[LAMAS-2005] Gerardo Lamas
Entomofauna 26 (6): 57-100; A Bibliography of the Zoological Publications of Hans Fruhstorfer (1886* - 1922+)
[maps] Warning! The maps are automatically generated from the textual information, and the process does not always produce acceptable result; See about maps for more info.
[²] This may require parentheses or not. I don't have the necessary information for this taxon.
Some related literature:
[BAUR]; D'Abrera, 1977
Butterflies of the Australian Region (2nd edn)
Butts. Aust. Region: 1-416
Fruhstorfer, 1904
Neue indo-australische Lepidopteren
Dt. ent. Z. Iris 17 (1)
: 133-157, fig. (5 October)
Fruhstorfer, 1916
Rhopaloceren aus Holländisch-Neu-Guinea
Archiv Naturg. 81 A (11)
: 61-78, f. 1-16, pl. 1 (July)
Grose-Smith, 1894
An Account of a Collection of Diurnal Lepidoptera from New Guinea (Parts I-III) - made by Mr. W. Doherty at Humboldt Bay, Dutch New Guinea, and in neighbouring islands, in the Museum of the honourable Walter Rothschild at Tring, with descriptions of new species
Novit. zool. 1
(2): 331-365,
(2): 543-551,
(3): 571-584
Grose-Smith & Kirby, 1897
Rhopalocera Exotica, being Illustrations of New, Rare, and Unfigured Species of Butterflies
Rhop. Exot.
[1] 1: (Ornithoptera) 1-2, pl. 1 (1887),
[1] 2: (Ornithoptera) 3-4, pl. 2 (1892),
[1] 3: (Ornithoptera) [5-6] 1-2, pl. 3 (1900),
[1] 3: (Ornithoptera) 7-8, pl. 4 (1901),
[1] 1: (Papilio) 1-2, pl. 1 (1887),
[1] 1: (Papilio) 3-5,7-14, pl. 2-6 (1888),
[1] 1: (Papilio) 15-20, pl. 7-9 (1890),
[1] 1: (Papilio) 21-25, pl. 10-11 (1891),
[1] 2: (Papilio) 27-31, pl. 12-13 (1893),
[1] 2: (Papilio) 33-35, pl. 14 (1894),
[1] 2: (Papilio) 37-38, pl. 15 (1895),
[1] 2: (Papilio) 39-40, pl. 16 (1897),
[1] 3: (Papilio) 41-46, pl. 17-19 (1899),
[1] 3: (Papilio) 47-48, pl. 20 (1900),
[1] 3: (Papilio) 49-50, pl. 21 (1901),
[1] 3: (Papilio) 51-55, pl. 22-23 (1902),
[1] 1: (Delias) 1-3, pl. 1 (1889),
[1] 2: (Delias) 5-7, 9-11, pl. 2-3 (1893),
[1] 2: (Delias) 12-18, pl. 4-5 (1895),
[1] 2: (Delias) 20-22, pl. 6 (1896),
[1] 3: (Delias) 24-26, pl. 7 (1897),
[1] 3: (Delias) 28-35, pl. 8-9 (1901),
[1] 3: (Delias) 36-38, pl. 10 (1902),
[1] 1: (Pieridae) 1-3, pl. 1 (1888),
[1] 2: (Pinacopteryx) 1-4, pl. 1 (1893),
[1] 1: (Callosune) 1-3, pl. 1 (1889),
[1] 3: (Huphina) 1-7, pl. 1-2 (1898),
[1] 3: (Huphina) [8],9-10, pl. 3 (1899),
[1] 1: (Elodina) 1-4, pl. 1 (1890),
[1] 1: (Belenois) 1-4, pl. 1 (1892),
[1] 2: (Belenois) 5-8, pl. 2 (1892),
[1] 3: (Mylothris) 1-3, 5-7, pl. 1-2 (1900),
[1] 1: (Ixias) 1-3, pl. 1 (1888),
[1] 2: (Appias) 1-3, pl. 1 (1894),
[1] 1: (Pierinae) 5-7, pl. 2 (1889),
[1] 2: (Dismorphia) 1-4, pl. 1 (1896),
[1] 2: (Dismorphia) 5-9, 11-15, pl. 2-3 (1897),
[2] 1: (Asthipa) 1-3, pl. 1 (1890),
[2] 2: (Asthipa) 5-6, pl. 2 (1896),
