Speyeria diana (Cramer, [1777])
SE.USA. See [maps]
- Semnopsyche diana; Dyar, 1903, Bull. U.S. nat. Mus. 52: 12
- Speyeria diana; [NACL], #4449; [EBW]; [BOW]: pl. 15, f. 15-16; [NHM card]; [Opler]; Pelham, 2008, J. Res. Lepid. 40: 307; Dunford, 2009, Insecta Mundi 90: 11; de Moya, Savage, Tenney, Bao, Wahlberg & Hill, 2017, Syst. Ent. 42 (4): 643
940x735 (~121Kb) USA: Alabama, 4.6.2005, Photo © Vitaly Charny
1078x876 (~155Kb) USA: Alabama, 4.6.2005, Photo © Vitaly Charny
1203x883 (~192Kb) upperside USA: Alabama, 4.6.2005, Photo © Vitaly Charny
1321x1137 (~214Kb) underside USA: Alabama, 4.6.2005, Photo © Vitaly Charny
1267x989 (~137Kb) USA: Alabama, 4.6.2005, Photo © Vitaly Charny
Larva on
Viola papilionacea,
V. cucullata,
V. cornuta,
V. sororia Dunford, 2009, Insecta Mundi 90: 12
Speyeria cybele (Fabricius, 1775)
USA. See [maps]
Great Spangled Fritillary
- Argynnis cybele; Dyar, 1903, Bull. U.S. nat. Mus. 52: 13
- Speyeria cybele; [NACL], #4450; [EBW]; [BOW]: pl. 15, f. 14, 17; [NHM card]; [Opler]; Pelham, 2008, J. Res. Lepid. 40: 307; Dunford, 2009, Insecta Mundi 90: 13; de Moya, Savage, Tenney, Bao, Wahlberg & Hill, 2017, Syst. Ent. 42 (4): 643
1024x761 (~81Kb) upperside USA: Taneum Creek, Wenatchee National Forest, (47°06'24N 120°54'44W), Kittitas Co., WA, 29.7.1999, Photo © Markku Savela
700x632 (~45Kb) underside USA: Taneum Creek, Wenatchee National Forest, (47°06'24N 120°54'44W), Kittitas Co., WA, 29.7.1999, Photo © Markku Savela
1000x790 (~91Kb) upperside male USA: nr Crystal Mountain / FR9726 (47°14'35N 120°40'41W), Kittitas Co., WA, 11.7.2000, Photo © Markku Savela
800x639 (~62Kb) underside male USA: nr Crystal Mountain / FR9726 (47°14'35N 120°40'41W), Kittitas Co., WA, 11.7.2000, Photo © Markku Savela
700x986 (~93Kb) female USA: Mima Mounds Natural Area Preserve, Thurston Co., WA, 13.8.2001, Photo © Markku Savela
1300x909 (~199Kb) upperside USA: Alabama, 26.5.2001, Photo © Vitaly Charny
1300x1065 (~179Kb) underside USA: Alabama, 26.5.2001, Photo © Vitaly Charny
Larva on
Viola rotundifolia,
V. papilionacea,
V. palustris,
V. adunca,
Viola adunca var. bellidifolia,
V. sororia,
V. canadensis Dunford, 2009, Insecta Mundi 90: 14
S. c. leto (Behr, 1862) California, Alberta, Wyoming, ...
- Argynnis leto Behr, 1862; Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci. 2: 173; TL: California
- Argynnis leto var. letis Wright, 1905; Butts. West Coast US: 52; TL: Northern California
- Acidalia (Semnopsyche) valesinoides-alba [= valesinoidesalba] Reuss, 1926; Dt. ent. Zs. 1926 (1): 69
- Argynnis leto tr.f. lethe Gunder, 1934; Can. Ent. 66 (6): 125; TL: Big Horn Mts, Wyoming
S. c. carpenterii (Edwards, 1876) New Mexico
S. c. charlottii (Barnes, 1897) Colorado
S. c. krautwurmi (Holland, 1931) Michigan, ...
- Argynnis cybele var. krautwurmi Holland, 1931; Ann. Carnegie Mus. 20 (2): 255; TL: Les Cheneaux, Upper Peninsula of Michigan
S. c. novascotiae (McDunnough, 1935) Nova Scotia
- Argynnis cybele novascotiae McDunnough, 1935; Can. ent. 67: 18; TL: White Point Beach, Queens Co., Nova Scotia
S. c. pseudocarpenteri (Chermock & Chermock, 1940) Manitoba, ...
- Argynnis cybele pseudocarpenteri Chermock & Chermock, 1940; Can. Ent. 72 (4): 82; TL: Sand Ridge, Manitoba
S. c. letona dos Passos & Grey, 1945 Utah
- Speyeria cybele letona dos Passos & Grey, 1945; Amer. Mus. Novit. 1297: 1; TL: City Creek Canyon, Salt Lake City, Utah
S. c. pugetensis Chermock & Frechin, 1947 Washington
- Speyeria cybele pugetensis Chermock & Frechin, 1947; Pan-Pacific Ent. 23 (3): 111; TL: Stimson Creek, nr Belfair, Mason Co., Washington
S. c. eileenae Emmel, Emmel & Mattoon, 1998 California
- Speyeria cybele eileenae Emmel, Emmel & Mattoon, 1998; Syst. W. N.Am. Butts. (12): 144; TL: California, Humboldt Co
Speyeria aphrodite (Fabricius, 1787)
Canada - Kansas. See [maps]
Aphrodite Fritillary
- Argynnis aphrodite; Dyar, 1903, Bull. U.S. nat. Mus. 52: 13
- Speyeria aphrodite; [NACL], #4451; [BOW]: pl. 15, f. 5-6; [NHM card]; [Opler]; Pelham, 2008, J. Res. Lepid. 40: 308; Dunford, 2009, Insecta Mundi 90: 14; de Moya, Savage, Tenney, Bao, Wahlberg & Hill, 2017, Syst. Ent. 42 (4): 643
1000x1262 (~165Kb) underside USA: Pike National Forest, Sugar Creek on CR-67 (about 39°18'N 105°10'W), Douglas Co., CO, 29.7.2012, Photo © Markku Savela
1000x1358 (~194Kb) upperside USA: Pike National Forest, Sugar Creek on CR-67 (about 39°18'N 105°10'W), Douglas Co., CO, 29.7.2012, Photo © Markku Savela
