769x514 (~73Kb) underside Thailand, Krabi 24.12.2003-7.1.2004, Photo © Olli Vesikko
762x850 (~104Kb) underside Thailand, Chantaburi Province, Khao-Khitchakut National Park, a park at the headquarters, 7th January 2006, Photo © Oleg Kosterin
1017x869 (~110Kb) underside Thailand, Chon Buri Province, Pattaya, Jomtien beach, a pond bank, 12th January 2006, Photo © Oleg Kosterin
512x341 (~34Kb) underside India: Guwahati, 16.11.2005, Photo © Kedar Tokekar
1205x716 (~273Kb) underside Thailand, Phuket, a bank of a pond at a road 1 km NE of Khao Sai Tan Kliang Mt., 24th February 2009, Photo © Oleg Kosterin
918x1070 (~187Kb) underside Thailand, Phuket, the Khao Phra Theo National Park, a primary forest in the upper Ton Sai valley. 28th February 2009, Photo © Oleg Kosterin
922x851 (~246Kb) underside Cambodia, Kep Province, Kep, Treetop Buingalow. 5th December 2010, Photo © Oleg Kosterin
598x555 (~122Kb) underside Cambodia, Koh Kong Province, 'Nannophya rivulet', 16 km ENE of Koh Kong. 16th August 2011, Photo © Oleg Kosterin
Mycalesis perseus (Fabricius, 1775)
Ceylon, S.India - Bengal, Konkan, Lucknow, Kangra - Assam, Burma. See [maps]
Common Bushbrown
Dingy Bushbrown
- ?Mycalesis persa; Grose-Smith & Kirby, 1902, Rhop. Exot. [2] 3: (Mycalesis) 18, pl. 5, f. 7-8
- ?Mycalesis perseus persa; Fruhstorfer, 1908, Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 58 (4/5): 151 (note)
- Calysisme perseus; Moore, [1880], Lepid. Ceylon 1 (1): 21, pl. 12, f. 1, 1a
- Mycalesis (Mycalesis) perseus; Fruhstorfer, 1908, Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 58 (4/5): 150, 131 (list)
- Mycalesis perseus; Moore, 1878, Proc. zool. Soc. Lond. 1878 (4): 825; [BOW]: pl. 170, f. 13; [BOR], 458; [MRS], 363; Vane-Wright & de Jong, 2003, Zool. Verh. Leiden 343: 178
Larva on
Imperata sp.,
Panicum maximum K. L. & L. E. Dunn, 1991, Review Austr. Butts. (1-4): (120-140),
Axonopus ,
Dichanthium ,
Heteropogon ,
Imperata ,
Oplismenus ,
Oryza ,
Panicum ,
Themeda Vane-Wright & de Jong, 2003, Zool. Verh. Leiden 343: 178
M. p. perseus India - China, Taiwan, Timor - Tanimbar, Kai, Ambon, Serang, West Irian - Papua, Northern Territory, Torres Strait Is., Cape York - Townsville
- Mycalesis perseus zia; Fruhstorfer, 1908, Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 58 (4/5): 151 (note)
- Mycalesis (Mycalesis) infuscata; Fruhstorfer, 1908, Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 58 (4/5): 155, 132 (list)
- Mycalesis perseus lugens; Fruhstorfer, 1908, Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 58 (4/5): 151 (note)
- Mycalesis perseus perseus; Evans, 1920, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. 27 (2): 359; [BOR], 458; Fruhstorfer, 1908, Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 58 (4/5): 151 (note); [BAUR], 260
M. p. typhlus Fruhstorfer, 1908 Ceylon, S.India
M. p. tabitha (Fabricius, 1793) Ceylon, India - Burma, Thailand, Laos
M. p. blasius (Fabricius, 1798)
M. p. cepheus Butler, 1867 Peninsular Malaya, Singapore, Sumatra, Java - Sumbawa, ?Borneo
M. p. lalassis Hewitson, 1864 Sulawesi, Tanahjampe, Tukanbesi, Banggai, Sula, Maluku, New Guinea, Solomon Is.
M. p. acarya Fruhstorfer, 1911 Palawan
- Mycalesis perseus acarya; [BOR], 459
M. p. caesonia Wallengren, 1860 Philippines
Mycalesis subpersa Rothschild, 1915
- Mycalesis subpersa Rothschild, 1915; Novit. Zool. 22 (2): 200; TL: Manus, Admiralty Island
M. s. subpersa Admiralty I.
- Mycalesis subspersa[sic]; auth.
