Ithomia agnosia Hewitson, 1855
Peru. See [maps]
I. a. agnosia Venezuela, Colombia
I. a. pellucida Weymer, 1875 Trinidad
- Ithomia pellucida;
- Ithomia agnosia pellucida; [NL4A], #133b
I. a. pseudoagalla (Rebel, 1902) Ecuador
I. a. zikani d'Almeida, 1940 Brazil(Minas Gerais)
- agnosia zikani d'Almeida, 1940; Revta Ent. R. de J. 11: 762; TL: Brazil, Minas Gerais
- Ithomia agnosia zikani; [NL4A], #133d
ssp. Peru
- Ithomia agnosia ssp.; Lamas, MS, [NL4A], #133e
Ithomia amarilla Haensch, 1903
Ecuador. See [maps]
Ithomia arduinna d'Almeida, 1952
-. See [maps]
- Ithomia arduinna; [NL4A], #135
I. a. arduinna Bolivia
- Ithomia arduinna arduinna; [NL4A], #135a
ssp. Peru
- Ithomia arduinna ssp.; Lamas, MS, [NL4A], #135b
ssp. Peru
- Ithomia arduinna ssp.; Lamas, MS, [NL4A], #135c
Ithomia avella Hewitson, 1854
NW.Venezuela, .... See [maps]
I. a. avella Colombia
- Ithomia avella avella; [NL4A], #136a
I. a. cesleria Hewitson, 1855 Colombia
- Ithomia avella cesleria; [NL4A], #136b
I. a. epona (Hewitson, 1869) Ecuador
- Ithomia epona; Hewitson, 1871, Ill. exot. Butts [2] (Ithomia XXVIII-XXIX): [29], pl. [15], f. 179; [BOW]: pl. 46, f. 39
- Ithomia avella epona; [EcuL]; Lamas, 1999, Butterflies of the world, 3: pl. 10, f. 3; [NL4A], #136d
I. a. deliciae Fox, 1941 Colombia
- Ithomia avella deliciae; [NL4A], #136c
I. a. katherineae Fox, 1941 Colombia
- Ithomia avella katherineae; [NL4A], #136e
I. a. salazari Vitale & Bollino, 2000 Ecuador
- avella salazari Vitale & Bollino, 2000; ; TL: Ecuador
- Ithomia avella salazari; [NL4A], #136g
I. a. miraculosa Lamas, 2003 Colombia
- Ithomia avella miraculosa; [NL4A], #136f
Ithomia celemia Hewitson, 1854
Costa Rica - Venezuela. See [maps]
Larva on
Cuatresia riparia Drummond & Brown, 1987, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 74
Ithomia cleora Hewitson, 1855
Ecuador. See [maps]
Ithomia diasia Hewitson, 1854
-. See [maps]
Larva on
Lycianthes heterclita DeVries, 1985, J. Res. Lepid. 24 (4),
Witheringia solanacea Drummond & Brown, 1987, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 74,
Witheringia asterotricha Srygley, 2001, J. Lep. Soc. 54 (4): 145
Ithomia drymo Hübner, 1816
Colombia. See [maps]
- Ithomia drymo Hübner, 1816; Verz. bek. Schmett. (1): 9 (repl. Papilio diaphana Stoll, [1780]); TL: "Virginia"
- Papilio diaphana Stoll, [1780]; in Cramer, Uitl. Kapellen 4 (26b-28): 53, pl. 315, f. D, E (preocc. Papilio diaphanus Drury, [1773])
- ?Papilio diaphana Cramer, [1779]; Uitl. Kapellen 3 (17-21): 66, pl. 231, f. C (preocc. Papilio diaphanus Drury, [1773])
- Ithomia phono Geyer, 1837; in Hübner, Zuträge. Samml. exot. Schmett. 5: 44, f. 987-988; TL: "Florida"