Larva on
Viola lanceolata,
V. fimbriatula,
V. nuttallii,
V. papilionacea,
V. nephrophylla,
Viola primulifolia var. acuta,
V. sagittata,
V. sororia,
V. tricolor,
V. adunca Dunford, 2009, Insecta Mundi 90: 15
S. a. aphrodite New York, Massachusetts, Ohio, ...
- Argynnis cybele f. bartschi Reiff, 1910; Psyche 17 (6): 252; TL: in West Roxbury, Mass.
- Argynnis aphrodite ab. bakeri Clark, 1932; Bull. U.S. nat. Mus. 157: 276, pl. 19, f. 1-2; TL: Waynesburg, Ohio
- Speyeria aphrodite ab. hughi Clark & Clark, 1951; Smiths. Misc. Coll. 116 (7): 60
S. a. alcestis (Edwards, [1877]) Illinois, Iow, Colorado, Michigan
S. a. columbia (H. Edwards, 1877) N.British Columbia, ...
- Argynnis columbia H. Edwards, 1877; Proc. Cal. Acad. Sc.: [1]; TL: Lahache, nr Alaskan border of British Columbia
S. a. byblis (Barnes & Benjamin, 1926) Arizona, ...
S. a. winni (Gunder, 1932) Quebec
- Argynnis aphrodite r. winni Gunder, 1932; Can. Ent. 64 (12): 278; TL: St. Calixte de Kilkenny, Quebec
S. a. whitehousei (Gunder, 1932) British Columbia
S. a. ethne (Hemming, 1933)
S. a. manitoba (Chermock & Chermock, 1940) Manitoba, ...
- Argynnis manitoba Chermock & Chermock, 1940; Can. Ent. 72 (4): 83; TL: Sand Ridge, Manitoba
- = Speyeria aphrodite mayae ; [NHM card]
- Argynnis aphrodite cypris tr.f. mayae Gunder, 1932; Can. Ent. 64 (12): 279; TL: Sand Ridge, Bener Dam Lake, nr Kelwood, Manitoba
- Speyeria (Semnopsyche) aphrodite mayae dos Passos & Grey, 1947; Amer. Mus. Novit. 1370: 8; TL: Sand Ridge, Bener Dam Lake, nr Kelwood, Manitoba
S. a. cullasaja Gatrelle, 1998 North Carolina, ...
- Speyeria aphrodite cullasaja Gatrelle, 1998; Taxonomic Rep. 1 (3): 2; TL: trail to Scaly Mtn, 4200', Macon Co., North Carolina
Speyeria idalia (Drury, [1773])
E.USA. See [maps]
Regal Fritillary
- Speyeria idalia; Dyar, 1903, Bull. U.S. nat. Mus. 52: 13; [NACL], #4452; [EBW]; [BOW]: pl. 16, f. 2; [NHM card]; [Opler]; Pelham, 2008, J. Res. Lepid. 40: 309; Dunford, 2009, Insecta Mundi 90: 7; de Moya, Savage, Tenney, Bao, Wahlberg & Hill, 2017, Syst. Ent. 42 (4): 643
Larva on
Viola pedtifida,
V. papilionacea,
V. lanceolata,
V. pedata,
V. sagittata,
V. sororia Dunford, 2009, Insecta Mundi 90: 10
S. i. idalia New York, New Jersey, ...
- Argynnis astarte Fisher, 1858; Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 10: 179 (preocc. Argynnis astarte Doubleday, 1847); TL: Nova Caesarea, Succasuma Plains, nr Schooley's Mtn, Morris Co.
- Argynnis astaroth Fisher, 1859; Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 11: 352 (repl. Argynnis astarte Fisher, 1859); TL: Nova Caesarea, Succasuma Plains, nr Schooley's Mtn, Morris Co.
- Argynnis idalia infumata Oberthür, 1912; Étud. Lépid. Comp. 6: 315, pl. 104, f. 969; TL: Newark, N.J.
- Argynnis idalia tr.f. dolli Gunder, 1927; Can. Ent. 59 (12): 286; TL: Richmond Hill, Long Island, N.Y.
