[BOA] Interactive Listing of American Butterflies
Listado Interactivo de la Mariposas Americanas; Butterflies of America
[LAMAS-NEO] Gerardo Lamas
Bibliography of butterflies; An Annocated Bibliography of the Neotropical Butterflies and Skipper (Lepididoptera: Papilionoidea and Hesperioidea); Revised Electronic Edition (2007)
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Some related literature:
Bryk, 1953
Lepidoptera aus dem Amazonasgebiete und aus Peru gesammelt von Dr. Douglas Melin und Dr. Abraham Roman
Arkiv. Zool. (2) 5 (1)
: 1-268
Dewitz, 1877
Neue Schmetterlinge des Berliner museums
Mitt. Münch. Ent. Ver. 1
: 85-91, pl. 2
Dognin, 1888
Diagnoses de lépidoptères nouveaux de l'Equateur
Le Naturaliste (2)
1 (16): 188-190, 5figs (1887),
2 (23): 48 (1888),
2 (25): 67-68 (1888)
Druce, 1876
List of the Butterflies of Peru, with descriptions of new species. With some notes by Edward Bartlett
Proc. zool. Soc. Lond. 1876 (1)
: 205-250, pl. 17-18
C. & R. Felder, 1862
Lepidoptera nova Columbiae
Wien. ent. Monats. 6 (12)
: 409-427
Forbes, 1945
The genus PhyciodesEntomologica am. 24: 139-207
Forbes, 1946
The genus GnathotricheIn Livro de homenagem a R. Ferreira d` Almeida: 195-198 (no. 18)
Godman & Salvin, 1878
Description of new Species of Rhopalocera from Central and South America
Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (5) 2 (9)
: 257-266
Hall, 1921
Descriptions of three new butterflies from Colombia
Entomologist 54
: 278-279
Hall, 1928
Some new forms of Nymphalinae (Rhopalocrea) from tropical America
Entomologist 61 (776): 11-13
Hall, 1930
A revision of the genus Phyciodes Hubn.
Bull. Hill. Mus. 4 (suppl.)
: 171-204,[205]
Hall, 1935
New forms of Nymphalinae and Ithomiinae
Entomologist 68
: 221-227, pl. ?1, ?6
Hewitson, 1872
Illustrations of new species of exotic Butterflies selected chiefly from the collections of W. Wilson Saunders and William C. Hewitson
Ill. exot. Butts [2]
: (Systematic Index) II,
(Ithomia XIV): [1-2], pl. [1] (1855),
(Ithomia XV-XIX): [3-12], pl. [2-6] (1856),
(Ithomia XX): 13x,14x, [13-14] (1861), pl. [7] (1857),
(Ithomia XXI): 15x,16x, [15-16] (1861), pl. [8] (1858),
(Ithomia XXII): [17-18], pl. [9] (1859),
(Ithomia XXIII): [19-20], pl. [10] (1861),
(Ithomia XXIV): [21-22], pl. [11] (1863),
(Ithomia XXV): [23-24], pl. [12] (1867),
(Ithomia XXVI): [25-26], pl. [13] (1868),
(Ithomia XXVII): [27-28], pl. [14] (1869),
(Ithomia XXVIII-XXIX): [29-32], pl. [15-16] (1871),
(Ithomia XXX-XXXI): [33-36], pl. [17-18] (1872),
(Ithomia XXXII-XXXIII): [37-40], pl. [19-20], (1874) ,
(Ithomia XXXIV-XXXV): [41-44], pl. [21-22] (1876),
(Acraea I): [45-46], pl. [23] (1852),
(Acraea II): [47-48], pl. [24] (1861),
(Acraea III): [49-50], pl. [25] (1865),
(Acraea IV-V): [51-52], pl. [26-27] (1867),
(Acraea VI): [53-54], pl. [28] (1868),
(Acraea VII): [55-56], pl. [29] (1875),
(Messaras): [57-58], pl. [30] (1859),
(Eresia I): [59-60], pl. [31] (1852),
(Eresia II): [61-62], pl. [32] (1857),
(Eresia III-VI): [63-70], pl. [33-36] (1864),
(Eresia VII): [71-72], pl. [37] (1868),
(Eresia VIII-IX): [73-76], pl. [38-39] (1870),
