Catasticta Butler, 1870
  • Euterpe; auth.

Grouping, arrangement, synonyms and type locations are mainly based on [CatL].

Subgenus Catasticta Butler, 1870
  • Catasticta Butler, 1870; (s.s.)
  • Pierinoia Reissinger, 1972; Ent. Zs. 82: ?
The flisa species-group
The sisamnus species-group
The notha species-group
Subgenus Archonoia Reissinger, 1972
The ctemene species-group
The teutamis species-group
The grisea species-group
The colla species-group
Subgenus Catasticta
  • Catasticta ; (s. l.)
The susiana species-group
The philone species-group
The aureomaculata species-group
The manco species-group
The troezene species-group
Subgenus Hesperochoia Reissinger, 1972
The poujadei species-group
The chrysolopha species-group
The toca species-group
The teutila species-group
Subgenus Leodontoia Reissinger, 1972
The cerberus species-group
The amastris species-group
The "cinerea" species-group
The albofasciata species-group
The rosea species-group
Subgenus ?

Unknown or unplaced taxa

  • cellona (Fruhstorfer, 1907) (Archonias); Soc. Ent. 22 (15): 116 [ ?? not here]
  • Catasticta pharnakia cellona; [NHM card]

  • Euterpe elpenice Herrich-Schäffer, 1867; (nom. nud.)
  • Catasticta elpenice; [NL4A], 112

  • Euterpe paraviana Herrich-Schäffer, 1867; (nom. nud.)
  • Catasticta paraviana; [NL4A], 112

  • Catasticta zanclides Röber, 1924; Macrolep. World 5: 1021 (nom. nud.); TL: Colombia, W. Cordilere, Aguatal

16.4.2019 (96)


Some related literature:

If you have corrections, comments or information to add into these pages, just send mail to Markku Savela
Keep in mind that the taxonomic information is copied from various sources, and may include many inaccuracies. Expert help is welcome.