[GlobIZ] Global information system on pyraloidea GlobIZ; Globales Informtationssystem Zünslerfalter; Note This information is not automatically synchronized with GlobIZ and can sometimes be lagging behind.
[LEPIFORUM] Lepiforum; Bestimmung von Schmetterlingen (Lepidoptera) und ihren Präimaginalstadien
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Some related literature:
Klima in Bryk, 1937
Pyralidae: Subfam.: Scopariinae et Nymphulinae
Lepid. Cat. (84): 1-226
Caradja, 1925
Ueber Chinas Pyraliden, Tortriciden nebst kurze Betrachtungen, zu denen das Studium dieser Fauna Veranlassung gibt
Mem. Sect. stiint. Acad. rom. (3) 3 (7)
: 257-383
Caradja in Caradja & Meyrick, 1937
Materialien zu einer Mikrolepidopterenfauna des Yülingshanmassivs (Provinz Yünnan)
Dt. ent. Z. Iris 51
: 137-182
Hampson, 1891
Illustrations of typical specimens of Lepidoptera Heterocera in the collection of the British Museum. Part 8. The lepidoptera of heterocera of the Nilgiri district
Ill. typical Spec. Lep. Het. Colln Br. Mus. 8
: 1-144, pl. 139-156
Hampson, 1897
On the classification of two subfamilies of Moths of the family Pyralidae: the Hydrocampinae and Scoparianae
Trans. ent. Soc. Lond. 1897
: 127-240
Hampson, 1899
A revision of the Moths of the Subfamily Pyraustinae and family Pyralidae. Part 2
Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1899
: 172-291
Hampson, 1906
Descriptions of new Pyralidae of the subfamilies Hydrocampinae and Scoparianae
Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (7)
18 (107): 373-393,
18 (108): 455-472,
19 (109): 1-24
Leech, 1889
New species of Deltoids and Pyrales from Corea, North China, and Japan
Entomologist 22
: 62-71, pl. 2-4
Hampson in Leech, 1901; South in Leech, 1901
Lepidoptera Heterocera form China, Japan, and Corea
Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1901
: 385-514, pl. 14-15
Moore, 1888
Descriptions of new Indian Lepidopterous Insects from the collection of the late Mr. W.S. Atkinson
Descr. Indian lep. Atkinson
(1): 1-88, pl. 1-3 (1879),
(2): 89-198, pl. 4-5 (1882),
(3): 199-299, pl. 6-8 (1888)
Roesler & Speidel, 1981 Paracymoriza bleszynskialis n. sp., eine neue Acentropine aus China (Lepidoptera-Pyraloidea-Acentropinae)
Articulata 1: 201-206
Sauber in Semper, 1902
Die Schmetterlinge der Philippinischen Inseln. Beitrage zur Indo-Malayischen Lepidopteren-fauna. Zweiter Band. Die Nachtfalter. Heterocera
Reisen Archipel. Philipp. 2
: 381-728 (1896-1902),
: pl. A-J,50-51,K-N,52-54,O-P,55-59,Q-T,60-63,U,64-66,V
Snellen, 1880
Nieuwe Pyraliden op het Eiland Celebes Gevonden door Mr. M. C. Piepers
Tijdschr. Ent.23: 198-250,
26: pl. 7-8 (1883),
27: pl. 3-4 (1884)
Snellen, [1880]
Natuurlijke Historie. Achtse afdeeling. Lepidoptera door P. C. T. Snellen, met eene inleiding door Joh. F. Snelleman. Midden-Sumatra
Midden-Sumatra, 4 (8)
: 1-84, pl. 1-2 (?1880, ?1884, [1886]),
: 85-92, pl. 3-5 ([1892])
Snellen, 1895
Aanteeekeningen over Pyraliden
Tijdschr. Ent. 38
: 103-160
Snellen, 1901
Aanteekeningen over Pyraliden
Tijdschr. Ent. 43
: 265-310, pl. 15-17
Speidel & Mey, 1999
Catalogue of the oriental Acentropinae (Lepidopera, Crambidae)
Tijdschr. Ent. 142
: 125-142
Walker, [1866]
List of the Specimens of Lepidopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum
List Spec. Lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus. 31: 1-322 ([1865]),
32: 323-706 (1865),
33: 707-1120 (1865),
34: 1121-1534 ([1866]),
35: 1535-2040 (1866)
Warren, 1890
Descriptions of some new genera of Pyralidae
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6) 6 (36)
: 474-479
Warren, 1896
New Genera and Species of Pyralidae, Thyrididae and EpiplemidaeAnn. Mag. nat. Hist. (6) 17
(97): 94-106,
(98): 131-150,
(99): 202-216
Warren, 1896
New Species of Pyralidae from Khasia Hills
Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (6)
17 (102): 452-466,
18 (103): 107-119,
18 (104): 163-177,
18 (105): 214-231
Wileman, 1911
New and unrecorded species of Lepidoptera Heterocera from Japan
Trans. ent. Soc. Lond. 1911 (2)
: 189-407, pl. 30-31
Wileman & South, 1917
New species of Pyralidae from Formosa
Entomologist 50
: 175-178
Yoshiyasu, 1987
The Nymphulinae (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) from Thailand, with descriptions of a new genus and six new species
in Kuroko & Moriuti, Microlep. Thai. 1: 133-184
Yoshiyasu & Arita, 1992
A new species of Parthenodes from Ryukyus, Japan
Tropical Lepid. 3: 131-133
If you have corrections, comments or
information to add into these pages, just send mail to
Markku Savela
Keep in mind that the taxonomic information is copied from various sources, and may include many inaccuracies. Expert help is welcome.