[maps] Warning! The maps are automatically generated from the textual information, and the process does not always produce acceptable result; See about maps for more info.
[²] This may require parentheses or not. I don't have the necessary information for this taxon.
Some related literature:
Butler, 1879
The butterflies of Malacca
Trans. linn. Soc. Lond. (2) 1 (8)
: 533-568, pl. 68-69
[BMP]; Corbet & Pendlebury, 1992
The butterflies of the Malay Peninsula. Fourth Edition revised by J. N. Eliot with plates by Bernard D'Abrera
Butterflies Malay Peninsula (4th edn)
: 1-595, pl. 1-69
Druce, 1873
A list of the Collections of diurnal Lepidoptera made by Mr. Lowe in Borneo, with Descriptions of new Species
Proc. zool. Soc. Lond. 1873 (2)
: 337-361, pl. 32-33
Druce, 1895
A Monograph of the Bornean Lycaenidae
Proc. zool. Soc. Lond. 1895 (3)
: 556-627, pl. 31-34
Eliot, 1967
Revisional Notes on oriental Butterflies, with special Reference to Malaya. (Pt 1-4)
Entomologist 100
(1244): 3-7 (2fgs),
(1246): 66-72 (5fgs),
(1248): 137-141,
(1249): 146-156 (23fgs)
Eliot, 1973
The higher classification of the Lycaenidae (Lepidoptera): a tentative Arrangement
Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.) 28 (6)
: 373-505 (162fgs), pl. 1-6
Elwes, [1893]
On Butterflies collected by Mr. W. Doherty in the Naga and Karen Hills and in Perak. (1) and (2)
Proc. zool. Soc. Lond.1891 (2): 249-289, pl. 27,
1892 (4): 617-664, pl. 43-44
Fruhstorfer, 1899
Eine neue Lycaenide aus Nias
Berl. ent. Zs. 44 (1/2)
: 157 (mid July)
Fruhstorfer, 1912
Uebersicht der Lycaeniden des Indo-Australischen Gebiets. Begründet auf die Ausbeute und die Sammlung des Autors
Berl. ent. Zs. 56 (3/4)
: 197-272, f. 1-4 (early April)
Fruhstorfer, 1915
Das männliche Copulationsorgan als Hilfsmittel zum Artnachweis in der Gattung Catapoecilma Butl. (Lep., Lyc.)
Zs. wiss. Insektenbiol. 11 (7/8)
: 220-222, f. 1-2 (5 September)
Hayashi, 1979
New Lycaenid Butterflies from Mindanao, the Philippines
Tyô to Ga 30 (1,2)
: 83-90
[BOW]; Lewis, 1974
Butterflies of the World
Moore, [1881]
The Lepidoptera of Ceylon
Lepid. Ceylon 1
(1): 1-40, pl. 1-18 (Dec 1880),
(2): 41-80, pl. 19-36 (Jan 1881),
(3): 81-136, pl. 37-54 (Jun 1881),
(4): 137-190, pl. 55-71 (Dec 1881)
Pendlebury, 1933
Notes and new Records of Butterflies from the Malay Peninsula
J. Fed. Malay St. Mus. 17 (2)
: 377-401
Scudder, 1882
Universal index to genera in Zoology. Complete List of generic names employed in zoology and paleontology to the close of the year 1879, as contained in the nomenclators of Agassiz, Marschall, and Scudder, and in the zoological record
Bull. U.S. nat. Mus. 19 (2)
: 1-340
Semper, 1890
Die Schmetterlinge der Philippinischen Inseln. Reisen im Archipel der Philippinen
Reisen Philipp.
(1): 1-46, pl. 1-8, A (1886),
(2): 47-86, pl. 9-16 (1887),
(3): 87-134, pl. 17-24 (1888),
(4): 135-174, pl. 25-32 (1889),
(5): 175-238, pl. 33-38, B (1890),
(6): 239-270, pl. 39-46 (1891),
(7): 271-380, pl. 47-49 [iv] (1892),
: 381-728
[EBW]; Smart, 1976
The Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Butterfly World
Illust. Encyp. Butt. World: -
Wileman, 1908
New and unrecorded species of Rhopalocera from Formosa
Annot. zool. japon. 6 (5)
: 307-335
[BIR]; Wynter-Blyth, 1957
Butterflies of the Indian Region (1982 Reprint)
If you have corrections, comments or
information to add into these pages, just send mail to
Markku Savela
Keep in mind that the taxonomic information is copied from various sources, and may include many inaccuracies. Expert help is welcome.