyptera (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Diviana Ragonot, 1888
— 1 sp.
Divitiaca Barnes & McDunnough, 1913
— 3 spp.
Drescoma Dyar, 1914
— 2 spp.
Ecbatania Amsel, 1961
Ecbatania Amsel, 1961; Ark. Zool. (2) 13 : 358; TS : Ecbatania alvandella Amsel
Ecbatania (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Eccopidia Hampson, 1899
Eccopidia (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Eccopisa Zeller, 1848
— 1 sp.
Edulica Hampson in Ragonot, 1901
Edulica (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Edulicodes Roesler, 1972
Edulicodes Roesler, 1972; 258; TS : Edulicodes inoueella Roesler
Edulicodes (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Elasmopalpus Blanchard, 1852
— 1 sp.
Eleusina Hampson in Ragonot, 1901
Eleusina (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Emporia Ragonot, 1887
— 1 sp.
Endolasia Hampson, 1896
Endolasia (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Entmemacornis Dyar, 1919
Entmemacornis (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Ephedrophila Dumont, 1928
— 2 spp.
Ephestiodes Ragonot, 1887
— 6 spp.
Epichalcia Roesler, 1969
Epichalcia Roesler, 1969; Ent. Zs. 79 : 14; TS : Epichalcia amasiella Roesler
Epichalcia (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Epiepischnia Amsel, 1954
Epiepischnia Amsel, 1954; Ark. Zool. (2) 6 : 308; TS : Epiepischnia pseudolydella Amsel
Epiepischnia (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Ereboenis Meyrick, 1935
Ereboenis Meyrick, 1935; Exotic Microlep. 4 (18-19): 552; TS : Ereboenis saturata Meyrick
Ereboenis (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Erelieva Heinrich, 1956
— 3 spp.
Ethiopsella Hampson, 1930
Ethiopsella (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Eugyroptera Bradley, 1977
Eugyroptera Bradley, 1977; 84; TS : Gyroptera robertsi Bradley
Gyroptera Bradley, 1968; Bull. ent. Res. 57 (4) : 611; TS : Gyroptera robertsi Bradley
Eugyroptera (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Eulogia Heinrich, 1956
— 1 sp.
Eulophota Hampson, 1926
Eulophota (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Eumysia Dyar, 1925
— 5 spp.
Eurhophaea Amsel, 1961
Eurhophaea Amsel, 1961; Ark. Zool. (2) 13 : 387; TS : Eurhodope hyrcanella Amsel
Eurhophaea (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Eurythmasis Dyar, 1914
— 1 sp.
Eurythmia Ragonot, 1887
— 3 spp.
Eurythmidia Hampson in Ragonot, 1901
— 1 sp.
Exodesis Hampson, 1919
— 1 sp.
Exuperius Heinrich, 1956
Exuperius (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Farnobia Heinrich, 1956
Farnobia (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Farsia Amsel, 1961
Farsia Amsel, 1961; Ark. Zool. (2) 13 : 375; TS : Farsia pallorella Amsel
Fissicera Schaffer, 1978
Fissicera Schaffer, 1978; 24; TS : Fissicera spicata Shaffer
Fissicera (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Flabellobasis Balinsky, 1991
Flabellobasis Balinsky, 1991; 101; TS : Trachonitis capensis Hampson
Flabellobasis (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Fulrada Heinrich, 1956
— 1 sp.
Fundella Zeller, 1848
— 5 spp.
Gabinius Heinrich, 1956
Gabinius (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Gennadius Heinrich, 1956
Gennadius (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Genophantis Meyrick, 1888
Genophantis (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Getulia Ragonot, 1888
Getulia (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Glyphocystis Blanchard, 1973
— 1 sp.
Glyptocera Ragonot, 1889
— 1 sp.
Gnathomorpha Amsel, 1959
Gnathomorpha (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Gozmanyia Roesler, 1965
Gozmanyia Roesler, 1965; Inaug. Dissert., Saarbrüchen : 36; TS : Ephestia crassa Amsel
Gozmanyia (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Gregorempista Roesler, 1969
Gregorempista Roesler, 1969; Ent. Zs. 79 : 23; TS : Nephopterix validella Christoph
Gunungia Roesler & Küppers, 1979
Gunungia Roesler & Küppers, 1979; 162; TS : Gunungia rimba Roesler & Küppers
Gunungia (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Gymnancylodes Amsel, 1968
Gymnancylodes (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Hafisia Amsel, 1950
Hafisia Amsel, 1950; Ark. Zool. 1 : 242; TS : Hafisia lundbladi Amsel
Hafisia (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Hannemanneia Roesler, 1967
— 1 sp.
Hansreisseria Roesler, 1973
Hansreisseria Roesler, 1973; 282; TS : Scoparia gilvescens Rebel
Hansreisseria (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Harraria Hampson, 1930
Harraria (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Hemiptilocera Ragonot, 1888
Hemiptilocera (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Homodigma Hampson, 1930
Homodigma (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Homoeographa Ragonot, 1888
Homoeograpta Hampson, 1930
Honora Grote, 1878
— 7 spp.
Honorinus Heinrich, 1956
Honorinus (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Hydaspia Ragonot, 1888
Hydaspia (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Hylopercnas Meyrick, 1934
Hylopercnas Meyrick, 1934; Exotic Microlep. 4 (16-17): 493; TS : Hylopercnas eribolax Meyrick
Hylopercnas (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Hypodaria Hartig, 1939
Hypodaria (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Idiobrotis Meyrick, 1937
Idiobrotis Meyrick, 1937; Exotic Microlep. 5 (4-5): 132; TS : Idiobrotis oxygrapha Meyrick
Idiobrotis (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Illatila Dyar, 1914
— 1 sp.
Immyrla Dyar, 1906
— 1 sp.
Ingridiola Roesler, 1969
Ingridiola (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Insalebria Filipjev, 1924
Insalebria Filipjev, 1924; 33; TS : Insalebria kozhantshikovi Filipjev
Insalebria (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Serrulacera Amsel, 1955
— 1 sp.
Interjectio Heinrich, 1956
— 4 spp.
Isauria Ragonot, 1887
— 4 spp.