M. s. vulcanica Rothschild, 1915 Vulcan I.
- Mycalesis subpersa vulcanica Rothschild, 1915; Novit. Zool. 22 (2): 201; TL: Vulcan Island
Mycalesis mineus (Linnaeus, 1758)
China, Ceylon, Peninsular India (South of Bombay), Madhya Pradesh, Bengal, Kulu - Assam, Burma. See [maps]
Dark-brand Bushbrown
- Papilio mineus Linnaeus, 1758; Syst. Nat. (Edn 10) 1: 471, no. 84; TL: Canton, China
- Papilio mineus Linnaeus, 1767; Syst. Nat. (Edn 12) 1 (2): 768, no. 126
- Papilio drusia Cramer, [1775]; Uitl. Kapellen 1 (1-7): 132, pl. 84, f. C, D
- Papilio otrea Stoll, [1780]; in Cramer, Uitl. Kapellen 4 (26b-28): 50, pl. 314, f. A, B
- Papilio justina Stoll, [1780]; in Cramer, Uitl. Kapellen 4 (26b-28): 75, pl. 326, f. C
- Calysisme carpenteri Butler, 1886; Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (5) 18 (105): 183; TL: Kabwett, on the Irrawaddy (lat. 22°44'N)
- confucius Leech, 1894; Butts China Japan Corea (1): 12, pl. 2, f. 7
- Mycalesis otrea; Wood-Mason & de Nicéville, 1881, J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal 49 Pt.II (4): 226
- Calysisme drusia; Moore, [1890], Lepidoptera Indica 1: 20, pl. 11, f. 3, 3a
- Calysisme mineus; Moore, [1880], Lepid. Ceylon 1 (1): 22, pl. 11, f. 4a-b
- Mycalesis (Mycalesis) mineus; Fruhstorfer, 1908, Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 58 (4/5): 153, 131 (list)
- Mycalesis mineus; Moore, 1878, Proc. zool. Soc. Lond. 1878 (4): 825; Wood-Mason & de Nicéville, 1881, J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal 49 Pt.II (4): 226; [BOW]: pl. 170, f. 6; [BOR], 458; [NHM card]; [MRS], 362; Vane-Wright & de Jong, 2003, Zool. Verh. Leiden 343: 179
Larva on
Microstegium ciliatum,
Pogonatherum crinitinum,
Thysanolaena maxima,
Oryza sativa [MRS],
Eleusine ,
Leersia ,
Lophatherum ,
Microstegium ,
Pogonatherum ,
Saccharum ,
Thysanolena Vane-Wright & de Jong, 2003, Zool. Verh. Leiden 343: 179
M. m. mineus C.India - N.India, Nepal, Assam, Burma, Thailand - Indo China
M. m. polydecta (Cramer, [1777]) Ceylon, S.India
- Mycalesis polydecta; Butler, 1867, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (3) 20 (120): 402, pl. 9, f. 5, 6
- Mycalesis mineus polydecta; Fruhstorfer, 1908, Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 58 (4/5): 153 (note); Evans, 1920, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. 27 (2): 359; [BOR], 458
M. m. macromalayana Fruhstorfer, 1911 Peninsular Malaya, Singapore
- Mycalesis mineus macromalayana; [BOR], 458; [BMP]: 129, pl. 16, f. 11-12
M. m. subfasciata (Moore, 1882) S.Yunnan, ...?
M. m. nicobarica (Moore, [1890]) Nicobar Is.
M. m. zonatus Matsumura, 1909 Taiwan
- Mycalesis mineus var. zonatus Matsumura, 1909; Ent. Zs. 23 (19): 92; TL: Formosa, Horisha
- = Mycalesis horsfieldii ; [NHM card]
- Mycalesis mineus zonata; [BOR], 458
M. m. justinella Butler, 1868 Philippines
M. m. nitobei Sonan, 1931 Formosa
- Mycalesis mineus nitobei; [MRS], 362
M. m. toshikoae Hayashi & Iwanaga, 1974 Borneo (Sarawak)
- Mycalesis mineus toshikoae Hayashi & Iwanaga, 1974; Tyô to Ga 25 (4): 87, f. 1-4; TL: Kuching, Sarawak, Borneo
Mycalesis igilia Fruhstorfer, 1911
S.India (Coorg, Nilgiri-Wynaad, Mysore). See [maps]
Small Long-brand Bushbrown
Mycalesis visala Moore, [1858]
S.India, Pachmarhi, Bengal, Simla Hills - Assam, Burma. See [maps]
Long-brand Bushbrown
M. v. visala N.India - C.India, Sikkim, Assam, Burma, ?Thailand, Indo-China
M. v. subdita (Moore, [1890]) Ceylon, S.India (Nilgiris, Madras - Orissa, Bangalore)
Tamil Bushbrown
M. v. phamis Talbot & Corbet, 1939 ?S.Thailand, Peninsular Malaya, Singapore
- Mycalesis visala phamis; [BOR], 457; [BMP]: 129, pl. 16, f. 13-14
M. v. andamana (Moore, [1892]) Andamans
Mycalesis perseoides (Moore, [1892])