- Argynnis idalia f. pallida Eisner, 1942; Zool. Meded. Leiden 24 (4): 123; TL: Decorah, Iowa
S. i. occidentalis Williams, 2002 Illinois, ...
Speyeria nokomis (Edwards, 1862)
Utah, Arizona. See [maps]
Nokomis Fritillary
- Argynnis nokomis; Godman & Salvin, [1901], Biol. centr.-amer., Lep. Rhop. 2: 674; Dyar, 1903, Bull. U.S. nat. Mus. 52: 13
- Speyeria nokomis; [NACL], #4453; [EBW]; [BOW]: pl. 16, f. 8; [NHM card]; [Opler]; [NL4A], #2289; Pelham, 2008, J. Res. Lepid. 40: 310; Dunford, 2009, Insecta Mundi 90: 15; de Moya, Savage, Tenney, Bao, Wahlberg & Hill, 2017, Syst. Ent. 42 (4): 643
Larva on
Viola sororia Dunford, 2009, Insecta Mundi 90: 17
S. n. nokomis California, New Mexico, ...
- Argynnis nitocris var. nigrocaerulea Cockerell, 1900; Ent. News 11 (10): 622; TL: Beulah, Sapello Canon, New Mexico
- Argynnis nitocris var. nigracaerulea[sic] ab. rufescens Cockerell, 1909; Ent. Rec. J. Var. 21 (7/8): 186; TL: Beulah, Sapello Cañon
S. n. nitocris (Edwards, 1874) Arizona, ...
S. n. coerulescens (Holland, 1900) Mexico
- Argynnis nitocris var. coerulescens Holland, 1900; Ent. News 11 (1): 332; TL: Mexico, Chihuahua
- caerulescens[sic, recte coerulescens]; McDunnough, 1938
- Argynnis nitocris var. coerulescens; Godman & Salvin, [1901], Biol. centr.-amer., Lep. Rhop. 2: 675, 3 pl. 112, f. 15-18
- Argynnis nitocris caerulescens[sic, recte coerulescens]; Dyar, 1903, Bull. U.S. nat. Mus. 52: 13
- Speyeria nokomis caerulescens[sic, recte coerulescens]; [NHM card]
- Speyeria nokomis coerulescens; [NACL], #4453b; [NL4A], #2289a; Pelham, 2008, J. Res. Lepid. 40: 310
S. n. apacheana (Skinner, 1918) California, ...
S. n. wenona dos Passos & Grey, 1945 Mexico
- Speyeria wenona dos Passos & Grey, 1945; Amer. Mus. Novit. 1297: (1-17); TL: Cerro Potosi, Municipio de Galeana, Nuevo Leon, Mexico, 12000ft
S. n. melaena Mooser & Garcia, 1980 Mexico
- nokomis melaena Mooser & Garcia, 1980; ; TL: Mexico, Aguascalienes
- Speyeria nokomis melaena; [NL4A], #2289b
S. n. carsonensis Austin, 1998 Nevada
S. n. tularosa Holland, 2010 New Mexico
Speyeria edwardsii (Reakirt, 1866)
Colorado, Utah, Nevada. See [maps]
Edward's Fritillary
- Argynnis edwardsii Reakirt, 1866; Proc. Ent. Soc. Philad. 6 (1): 137; TL: Pikes Peak, Colorado
- Acidalia edwardsi montana Reuss, 1926; Dt. ent. Zs. 1926 (5): 439; TL: Montana
- Argynnis edwardsii tr.f. edonis Gunder, 1934; Can. Ent. 66 (6): 125; TL: Beaver City, Larimor Co., Colorado
- Speyeria edwardsii edonis; [NHM card]
- Argynnis edwardsii; Dyar, 1903, Bull. U.S. nat. Mus. 52: 14
- Speyeria edwardsii; [NACL], #4454; [EBW]; [BOW]: pl. 15, f. 19; [NHM card]; [Opler]; Pelham, 2008, J. Res. Lepid. 40: 311; Dunford, 2009, Insecta Mundi 90: 17; de Moya, Savage, Tenney, Bao, Wahlberg & Hill, 2017, Syst. Ent. 42 (4): 643
Larva on
Viola adunca,
V. nuttallii Dunford, 2009, Insecta Mundi 90: 18
Speyeria coronis (Behr, 1864)
California. See [maps]
Coronis Fritillary
- Argynnis coronis; Dyar, 1903, Bull. U.S. nat. Mus. 52: 14
- Speyeria coronis; [NACL], #4455; [BOW]: pl. 15, f. 13; [NHM card]; [Opler]; [NL4A], #2288; Pelham, 2008, J. Res. Lepid. 40: 311; Dunford, 2009, Insecta Mundi 90: 18; de Moya, Savage, Tenney, Bao, Wahlberg & Hill, 2017, Syst. Ent. 42 (4): 643
identification uncertain 600x834 (~64Kb) underside USA: FR 9705 x US Route 97, (47°18'38N 120°41'48W), Kittitas Co., WA, 14.8.2001, Photo © Markku Savela
identification uncertain 600x762 (~49Kb) USA: Table Mtn, Kittitas Co., WA, 30.7.1999, Photo © Markku Savela
identification uncertain 600x619 (~54Kb) underside USA: FR9708, Table Mtn, Kittitas Co., WA, 19.7.1999, Photo © Markku Savela
Larva on
Viola beckwithii,
Viola douglasii,
V. nuttallii,
V. purpurea,
V. trinervata Dunford, 2009, Insecta Mundi 90: 19
S. c. coronis
- Argynnis californica Skinner, 1917; Ent. News 28 (7): 328; TL: California, Alma, Santa Clara Co.