Jacutscia Hampson, 1930
Jacutscia (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Jakuarte Viette, 1953
Jakuarte (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Khuzistania Amsel, 1959
Khuzistania (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Laciempista Roesler, 1975
Laciempista Roesler, 1975; 72; TS : Laciempista amseli Roesler
Laciempista (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Lacipea Walker, 1863
Lacipea (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Laristania Amsel, 1951
Laristania Amsel, 1951; Ark. Zool. (2) 1 : 536; TS : Laristania sardzella Amsel
Laristania (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Lascelina Heinrich, 1956
— 4 spp.
Lipographis Ragonot, 1887
— 4 spp.
Macrophycis Roesler, 1982
Macrophycis Roesler, 1982; 875; TS : Piesmopoda malazella Viette
Macrophycis (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Macrorrhinia Ragonot, 1887
— 2 spp.
Madiama Walker, 1864
Madiama (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Magiriopsis Heinrich, 1956
Magiriopsis (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Makrania Amsel, 1959
Makrania (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Malgachinsula Roesler, 1982
Malgachinsula Roesler, 1982; 865; TS : Malgachinsula viettei Roesler
Malgachinsula (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Maricopa Hulst, 1890
— 1 sp.
Martia Ragonot, 1887
— 1 sp.
Mascelia Hampson, 1930
Mascelia (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Masthala Walker, 1864
— 1 sp.
Mechedia Amsel, 1951
Mechedia Amsel, 1951; Ark. Zool. (2) 1 : 531; TS : Mechedia pristophorella Amsel
Mechedia (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Mediophycis Roesler, 1982
Mediophycis Roesler, 1982; 881; TS : Hypsipyla attavella Viette
Mediophycis (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Megalophota Hampson, 1918
— 1 sp.
Megalophycita Amsel, 1953
Megalophycita (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Megarthria Ragonot, 1893
— 1 sp.
Melanastia Hampson, 1930
— 1 sp.
Melathrix Ragonot, 1893
Melathrix (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Meroptera Grote, 1882
— 5 spp.
Mescinia Hampson in Ragonot, 1901
— 3 spp.
Mesciniella Hampson, 1930
Mesciniella (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Mesciniodes Hampson in Ragonot, 1901
Mesciniodes (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Metacrateria Hampson, 1918
— 3 spp.
Metephestia Hampson in Ragonot, 1901
— 1 sp.
Metoecis Mabille, [1880]
Metoecis (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Micromescinia Dyar, 1914
— 1 sp.
Microphestia Dyar, 1914
— 1 sp.
Microphycita Dyar, 1914
— 1 sp.
Mildrixia Dyar, 1914
Mildrixia (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Mimopolyocha Matsumura, 1925
Mimopolyocha (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Moerbes Dyar, 1914
— 1 sp.
Moitrelia Leraut, 2001
Moitrelia Leraut, 2001; 135; TS : Pempelia obductella Zeller
Moitrelia (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Monoptilota Hulst, 1900
— 1 sp.
Monotonia Amsel, 1955
Monotonia (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Moodna Hulst, 1890
— 2 spp.
Moodnella Heinrich, 1956
Moodnella (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Moodnodes Neunzig, 1988
— 1 sp.
Moodnopsis Dyar, 1914
Moodnopsis (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Mussidia Ragonot, 1888
Muscidia ; Sharp, 1890, 264 (missp.)
Mussidia (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Myelodes Hampson, 1930
Myelodes (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Myeloiodes Asselbergs, 2004
Myeloiodes Asselbergs, 2004; 51; TS : Myeloiodes minimella Asselbergs
Myeloiodes (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Myeloisiphana Hartig, 1937
Myeloisiphana (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Namibicola Balinsky, 1991
Namibicola Balinsky, 1991; 103; TS : Namibicola splendida Balinsky
Namibicola (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Neocoristis Meyrick, 1937
Neocoristis Meyrick, 1937; Exotic Microlep. 5 (4-5): 133; TS : Neocoristis entomophaga Meyrick
Neocoristis (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Neopempelia Amsel, 1954
— 1 sp.
Neorufalda Yamanaka, 1986
Neorufalda Yamanaka, 1986; 168; TS : Neorufalda pullella Yamanaka
Neorufalda (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Nephopterygia Amsel, 1965
Nephopterygia Amsel, 1965; Ann. naturh. Mus. Wien 68 : 596; TS : Nephopterygia austeritella Amsel
Nephopterygia (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Nicetiodes Schaus, 1923
Nicetiodes Schaus, 1923; Zoologica 5 (2) : 48; TS : Nicetiodes apianella Schaus
Nicetiodes (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Nonia Hampson in Ragonot, 1901
— 1 sp.
Nylonala Gozmány, 1960
Nylonala (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Ocala Hulst, 1892
— 1 sp.
Ocrisiodes Amsel, 1950
Ocrisiodes Amsel, 1950; Ark. Zool. 1 : 225; TS : Ocrisiodes chirazalis Amsel
Ocrisiodes (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Odontarthria Ragonot, 1893
Odontarthria (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Oedilepia Hampson, 1930
Oedilepia (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Oedothmia Hampson, 1930
Oedothmia (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Ogilvia Hampson, 1930
Ogilvia (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Oligochroides Strand, 1909
Oligochroides (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Olybria Heinrich, 1956
— 2 spp.
Oncolabis Zeller, 1848
Endommmasis ; Fletcher & Nye, 1984, 51 (missp.)
Oncolabis (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Oreana Hulst, 1888
— 1 sp.
Ormudzia Amsel, 1954
Ormudzia Amsel, 1954; Ark. Zool. (2) 6 : 291; TS : Ormudzia cameratella Amsel
Ormuzdia ; Amsel, 1954, 291, 320, 322 (missp.)
Ormudzia (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Oryctometopia Ragonot, 1888
— 1 sp.
Oxybia Rebel in Staudinger & Rebel, 1901
— 1 sp.
Paconius Heinrich, 1956
Paconius (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Palatka Hulst, 1892
— 1 sp.