Burma, Thailand, Langkawi I., Peninsular Malaya, Indo China, SE.Yunnan. See [maps]
Pachmarhi Bushbrown
- Mycalesis (Mycalesis) perseoides; Fruhstorfer, 1908, Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 58 (4/5): 158, 132 (list)
- Mycalesis perseoides; Evans, 1920, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. 27 (2): 360; [BOR], 457; [NHM card]; Huang & Xue, 2004, Neue Ent. Nachr. 57: 141 (note), f. 5-6 (m.gen)
- Mycalesis perseoides perseoides; Fruhstorfer, 1908, Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 58 (4/5): 159 (note); [BMP]: 130, pl. 16, f. 16-17
Mycalesis rama (Moore, [1892])
Ceylon. See [maps]
Cingalese Bushbrown
Larva on
("Bamboo"?) [BIR]
Mycalesis igoleta C. & R. Felder, 1863
Philippines. See [maps]
- Mycalesis igoleta; [BOR], 458
Mycalesis evansii Tytler, 1914
Manipur, Assam. See [maps]
Tyler's Bushbrown
Mycalesis oculus Marshall, 1881
S.India (south of Nilgiris). See [maps]
Red-disc Bushbrown
Mycalesis aethiops Butler, 1868
NW.West Irian. See [maps]
Mycalesis amoena Druce, 1873
Borneo. See [maps]
Mycalesis anapita Moore, [1858]
Malaysia, Sumatra. See [maps]
M. a. anapita Assam - Peninsular Malaya, Sumatra, Belitung
- Mycalesis anapita anapita; [BOR], 462; [BMP]: 129, pl. 16, f. 1
M. a. fucentia Fruhstorfer, 1911² Borneo
- Mycalesis anapita fucentia; [BOR], 462
Mycalesis anaxioides Marshall & de Nicéville, 1883
Burma - Peninsular Malaya. See [maps]
1100x872 (~155Kb) underside Thailand, Chanthaburi, Khao-Kitchakut National Park, an opn evergreen forest on a locel mountain top in the left catchment basin of the Krating River. 6th January 2006, Photo © Oleg Kosterin
951x991 (~367Kb) underside male Cambodia, Koh Kong Province, 'Glaucum brook', 15 km ENE of Koh Kong. 28th November 2010, Photo © Oleg Kosterin
Mycalesis arabella Fruhstorfer, 1906 Waigeu
- Mycalesis arabella Fruhstorfer, 1906; Soc. Ent. 21 (12): 91; TL: Waigiu
Mycalesis aramis Hewitson, 1866
Philippines (Luzon). See [maps]
- Mycalesis aramis Hewitson, 1866; Ill. exot. Butts [4] (Mycalesis VII-VIII): [59], pl. [31], f. 43; TL: Philippine Islands
Mycalesis barbara Grose-Smith, 1894
New Guinea. See [maps]
- Mycalesis barbara Grose-Smith, 1894; Novit. Zool. 1 (3): 589; TL: Saddleberg, German New Guinea
M. b. barbara E.New Guinea
- Mycalesis barbara barbara; [BAUR], 258 (text)
M. b. mea Rothschild, 1904 Papua (Aroa River)
M. b. fulvooculatus Joicey & Noakes, 1916
M. b. pallida Joicey & Talbot, 1916
M. b. vietteti Wörner, 1976 Papua New Guinea
- Mycalesis barbara vietteti; [NHM card]
Mycalesis bazochii (Guérin-Méneville, 1831)
W.West Irian. See [maps]
Mycalesis bisaya C. & R. Felder, 1863
-. See [maps]
M. b. bisaya Philippines (Luzon, Polillo, Babuyanes)
- Mycalesis bisaya bisaya; [BOR], 461
M. b. samina Fruhstorfer, 1908 Philippines (Mindoro)
- Mycalesis bisaya samina; [BOR], 461
Mycalesis bilineata Fruhstorfer, 1906
Papua (Milne Bay). See [maps]
Mycalesis giamana Parsons, 1986
Papua. See [maps]
- Mycalesis giamana Parsons, 1986; Tyô to Ga 37 (3): 141; TL: Hollandia, N.G., 1000m
Mycalesis cacodaemon Kirsch, 1877
Jobi I., West Irian (Andai). See [maps]
M. c. bizonata Grose-Smith, 1902 Papua (Milne Bay)
- Mycalesis bizonata Grose-Smith, 1902; Rhop. Exot. [2] 3: (Mycalesis) 14, pl. 4, f. 4-5; TL: Milne Bay, British New Guinea
- Mycalesis remulina; Grose-Smith, 1902, Rhop. Exot. [2] 3: (Mycalesis) pl. 4, f. 4-5
Mycalesis discobolus Fruhstorfer, 1906
New Guinea (Arfak, Hattam). See [maps]
Mycalesis dohertyi Elwes, 1891
-. See [maps]
M. d. dohertyi Peninsular Malaya, Sumatra
- Mycalesis dohertyi dohertyi; [BOR], 450; [BMP]: 131, pl. 16, f. 34-35
M. d. excelsior Fruhstorfer, 1906 N.Borneo
- Mycalesis dohertyi excelsior Fruhstorfer, 1906; Soc. Ent. 21 (11): 82; TL: N.Borneo, Kina Balu