S. c. hennei (Gunder, 1934) California, ...
- Argynnis hennei Gunder, 1934; Can. Ent. 66 (6): 126; TL: nr summit, 7700ft, Mt Pinos, Frazier Mtn Park, Santa Barbara Nat. Forest, Ventura Co., California
S. c. semiramis (Edwards, 1886) WNA, California
S. c. simaetha dos Passos & Grey, 1945 Washington, ...
- Speyeria coronis simaetha dos Passos & Grey, 1945; Amer. Mus. Novit. 1297: 2; TL: Black Canyon, Cascade Mts., nr Brewster, Washington
S. c. snyderi (Skinner, 1897) Utah
S. c. halcyone (Edwards, 1869) Colorado
S. coronis or S. zerene?
1600x1171 (~287Kb) upperside USA: Utah, Uintah Co., Ashley National Park, start of FR-020 (40°40'35"N 109°29'14"W), 1.8.2012, Photo © Markku Savela
1600x1311 (~257Kb) underside USA: Utah, Uintah Co., Ashley National Park, start of FR-020 (40°40'35"N 109°29'14"W), 1.8.2012, Photo © Markku Savela
1300x1787 (~293Kb) USA: Utah, Uintah Co., Ashley National Park, start of FR-020 (40°40'35"N 109°29'14"W), 1.8.2012, Photo © Markku Savela
1500x1183 (~227Kb) USA: Utah, Uintah Co., Ashley National Park, start of FR-020 (40°40'35"N 109°29'14"W), 1.8.2012, Photo © Markku Savela
1200x1598 (~310Kb) upperside USA: Idaho, Fremont Co., on Hwy 20, Sheep Falls Road (44°11'39"N 111°26'39"W), 3.8.2012, Photo © Markku Savela
900x1001 (~128Kb) USA: Idaho, Fremont Co., on Hwy 20, Sheep Falls Road (44°11'39"N 111°26'39"W), 3.8.2012, Photo © Markku Savela
1200x1455 (~228Kb) USA: Idaho, Fremont Co., on Hwy 20, Sheep Falls Road (44°11'39"N 111°26'39"W), 3.8.2012, Photo © Markku Savela
Speyeria zerene (Boisduval, 1852)
California. See [maps]
Zerene Fritillary
- Argynnis zerene; Dyar, 1903, Bull. U.S. nat. Mus. 52: 14
- Speyeria zerene; [NACL], #4456; [EBW]; [BOW]: pl. 16, f. 9, 11; [NHM card]; [Opler]; Pelham, 2008, J. Res. Lepid. 40: 313; Dunford, 2009, Insecta Mundi 90: 19; de Moya, Savage, Tenney, Bao, Wahlberg & Hill, 2017, Syst. Ent. 42 (4): 643
identification uncertain 700x881 (~88Kb) underside USA: FR 9712 nr. Liberty, Lion Gulch, (47°15'47N 120°40'15W ±0.5km), Kittitas Co., WA, 14.8.2001, Photo © Markku Savela
identification uncertain 700x904 (~73Kb) USA: FR 9705 nr. Liberty and Lion Gulch, (47°17'49N 120°39'58W ±0.5km), Kittitas Co., WA, 14.8.2001, Photo © Markku Savela
identification uncertain 600x787 (~65Kb) underside USA: FR 9705 nr. US Route 97, (47°18'15N 120°41'24W ±0.5km), Kittitas Co., WA, 14.8.2001, Photo © Markku Savela
Larva on
Viola adunca,
Viola cuneata,
V. lobata,
V. nuttallii,
V. psychodes,
V. purpurea,
V. beckwithii Dunford, 2009, Insecta Mundi 90: 21
S. z. zerene E.Oregon, California
S. z. monticola (Behr, 1863) California, ...
S. z. behrensii (Edwards, 1869) California, ...
S. z. bremnerii (Edwards, 1872) inland (Vancouver Island - W.Washington - W.Oregon)
S. z. hippolyta (Edwards, 1879) coastal (California, W.Oregon, W.Washington)
Larva on
Viola adunca
S. z. platina (Skinner, 1897) Utah, Idaho
- Argynnis platina Skinner, 1897; Can. Ent. 29 (6): 154; TL: Ogden, Utan; Beaver Canon, Idaho
- Argynnis pfoutsi Gunder, 1933; Can. Ent. 65 (8): 171; TL: Mt. Loafer, nr Payson, Utah
S. z. malcolmi (Comstock, 1920) California
- Argynnis malcolmi Comstock, 1920; Southwest Sci. Bull. [1]: 4, pl. [1], f. 4-6; TL: Mammoth, California
- Argynnis montivaga r. malcolmi tr.f. sineargentatus Gunder, 1927; Can. Ent. 59 (12): 286; TL: Mammoth, Mono Co., California
S. z. picta (McDunnough, 1924) British Columbia, ...
- Argynnis halcyone r. picta McDunnough, 1924; Can. ent. 56 (2): 43; TL: Aspen Grove, B. C.
- Argynnis garretti Gunder, 1932; Can. Ent. 64 (12): 282; TL: Cranbrook, B. C.
S. z. gunderi (Comstock, 1925) California, ...
S. z. myrtleae dos Passos & Grey, 1945 California
S. z. sinope dos Passos & Grey, 1945 Colorado, ...
- Speyeria zerene sinope dos Passos & Grey, 1945; Amer. Mus. Novit. 1297: 4; TL: Estes Park area, Rocky Mt. National Park, Colorado