- Ithomia phono; Hewitson, 1855, Ill. exot. Butts [1] (Ithomia VI-XIII): [118], pl. [60], f. 79-80
- Ithomia drymo; Hübner, 1816, Verz. bek. Schmett. (1): 9; Brown & Mielke, 1967, J. Lep. Soc. 21 (2) (2): 94; [BOW]: pl. 46, f. 34 (text only); [EBW]; [NL4A], #140
Ithomia eleonora Haensch, 1905
Bolivia. See [maps]
- Ithomia eleonora Haensch, 1905; Berl. ent. Z. 50 (1/2): 164; TL: Bolivia
- Ithomia ellara ab. beatea Haensch, 1905; ; TL: Bolivia
- Ithomia eleonora; [NL4A], #141
Ithomia ellara Hewitson, 1874
Peru, Bolivia. See [maps]
Ithomia heraldica Bates, 1866
Nicaragua - Panama. See [maps]
- Ithomia heraldica; Godman & Salvin, [1879], Biol. centr.-amer., Lep. Rhop. 1: 49, 3 pl. 5, f. 4; Godman & Salvin, [1901], Biol. centr.-amer., Lep. Rhop. 2: 647; [BCR], 224; [NL4A], #143
Larva on
Witheringia riparia,
Acnistus arborescens [BCR]
I. h. heraldica Costa Rica
- Ithomia heraldica heraldica; [NL4A], #143a
ssp. Panama
- Ithomia heraldica ssp.; Lamas, MS, [NL4A], #143b
Ithomia hyala Hewitson, 1856
-. See [maps]
- Ithomia hyala Hewitson, 1856; Ill. exot. Butts [2] (Ithomia XV-XIX): [3], pl. [2], f. 87-88; TL: Ecuador, Guayaquil
I. h. sincerus Bargmann, 1929 Colombia
- hyala sincerus Bargmann, 1929; Ent. Anz. 9: 32; TL: [W. Colombia]
ssp. Panama
- Ithomia hyala ssp.; Lamas, MS, [NL4A], #144c
Ithomia iphianassa Doubleday, 1847
Nicaragua - Venezuela - NW.Peru, Trinidad. See [maps]
- Ithomia iphianassa; Hewitson, 1856, Ill. exot. Butts [2] (Ithomia XV-XIX): [4], pl. [2], f. 91-93; [EBW]; Lamas, 1999, Butterflies of the world, 3: 5, pl. 10, f. 2; [NL4A], #145
Larva on
Cuatresia riparia,
C. morii,
Acnistus arborescens Drummond & Brown, 1987, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 74
I. i. iphianassa Venezuela
- iphianassa (Doubleday, [1845]) (Ceratinia); (nom. nud.)
- = Ithomia iphianassa iphianassa ; [NL4A], #145a
- Dynothea lycaste var. pumensis Reakirt, [1866]; Proc. Ent. Soc. Philad. 5 (2): 220; TL: Venezuela
- = Ithomia iphianassa iphianassa ; [NL4A], #145a
- Ithomia iphianassa iphianassa; [NL4A], #145a
I. i. panamensis Bates, 1863 Panama
I. i. anaphissa Herrich-Schäffer, 1865 Colombia
I. i. phanessa Herrich-Schäffer, 1865 Ecuador, Colombia
I. i. alienassa Haensch, 1905 Colombia
- Ithomia iphianassa alienassa; [NL4A], #145b
I. i. ethilla Neustetter, 1929 W.Colombia
- Ithomia iphianassa ethilla; [NL4A], #145d
ssp. Ecuador
- Ithomia iphianassa ssp.; Lamas, MS, [NL4A], #145g
Ithomia jucunda Godman & Salvin, 1878
Panama. See [maps]
I. j. jucunda Panama
- Ithomia jucunda jucunda; [NL4A], #146a
I. j. centromaculata Weymer, 1899 Colombia
- Ithomia jucunda centromaculata; [NL4A], #146c
I. j. bolivari Schaus, 1913 Costa Rica, Panama