Palloria Amsel, 1961
Palloria Amsel, 1961; Ark. Zool. (2) 13 : 362; TS : Palloria bicornutella Amsel
Palloria (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Palpusopsis Amsel, 1959
Palpusopsis (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Paradaria Kuznetzov, 1937
Paradaria Kuznetzov, 1937; Izv. turkest. Otd. imp. russ. geogr. Obsch. 4 : 118; TS : Paradaria tshetverikovi Kunetzov
Paradaria (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Paraemporia Amsel, 1951
Paraemporia Amsel, 1951; Ark. Zool. (2) 1 : 544; TS : Paraemporia monotona Amsel
Paraemporia (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Pararotruda Roesler, 1965
Pararotruda Roesler, 1965; Inaug. Dissert., Saarbrüchen : 67; TS : Homoeosoma nesiotica Rebel
Pararotruda (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Parasclerobia Roesler, 1971
Parasclerobia Roesler, 1971; 185; TS : Sclerobia pimatella Caradja
Parasclerobia (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Parasefidia Amsel, 1950
Parasefidia Amsel, 1950; Ark. Zool. 1 : 235; TS : Parasefidia benderella Amsel
Parasefidia (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Parematheudes Shaffer, 1997
Parematheudes Shaffer, 1997; 402; TS : Saluria interpunctella Hampson
Parematheudes (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Parthia Ragonot, 1887
— 1 sp.
Passadena Hulst, 1900
— 1 sp.
Patriciola Heinrich, 1956
— 1 sp.
Penetiana Hampson, 1930
Penetiana (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Phestinia Hampson, 1930
Phestinia (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Philodema Heinrich, 1956
— 1 sp.
Philosauritis Meyrick, 1935
Philosauritis Meyrick, 1935; Exotic Microlep. 4 (18-19): 552; TS : Philosauritis pyrrhostrota Meyrick
Philosauritis (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Phobus Heinrich, 1956
— 4 spp.
Phycitopsis Ragonot, 1887
— 1 sp.
Phylebria Roesler, 1982
Phylebria Roesler, 1982; 864; TS : Salebria paulianella Marion & Viette
Phylebria (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Piesmopoda Zeller, 1848
— 2 spp.
Pimodes Blanchard, 1976
— 1 sp.
Pirizania Amsel, 1954
Pirizania Amsel, 1954; Ark. Zool. (2) 6 : 288; TS : Pirizania salebrosella Amsel
Pirizania (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Pirizanodes Amsel, 1961
Pirizanodes Amsel, 1961; Ark. Zool. (2) 13 : 378; TS : Pirizanodes farsella Amsel
Pirizanodes (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Platycrates Meyrick, 1932
Platycrates Meyrick, 1932; Exotic Microlep. 4 (8-9): 235; TS : Platycrates gypsopeda Meyrick
Platycrates (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Pleurochila Ragonot, 1888
Pleurochila (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Pogononeura Ragonot, 1888
Pogononeura (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Pogonotropha Zeller, 1852
Pogonotropha (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Pogonotrophus Sauber, 1899
Pogonotrophus (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Praecomotia Amsel, 1956
Praecomotia (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Praedonula Heinrich, 1956
— 1 sp.
Pretoria Ragonot, 1893
Pretoria (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Pristocerella Kieffer, 1909
Pristocerella Kieffer, 1909; Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Metz 26 : 35; TS : Myelois solskyi Christoph
Pristocera Ragonot, 1893; in Romanoff, Mém. Lépid. 7 : 228 ; TS : Myelois solskyi Christoph
Pristophorodes Amsel, 1953
— 4 spp.
Proancylosis Balinsky, 1991
Proancylosis Balinsky, 1991; 113; TS : Proancylosis argenticostata Balinsky
Proancylosis (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Promylea Ragonot, 1887
— 1 sp.
Prorophora Ragonot, 1887
— 1 sp.
Prosoeuzophera Heinrich, 1956
Prosoeuzophera (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Protasia Heinrich, 1956
Protasia (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Protomoerbes Heinrich, 1956
Protomoerbes (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Pseudocabima Heinrich, 1956
— 1 sp.
Pseudocabotia Blanchard & Knudson, 1985
— 1 sp.
Pseudopiesmopoda Roesler, 1982
Pseudopiesmopoda Roesler, 1982; 857; TS : Pseudopiesmopoda malgassicola Roesler
Pseudopiesmopoda (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Psoropristia Roesler, 1970
Psoropristia Roesler, 1970; 37; TS : Psoropristia psorosella Roesler
Psoropristia (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Psorosana Strand, 1915
Psorosana (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Psorosina Dyar, 1904
— 2 spp.
Psorosodes Amsel, 1954
Psorosodes Amsel, 1954; Ark. Zool. (2) 6 : 274; TS : Psorosodes dalakiella Amsel
Psorosodes (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Ptyonocera Hampson in Ragonot, 1901
Ptyonocera (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Quasisalebria Heinrich, 1956
— 1 sp.
Rabiria Heinrich, 1956
— 1 sp.
Ragonotia Grote, 1888
— 1 sp.
Rampylla Dyar, 1919
Rampylla (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Repetekiodes Amsel, 1961
Repetekiodes (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Rhagea Heinrich, 1956
— 2 spp.
Rhinaphena Strand, 1920
— 1 sp.
Rhinogradentia Amsel, 1970
Rhinogradentia Amsel, 1970; 78; TS : Rhinogradentia steineri Amsel
Rhinogradentia (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Rhodochrysa Hampson in Ragonot, 1901
— 1 sp.
Rhynchephestia Hampson, 1930
Rhynchephestia (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Rhynchopselaphus Zerny in Rebel & Zerny, 1917
Rhynchopselaphus (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Ribua Heinrich, 1940
— 1 sp.
Rostrolaetilia Blanchard & Ferguson, 1975
— 10 spp.
Rotrudosoma Roesler, 1964
Rotrudosoma Roesler, 1964; Boll. Ass. romana Ent. 19 : 21; TS : Rotrudosoma parvellum Roesler
Rotrudosoma (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Rufalda Roesler, 1972
Rufalda Roesler, 1972; 263; TS : Rufalda absolutella Roesler
Rufalda (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Rumatha Heinrich, 1939
— 3 spp.
Sabormania Strand, 1913
— 1 sp.
Sacculocornutia Roesler, 1971
Sacculocornutia Roesler, 1971; 180; TS : Nephopterix monotonella Caradja
Sacculocornutia (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Salebriacus Heinrich, 1956
— 1 sp.
Salebriaria Heinrich, 1956
— 8 spp.
Salebriodes Amsel, 1950
Salebriodes Amsel, 1950; Ark. Zool. 1 : 234; TS : Salebriodes ephestiella Amsel
Salebriodes (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Salinaria Rebel in Staudinger & Rebel, 1901
— 1 sp.