S. z. gloriosa Moeck, 1957 Oregon, ...
S. z. puntareyes Emmel, Emmel & Mattoon, 1998 California
- Speyeria zerene puntareyes Emmel, Emmel & Mattoon, 1998; Syst. W. N.Am. Butts. (36): 451; TL: California, Marin Coo.; Point Reyes Peninsula
S. z. sonomensis Emmel, Emmel & Mattoon, 1998 California
- Speyeria zerene sonomensis Emmel, Emmel & Mattoon, 1998; Syst. W. N.Am. Butts. (36): 455
S. z. sitka Hammond, Harry & McCorkle, 2001 Alaska
- Speyeria zerene sitka Hammond, Harry & McCorkle, 2001; Butts. B. C.: 274
Speyeria carolae (dos Passos & Grey, 1942)
Nevada. See [maps]
- Argynnis coronis carolae dos Passos & Grey, 1942; Amer. Mus. Novit. 1214: 2; TL: Charleston Park, Clark Co., Nevada
- Speyeria zerene carolae; [NACL], #4456e; [NHM card]
- Speyeria carolae; [Opler]; Pelham, 2008, J. Res. Lepid. 40: 312; Dunford, 2009, Insecta Mundi 90: 21; de Moya, Savage, Tenney, Bao, Wahlberg & Hill, 2017, Syst. Ent. 42 (4): 643
Larva on
Viola charlestonensis? Dunford, 2009, Insecta Mundi 90: 21
Speyeria callippe (Boisduval, 1852)
-. See [maps]
Callippe Fritillary
- Argynnis callippe; Dyar, 1903, Bull. U.S. nat. Mus. 52: 14
- Speyeria callippe; [NACL], #4457; [BOW]: pl. 15, f. 11; [NHM card]; [Opler]; [NL4A], #2287; Pelham, 2008, J. Res. Lepid. 40: 314; Dunford, 2009, Insecta Mundi 90: 22; de Moya, Savage, Tenney, Bao, Wahlberg & Hill, 2017, Syst. Ent. 42 (4): 643
Larva on
Viola beckwithii,
Viola douglasii,
V. nuttallii,
V. pedunculata,
V. purpurea,
V. purpurea quercetorum Dunford, 2009, Insecta Mundi 90: 23
S. c. callippe California, ...
S. c. rupestris (Behr, 1863) California, ...
S. c. juba (Boisduval, 1869) California, Nevada
S. c. nevadensis (Edwards, 1870) Utah, Nevada, Wyoming
S. c. inornata (Edwards, 1872) California
S. c. meadii (Edwards, 1872) Colorado, ...
- Argynnis meadii Edwards, 1872; Trans. amer. ent. Soc. 4: 69; TL: Turkey Creek Junction, Colorado
- Argynnis nevadensis r. meadii tr.f. gerhardi Gunder, 1927; Can. Ent. 59 (12): 287; TL: Colorado
S. c. macaria (Edwards, 1877) California, Nevada
- Argynnis macaria Edwards, 1877; Field & Forest 3 (5): 86; TL: havilah, California
S. c. liliana (H. Edwards, 1877) N.California
S. c. laurina (Wright, 1905) California
S. c. semivirida (McDunnough, 1924) British Columbia
- Argynnis callippe r. semivirida McDunnough, 1924; Can. ent. 56 (2): 42; TL: Aspen Grove, B.C.
S. c. calgariana (McDunnough, 1924) Alberta
- callippe calgariana (McDunnough, 1924); Can. ent. 56 (2): 42; TL: Calgary .. Alta
- Argynnis nevadensis r. calgariana McDunnough, 1924
S. c. comstocki (Gunder, 1925) California
- Argynnis calippe[sic] var. comstocki Gunder, 1925; Ent. News 36: 8; TL: California
- Argynnis comstocki tr.f. creelmani Gunder, 1934; Can. Ent. 66 (6): 127; TL: California
S. c. gallatini (McDunnough, 1929) Montana
- Argynnis nevadenis var. gallatini McDunnough, 1929; Can. ent. 61 (5): 106; TL: Elkohn Ranch, Upper Gallatin Canyon, Montana
S. c. elaine dos Passos & Grey, 1945 Oregon
S. c. harmonia dos Passos & Grey, 1945 Nevada
- Speyeria callippe harmonia dos Passos & Grey, 1945; Amer. Mus. Novit. 1297: 6; TL: Mt. Wheeler, Snake Range, nr. Utah border, NV, 8000ft
S. c. shasta Emmel, Emmel & Mattoon, 1998 California
- Speyeria callippe shasta Emmel, Emmel & Mattoon, 1998; Syst. W. N.Am. Butts. (12): 149; TL: California, Shasta Co.
S. c. adiasteoides Emmel, Emmel & Mattoon, 1998 California
- Speyeria callippe adiasteoides Emmel, Emmel & Mattoon, 1998; Syst. W. N.Am. Butts. (12): 150; TL: California, Mendocino Co.. Cahto Peak summit, 4000-4200ft
S. c. hagemani Emmel, Emmel & Mattoon, 1998 California
- Speyeria callippe hagemani Emmel, Emmel & Mattoon, 1998; Syst. W. N.Am. Butts. (12): 150; TL: California, Shata Co., Shingletown, 3500'
S. c. chilcotinensis Guppy & Shepard, 2001 British Columbia
- Speyeria callippe chilcotinensis Guppy & Shepard, 2001; Butts. B.C.: 276; TL: BC, Riske Creek
Speyeria egleis (Behr, 1862)
-. See [maps]
Egleis Fritillary
- Argynnis egleis Boisduval, 1869; Dyar, 1903, Bull. U.S. nat. Mus. 52: 15
- Speyeria egleis; [NACL], #4458; [NHM card]; [Opler]; Pelham, 2008, J. Res. Lepid. 40: 317; Dunford, 2009, Insecta Mundi 90: 23; de Moya, Savage, Tenney, Bao, Wahlberg & Hill, 2017, Syst. Ent. 42 (4): 643
Larva on
Viola adunca,
V. nuttallii,
V. ocellata,
Viola pupurea,
V. purpurea integrifolia,
V. purpurea venosa,
V. walteri,
Festuca ovina,
Potentilla Dunford, 2009, Insecta Mundi 90: 24
Speyeria adiaste (Edwards, 1864)
California. See [maps]
Unsilverered Fritillary
Adiaste Fritillary
- Argynnis adraste; Kirby, 1871, 160 (missp.)