- Ithomia bolivari; [BCR], 224
- Ithomia jucunda bolivari; [NL4A], #146b
I. j. lamasi Vitale & Bollino, 2000 Ecuador
- jucunda lamasi Vitale & Bollino, 2000; ; TL: Ecuador
- Ithomia jucunda lamasi; [NL4A], #146d
ssp. Colombia
- Ithomia jucunda ssp.; Lamas, MS, [NL4A], #146e
Ithomia lagusa Hewitson, 1856
Colombia - Peru. See [maps]
I. l. lagusa Colombia
- Ithomia lagusa lagusa; [NL4A], #147a
I. l. adelinda (Hewitson, 1868) Ecuador
- Ithomia theuda nigrimargo; [EcuL]
- Hyalyris ocna adelinda; [EcuL]
- Ithomia lagusa adelinda; [NL4A], #147b
I. l. peruana Salvin, 1869 Peru
I. l. linda Hewitson, 1872 Ecuador
I. l. hymettia (Staudinger, 1885) Colombia
- Ithomia lagusa hymettia; [NL4A], #147c
I. l. racheli Vitale & Bollino, 2000 Ecuador
- lagusa racheli Vitale & Bollino, 2000; ; TL: Ecuador
- Ithomia lagusa racheli; [NL4A], #147f
I. l. theuda Hewitson, 1872 Colombia, Ecuador
ssp. Colombia
- Ithomia lagusa ssp.; Lamas, MS, [NL4A], #147h
ssp. Colombia
- Ithomia lagusa ssp.; Lamas, MS, [NL4A], #147i
ssp. Colombia
- Ithomia lagusa ssp.; Lamas, MS, [NL4A], #147j
ssp. Colombia
- Ithomia lagusa ssp.; Lamas, MS, [NL4A], #147k
Ithomia leila Hewitson, 1852
Mexico, Guatemala. See [maps]
Ithomia lichyi d'Almeida, 1939
E.Peru - E.Brazil. See [maps]
- Ithomia lichyi d'Almeida, 1939; Lambillionea 39: 79; TL: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro
I. l. lichyi Brazil(Rio de Janeiro)
I. l. neivai d'Almeida, 1940 Brazil(Acre)
- lichyi neivai d'Almeida, 1940; Revta Ent. R. de J. 11: 762; TL: Brazil, Acre
- Ithomia lichyi neivai; [NL4A], #149c
I. l. dalmeidai Fox, 1941 Peru
- Ithomia lichyi dalmeidai; [NL4A], #149b
- Ithomia lichyi ssp.; Lamas, MS, [NL4A], #149d (Brazil)
Ithomia patilla Hewitson, 1852
Mexico, Guatemala, Panama. See [maps]
- Ithomia patilla psyche; Lamas, 1999, Butterflies of the world, 3: pl. 16, f. 10
- Ithomia patilla; Godman & Salvin, [1879], Biol. centr.-amer., Lep. Rhop. 1: 50; Godman & Salvin, [1901], Biol. centr.-amer., Lep. Rhop. 2: 648; [BOW]: pl. 46, f. 42; [BCR], 224; Lamas, 1999, Butterflies of the world, 3: 5, pl. 16, f. 10; [NL4A], #150
Larva on
Witheringia ,
Lycianthes [BCR],
Witheringia solanacea,
Lycianthes multiflora Drummond & Brown, 1987, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 74:
Ithomia praeithomia Vitale & Bollino, 2003
-. See [maps]
- Ithomia praeithomia Vitale & Bollino, 2003; ; TL: Peru
- Ithomia praeithomia; [NL4A], #151
I. p. praeithomia Peru
- Ithomia praeithomia praeithomia; [NL4A], #151a
ssp. Peru
- Ithomia praeithomia ssp.; Lamas, MS, [NL4A], #151b
Ithomia salapia Hewitson, 1853
Ecuador. See [maps]
I. s. ardea Hewitson, 1855 Bolivia, Brazil(Acre)