Samaria Ragonot, 1893
Samaria (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Sandrabatis Ragonot, 1893
Sandrabatis (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Sarasota Hulst, 1900
— 1 sp.
Sarata Ragonot, 1887
— 20 spp.
Sardzea Amsel, 1961
Sardzea Amsel, 1961; Ark. Zool. (2) 13 : 371; TS : Sardzea diviselloides Amsel
Sardzea (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Sclerobiodes Amsel, 1951
Sclerobiodes Amsel, 1951; Ark. Zool. (2) 1 : 535; TS : Sclerobiodes persica Amsel
Sclerobiodes (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Scorylus Heinrich, 1956
Scorylus (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Sefidia Amsel, 1950
Sefidia Amsel, 1950; Ark. Zool. 1 : 235; TS : Sefidia persica Amsel
Selga Heinrich, 1956
— 1 sp.
Sematoneura Ragonot, 1888
Sematoneura (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Sengania Amsel, 1951
Sengania Amsel, 1951; Ark. Zool. (2) 1 : 538; TS : Sengania ruehmekorfi Amsel
Sengania (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Shafferiessa Landry & Neunzig, 1998
Shafferiessa Landry & Neunzig, 1998; 502; TS : Shafferiessa galapagoensis Landry & Neunzig
Shafferiessa (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Shebania Balinsky, 1991
Shebania Balinsky, 1991; 105; TS : Shebania grandis Balinsky
Shebania (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Singhalia Hampson, 1899
— 1 sp.
Sosipatra Heinrich, 1956
— 4 spp.
Sporophyla Meyrick, 1905
Sporophyla (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Stomoclista Meyrick, 1932
Stomoclista Meyrick, 1932; Exotic Microlep. 4 (8-9): 232; TS : Stomoclista diplosema Meyrick
Stomoclista (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Stomophylactis Meyrick, 1933
Stomophylactis Meyrick, 1933; Exotic Microlep. 4 (13-14): 389; TS : Stomophylactis improba Meyrick
Stomophylactis (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Strephomescinia Dyar, 1919
Strephomescinia (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Stylobasis Hampson in Ragonot, 1901
Stylobasis (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Stylopalpia Hampson, 1901
— 1 sp.
Styphlorachis Hampson, 1930
Styphlorachis (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Succadana Ragonot, 1888
Succadana (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Synallorema Gozmány, 1958
— 1 sp.
Tacoma Hulst, 1888
— 1 sp.
Taftania Amsel, 1951
Taftania Amsel, 1951; Ark. Zool. (2) 1 : 533; TS : Pristophora oxycyma Meyrick
Taftania (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Tampa Ragonot, 1887
— 1 sp.
Taprobania Hampson, 1930
Taprobania (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Tarquitia Ragonot, 1893
Tarquitia (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Teleochytis Meyrick, 1933
Teleochytis Meyrick, 1933; Exotic Microlep. 4 (13-14): 389; TS : Teleochytis porphyrorphna Meyrick
Teleochytis (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Telethusia Heinrich, 1956
— 2 spp.
Tenellopsis Amsel, 1961
Tenellopsis Amsel, 1961; Ark. Zool. (2) 13 : 379; TS : Tenellopsis microphycita Amsel
Tenellopsis (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Thermopteryx Hampson, 1912
Thermopteryx (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Thiallela Walker, 1863
Thiallela (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Tinestra Hampson, 1908
Tinestra (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Tlascala Hulst, 1890
— 1 sp.
Tornocometis Meyrick, 1934
Tornocometis Meyrick, 1934; Exotic Microlep. 4 (16-17): 496; TS : Tornocometis chrysospila Meyrick
Tornocometis (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Trachypteryx Ragonot, 1893
Trachypteryx (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Transcaspia Amsel, 1955
Transcaspia (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Triaenoneura Ragonot, 1893
Trichorachia Hampson, 1930
Trichorachia (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Triozosneura Blanchard, 1973
— 1 sp.
Trisides Walker, 1863
Trisides (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Tsaraphycis Viette, 1970
Tsaraphycis Viette, 1970; 151; TS : Tsaraphycis philippella Viette
Gigasis Leraut, 2003; Megasis mimeticella, Staudinger
Tsaraphycis (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Tsaratanana Roesler, 1982
Tsaratanana Roesler, 1982; 877; TS : Tsaratanana colorella Roesler
Tsaratanana (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Tulsa Heinrich, 1956
— 3 spp.
Ufa Walker, 1863
— 4 spp.
Uinta Hulst, 1888
— 1 sp.
Ulophora Ragonot, 1890
— 1 sp.
Unadilla Hulst, 1890
— 4 spp.
Uncinomorpha Amsel, 1958
Uncinomorpha (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Uncinus Amsel, 1951
Uncinus Amsel, 1951; Ark. Zool. (2) 1 : 537; TS : Uncinus hypogryphellus Amsel
Uncinus (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Urbania Hampson in Ragonot, 1901
Urbania (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Vagobanta Heinrich, 1956
Vagobanta (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Valva Amsel, 1961
Valva Amsel, 1961; Ark. Zool. (2) 13 : 373; TS : Valva candiopella Amsel
Varneria Dyar, 1904
— 3 spp.
Veldticola Hampson, 1930
Veldticola (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Verina Heinrich, 1956
— 1 sp.
Volatica Heinrich, 1956
Volatica (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Wakulla Shaffer, 1968
— 1 sp.
Welderella Blanchard, 1978
— 1 sp.
Wunderia Grossbeck, 1917
— 1 sp.
Zamagiria Dyar, 1914
— 4 spp.
Zophodiodes Ragonot, 1887
— 1 sp.
Zophodiopsis Fromholz, 1883
Zophodiopsis (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Zynodes Whalley, 1970
Zynodes (Phycitinae) ; [GlobIZ ]
Tribe Cryptoblabini Roesler, 1968
Cryptoblabini Roesler, 1968; ; TG : Cryptoblabes Zeller
Balanomis Meyrick, 1887
— 1 sp.
Berastagia Roesler & Küppers, 1979
— 1 sp.
Cryptadia Turner, 1913
— 1 sp.
Cryptoblabes Zeller, 1848
— 13 spp.
1 sp.
Procunea Hampson, 1930
— 1 sp.