- ?Argynnis adiaste Behr, 1862; Dyar, 1903, Bull. U.S. nat. Mus. 52: 15
- Speyeria adiaste; [Opler]; [NHM card]; Pelham, 2008, J. Res. Lepid. 40: 318; Dunford, 2009, Insecta Mundi 90: 24; de Moya, Savage, Tenney, Bao, Wahlberg & Hill, 2017, Syst. Ent. 42 (4): 643
Larva on
Viola purpurea quercetorum,
V. ocellata? Dunford, 2009, Insecta Mundi 90: 25
S. a. adiaste
- Argynnis adianthe; Barnes & McDunnough, 1917, 8 (missp.)
- Speyeria adiante; [BOW]: pl. 15, f. 4
- Speyeria egleis adiaste; [NACL], #4458a
- Speyeria adiaste adiaste; Pelham, 2008, J. Res. Lepid. 40: 318
S. a. clemencei (Comstock, 1925) California
S. a. atossa (Edwards, 1890) California
Speyeria atlantis (Edwards, 1862)
ENA. See [maps]
Atlantis Fritillary
- Argynnis atlantis; Dyar, 1903, Bull. U.S. nat. Mus. 52: 13
- Speyeria atlantis; [NACL], #4459; [BOW]: pl. 15, f. 7; [NHM card]; [Opler]; Pelham, 2008, J. Res. Lepid. 40: 319; Dunford, 2009, Insecta Mundi 90: 25; de Moya, Savage, Tenney, Bao, Wahlberg & Hill, 2017, Syst. Ent. 42 (4): 643
identification uncertain 700x795 (~54Kb) underside USA: FR 9705 nr. US Route 97, (47°18'15N 120°41'24W ±0.5km), Kittitas Co., WA, 14.8.2001, Photo © Markku Savela
identification uncertain 700x976 (~102Kb) underside USA: FR 9705 x US Route 97, (47°18'38N 120°41'48W), Kittitas Co., WA, 14.8.2001, Photo © Markku Savela
Larva on
Viola septentrionalis,
Viola sororia affinis,
V. adunca,
V. candensis Dunford, 2009, Insecta Mundi 90: 27
S. a. atlantis Maine, ...
S. a. canadensis (dos Passos, 1935) Newfoundland, ...
- Argynnis atlantis canadensis dos Passos, 1935; Can. Ent. 67 (4): 85; TL: Doyles Station, Newfoundland
S. a. hollandi (Chermock & Chermock, 1940) Manitoba, British Columbia
- Argynnis atlantis hollandi Chermock & Chermock, 1940; Can. Ent. 72 (4): 82; TL: Riding Mtns, Manitoba
S. a. sorocko Scott, Kondla & Spomer, 1998 Colorado
- Speyeria atlantis sorocko Scott, Kondla & Spomer, 1998; Papilio (N.S) 8: 13; TL: several km NE of Mt. Jude, 9100ft, Clear Creek Co., Colorado
Larva on
Viola sororia affinis,
V. scopulorum,
V. canadensis Dunford, 2009, Insecta Mundi 90: 29
S. a. pahasapa Spomer, Scott & Kondla, 1998 South Dakota
- Speyeria atlantis pahasapa Spomer, Scott & Kondla, 1998; Papilio (N.S) 8: 13; TL: Deerfield Reservoir, Pennington Co., South Dakota
Speyeria hesperis (Edwards, 1864)
Colorado, Utah, Montana. See [maps]
- Argynnis hesperis; Dyar, 1903, Bull. U.S. nat. Mus. 52: 14
- Speyeria hesperis; [BOW]: pl. 16, f. 1; [Opler]; Pelham, 2008, J. Res. Lepid. 40: 319; Dunford, 2009, Insecta Mundi 90: 29; de Moya, Savage, Tenney, Bao, Wahlberg & Hill, 2017, Syst. Ent. 42 (4): 643
Larva on
Viola canadensis var. scopulorum,
V. adunca,
V. sororia affinis,
V. rydbergii,
V. adunca bellidifolia,
V. nuttallii,
V. purpurea Dunford, 2009, Insecta Mundi 90: 30
S. h. irene (Boisduval, 1869) California, ...
Larva on
Viola purpurea Dunford, 2009, Insecta Mundi 90: 35
S. h. nausicaa (Edwards, 1874) Arizona, ...
S. h. electa Edwards, 1878 Colorado, Montana, New Mexico
- Speyeria atlantis nikias; [NACL], #4459d; [NHM card]
- Argynnis cornelia; Dyar, 1903, Bull. U.S. nat. Mus. 52: 13
- Argynnis electa; Dyar, 1903, Bull. U.S. nat. Mus. 52: 13
- Speyeria electa; [NHM card]
- Speyeria atlantis electa; [NACL], #4459o
- Speyeria hesperis electa; Pelham, 2008, J. Res. Lepid. 40: 321; Dunford, 2009, Insecta Mundi 90: 40
Larva on
Viola sororia affinis Dunford, 2009, Insecta Mundi 90: 41
S. h. chitone (Edwards, 1879) Utah, Arizona
S. h. cottlei (Comstock, 1925) California
S. h. beani (Barnes & Benjamin, 1926) Alberta
S. h. dodgei (Gunder, 1931) Oregon
Larva on
Violla bellidifolia Dunford, 2009, Insecta Mundi 90: 38
S. h. lurana dos Passos & Grey, 1945 South Dakota
S. h. tetonia dos Passos & Grey, 1945 Wyoming, Utah
S. h. viola dos Passos & Grey, 1945 Idaho
- Speyeria atlantis viola dos Passos & Grey, 1945; Amer. Mus. Novit. 1297: 10; TL: Trail Creek, Sawtooth Mts., ID, 7400ft
S. h. hutchinsi dos Passos & Grey, 1947 Montana
- Speyeria atlantis hutchinsi dos Passos & Grey, 1947; Amer. Mus. Novit. 1370: 20; TL: Twp 2N Range 1W, Jefferson Co., Montana
- Speyeria atlantis beani tr.f. hutchinsi Gunder, 1932; Can. Ent. 64 (12): 280; TL: Twp 2N Range 1W, Jefferson Co., Montana
S. h. dorothea Moeck, 1947 New Mexico
- Speyeria atlantis dorothea Moeck, 1947; Ent. News 58 (3): 73; TL: Sandia Peak, Sandia Mtns, New Mexico