- Mycalesis dohertyi excelsior; [BOR], 450
M. d. tuanda Corbet, 1942 Mentawei I.
- Mycalesis dohertyi tuanda; [NHM card]
Mycalesis drusillodes (Oberthür, 1894)
New Guinea. See [maps]
- Hamadryopsis drusillodes Oberthür, 1894; Étud. d'Ent. 19: 17, pl. 2, f. 4, 4a
- Drusillopsis dohertyi Oberthür, 1894; Étud. d'Ent. 19: 16, pl. 2, f. 3, 3a
- Bigaena pumilio van Eecke, 1915; Zool. Meded. 1 (5): 66, pl. 2, f. 9
Mycalesis duponcheli (Guérin-Méneville, 1830)
New Guinea. See [maps]
- Satyrus duponchelii Guérin-Méneville, 1830; Voyage Coquille, 2 (2): 316, pl. 17, f. 3
- Satyrus dorycus Boisduval, 1832; in d'Urville, Voy. Astrolabe (Faune ent. Pacif.) 1: 152
- = Mycalesis duponchelii ; [NHM card]
- ?getulia C. & R. Felder, 1859; Wien. ent. Monats. 3 (9): 269 [ ?? ]
- = Mycalesis duponchelii ; [NHM card]
- Mycalesis duponcheli obscurata van Eecke, 1915; Nova Guinea 13 (1): 64, pl. 2, f. 3, 3a
- = Mycalesis duponchelii ; [NHM card]
- Mycalesis doricus[sic, recte dorycus]; Hewitson, 1862, Ill. exot. Butts [4] (Mycalesis I-IV): [49], pl. [26], f. 7, 10
- Mycalesis (Mycalesis) duponcheli; Fruhstorfer, 1908, Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 58 (4/5): 189, 130 (list)
- Mycalesis duponchelii; [NHM card]
- Mycalesis duponcheli; [BOW]: pl. 169, f. 10
M. d. duponcheli NW.West Irian
M. d. maforica Fruhstorfer, 1906 Noemfoor I.
- Mycalesis duponcheli maforica Fruhstorfer, 1906; Soc. Ent. 21 (12): 91; TL: Mafor I. or Mefor
- = Mycalesis duponchelii ; [NHM card]
M. d. roonia Fruhstorfer, 1906 Ron I.
- Mycalesis duponcheli roonia Fruhstorfer, 1906; Soc. Ent. 21 (12): 91; TL: Roon I., Geelvink Bay
- = Mycalesis duponchelii ; [NHM card]
M. d. kapaura Fruhstorfer, 1906 West Irian (Kapaur)
- Mycalesis duponcheli kapaura Fruhstorfer, 1906; Soc. Ent. 21 (12): 91; TL: Kapaur
- = Mycalesis duponchelii ; [NHM card]
M. d. umbonia Fruhstorfer, 1906 Waigeu
- Mycalesis duponcheli umbonia Fruhstorfer, 1906; Soc. Ent. 21 (12): 91; TL: Waigiou
- = Mycalesis duponchelii ; [NHM card]
M. d. eudoxia Fruhstorfer, 1906 Fergusson I., Trobriand, D'Entrecasteaux
- Mycalesis duponcheli eudoxia Fruhstorfer, 1906; Soc. Ent. 21 (13): 97; TL: Fergusson; Kiriwina
- = Mycalesis duponchelii ; [NHM card]
M. d. eminens Staudinger, 1894 Waigeu?, Biak?, W.West Irian - New Guinea
?M. d. obscurata Fruhstorfer, 1911² Papua (Milne Bay)
- Mycalesis duponcheli obscurata; [BAUR], 259 (text)
M. d. allynorum Miller & Miller, 1978 Aru I.
- Mycalesis duponchelii allynorum; [NHM card]
Mycalesis durga Grose-Smith & Kirby, 1896
-. See [maps]
M. d. durga Humboldt Bay - E.New Guinea
- Mycalesis durga durga; [BAUR], 262
M. d. jobina Fruhstorfer, 1906 Jobi I.
- Mycalesis durga jobina Fruhstorfer, 1906; Soc. Ent. 21 (13): 98; TL: Jobi I.
M. d. exheredata Fruhstorfer, 1908 N.New Guinea
- Mycalesis durga exheredata; [BAUR], 262 (text)
Mycalesis elia Grose-Smith, 1894
New Guinea. See [maps]
Mycalesis evara Fruhstorfer, 1906
-. See [maps]
- Mycalesis evara Fruhstorfer, 1906; Soc. Ent. 21 (11): 83; TL: Milne Bay, British New Guinea
M. e. evara Papua (Milne Bay)
- Mycalesis evara evara; [BAUR], 261
M. e. evarida Fruhstorfer, 1911 West Irian - E.New Guinea
- Mycalesis evara evarida; [BAUR], 261
Mycalesis felderi Butler, 1868
Philippines. See [maps]
M. f. felderi Philippines
- Mycalesis felderi felderi; [BOR], 462
?M. f. jolana Fruhstorfer, 1906 Jolo I.