Pseudodavara Roesler & Küppers, 1979
Pseudodavara Roesler & Küppers, 1979; 61; TS : Spatulipalpia haemaphoralis Hampson
Spatulipalpia Ragonot, 1893
Tribe Phycitini Zeller, 1839
Acrobasiina Agenjo, 1958
Phycitina Agenjo, 1958
Abareia Whalley, 1970
— 1 sp.
Acrobasis Zeller, 1839
— 66 spp.
2 spp.
Atralepis Streltzov, 2016
— 1 sp.
Conobathra Meyrick, 1886
— 5 spp.
1 sp.
Trachycera Ragonot, 1893
— 8 spp.
2 spp.
Addyme Walker, 1863
— 3 spp.
Ammatucha Turner, 1922
— 1 sp.
Amphithrix Ragonot, 1893
— 1 sp.
Ancylodes Ragonot, 1887
— 4 spp.
Ancylosis Zeller, 1839
— 48 spp.
1 sp.
Staudingeria Ragonot, 1887
— 16 spp.
Heterographis Ragonot, 1885
— 1 sp.
Hulstia Hampson in Ragonot, 1901
— 1 sp.
Canarsia Hulst, 1890
— 1 sp.
Ancylosoma Roesler, 1973
— 1 sp.
Ancylostomia Ragonot, 1893
— 1 sp.
Anonaepestis Ragonot, 1894
— 1 sp.
Apomyelois Heinrich, 1956
— 6 spp.
1 sp.
Ectomyelois Heinrich, 1956
— 3 spp.
Archiephestia Amsel, 1955
— 1 sp.
Arsissa Ragonot, 1893
— 1 sp.
Asalebria Amsel, 1953
— 3 spp.
Asarta Zeller, 1848
— 4 spp.
Asartodes Ragonot, 1893
— 2 spp.
Asclerobia Roesler, 1969
— 2 spp.
Assara Walker, 1863
— 17 spp.
1 sp.
Bahiria Balinsky, 1994
Bahiria Balinsky, 1994; 107; TS : Bahiria latevalvata Balinsky
Barbifrontia Hampson in Ragonot, 1901
— 1 sp.
Bazaria Ragonot, 1887
— 9 spp.
Bradyrrhoa Zeller, 1848
— 8 spp.
Cactoblastis Ragonot, 1901
— 2 spp.
Cadra Walker, 1864
— 11 spp.
1 sp.
Calguia Walker, 1863
— 2 spp.
Catastia Hübner, [1825]
— 7 spp.
2 spp.
Cathyalia Ragonot, 1888
— 2 spp.
Cavipalpia Ragonot, 1893
— 1 sp.
Ceroprepes Zeller, 1867
— 4 spp.
Ceutholopha Zeller, 1867
— 2 spp.
Christophia Ragonot, 1887
— 5 spp.
Copamyntis Meyrick, 1934
— 7 spp.
Cremnophila Ragonot, 1892
— 2 spp.
Creobota Turner, 1931
— 2 spp.
Crocydopora Meyrick, 1882
— 1 sp.
Cryptarthria Roesler, 1981
— 1 sp.
Cryptomyelois Roesler & Küppers, 1979
— 1 sp.
Ctenomedes Meyrick, 1935
Ctenomedes Meyrick, 1935; Exotic Microlep. 4 (18-19): 582; TS : Ctenomedes neuractis Meyrick
Ctenomeristis Meyrick, 1929
— 2 spp.
Eremographa Meyrick, 1932
— 1 sp.
Dectocera Ragonot, 1887
— 1 sp.
Delplanqueia Leraut, 2001
— 1 sp.
1 sp.
Dioryctria Zeller, 1846
— 34 spp.
4 spp.
Ocrisia Ragonot, 1893
— 1 sp.
Ecbletodes Turner, 1904
— 1 sp.
Echinocereta Neunzig, 1997
Echinocereta Neunzig, 1997; 47; TS : Euzophera strigalis Barnes & McDunnough
Echinocereta (Phycitini) ; [GlobIZ ]
Ecnomoneura Turner, 1942
— 1 sp.
Ectohomoeosoma Roesler, 1965
— 1 sp.
Elegia Ragonot, 1887
— 3 spp.
1 sp.
Encryphodes Turner, 1913
— 1 sp.
Ephestia Guenée, 1845
— 9 spp.
3 spp.
Ephestiopsis Ragonot, 1893
— 1 sp.
Epicrocis Zeller, 1848
— 4 spp.
Epischidia Rebel in Staudinger & Rebel, 1901
— 1 sp.
Epischnia Hübner, [1825]
— 25 spp.
Episcythrastis Meyrick, 1937
— 8 spp.
1 sp.
Etiella Zeller, 1839
— 7 spp.
Etielloides Shibuya, 1928
— 4 spp.
Eucampyla Meyrick, 1882
— 1 sp.
Eucarphia Hübner, [1825]
— 1 sp.
Eurhodope Hübner, [1825]
— 7 spp.
Euzophera Zeller, 1867
— 30 spp.
3 spp.
Euzopherodes Hampson, 1899
— 7 spp.
Faveria Walker, 1859
— 7 spp.
Furcata Du, Sung & Wu, 2005
— 4 spp.
Glyptoteles Zeller, 1848
— 1 sp.
Gymnancyla Zeller, 1848
— 5 spp.
Heterochrosis Hampson, 1926
— 1 sp.
Hoeneodes Roesler, 1969
— 2 spp.
Homoeosoma Curtis, 1833
— 38 spp.
2 spp.
Hypargyria Ragonot, 1888
— 2 spp.
Hypochalcia Hübner, [1825]
— 23 spp.
1 sp.
Hyporatasa Rebel in Staudinger & Rebel, 1901
— 1 sp.
Hypsipyla Ragonot, 1888
— 2 spp.
Indomalayia Roesler & Küppers, 1979
— 1 sp.
Indomyrlaea Roesler & Küppers, 1979
— 1 sp.
Keradere Whalley, 1970
— 2 spp.
Khorassania Amsel, 1951
— 2 spp.
Klimeschiola Roesler, 1965
— 1 sp.
Laetilia Ragonot, 1889
— 7 spp.
Lasiosticha Meyrick, 1887
— 5 spp.
Lophothoracia Hampson in Ragonot, 1901
— 2 spp.
Lymphia Rebel in Staudinger & Rebel, 1901
— 1 sp.