Larva on
Viola sororia affinis Dunford, 2009, Insecta Mundi 90: 43
S. h. schellbachi Garth, 1949 Arizona, ...
- Speyeria atlantis schellbachi Garth, 1949; Bull. South. Calif. Acad. Sci. 48 (1). 1-2: 1; TL: Neal Springs, North Rim, Grand Canyon National Park, Coconino Co., Arizona
S. h. greyi Moeck, 1950 Nevada
- Speyeria atlantis greyi Moeck, 1950; Ent. News 61 (3): 61; TL: Lamoille Canyon, Ruby Mtns, Elko Co., Nevada
S. h. helena dos Passos & Grey, 1957 Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba
- Argynnis lais Edwards, 1883; Can. Ent. 15 (11): 209 (preocc. Argynnis lais Scudder, 1875); TL: "Red Deer River"
- Argynnis lais tr.f. dennisi Gunder, 1927; Can. Ent. 59 (12): 287; TL: Beulah, Manitoba
- Speyeria atlantis dennisi dos Passos & Grey, 1945; Amer. Mus. Novit. 1297: 20; TL: Beulah, Manitoba
- Speyeria (Speyeria) atlantis helena dos Passos & Grey, 1957; J. N.Y. Ent. Soc. 63: 95 (repl. Argynnis lais Edwards, 1883)
S. h. ratonensis Scott, 1981 New Mexico
- Speyeria atlantis ratonensis Scott, 1981; Papilio (n.s.) 1: 1; TL: Raton Mesa, Colfax Co., New Mexico
S. h. elko Austin, 1983 Nevada (Elko Co.)
- Speyeria atlantis elko Austin, 1983; J. Lep. Soc. 37 (3): 244, f. 1-2; TL: Nevada, Elko Co., Owybee River Valley, Wild Horse Creek Camping, ca. 10mi S of Mountain City
S. h. capitatensis Holland, 1988 New Mexico
- Speyeria atlantis capitanensis Holland, 1988; Bull. Allyn Mus. 115: 2; TL: Padilla Point, crest of Capitan Ridge, Capitan Mts, Lincoln Co., NM
S. h. hanseni Emmel, Emmel & Mattoon, 1998 California
- Speyeria atlantis hanseni Emmel, Emmel & Mattoon, 1998; Syst. W. N.Am. Butts. (12): 152; TL: California, Tehama Co., Anthony Peak on Covelo Rd
S. h. brico Kondla, Scott & Spomer, 1998 British Columbia
- Speyeria hesperis brico Kondla, Scott & Spomer, 1998; Papilio (N.S) 8: 14; TL: Castle Creek FS Rd Km 23.5, Cariboo Mts, British Columbia
Speyeria hydaspe (Boisduval, 1869)
W.USA. See [maps]
Hydaspe Fritillary
- Speyeria hydaspe; [NACL], #4460; [EBW]; [NHM card]; [Opler]; Pelham, 2008, J. Res. Lepid. 40: 322; Dunford, 2009, Insecta Mundi 90: 44; de Moya, Savage, Tenney, Bao, Wahlberg & Hill, 2017, Syst. Ent. 42 (4): 643
800x828 (~114Kb) underside USA: Taneum Creek, Wenatchee National Forest, (47°06'24N 120°54'44W), Kittitas Co., WA, 29.7.1999, Photo © Markku Savela
identification uncertain 800x758 (~67Kb) upperside USA: FR9705, Table Mtn, Kittitas Co., WA, 30.7.1999, Photo © Markku Savela
500x673 (~59Kb) male USA: End of FR 6520 /Johnson Ridge, Mt. Baker Snoqualmie Nat. Forest (47°47'48N 121°15'45W), Snohomish Co., WA, 7.8.2001, Photo © Markku Savela
500x582 (~46Kb) underside USA: End of FR 6520 /Johnson Ridge, Mt. Baker Snoqualmie Nat. Forest (47°47'48N 121°15'45W), Snohomish Co., WA, 7.8.2001, Photo © Markku Savela
Larva on
Viola adunca,
V. glabella,
V. nuttallii,
V. orbiculata,
V. purpurea,
V. sheltonii Dunford, 2009, Insecta Mundi 90: 45
S. h. rhodope (Edwards, 1874) Vancouver, British Columbia
- Argynnis rhodope Edwards, 1874; Trans. amer. ent. Soc. 5 (1): 13; TL: Cariboo District, British Columbia
- Argynnis sakuntala Skinner, 1911; Ent. News 22 (3): 108; TL: Kaslo, B. C.
- Argynnis skinneri Holland, 1931; The Butterfly Book (1931 edn): 95, pl. 56, f. 4 (repl. Argynnis sakuntala Skinner, 1911); TL: Kaslo, B. C.
- Speyeria hydaspe conquista dos Passos & Grey, 1945; Amer. Mus. Novit. 1297: (1-17); TL: Little Tesuque Canyon, nr Sante Fe, New Mexico, 8000ft
S. h. viridicornis (Comstock, 1925) California
S. h. minor dos Passos & Grey, 1947 British Columbia
- Speyeria (Speyeria) hydaspe minor dos Passos & Grey, 1947; Amer. Mus. Novit. 1370: 21; TL: Mt. McLean, B. C.