(Eresia X): [77-78], pl. [40] (1872),
(Junonia): [79-80], pl. [41] (1864),
(Cybdelis I-II): [81-84], pl. [42-43] (1852),
(Cybdelis III): [85-86], pl. [44] (1857),
(Cybdelis IV): [87-88], pl. [45] (1869),
(Epiphile I): [89-90], pl. [46] (1857),
(Epiphile II & Paromia): [91-92], pl. [47] (1861),
(Eubagis I): [93-94], pl. [48] (1852),
(Eubagis II): [95-96], pl. [49] (1857),
(Eubagis III): [97-98], pl. [50] (1859),
(Catagramma I): [99-100], pl. [51] (1851),
(Catagramma II): [101-102], pl. [52] (1853),
(Catagramma III-V): [103-108], pl. [53-55] (1855),
(Catagramma VI): [109-110], pl. [56] (1857),
(Catagramma VII-VIII): [111-114], pl. [57-58] (1858),
(Catagramma IX and Callithea): [115-116], pl. [59] (1858),
(Catagramma X): [117-118], pl. [60] (1864),
(Catagramma XI-XII): [119-122], pl. [61-62] (1868),
(Catagramma XIII): [123-124], pl. [63] (1876),
: iv
Higgins, 1981
A revision of Phyciodes Hübner and related genera, with a review of the classification of the Melitaeinae
Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.) 43 (3)
: 77-243, f. 1-490,124a,125a
Kollar, [1849]
Beiträge zur Insecten-Fauna von Neu-Granada und Venezuela
Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien. 1
: 351-364, pl. 42-45
[NL4A]; Lamas, 2004
Checklist: Part 4A, Hesperioidea - Papilionoidea
Atlas of Neotropical Lepidoptera
[BOW]; Lewis, 1974
Butterflies of the World
[EcuL]; Racheli & Racheli, 2001
An annotated list of Ecuadorian Butterflies (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae, Pieridae, Nymphalidae)
Frag. ent. 33 (2)
: 213-380
Röber, 1913; Röber, 1914
4. Genus Phyciodes Hbn. - 7. Gattung: Gnatotriche Fldr.
in Seitz, Gross-Schmetterl. Erde 5
: 434-440 (10 Dec 1913),
: 441-448 (15 Dec 1913),
: 449-454 ([before 28 Feb] 1914),
: pl. 88-92 (1914)
Schaus, 1902
Descriptions of New American Butterflies
Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 24 (1262)
: 383-460
[EBW]; Smart, 1976
The Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Butterfly World
Illust. Encyp. Butt. World: -
Staudinger, 1885
Exotische Tagfalter in sysmatischer Reihenfolge mit Berücksichtigung neuer Arten
in Staudinger & Schatz, Exot. Schmett. 1
(1): 3-6, pl. 1-5 (1884),
(2): 7-10, pl. 6-10 (1884),
(3): 11-14, pl. 11-15 (1884),
(4): 15-22, pl. 16-20 (1884),
(5): 23-30, pl. 21-25 (1884),
(6): 31-38, pl. 26-30 (1884),
(7): 39-46, pl. 31-35 (1885),
(8): 47-58, pl. 30-40 (1885),
(9): 59-82, pl. 41-50 (1885),
(10): 83-102, pl. 51-60 (1885),
(11): 103-122, pl. 61-65 (1886),
(12): 123-138, pl. 66-70 (1886),
(13): 139-158, pl. 71-75 (1886),
(14): 159-174, pl. 76-80 (1886),
(15): 175-194, pl. 81-85 (1887),
(16): 195-214, pl. 86-90 (1887),
(17): 215-234, pl. 91-95 (1887),
(18): 235-270, pl. 96-98 (1888),
(19): 1-2,271-333, pl. 99-100 (1888)
Weymer, 1907
Exotische Lepidopteren
Dt. ent. Z. Iris 20 (1,2)
: 1-51, pl. 1-2
If you have corrections, comments or
information to add into these pages, just send mail to
Markku Savela
Keep in mind that the taxonomic information is copied from various sources, and may include many inaccuracies. Expert help is welcome.