Magiria Zeller, 1867
— 1 sp.
Manipyla Streltzov, 2016
— 1 sp.
Medaniaria Roesler & Küppers, 1979
— 1 sp.
Megasis Guenée, 1845
— 7 spp.
Merulempista Roesler, 1967
— 1 sp.
Mesciniadia Hampson in Ragonot, 1901
— 3 spp.
Metallosticha Rebel in Staudinger & Rebel, 1901
— 2 spp.
Metallostichodes Roesler, 1967
— 2 spp.
Meyrickiella Hampson in Ragonot, 1901
— 1 sp.
Michaeliodes Roesler, 1969
— 1 sp.
Morosaphycita Horak, 1997
— 2 spp.
Myelois Hübner, [1825]
— 15 spp.
1 sp.
Myrlaea Ragonot, 1887
— 5 spp.
Nephopterix Hübner, [1825]
— 20 spp.
Niethammeriodes Roesler, 1969
— 2 spp.
Nonambesa Roesler & Küppers, 1979
— 1 sp.
Nyctegretis Zeller, 1848
— 3 spp.
1 sp.
Oncocera Stephens, 1829
— 3 spp.
2 spp.
Ortholepis Ragonot, 1887
— 6 spp.
2 spp.
Oxydisia Hampson in Ragonot, 1901
— 1 sp.
Paramaxillaria Inoue, 1955
— 2 spp.
Parramatta Hampson in Ragonot, 1901
— 2 spp.
Patagoniodes Roesler, 1969
— 3 spp.
Pempelia Hübner, [1825]
— 28 spp.
2 spp.
Pempeliella Caradja, 1916
— 12 spp.
1 sp.
Phycita Curtis, 1828
— 15 spp.
1 sp.
Phycitodes Hampson, 1917
— 15 spp.
4 spp.
Pima Hulst, 1888
— 8 spp.
1 sp.
Plodia Guenée, 1845
— 1 sp.
1 sp.
Polopeustis Ragonot, 1893
— 2 spp.
1 sp.
Praeepischnia Amsel, 1954
Praeepischnia Amsel, 1954; Ark. Zool. (2) 6 : 306; TS : Myelois lydella Lederer
Praeepischnia (Phycitini) ; [GlobIZ ]
Protoetiella Inoue, 1959
— 2 spp.
Pseudocadra Roesler, 1965
— 2 spp.
Pseudacrobasis Roesler, 1975
— 2 spp.
Pseudoceroprepes Roesler, 1982
— 1 sp.
Pseudophycita Roesler, 1969
— 1 sp.
Psorosa Zeller, 1846
— 7 spp.
Pterothrixidia Amsel, 1954
— 4 spp.
Ptyobathra Turner, 1905
— 3 spp.
Ptyomaxia Hampson, 1903
— 4 spp.
Pyla Grote, 1882
— 19 spp.
1 sp.
Quasipuer Roesler, 1973
— 1 sp.
Rambutaneia Roesler & Küppers, 1979
Ratasa Herrich-Schäffer, 1849
— 1 sp.
Salebriopsis Hannemann, 1965
— 1 sp.
Sciota Hulst, 1888
— 34 spp.
4 spp.
Seeboldia Ragonot, 1887
— 1 sp.
Selagia Hübner, [1825]
— 9 spp.
1 sp.
Sempronia Ragonot, 1888
— 1 sp.
Stanempista Roesler, 1969
— 1 sp.
Stenopterix Streltzov, 2011
— 1 sp.
Stereobela Turner, 1905
— 1 sp.
Sudaniola Roesler, 1973
— 1 sp.
Symphonistis Turner, 1904
— 1 sp.
Synoria Ragonot, 1888
— 1 sp.
Syntypica Turner, 1905
— 3 spp.
Tephris Ragonot, 1891
— 4 spp.
Thospia Ragonot, 1888
— 2 spp.
Thylacoptila Meyrick, 1885
— 1 sp.
Trachonitis Zeller, 1848
— 3 spp.
Trissonca Meyrick, 1882
— 1 sp.
Trychnocrana Turner, 1925
— 2 spp.
Tylochares Meyrick, 1883
— 7 spp.
Unadillides Hampson, 1930
— 1 sp.
Unadophanes Shaffer, Nielsen & Horak, 1996
— 3 spp.
Vietteia Amsel, 1955
— 1 sp.
Vinicia Ragonot, 1893
— 2 spp.
Vitula Ragonot, 1887
— 7 spp.
1 sp.
Manhatta Hulst, 1890
— 2 spp.
Zonula Shaffer, 1995
— 2 spp.
Zophodia Hübner, [1825]
— 2 spp.
1 sp.
Tucumania Dyar, 1925
— 1 sp.
Melitara Walker, 1863
— 3 spp.
Olycella Dyar, 1928
— 2 spp.
Alberada Heinrich, 1939
— 3 spp.
Yosemitia Ragonot, 1901
— 3 spp.
Eremberga Heinrich, 1939
— 3 spp.
Ozamia Hampson in Ragonot, 1901
— 3 spp.
Cactobrosis Dyar, 1914
— 3 spp.
Arcola Shaffer, 1995
— 1 sp.
Tribe Cabniini Roesler, 1968
Tribe Anerastiini
Hypsotropinae Hampson, 1918; 55
Peoriinae Hulst, 1890
Acritonia Amsel, 1954
— 1 sp.
Anacostia Shaffer, 1968
— 1 sp.
Anchylobela Turner, 1947
— 6 spp.
Anerastia Hübner, [1825]
— 7 spp.
1 sp.
Ardekania Amsel, 1951
— 1 sp.
Ardekanopsis Amsel, 1954
— 1 sp.
Arivaca Shaffer, 1968
— 7 spp.
Asaluria Amsel, 1958
— 1 sp.
Atascosa Hulst, 1890
— 3 spp.
Baptotropa Hampson, 1918
— 1 sp.
Calamotropa Hampson, 1918
— 1 sp.
Chortonoeca Hampson, 1918
— 1 sp.
Coenotropa Hampson, 1918
— 1 sp.
Commotria Berg, 1885
— 15 spp.
Comorta Ragonot, 1888
— 3 spp.
Dembea Ragonot, 1888
— 1 sp.
Discofrontia Hampson in Ragonot, 1901
— 1 sp.