- Mycalesis felderi jolana; [BOR], 462
M. f. palawensis (Fruhstorfer, 1900) Palawan
- Mydosama felderi palawensis Fruhstorfer, 1900; Berl. ent. Zs. 45 (1/2): 11; TL: Palawan
Mycalesis fuscum (C. & R. Felder, 1860)
Malaysia, Java, Sumatra. See [maps]
M. f. fuscum Peninsular Malaya
Malayan Bush Brown
696x942 (~142Kb) underside Thailand, Phuket, Kathu Waterfalls, 25th February 2010, Photo © Oleg Kosterin
973x749 (~238Kb) underside Thailand, Phuket, a grassy swamp in the Nai Yang beach area. 16th February 2009, Photo © Oleg Kosterin
M. f. diniche Hewitson, 1862 Java
M. f. musculus Fruhstorfer, 1906 Nias
- Mycalesis fusca musculus Fruhstorfer, 1906; Soc. Ent. 21 (11): 81; TL: Nias
M. f. adustata Fruhstorfer, 1906 N.Borneo
- Mycalesis fusca adustata Fruhstorfer, 1906; Soc. Ent. 21 (11): 81; TL: Lawas, N.Borneo
M. f. karnyi Corbet, 1942 Mentawei
- Mycalesis fuscum karnyi; [NHM card]
Mycalesis horsfieldi (Moore, [1892])
Malaysia, Java, Celebes. See [maps]
Horsfield's Bush Brown
Larva on
Imperata ,
Oryza ,
Panicum ,
Saccharum Vane-Wright & de Jong, 2003, Zool. Verh. Leiden 343: 178
Should some or all of the following be under Mycalesis panthaka?
M. h. horsfieldi Java, Bali
- Mycalesis horsfieldi horsfieldi; [BOR], 459
M. h. hermana Fruhstorfer, 1908 Sumatra, Borneo, Pulau Aur, Pulau Tioman
- Mycalesis horsfieldi hermana; [BMP]: 130, pl. 16, f. 18-19; [BOR], 459
M. h. enganoensis Fruhstorfer, 1908 Enggano
- Mycalesis horsfieldi enganoensis; [BOR], 459
M. h. niasana Fruhstorfer, 1908 Nias
- Mycalesis horsfieldi niasana; [BOR], 459
M. h. ptyleus Fruhstorfer, 1908 Salayer
M. h. leucinoe Fruhstorfer, 1908 Palawan, ?Jolo (Sulu Archipelago)
- Mycalesis horsfieldi leucinoe; [BOR], 459
M. h. tessimus Fruhstorfer, 1908 N.Sulawesi, Banggai, ?Sula
M. h. newayana (Fruhstorfer, 1911) S.Sulawesi, Kabaena
- Mycalesis newayana; [NHM card]
- Mycalesis mineus newayana; [BOR], 458
- Mycalesis horsfieldi newayana; Vane-Wright & de Jong, 2003, Zool. Verh. Leiden 343: 178
M. h. siporana Corbet, 1942 Mentawei I.
- Mycalesis horsfieldii siporana; [NHM card]
Mycalesis inayoshii Aoki & Yamaguchi, 1995
N.Thailand, Laos. See [maps]
Mycalesis inopia Fruhstorfer, 1908
Laos, Vietnam. See [maps]
Mycalesis ita C. & R. Felder, 1863
Philippines. See [maps]
M. i. ita Philippines (Luzon, ?Polillo)
M. i. sinonia Fruhstorfer, 1911 Philippines (Mindoro)
- Mycalesis ita sinonia; [BOR], 462
M. i. teatus Fruhstorfer, 1911 Philippines (Guimaras, ?Panay)
- Mycalesis ita teatus; [BOR], 462
Mycalesis itys C. & R. Felder, [1867]
-. See [maps]
Itys Bush Brown
Larva on
Paniscum psilopodium Vane-Wright & de Jong, 2003, Zool. Verh. Leiden 343: 178
M. i. itys N.Sulawesi (Minhassa)
M. i. remulina Fruhstorfer, 1897 S.Sulawesi, C.Sulawesi
M. i. sulensis Grose-Smith & Kirby, 1896 Sula Mangoli
- Mycalesis sulensis Grose-Smith & Kirby, 1896; Rhop. Exot. [2] 2: (Mycalesis) 12, pl. 3, f. 10-11; TL: Sula
Mycalesis janardana Moore, 1857
Malaysia - Philippines, Celebes, Moluccas. See [maps]
Common Bush Brown
Janardana Bush Brown
Larva on
Digitaria ,
Oplismenus ,
Paspalum Vane-Wright & de Jong, 2003, Zool. Verh. Leiden 343: 178
M. j. janardana Java, Bali, Lombok
M. j. sagittigera Fruhstorfer, 1908 Sumatra, Peninsular Malaya, Bangka
Common Bush Brown
- Mycalesis janardana sagittigera; [BOR], 460; [BMP]: 129, pl. 16, f. 6-7
M. j. baluna Fruhstorfer, 1908 N.Borneo
- Mycalesis janardana baluna; [BOR], 460
M. j. micromede (Fruhstorfer, 1900) Philippines (Mindanao, Basilan)
- Mydosamo[sic] megamede micromede Fruhstorfer, 1900; Berl. ent. Zs. 45 (1/2): 11; TL: Bazilan; Mindanao
M. j. circella Fruhstorfer, 1911 Philippines (Panaon, Bohol)
- Mycalesis janardana circella; [BOR], 460
M. j. opaculus Fruhstorfer, 1908 Sulawesi
M. j. besina Fruhstorfer, 1908 Sula Besi
M. j. megamede Hewitson, 1862 Bachan, Halmahera, Ternate
Mycalesis maianeas Hewitson, 1864
Malaya, Borneo. See [maps]
