Eurytides callias (Rothschild & Jordan, 1906)
French Guiana, Brazil (Amazonas), S.Venezuela (Yavita, Rio Ocamo, Rio Cunucunuma), E.Ecuador (Napo), Peru. See [maps]
Eurytides (Eurytides) dolicaon dolicaon; [BW14]: 6, pl. 30, f. 5-6, pl. 34, f. 5-6
E. d. deicoon (C. & R. Felder, 1864) SE.Brazil (Paraibo, Minas Gerais, Espirito Santo, São Paulo, Mato Grosso do Sul, Paraná, Rio Grande do Sul), Paraguay
[BOA] Interactive Listing of American Butterflies
Listado Interactivo de la Mariposas Americanas; Butterflies of America
[HBN] Francis Hemming, 1937
HÜBNER, A bibliographical and systematic account of the entomological works of Jacob Hübner and of the supplements thereto by Carl Geyer, Gottfried Franz von Frölich and Gottlieb August Wilhelm Herrich-Schäffer, Vol 1 & 2
[John Shuey]
e-mail: jshuey at; Director of Conservation Science; Indiana Office of The Nature Conservancy;
[LAMAS-2005] Gerardo Lamas
Entomofauna 26 (6): 57-100; A Bibliography of the Zoological Publications of Hans Fruhstorfer (1886* - 1922+)
[LAMAS-NEO] Gerardo Lamas
Bibliography of butterflies; An Annocated Bibliography of the Neotropical Butterflies and Skipper (Lepididoptera: Papilionoidea and Hesperioidea); Revised Electronic Edition (2007)
[maps] Warning! The maps are automatically generated from the textual information, and the process does not always produce acceptable result; See about maps for more info.
Some related literature:
Bates, 1864
New species of butterflies from Guatemala and Panama, collected by Osbert Salvin and F. du Cane Godman, Esqs.
Ent. mon. Mag. 1
(1): 1-6 (1864),
(2): 31-35 (1864),
(3): 55-59 (1864),
(4): 81-85 (1864),
(5): 113-116 (1864),
(6): 126-131 (1864),
(7): 161-164 (1864),
(8): 178-180 (1865),
(9): 202-205 (1865)
Boisduval, 1836
Histoire Naturelle des Insectes. Species Général des Lépidoptéres. Tome Premier
Hist. nat. Ins., Spec. gén. Lépid. 1
: 1-690, pl. 1-24
Butler, 1872
Descriptions of new Butterflies from Costa Rica
Cistula ent. 1
: 72-90
Cramer, [1775]
Uitlandsche Kapellen (Papillons exotiques)
Uitl. Kapellen 1
(1-7): 1-132, pl. 1-84 (1775),
(8): 133-155, pl. 85-96 (1776)
Doubleday, [1845]
List of the Specimens of Lepidopterous insects in The Collection of the British Museum
List. lepid. Ins. Brit. Mus. 1
: 1-150
C. & R. Felder, 1864
Species Lepidopterum, hucusque descriptae vel iconibus expressae, in seriem systematicam digestae 1. Papilionidae
Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 14 (3)
: 289-378
C. & R. Felder, 1865
Reise der österreichischen Fregatte Novara um die Erde in den Jahren 1857, 1858, 1859 unter den Behilfen des Commodore B. von Wüllerstorf-Urbair. Zoologischer Theil. Band 2. Abtheilung 2. Lepidoptera. Rhopalocera
Reise Fregatte Novara, Bd 2 (Abth. 2)
(1): 1-136, pl. 1-21 (Rhop.) (C. & R. Felder, [1865]),
(2): 137-378, pl. 22-47 (Rhop.) (C. & R. Felder, 1865),
(3): 379-536, pl. 48-74 (Rhop.) (C. & R. Felder, 1867),
(4): 537-548, pl. 75-120, (Inhalts-Verz.) 1-9 (pl. 1-74), (Felder & Rogenhofer, 1874) ,
(5): pl. 121-140, (erklärung) 1-10 (pl. 75-107), (Inhalts-Verz.) 1-20 (pl. 108-140), (Felder & Rogenhofer, 1875)
Fruhstorfer, 1907
Verzeichniss der von Herrn Dr. Theodor Koch-Grünberg am oberen Waupes 1903-1905 gesammelten Rhopaloceren mit Besprechung verwandter Arten
Stettin ent. Ztg 68
(1): 117-164 (May),
(2): 207-309, pl. 1 (July)
Fruhstorfer, 1910
Neue Rhopaloceren aus der Provinz Matto Grosso und angrenzenden Gebieten
Ent. Zs. 24 (35)
: 192-194 (3 December)
Godart, [1824]
Encyclopédie Méthodique. Histoire naturelle Entomologie, ou histoire naturelle des crustacés, des arachnides et des insectes
Encyclopédie Méthodique 9
(1): 3-328 (1819),
(2): 329-828 ([1824])
Hewitson, 1850
Descriptions of new butterflies, with drawings, also remarks on the sexes of some Papilios
Trans. ent. soc. Lond. (2) 1 (4)
: 97-100, pl. 10-11
Hewitson, 1865
Illustrations of new species of exotic Butterflies selected chiefly from the collections of W. Wilson Saunders and William C. Hewitson.