Ematheudes Zeller, 1867
— 10 spp.
Emmalocera Ragonot, 1888
— 56 spp.
Epidauria Rebel, 1901
— 4 spp.
Fondoukia Chrétien, 1911
— 1 sp.
Fossifrontia Hampson in Ragonot, 1901
— 1 sp.
Fregenia Hartig, 1947
— 1 sp.
Goya Ragonot, 1888
— 4 spp.
Harnochina Dyar, 1914
— 1 sp.
Heosphora Meyrick, 1882
— 18 spp.
Homosassa Hulst, 1890
— 4 spp.
Hosidia Hampson in Ragonot, 1901
— 1 sp.
Hypsotropa Zeller, 1848
— 28 spp.
Khachia Amsel, 1961
— 1 sp.
Laurentia Ragonot, 1888
— 2 spp.
Leotropa Hampson, 1918
— 3 spp.
Lioprosopa Turner, 1947
— 12 spp.
Maliarpha Ragonot, 1888
— 3 spp.
Mangala Ragonot, 1888
— 1 sp.
Menuthia Ragonot, 1888
— 1 sp.
Mesodiphlebia Zeller, 1881
— 4 spp.
Monoctenocera Hampson, 1899
— 1 sp.
Navasota Ragonot, 1887
— 8 spp.
Neorastia Amsel, 1954
— 1 sp.
Osakia Ragonot, 1901
— 1 sp.
Paratascosa Shaffer, 1976
— 1 sp.
Patna Ragonot, 1888
— 1 sp.
Peoria Ragonot, 1887
— 21 spp.
Polyocha Zeller, 1848
— 7 spp.
Polyochodes Chrétien, 1911
— 1 sp.
Postemmalocera Amsel, 1955
— 1 sp.
Praerhinaphe Amsel, 1954
— 1 sp.
Praesaluria Amsel, 1958
— 1 sp.
Prophtasia Ragonot, 1887
— 6 spp.
Raphimetopus Hampson, 1918
— 4 spp.
Reynosa Shaffer, 1968
— 1 sp.
Saborma Ragonot, 1888
— 3 spp.
Saluria Ragonot, 1887
— 21 spp.
Seleucia Ragonot, 1887
— 3 spp.
Shirazia Amsel, 1954
— 1 sp.
Siboga Hampson in Ragonot, 1901
— 5 spp.
Sudania Hampson in Ragonot, 1901
— 1 sp.
Tiarra Ragonot, 1888
— 1 sp.
Tinerastia Hampson in Ragonot, 1901
— 2 spp.
Tolima Ragonot, 1888
— 2 spp.
Valdovecaria Zerny, 1927
— 1 sp.
Villiersoides Marion, 1957
— 1 sp.
Zapalla Shaffer, 1976
— 1 sp.
751x522 (~94Kb) Russia, Moscow area, 25.4.2008, Photo © D. Smirnov
The exact identification of this species is still unknown,
but tentatively assumed to belong into this group.
5.1.2019 (1490)
Some related literature:
Amsel, 1953
Neue Kleinschmetterlinge aus Nordwest-Africa
Bull. Inst. Fr. Ar. noire, 15 (4)
: 1441-1460
Amsel, 1955
Über mediterrane Microlepidopteren und einige transkaspische Arten
Bull. Inst. Sci. nat. Belg. 31 (83)
: 1-64, pl. 1-6
Amsel, 1955
Irakische Kleinschmetterlinge
Beitr. naturk. Forsch. SüdwDtl 14
: 119-129, pl. 6
Amsel, 1956
Microlepidoptera Venezolana I & II
Boletin Ent. Venezolana 10
(1-2): 1-336 (1956),
(3-4): pl. 1-110 (1957)
Amsel, 1958
Kleinschmetterlinge aus Nordost-Arabien, der Ausbeute A. S. Talhouk
Beitr. naturk. Forsch. SüdwDtschl. 17 (1)
: 61-82, pl. 5
Amsel, 1958
Ergebnisse der Österreichischen Iran-Expedition 1949/50. Lepidoptera II. (Microlepidoptera)
Sber. öst. Akad. Wiss. (1) 167
: 553-561, pl. 1
Amsel, 1959
Microlepidoptera aus Iran
Stuttgart. Beitr. Naturk. 28
: 1 -47, pl. 1-5
Amsel, 1968
Zur Kenntnis der Microlepidopterenfauna von Karachi (Pakistan)
Stuttgart. Beitr. Naturk. (191)
: 1 -48, pl. 1-12
Bradley, 1968
Descriptions of two new genera and species of Phycitinae associated with Hypsipyla robusta (Moore) on Meliaceae in Nigeria (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae)
Bull. ent. Res. 57 (4)
: 605-613
Dumont, 1932
Les Lépidoptères des Gommiers du Nord de l'Afrique
Soc. ent. Fr (Livre centen.)
: 689-719
Dyar, 1914
Description of new species and genera of Lepidoptera from Mexico
Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 47 (2054)
: 365 -409
Dyar, 1919
Some Tropical American Phycitinae
Ins. Insc. Menstr. 7 (1-3)
: 40 -63
Dyar, 1919
Some new tropical american moths (Lepidoptera)
Ins. Insc. Menstr. 7 (4-6)
: 74 -85
Fromholz, 1883
Ueber die Lebensweise und Entwickelung der Anaphe Panda Bsd. und einer neuen Phycidee
Berl. ent. Z. 27
: 9 -14, pl. 2
Gozmány, 1959
The results of the zoological collecting trip to Egypt in 1957, of the Natural History Museum, Budapest. 6. Egyptian Microlepidoptera. Part I
Ann. hist.-nat. Mus. nat. hung. 51
: 363-370
Gozmány, 1960
The Results of the Zoological Collecting Trip to Egypt in 1957, of the Natural History Museum, Budapest. 8. Egyptian Microlepidoptera II
Ann. hist.-nat. Mus. nat. hung. 52
: 411-421
Hampson, 1896
The Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma
Fauna Br. India (Moths) 4
: ix -xxviii,
: 1 -594
Hampson, 1899
The Moths of India. Supplementary Paper to the Volumes in "The Fauna of British India". Part IV-VI
J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. 12
(1): 73 -98 (1898),
(2): 301 -314 (1899),
(3): 475 -485 (1899),
(4): 697 -715 (1899)
Hampson, 1903
The Moths of India. Supplementary Paper to the Volumes in "The Fauna of British India". Series II. Part IX-X
J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. 15
(1): 19 -37 (1903),
(2): 206 -226, pl. C (1903)
Hampson, 1908
The Moths of India. Supplementary paper to the Volumes in "The Fauna of British India." Series III, Part IX-XI
J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. 18
(1): 27 -53, pl. E (1907),
(2): 257 -271 (1908),
(3): 572 -585 (1908)
Hampson, 1912
The moths of India. Supplementary paper to the volumes in "The Fauna of British India". Series IV. Part V (?VI)
J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. 21 (4)
: 1222 -1272
Hampson, 1926
Some new genera and species of Phycitinæ (Pyralidae) in the British Museum
Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (9) 18 (108)
: 628-634
Hampson, 1930
New genera and species of Phycitinae
Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (10) 5
: 50-80
Hartig, 1937
Eine Mikrolepidopteren-Ausbeute aus dem Hindukusch-Gebiet
Zs. Öst. EntVer. 22
: 68-72, pl. 4,
(Schluß) : 78-80
Hartig, 1939
Paradaria Htg. praeocc. = Hypodaria Htg.