[2] 2: (Ravadeba) 7, pl. 1 (1896),
[2] 2: (Mycalesis) 1-4, pl. 1 (1895),
[2] 2: (Mycalesis) 5-12, pl. 2-3 (1896),
[2] 3: (Mycalesis) 13-18, pl. 4-5 (1902),
[2] 3: (Libythea) 1-2, pl. 1 (1902),
: (Ragadia-Argyronympha-Hypocysta) : 1-6, pl. [1] (1895),
[2] 2: (Pedaliodes) 1-5, pl. 1 (1893),
[2] 2: (Pedaliodes) 7-9, pl. 2 (1894),
[2] 2: (Pedaliodes) 10-14, pl. 3 (1895),
[2] 3: (Pedaliodes) 15-20, pl. 4-5, (Oxeoschistus) 1 (1900),
[2] 3: (Pronophila) 1-2, pl. 1, (Oxeoschistus) 2-3, pl. 1 (1900),
[2] 2: (Elymnias) 1-4, pl. 1 (1896),
[2] 3: (Elymnias) 5-6, pl. 2, (Bruasa) 6-7, pl. 1 (1897),
[2] 1: (Morpho) 1-2, pl. 1 (1890),
[2] 3: (Morphotenaris-Hyantis) 1-3, pl. [1] (1898),
[2] 2: (Tenaris) 1-3, 5-7, pl. 1-2 (1894),
[2] 2: (Tenaris) 9-11, pl. 3 (1895),
[2] 2: (Tenaris) 13-15, pl. 4 (1896),
[2] 3: (Tenaris) 17-18, pl. 5 (1898),
[2] 1: (Heliconius) 1-3, pl. 1 (1892),
[2] 1: (Acraea) 1-6, pl. 1-2 (1889),
[2] 1: (Acraea) 7-10, pl. 3 (1892),
[2] 2: (Acraea) 11-14, pl. 4 (1892),
[2] 2: (Acraea) 15-18, pl. 5 (1894),
[2] 3: (Acraea) 19-29, pl. 6-8, (Planema) 29-30, pl. [1] (1901),
[2] 1: (Cethosia) 1-2, pl. 1 (1889),
[2] 3: (Cirrhochroa) 1, pl. [1], (Cupha) 2-4, pl. [1] (1898),
[2] 2: (Terinos) 1-2, pl. 1 (1894),
[2] 1: (Thaleropis) 1-3, pl. 1 (1891),
[2] 2: (Doleschallia) 1-3,5-7, pl. 1-2 (1893),
[2] 2: (Kallima) 1-3, pl. 1 (1892),
[2] 1: (Hypolimnas) 1-2, pl. 1 (1891),
[2] 3: (Hypolimnas) 3-4, pl. 2 (1897),
[2] 3: (Hypolimnas) 5-6, pl. 3 (1898),
[2] 1: (Euxanthe) 1-3, pl. 1 (1890),
[2] 1: (Hestina) 1-3, pl. 1 (1891),
[2] 1: (Cymothoe) 1-4, pl. 1 (1890),
[2] 3: (Limenitis) 1-3, pl. 1 (1899),
[2] 2: (Neptis) 1-4, pl. 1 (1895),
[2] 3: (Neptis) 5-11, pl. 2-3 (1899),
[2] 3: (Neptis) 13-17, pl. 4-5 (1900),
[2] 1: (Euthalia-Tanaecia) 1-3, pl. 1 (1889),
[2] 1: (Euthalia) 5-10, pl. 2-3 (1891),
[2] 2: (Euthalia) 11-14, pl. 4 (1894),
[2] 3: (Euthalia) 15, pl. 5, (Dichorragia) 16, pl. 1 (1898),
[2] 1: (Apatura) 1-3, pl. 1 (1892),
[2] 1: (Euphaedra) 1-2, pl. 1 (1889),
[2] 1: (Euryphene) 1-3, pl. 1 (1889),
[2] 1: (Charaxes) 1-2,[3-4] pl. 1-2 (1887),
[2] 1: (Charaxes) [5], pl. 3 (1888),
[2] 1: (Charaxes) 7-9, pl. 4 (1890),
[2] 1: (Charaxes) 11-13, pl. 5 (1891),
[2] 1: (Mynes) 1-2, pl. 1 (1888),
[2] 2: (Mynes) 3-6, pl. 2 (1894),
[2] 2: (Prothoe) 1-2, pl. 1 (1896),
[3] 3: (Erycinidae) 1-10, pl. 1-2 (1902),
[3] 2: (Dicallaneura-etc) 1-6, pl. 1 (1897),
[3] 3: (Dicallaneura-etc) 7-11, pl. 2 (1901),
[3] 1: (Lycaenidae) 1-4,[5-9] 1-5, pl. 1-2 (1887),
[3] 1: (Lycaenidae) 11-17, 19-22, pl. 3-5 (1888),
[3] 1: (Lycaenidae) 23-25, 27-29, 31-33, pl. 6-8 (1889),
[3] 1: (Lycaenidae) 35-48, pl. 9-11 (1890),
[3] 1: (Lycaenidae) 49-51,53-64, pl. 12-15 (1891),
[3] 2: (Lycaenidae) 65-68, pl. 16 (1892),
[3] 1: (Lycaenidae) [69-72] 57-60, pl. 17 (1892),