Ill. exot. Butts [1]
: (Systematic Index) I,
(Ornithoptera and Papilio): [1-2], pl. [1] (1855),
(Papilio II): [3-4], pl. [2] (1856),
(Papilio III): [5-6], pl. [3] (1858),
(Papilio IV): [7-8], pl. [4] (1859),
(Papilio V): [9-10], pl. [5] (1861),
(Papilio VI): [11-12], pl. [6] (1864),
(Papilio VII-VIII): [13-16], pl. [7-8] (1865),
(Papilio IX): [17-18], pl. [9] (1868),
(Papilio X-XII): [19-22], pl. [10-12] (1869),
(Papilio XIII): [23-24], pl. [13] (1873),
(Papilio XIV): [25-26], pl. [14] (1875),
(Papilio XV): [27-28], pl. [15] (1877),
(Pieris I): [29-30], pl. [16] (1852),
(Pieris II): [31-32], pl. [17] (1853),
(Pieris III-VI): [33-40], pl. [18-21] (1861),
(Pieris VII): [41-42], pl. [22] (1862),
(Pieris VIII): [43-44], pl. [23] (1866),
(Euterpe): [45-46], pl. [24] (1860),
(Euterpe II): [47-48], pl. [25] (1872),
(Euterpe and Leptalis): [49-50], pl. [26] (1853),
(Leptalis II): [51-52], pl. [27] (1857),
(Leptalis III): [53-54], pl. [28] (1858),
(Leptalis IV): [55-56], pl. [29] (1860),
(Leptalis V-VII): [57-62], pl. [30-32] (1870),
(Callidryas and Eronia): [63-64], pl. [33] (1867),
(Euploea): [65-66], pl. [34] (1858),
(Euploea II): [67-68], pl. [35] (1866),
(Heliconia I): [69-70], pl. [36] (1853),
(Heliconia II-III): [71-74], pl. [37-38] (1854),
(Heliconia IV): [75-76], pl. [39] (1858),
(Heliconia V): [77-78], pl. [40] (1867),
(Heliconia VI): [79-80], pl. [41] (1871),
(Heliconia and Tithorea VII): [81-82], pl. [42] (1873),
(Heliconia VIII): [83-84], pl. [43] (1875),
(Athesis): [85-86], pl. [44] (1872),
(Mechanitis I): [87-88], pl. [45] (1856),
(Mechanitis II-III): [89-92], pl. [46-47] (1860),
(Ithomia I): [93-94], pl. [48] (1851),
(Ithomia II): [95-96], pl. [49] (1852),
(Ithomia III): [97-98], pl. [50] (1853),
(Ithomia IV-V): [99-102], pl. [51-52] (1854),
(Ithomia VI-XIII): [103-118], pl. [53-60] (1855)
[EcuL]; Racheli & Racheli, 2001
An annotated list of Ecuadorian Butterflies (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae, Pieridae, Nymphalidae)
Frag. ent. 33 (2)
: 213-380
Reakirt, 1868
Descriptions of some new species of diurnal Lepidoptera. Series III
Proc. Acad. nat. Sci. Philad. 20 (1/2)
: 87-91
Rothschild & Jordan, 1906
A revision of the American Papilios
Novit. Zool. 13
(3): 411-752, pl. 4-9
Swainson, 1833
Zoological illustrations, or original figures and descriptions of new, rare or interesting animals, selected chiefly from the classes of ornithology, entomology, and conchology, and arranged according to their apparent affinities. Second series
Zool. Illustr. (2)
1: 1-30, pl. 1-30 (1829),
1: 31-45, pl. 31-45 (1830),
2 (11): 46-50, pl. 46-50,
2 (12): 51-55, pl. 51-55,
2 (13): 56-60, pl. 56-60,
2 (14): 61-65, pl. 61-65,
2 (15): 66-70, pl. 66-70,
2 (16): 71-75, pl. 71-75,
2 (17): 76-80, pl. 76-80,
2 (18): 81-85, pl. 81-85 (1831),
2 (19): 86-90, pl. 86-90,
2 (20): 91, pl. 91 (1832),
3 (21): 92-96, pl. 92-96 (1832),
3 (22): 97-101, pl. 97-101,
3 (23): 102-106, pl. 102-106,
3 (24): 107-111, pl. 107-111,
3 (25): 112-116, pl. 112-116,
3 (26): 117-121, pl. 117-121,
3 (27): 122-126, pl. 122-126,
3 (28): 127-131, pl. 127-131,
3 (29): 132-136, pl. 132-136 (1833)
[BCR]; DeVries, 1987
Papilionidae, Pieridae, Nymphalidae
The Butterflies of Costa Rica 1
Weeks, 1905
Illustrations of diurnal Lepidoptera with descriptions
Ill. diurnal Lepid. [1]
: 1-117, pl. 1-45
If you have corrections, comments or
information to add into these pages, just send mail to
Markku Savela
Keep in mind that the taxonomic information is copied from various sources, and may include many inaccuracies. Expert help is welcome.