Zs. Öst. EntVer. 24
: 10-11
Heinrich, 1956
American moths of the subfamily Phycitinae
Bull. U.S. Natl. Mus. 207
: 1 -581
[NACL]; Hodges, 1983
Check List of the Lepidoptera of America North of Mexico
Check List Lep. Am. N of Mexico
Joannis, 1913
in Andreini, Materiali per lo studio della fauna Eritrea
Bull. Soc. Ent. Ital. 44
: 115 -147
Joannis, 1927
Pyralidae d'Afrique australe principalement du district de Lourenço-Marquès
Bull. Soc. lép. Genéve 5
: 181-256
[RFEL]; Leley, 2016
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Cat. ins. Russian Far East. 2
: 1-812
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Recensement des Lépidoptères hétérocères observés jusqu'à ce jour à Madagascar
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: 291 -348
Matsumura, 1925
An enumeration of the butterflies and moths from Saghalien, with descriptions of new species and subspecies
J. Coll. Agric. Hokkaido imp. Univ. 15
: 83-196, pl. 8-11
Meyrick, 1888
On the Pyralidina of the Hawaiian Islands
Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1888
: 209 -246
Meyrick, 1905
Notes on New Zealand Lepidoptera
Trans. ent. Soc. Lond. 1905
: 219 -244
Meyrick, 1918
Descriptions of New Zealand Lepidoptera
Trans. N. Z. Inst. 50
: 132 -134
[MNA15.2]; Neunzig, 1986
PYRALOIDEA: Pyralidae (Part)
Moths America N of Mexico 15.2
[AUCL]; Nielsen & Rangsi, 1996
Checklist of the Lepidoptera of Australia
Monogr. Aust. Lepid. 4 : 1-529
Ragonot, 1885
Revision of the British species of Phyticidae and Galleridae
Ent. mon. Mag. 22
: 17 -32
Ragonot, 1888
Nouveaux genres et espèces de Phycitidae et Galleriidae
Nouv. gen. esp. Phycitidae Galleriidae
: 5 -52
Ragonot, 1892
[... nouvelles de Phycites provenant de Kenter (Sibérie)]
Bull. Soc. ent. Fr. 1892
: ccxxxv -ccxxxvi [235-236]
Ragonot, 1893
Monographie des Phycitinae et des Gallerinae
in Romanoff, Mém. Lépid. 7
: 1 -658, pl. 1 -23
Hampson in Ragonot, 1901
Monographie des Phycitinae et des Gallerinae
in Romanoff, Mém. Lépid. 8
: 1 -602, pl. 24 -57
Rebel, 1903
Neue Pyraliden aus Algerien und Westasien
Dt. ent. Z. Iris 16 (1)
: 1 -8
Zerny in Rebel & Zerny, 1917
Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der mit Unterstützung der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien aus der Erbschaft Treitl von F. Werner unternommenen zoologischen Expedition nach dem anglo-ägyptischen Sudan (Kordofan) 1914. I. Lepidoptera
Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien 93
: 423 -446, pl. 1
Roesler, 1969
Phycitine-Studien (Lepidoptera) III
Bonn. zool. Beitr. 20
: 257 -265
Sauber, 1899
Neue paläarktische Mikrolepidopteren aus Centralasien
Verh. Ver. naturw. Unterh. Hamb. 10
: 47 -68
: errata
Schaus, 1923
Galapagos Heterocera with descriptions of new species
Zoologica 5 (2)
: 23-48
Strand, 1909
Schmetterlinge aus dem Sambesi-Gebiet, gesammelt und dem Berliner Museum geschenkt von Herrn Franz Seiner
Archiv Naturg. 75 (1)
: 375 -386
Strand, 1915
Lepidoptera aus Ober-Aegypten und dem Aegyptischen Sudan
Arch. Naturgesch. 80 A (10)
: 95 -112
Viette, 1953
Descriptions de nouvelles espèces de Pyrales de la faune Malgache (Ins. Lépid.)
Bull. mens. Soc. Linn. Lyon 22 (8)
: 203-209
Walker, 1863; Walker, 1864
List of the Specimens of Lepidopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum
List Spec. Lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus.
27 : 1 -286 (1863),
28 : 287 -562 (1863),
29 : 563 -835 (1864),
30 : 837 -1096 (1864)
Walker, 1866
List of the Specimens of Lepidopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum
List Spec. Lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus.
31 : 1 -322 ([1865]),
32 : 323 -706 (1865),
33 : 707 -1120 (1865),
34 : 1121 -1534 ([1866]),
35 : 1535 -2040 (1866)
Whalley, 1970
A synonymic catalogue of the genera of Phycitinae (Lepidoptera : Pyralidae) of the World
Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.) 25 (2)
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Zeller, 1848
Exotische Phycideen
Isis von Oken 1848 (11)
: 857 -890
Zeller, 1852
Lepidoptera microptera quae J. A. Wahlberg in Caffrorum terra collegit
K. VetenskAkad. Handl. 1852
: 1 -120
If you have corrections, comments or
information to add into these pages, just send mail to
Markku Savela
Keep in mind that the taxonomic information is copied from various sources, and may include many inaccuracies. Expert help is welcome.