[3] 2: (Lycaenidae) [73-77] 61-65,79-84, pl. 18-19 (1892),
[3] 2: (Lycaenidae) 85-107, pl. 20-23 (1893),
[3] 2: (Lycaenidae) 109-120, pl. 24-25 (1894),
[3] 3: (Lycaenidae) 121-125, pl. 26 (1900),
[3] 3: (Lycaenidae) 127-131, 133-141, pl. 27-29 (1901),
[3] 3: (Lycaenidae) 143-146, pl. 30 (1902),
[3] 2: (Hypochrysops) 1-6, pl. 1 (1894),
[3] 2: (Hypochrysops) 7-13, 15-22, pl. 2-3 (1895),
[3] 2: (Thysonotis) 23-25, 27-31, pl. 1-2 (1895),
[3] 2: (Waigeum) 34-38, pl. 1 (1896),
[3] 2: (Thysonotis) 39-46, pl. 3-4 (1896),
[3] 2: (Holochila) 1-4, pl. 1 (1896),
[3] 2: (Holochila) 5-8, pl. 2 (1897),
[3] 2: (Pseudonotis) 1-3, pl. [1], (Epimastidia) 4-5, pl. [1], (Lampides) 5-8, pl. [1] (1897),
[3] 2: (Lampides) 9-10, pl. 2, (Thysonotis) 47, pl. 5 (1897),
[3] 3: (Holochila) 9-11, pl. 3 (1898),
[3] 3: (Arhopala) 1-7, pl. 1-2 (1898),
[3] 3: (Arhopala) 9-12, pl. 3, (Ilerda) 13, pl. [1], (Horaga) 14-15, pl. [1] (1902),
[3] 3: (Thysonotis) 47x,48-50, pl. 6 (1898),
[3] 3: (Hypochrysops) 23-26, pl. 4 (1898),
[3] 3: (Holochila) 13-15, pl. 4 (1899),
[3] 3: (Hypochrysops) 27-29, pl. 5, (Waigeum) [30], pl. 2 (1899),
[3] 3: (Holochila) 17-19, pl. 5 (1899),
[3] 3: (Thysonotis) 51-54, pl. 7 (1899),
[3] 3: (Jamides) 11-14, pl. 1 (1900),
[3] 3: (Hypolycaena-etc) 1-4, pl. [1] (1900),
[3] 3: (Hypochrysops) 31-33, pl. 6, (Thysonotis) 55-56, pl. 8 (1900),
[3]: (Additions-Corrections) 1-2,[3],vii-x
Hagen, 1897
Verzeichniss der in den Jahren 1893-95 von mir in Kaiser-Wilhelmsland und Neupommern gesammelten Tagschmetterlinge
Jarhb. Nass. Ver. Nat. 50
: [23],25-96
Hewitson, 1861; Hewitson, 1862
Illustrations of new species of exotic Butterflies selected chiefly from the collections of W. Wilson Saunders and William C. Hewitson
Ill. exot. Butts [4]
: (Systematic Index) IV,
(Clerome): [1-2], pl. [1] (1863),
(Drusilla & Hyantis): [3-4], pl. [2] (1862),
(Dasyophthalma & Thaumantis): [5-6], pl. [3] (1862),
(Morpho I): [7-8], pl. [4] (1856),
(Pavonia I-II): [9-10], pl. [5-6] (1877),
(Opsiphanes): [11-12], pl. [7] (1873),
(Corades): [13-14], pl. [8] (1863),
(Pronophila): [15-16], pl. [9] (1857),
(Pronophila II): [17-18], pl. [10] (1860),
(Pronophila III-IV): [19-22], pl. [11-12] (1868),
(Pronophila V): [23-24], pl. [13] (1871),
(Pronophila VI-VII): [25-28], pl. [14-15] (1872),
(Pronophila VIII-IX): [29-32], pl. [16-17] (1874),
(Debis I): [33-34], pl. [18] (1862),
(Debis II-III): [35-38], pl. [19-20] (1863),
(Haetera): [39-40], pl. [21] (1860),
(Daedalma): [41-42], pl. [22] (1858),
(Euptychia & Ragadia): [43-44], pl. [23] (1862),
(Hypocista): [45-46], pl. [24] (1863),
(Mycalesis I-IV): [47-54], pl. [25-28] (1862),
(Mycalesis V-VI): [55-58], pl. [29-30] (1864),
(Mycalesis VII-VIII): [59-62], pl. [31-32] (1866),
(Mycalesis IX): [63-64], pl. [33] (1873),