M. m. maianeas Peninsular Malaya, Borneo
- Mycalesis maianeas maianeas; [BMP]: 131, pl. 16, f. 31-33; [BOR], 451
M. m. maia de Nicéville, 1894 Sumatra
M. m. neas Corbet, 1942 Mentawei I.
- Mycalesis maianeas neas; [NHM card]
Mycalesis marginata (Moore, 1881)
Sumatra, Borneo. See [maps]
Mycalesis mehadeva (Boisduval, 1832)
New Guinea. See [maps]
M. m. mehadeva NW.West Irian
- Mycalesis mahadeva mahadeva[sic, recte mehadeva]; [BAUR], 257
M. m. fulviana Grose-Smith, 1894 N.New Guinea (coastal)
M. m. semicastanea Joicey & Talbot, 1916
Mycalesis manii Doherty, 1886 Nicobar Is.
Mycalesis maura Grose-Smith, 1894
New Ireland. See [maps]
Mycalesis messene Hewitson, 1862 Bachan, Halmahera, Morotai, Ternate
Mycalesis mnasicles Hewitson, 1864
Malaysia, Upper Burma, Assam. See [maps]
M. m. mnasicles Sumatra, Borneo
- Mycalesis mnasicles mnasicles; [BOR], 461
M. m. perna Fruhstorfer, 1906 Peninsular Malaya, Burma, Thailand, Indo China
- Mycalesis mnasicles perna Fruhstorfer, 1906; Soc. Ent. 21 (11): 83; TL: Tonkin, Chiem-Hoa
1037x1065 (~295Kb) underside Cambodia, Koh Kong Province, 14 km of ENE Koh Kong, 'Hemicordulia' brook. 15th August 2011, Photo © Oleg Kosterin
Mycalesis moorei C. & R. Felder, [1867]
Java. See [maps]
Mycalesis mucia Hewitson, 1862
New Guinea. See [maps]
M. m. mucia West Irian, Aru?
M. m. verena Fruhstorfer, 1911 E.New Guinea
- Mycalesis mucia verena; [BAUR], 259
M. m. febronia Fruhstorfer, 1911 Jobi (Geelvink Bay)
- Mycalesis mucia febronia; [BAUR], 259 (text)
M. m. melanopis Godman & Salvin, 1880 New Guinea (Hydrographer Range)
M. m. etha Fruhstorfer, 1908 Fergusson I.
- Mycalesis mucia etha; [BAUR], 260 (text)
M. m. aruana Miller & Miller, 1978 Aru Is.
Mycalesis mulleri Tennent, 2000
New Ireland. See [maps]
Mycalesis mynois Hewitson, 1864
Timor. See [maps]
- Mycalesis mynois Hewitson, 1864; Ill. exot. Butts [4] (Mycalesis V-VI): [55], pl. [29], f. 29-30; TL: Timor
- pernotata Tryon, 1890²; Rep. Brit. Guinea, App. 2: 5
- Mycalesis (Mycalesis) pernotata; Fruhstorfer, 1908, Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 58 (4/5): 154, 132 (list)
- Mycalesis (Mycalesis) mynois; Fruhstorfer, 1908, Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 58 (4/5): 154, 131 (list)
- Mycalesis mynois; Hemming, 1967, Bull. Br. Mus. (Ent.) Suppl. 9: 238 (TS of Jatana)
- Mycalesis minois[sic, recte mynois?]; [BAUR], 260
- Mycalesis mynois; [NHM card]; Vane-Wright & de Jong, 2003, Zool. Verh. Leiden 343: 179
Mycalesis nala C. & R. Felder, 1859
Java. See [maps]
Mycalesis nerida Grose-Smith, 1902
SE.Papua. See [maps]
Mycalesis meeki Rothschild, 1915 Dampier I.