- Argynnis rhodope tr.f. gregsoni Gunder, 1932; Can. Ent. 64 (12): 281; TL: Mt Washington, Forbidden Plateau, V.I., B.C
- Argynnis hydaspe rhodope f. alt. minor McDunnough, 1927; Can. ent. 59: 155; TL: Mt. McLean, B. C.
S. h. tehama Emmel, Emmel & Mattoon, 1998 California
- Speyeria hydaspe tehama Emmel, Emmel & Mattoon, 1998; Syst. W. N.Am. Butts. (12): 146; TL: California, Tehama Co., Covelo Rd, at Govenrment Flat, 5900'
S. h. davisi Emmel, Emmel & Mattoon, 1998 California
- Speyeria hydaspe davisi Emmel, Emmel & Mattoon, 1998; Syst. W. N.Am. Butts. (12): 147; TL: California, Humboldt Co., McClellan Mtn peat bog
Speyeria mormonia (Boisduval, 1869)
California, Nevada. See [maps]
Mormon Fritillary
- Speyeria mormonia; [NACL], #4461; [EBW]; [BOW]: pl. 16, f. 4; [NHM card]; [Opler]; Pelham, 2008, J. Res. Lepid. 40: 323; Dunford, 2009, Insecta Mundi 90: 45; de Moya, Savage, Tenney, Bao, Wahlberg & Hill, 2017, Syst. Ent. 42 (4): 643
1200x885 (~136Kb) upperside USA: Washington, Skagit Co., Sauk Mountain Trail Head & Trail, 15.8.2012, Photo © Markku Savela
Larva on
Viola nuttallii,
V. palustris,
V. adunca,
Viola adunca var. bellidifolia,
V. sororia Dunford, 2009, Insecta Mundi 90:# 46
S. m. mormonia Oregon?, California
S. m. bischoffii (Edwards, 1870) Alaska
S. m. eurynome (Edwards, 1872) Wyoming, Montana, Alberta, Pacific Coast, ...
- Argynnis eurynome Edwards, 1872; Trans. amer. ent. Soc. 4: 66
- Argynnis clio Edwards, 1874; Trans. amer. ent. Soc. 5 (2): 106
- Argynnis eurynome ab. eris Igel, 1922; (preocc. by Meigen, 1828)
- Argynnis mormonia tr.f. benjamini Gunder, 1927; Can. Ent. 59 (12): 287; TL: Arangie, Idaho
- Argynnis eurynome tr.f. brucei Gunder, 1927; Can. Ent. 59 (12): 287
- Argynnis eurynome r. clio f. gunderi Field, 1936; J. Ent. Zool. 28 (2): 23 (preocc. by Comstock, 1925); TL: Broadwater Co., Montana
- Speyeria mormonia eurynome ab. igeli dos Passos & Grey, 1947; Amer. Mus. Novit. 1370: 23 (repl. Argnynnis eurynome ab. eris Igel, 1922)
- Speyeria mormonia eurynome ab. fieldi dos Passos & Grey, 1947; Amer. Mus. Novit. 1370: 23 (repl. Argynnis eurynome clio trans.f. gunderi Field, 1936)
- eurynomes; Edwards, 1873, (missp.)
- Speyeria mormonia benjamini; [NHM card]
- Argynnis eurynome clio; Dyar, 1903, Bull. U.S. nat. Mus. 52: 15
- Argynnis eurynome; Dyar, 1903, Bull. U.S. nat. Mus. 52: 15
- Speyeria eurynome; [BOW]: pl. 15, f. 18
- Speyeria mormonia eurynome; [NACL], #4461h; [NHM card]; Pelham, 2008, J. Res. Lepid. 40: 324
S. m. opis (Edwards, 1874) British Columbia
- Argynnis opis Edwards, 1874; ; TL: Bald Mt., Cariboo Dist., British Columbia
- Argynnis bischoffi opis f. jesmondensis McDunnough, 1940; Can. ent. 72 (2): 25; TL: Jesmond, B. C.
- Speyeria mormonia jesmondensis dos Passos & Grey, 1947; Amer. Mus. Novit. 1370: 22; TL: Jesmond, B. C.
S. m. artonis (Edwards, 1881) Nevada, ...
S. m. erinna (Edwards, 1883) Washington, Oregon
Larva on
Viola palustris,
Viola adunca var. bellidifolia Hammond & Dornfeld, 1983, J. Lep. Soc. 37 (2): 120
S. m. washingtonia (Barnes & McDunnough, 1913) Washington
- Argynnis bischoffi[sic] washingtonia Barnes & McDunnough, 1913; Contr. nat. Hist. Lep. N. Am. 2 (3): 95, pl. 1, f. 5; TL: Mt Ra[i]nier, 7000ft, [Pierce Co.], Wash[ington]
- Argynnis eurynome washingtonia f. ranierensis Gunder, 1932; Can. Ent. 64 (12): 282; TL: Paradise Valley, Mount Ra[i]nier, Pierce Co., Washington
S. m. luski (Barnes & McDunnough, 1913) Arizona
S. m. obsidiana Emmel, Emmel & Mattoon, 1998 California
- Speyeria mormonia obsidiana Emmel, Emmel & Mattoon, 1998; Syst. W. N.Am. Butts. (12): 145; TL: California, Mono Co., Sawmill Meadow, 9200', Glass Mtn
If you have corrections, comments or
information to add into these pages, just send mail to
Markku Savela
Keep in mind that the taxonomic information is copied from various sources, and may include many inaccuracies. Expert help is welcome.