- Ithomia ardea Hewitson, 1855; Ill. exot. Butts [1] (Ithomia VI-XIII): [118], pl. [60], f. 78; TL: Bolivia
- oiticicai d'Almeida, 1940; Revta Ent. R. de J. 11: 764; TL: Brazil, Acre
- = Ithomia salapia ardea ; [NL4A], #152c
I. s. derasa Hewitson, 1855 Ecuador
- Ithomia derasa Hewitson, 1855; Ill. exot. Butts [1] (Ithomia VI-XIII): [113], pl. [58], f. 61; TL: "Nicaragua" [= Ecuador]
- Ithomia soligena Weymer, 1883; Stettin ent. Ztg 45 (1-3): 16, pl. 2, f. 7; TL: Ecuador
- = Ithomia salapia derasa ; [NL4A], #152d
- Ithomia mellilla Weymer, 1883; Stettin ent. Ztg 45 (1-3): 17; TL: Ecuador
- = Ithomia salapia derasa ; [NL4A], #152d
- Ithomia derasa ab. travella Haensch, 1903; Berl. ent. Zs. 48: 184; TL: Ecuador
- = Ithomia salapia derasa ; [NL4A], #152d
I. s. aquinia Hopffer, 1874 Peru
- Ithomia aquinea[sic]; [BOW]: pl. 46, f. 36 (text only) [spell.?]
- Ithomia salapia aquinia; [NL4A], #152b
I. s. diaphana Bryk, 1937 Peru
- salapia diaphana Bryk, 1937; ; TL: Peru
- Ithomia derasa f. diaphana Tessmann, 1928; Mitt. zool. Mus. Berl. 14: 120; TL: Peru
- = Ithomia salapia diaphana ; [NL4A], #152e
- Ithomia salapia diaphana; [NL4A], #152e
Ithomia terra Hewitson, 1853
Costa Rica - Bolivia, Peru. See [maps]
- Ithomia terra; Godman & Salvin, [1879], Biol. centr.-amer., Lep. Rhop. 1: 52; Lamas, 1999, Butterflies of the world, 3: 5, pl. 9, f. 13, pl. 16, f. 11; [NL4A], #153
I. t. oenanthe (Weymer, 1899) Colombia
- Ithomia oenonthe; Weymer, 1899, (missp.)
- Ithomia oenanthe; [BOW]: pl. 46, f. 41
- Ithomia theuda oenanthe; Lamas, 1999, Butterflies of the world, 3: pl. 9, f. 12
- Ithomia terra oenanthe; [NL4A], #153c
I. t. terrana Haensch, 1903 Ecuador
I. t. vulcana Haensch, 1909 Costa Rica, Panama
I. t. jasinskii Vitale & Bollino, 2000 Ecuador
- terra jasinskii Vitale & Bollino, 2000; ; TL: Ecuador
- Ithomia terra jasinskii; [NL4A], #153b
ssp. Colombia
- Ithomia terra ssp.; Lamas, MS, [NL4A], #153f
ssp. Peru
- Ithomia terra ssp.; Lamas, MS, [NL4A], #153g
Ithomia xenos (Bates, 1866)
-. See [maps]
- Ithomia xenos; Godman & Salvin, [1879], Biol. centr.-amer., Lep. Rhop. 1: 50, 3 pl. 5, f. 8; [BCR], 225; Lamas, 1999, Butterflies of the world, 3: 5, pl. 10, f. 4; [NL4A], #154
Larva on
Witheringia ,
Acnistus [BCR],
Witheringia cuneata,
Acnistus abrobrescens,
Cuatresia riparia Drummond & Brown, 1987, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 74
I. x. xenos Panama, Costa Rica
ssp. Panama
- Ithomia xenos ssp.; Lamas, MS, [NL4A], #154b
If you have corrections, comments or
information to add into these pages, just send mail to
Markku Savela
Keep in mind that the taxonomic information is copied from various sources, and may include many inaccuracies. Expert help is welcome.