Mycalesis oroatis Hewitson, 1864
Malaya, Java. See [maps]
M. o. oroatis Java, Bali
- Mycalesis oroatis oroatis; [BOR], 449
M. o. ustulata Distant, 1885 S.Burma, Peninsular Malaya, Sumatra
M. o. surkha Marshall, 1882 Burma, W.Thailand
Mycalesis panthaka Fruhstorfer, 1909
Formosa. See [maps]
- Mycalesis horsfieldi panthaka; [BOR], 459
- Mycalesis panthaka; [MRS], 365
M. p. mucianus Fruhstorfer, 1908 Langkawi Is., Thailand, Indo China
- Mycalesis horsfieldi mucianus; [BOR], 459
- Mycalesis panthaka mucianus; [MRS], 365
- ?Mycalesis distanti mucianus;
Mycalesis patiana Eliot, 1969
N.India - Burma - Peninsular Malaya, Sumatra, Borneo. See [maps]
- Mycalesis patiana; [BOR], 462; [NHM card]
- Mycalesis patiana patiana; [BMP]: 129, pl. 16, f. 2-3
Mycalesis pitana Staudinger, [1897]
Sumatra, Borneo. See [maps]
Mycalesis phidon Hewitson, 1862
New Guinea. See [maps]
M. p. phidon Aru, Waigeu
- Mycalesis phidon phidon; [BAUR], 257
M. p. phidonides Fruhstorfer, 1908 E.New Guinea
- Mycalesis phidon phidonides; [BAUR], 257 (text)
M. p. xanthias Grose-Smith, 1896 New Britain, Duke of York
Mycalesis radza Moore, 1877 Andaman Is.
Mycalesis sangaica Butler, 1877
-. See [maps]
M. s. tunicula Fruhstorfer, 1911 Thailand, Laos, S.Yunnan
M. s. parva Leech, [1892]
- Mycalesis sangaica parva; [MRS], 363
M. s. mara Fruhstorfer, 1908 Taiwan
- Mycalesis sangaica mara; [BOR], 450; [MRS], 363
Larva on
Miscanthus sinensis,
M. floridulum,
Setaria palmifolia,
Isachne globosa,
Oplismenus undulatifolius,
Pennisetum alopecuroides,
P. purpureum [MRS]
Mycalesis asophis Hewitson, 1862 Misool, Waigeu, Aru
Mycalesis shiva (Boisduval, 1832)
-. See [maps]
M. s. shiva NW.West Irian
- Mycalesis lorna; Grose-Smith & Kirby, 1896, Rhop. Exot. [2] 2: (Mycalesis) 6, pl. 2, f. 3-6
- Mycalesis (Mycalesis) lorna; Fruhstorfer, 1908, Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 58 (4/5): 207, 132 (list)
- Mycalesis lorna; [BOW]: pl. 169, f. 18; [NHM card]
- Mycalesis lorna lorna; [BAUR], 262 (text)
- Mycalesis lorna copiosa; [BAUR], 262 (text)
- Mycalesis shiva shiva; [BAUR], 262
M. s. australis Oberthür, 1880 SE.New Guinea
Mycalesis siamica Riley & Godfrey, 1921
Thailand, Laos. See [maps]
- Mycalesis siamica; [BOW]: pl. 169, f. 4 (text only); [BOR], 452
- Mycalesis deficiens siamica;
Mycalesis sirius (Fabricius, 1775)
Australia, New Guinea, Moluccas. See [maps]
- Papilio sirius Fabricius, 1775; Syst. Ent.: 488
- Papilio zachaeus Fabricius, 1793
- Mycalesis daidis Hewitson, 1862; Ill. exot. Butts [4] (Mycalesis I-IV): [53], pl. [28], f. 22; TL: Ceram
Larva on
Panicum maximum,
(Unidentified grasses) K. L. & L. E. Dunn, 1991, Review Austr. Butts. (1-4): (120-140) Imperata ,
Ischaemum ,
Panicum ,
Themeda Vane-Wright & de Jong, 2003, Zool. Verh. Leiden 343: 179
M. s. sirius Torres Straits Is., Cape York - Mackay, Northern Territory
Cedar Bushbrown
- Mycalesis sirius sirius; [BAUR], 256
M. s. canicula Fruhstorfer, 1908 Sula Is., Buru
- Mycalesis sirius canicula; [BOR], 463; [BAUR], 256 (text)
M. s. manipa (Boisduval, 1832) Ambon, Serang
M. s. antecanis Fruhstorfer, 1908 Waigeu - West Irian
- Mycalesis sirius antecanis; [BAUR], 256 (text)
Mycalesis splendens Mathew, 1887
Solomons. See [maps]
M. s. splendens Bougainville, Treasury Is., Santa Isabel Is.
M. s. interrupta Grose-Smith, 1889
- Mycalesis interrupta; Grose-Smith & Kirby, 1896, Rhop. Exot. [2] 2: (Mycalesis) 9, pl. 3, f. 1-3
- Mycalesis splendens interrupta; Samson & Sibatani, 1982, Tyô to Ga 32 (3,4): 172 (note)
Mycalesis sara Mathew, 1887 Roviana I.