(Mycalesis & Idiomorphus): [65-66], pl. [34] (1877),
(Idiomorphus): [67-68], pl. [35] (1865),
(Melanitis): [69-70], pl. [36] (1863),
(Taxila): [71-72], pl. [37] (1861),
(Taxila II): [73-74], pl. [38] (1862),
(Sospita): [75-76], pl. [39] (1861),
(Sospita II): [77-78], pl. [40] (1862),
(Dodona Sospita): [79-80], pl. [41] (1866),
(Mesosemia I): [81-82], pl. [42] (1857),
(Mesosemia II-III): [83-86], pl. [43-44] (1858),
(Mesosemia IV-VI): [87-92], pl. [45-47] (1859),
(Mesosemia VII-VIII): [93-96], pl. [48-49] (1860),
(Mesosemia IX-X): [97-100], pl. [50-51] (1870),
(Mesosemia XI): [101-102], pl. [52] (1871),
(Mesosemia XII): [103-104], pl. [53] (1873),
(Eurygona I-II): [105-108], pl. [54-55] (1853),
(Eurygona III-IV): [109-112], pl. [56-57] (1855),
(Eurygona V-VII): [113-118], pl. [58-60] (1856),
(Eurygona VIII): [119-120], pl. [61] (1860),
(Eurygona IX): [121-122], pl. [62] (1870),
(Eurygona X): [123-124], pl. [63] (1872)
Joicey & Noakes in Joicey, Noakes & Talbot, 1916
New Lepidoptera from Dutch New Guinea
Trans. ent. Soc. Lond. 1915 (3-4)
: 361-386, pl. 55-62
Joicey & Talbot, 1916
New Lepidoptera from Dutch New Guinea
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (8) 17 (97)
: 68-90, pl. 5-8
Joicey & Talbot, 1917
New Lepidoptera from Waigiou, Dutch New Guinea and Biak
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (8) 20 (117)
: 216-229
Joicey & Talbot, 1922
New forms of butterflies from Dutch New Guinea
Bull. Hill Mus. 1 (2)
: 325-334
Jordan, 1912
Some new Erycinidae from Dutch New Guinea
Novit. Zool. 18
(3): 594-596
Jordan, 1930
Some new butterflies and moths from Eastern New Guinea
Novit. Zool. 35
(3): 277-287
[BOW]; Lewis, 1974
Butterflies of the World
Rothschild, 1901
Some new butterflies and moths
Novit. Zool. 8 (3)
: 218-220
Rothschild, 1904
Lepidoptera from British New Guinea, collected by Mr. A. S. Meek
Novit. Zool. 11 (1)
: 310-322, pl. 2-3
Rothschild, 1904
New forms of butterflies
Novit. Zool. 11 (2)
: 452-455
Rothschild & Jordan, 1901
On some Lepidoptera
Novit. Zool. 8 (4)
: 401-407, pl. 9-10
Röber, 1886
Neue Tagschmetterlinge der Indo-Australischen Fauna
Corr.-Bl. Ent. Ver. Iris 1 (3)
: 45-72, pl. 2-5
Sharpe, 1903
Description of a new species of the family LemoniidaeEntomologist 36
: 310
[EBW]; Smart, 1976
The Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Butterfly World
Illust. Encyp. Butt. World: -
Waterhouse & Lyell, 1914
The Butterflies of Australia, a Monograph of the Australian Rhopalocera, introducing ...
Butts Australia
: 1-239, pl. 1-42
If you have corrections, comments or
information to add into these pages, just send mail to
Markku Savela
Keep in mind that the taxonomic information is copied from various sources, and may include many inaccuracies. Expert help is welcome.