Mycalesis sudra C. & R. Felder, [1867]
Java, Bali. See [maps]
M. s. sudra W.Java
- Mycalesis sudra sudra; [BOR], 451
M. s. volsina Fruhstorfer, 1911 E.Java (Tengger Mts.)
- Mycalesis sudra volsina; [BOR], 452
M. s. tannis Fruhstorfer, 1911 Bali
- Mycalesis sudra taunis[sic]; Rothschild, 1915, Novit. Zool. 22 (1): 123
- Mycalesis sudra tannis; [BOR], 452
Mycalesis tagala C. & R. Felder, 1863
Philippines. See [maps]
M. t. tagala Philippines (Luzon)
- Mycalesis tagala tagala; [BOR], 461
M. t. mindorana (Fruhstorfer, 1900) Philippines (Mindoro)
- Nebdara tagala mindorana Fruhstorfer, 1900; Berl. ent. Zs. 45 (1/2): 11; TL: Mindoro
M. t. venostes Fruhstorfer, 1911 Philippines (Bohol, Leyte)
- Mycalesis tagala venostes; [BOR], 461
M. t. mataurus (Fruhstorfer, 1911) Philippines (?Panay, Guimaras)
- Mycalesis tagala mataurus; [BOR], 461
M. t. semirasa Fruhstorfer, 1908 Philippines (Mindanao, Basilan)
- Mycalesis tagala semirasa; [BOR], 461
M. t. palawana Fruhstorfer, 1908 Palawan
- Mycalesis tagala palawana; [BOR], 461
M. t. hernica Fruhstorfer, 1911 Sulu Is.
- Mycalesis tagala hernica Fruhstorfer; [BOR], 461
Mycalesis terminus (Fabricius, 1775)
Australia, Moluccas. See [maps]
Larva on
Imperata sp.,
(Unidentified grasses) K. L. & L. E. Dunn, 1991, Review Austr. Butts. (1-4): (120-140)
M. t. terminus Cape York - Yeppoon
Orange Bushbrown
M. t. remulia (Cramer, [1779]) Ambon, Serang, Obi
M. t. wakolo Fruhstorfer, 1908 Buru
- Mycalesis terminus wakolo; [BAUR], 256 (text)
M. t. pseudasophis Fruhstorfer, 1908 Bachan
- Mycalesis terminus pseudasophis; [BAUR], 257 (text)
M. t. anteros Fruhstorfer, 1908 Halmahera
- Mycalesis terminus anteros; [BAUR], 257 (text)
M. t. ternatensis Fruhstorfer, 1908 Ternate
- Mycalesis terminus ternatensis; [BAUR], 257 (text)
M. t. atropates Fruhstorfer, 1908 West Irian (Dore Bay)
- Mycalesis terminus atropates; [BAUR], 257 (text)
M. t. terminulus Fruhstorfer, 1908 Waigeu
- Mycalesis terminus terminulus; [BAUR], 257 (text)
M. t. flagrans Butler, 1876 Papua, New Guinea
M. t. matho Grose-Smith, 1894 Bismarck Archipelago
- Mycalesis terminus matho; [BAUR], 257 (text)
Mycalesis thailandica Aoki & Yamaguchi, 1984
Thailand. See [maps]
- Mycalesis thailandica Aoki & Yamaguchi, 1984; Res. Inst. Evolut. Biol. Sci. Rep. 2: 48-49, f. 1-6, 21-23; TL: Nam Tok Sai Yok Noi, Kanchanaburi, Thailand
Mycalesis thyateira (Fruhstorfer, 1911)
Borneo. See [maps]
- Mycalesis thyateira; [BOR], 460
Mycalesis treadawayi Schröder, 1976
Philippines (Mindanao). See [maps]
- treadawayi Schröder, 1976; Ent. Zs. 86 (13): 138
- Mycalesis treadawayi; [BOR], 463
Mycalesis unica Leech, [1892]
Mycalesis valeria Grose-Smith, 1900
Papua (Milne Bay). See [maps]
M. v. helena D'Abrera, 1971 West Irian - N.New Guinea
- Mycalesis helena; [BAUR], 258
- Mycalesis valeria helena;
Mycalesis valeriana Grose-Smith, 1902
Papua (Aroa River). See [maps]
- Mycalesis valeriana Grose-Smith, 1902; Rhop. Exot. [2] 3: (Mycalesis) 16, pl. 5, f. 1-2; TL: Kapa-Kapa, British New Guinea
Mycalesis wayewa Doherty, 1891
Sumba, Lombok, Sumbawa, Flores, Adonara. See [maps]
- Mycalesis merops; Grose-Smith & Kirby, 1902, Rhop. Exot. [2] 3: (Mycalesis) 15, pl. 4, f. 6-9
- Mycalesis wayewa merops; Fruhstorfer, 1908, Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 58 (4/5): 154
- Mycalesis wayewa undulata; Fruhstorfer, 1908, Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 58 (4/5): 154 (note)
- Mycalesis wayewa delicata; Fruhstorfer, 1908, Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 58 (4/5): 154 (note)
- Mycalesis (Mycalesis) wayewa; Fruhstorfer, 1908, Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 58 (4/5): 153, 131 (list)
- Mycalesis wayewa; [BOR], 460
If you have corrections, comments or
information to add into these pages, just send mail to
Markku Savela
Keep in mind that the taxonomic information is copied from various sources, and may include many inaccuracies. Expert help is welcome.