[AfrL] Mark C. Williams
Checklist of Afrotropical Papilionoidea and Hesperoidea; Compiled by Mark C. Williams, 7th ed. (2008) (April 2007); Afrototropical Butterflies; e-mail:Mark C. Williams
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Some related literature:
Aurivillius, 1899
Rhopalocera Aethiopica. Die tagfalter des Aethiopischen Faunegebietes
K. svenska VetenskAkad. Handl. 31 (5)
: 1-561, pl. 1-6
Bethune-Baker, 1903
On new Species of Lycaenidae from West Africa
Ann. nat. hist. (7) 12
: 324-334
Bethune-Baker, 1906
Descriptions of African Lepidoptera
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7) 18 (107)
: 339-346
Bethune-Baker, 1915
Descriptions of new Species of Lepidoptera from Africa and the East
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (8) 16 (93)
: 186-203
Bethune-Baker, 1926
Descriptions of new species of Rhopalocera from the Ethiopian Region
Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (9) 17
: 384-402
Carpenter, 1934
New and rare African Butterflies
Proc. R. ent. Soc. Lond. 9: 12-14, 64
Cator, 1904
On new Species of Lycaenidae from Sierra Leone
Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (7) 13 (73)
: 73-76
Collins & Larsen in Collins, Larsen & Warren-Gash, 2003; Warren-Gash & Larsen in Collins, Larsen & Warren-Gash, 2003
Notes on Afrotropical butterflies with the description of eleven new species and four new subspecies (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera) - ABRI Research Paper No. 3
Metamorphosis 14 (3)
: 63-110
Dewitz, 1884
Drei neue westafrikanische Tagschmetterlinge
Berl. ent. Z. 28 (1)
: 187-188
Westwood, [1851]
The genera of diurnal Lepidoptera, comprising their generic characters, a notice of their habitats and transformations, and a catalogue of the species of each genus; illustrated with 86 plates by W. C. Hewitson
Gen. diurn. Lep.
(1): 1-18, pl. A, 1-4 (1-2) (1846),
(1): 19-132, pl. 4*, 18*, 5-25, 28 (3-14) (1847),
(1): 133-200, pl. 1*, 26, 27, 29 (15-23) (1848),
(1): pl. 31-44 (15-23) (1848),
(1): 201-242, pl. 30, 45-52, 56-58, 60-62, 64 (24-31) (1849),
(1): 243-250 [?],
(2): 243-326, pl. 53-55, 63, 65, 66 (32-38) (1850),
(2): 327-466, pl. 59, 67-77 (39-50) (1851),
(2): 467-534, 143, 144, pl. 78-80 (Index) (51-54) (1852)
Druce, 1888
Descriptions of several new species of Lycaenidae from W. Africa
Ent. mon. Mag. 25
: 108-109
Druce, 1905
Descriptions of some new species of Diurnal Lepidoptera, collected by Mr. Harold Cookson, in Northern Rhodesia, in 1903 and 1904
Trans. ent. Soc. Lond. 1905 (2)
: 251-262, pl. 13
Druce, 1910
Descriptions of new Lycaenidae and Hesperiidae from Tropical West Africa
Proc. zool. Soc. Lond. 1910 (1)
: 356-378, pl. 33-35
Dufrane, 1945
Lepidopteres du Kivu (3e note)
Bull. Ann. Soc. ent. Belg. 81
: 90-143
Dufrane, 1953
Lépidoptères du Kivu (5e note)
Bull. Ann. Soc. ent. Belg. 89
: 41-57
Eliot, 1973
The higher classification of the Lycaenidae (Lepidoptera): a tentative Arrangement
Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.) 28 (6)
: 373-505 (162fgs), pl. 1-6
Clench in Fox, Lindsey, Clench & Miller, 1965
The Butterflies of Liberia
Mem. Amer. Ent. Soc. 19
: 1-438
Grose-Smith & Kirby, 1887; Grose-Smith & Kirby, 1890; Grose-Smith & Kirby, 1891; Grose-Smith & Kirby, 1892; Grose-Smith & Kirby, 1894; Grose-Smith in Grose-Smith & Kirby, 1901
Rhopalocera Exotica, being Illustrations of New, Rare, and Unfigured Species of Butterflies
Rhop. Exot.
[1] 1: (Ornithoptera) 1-2, pl. 1 (1887),
[1] 2: (Ornithoptera) 3-4, pl. 2 (1892),
[1] 3: (Ornithoptera) [5-6] 1-2, pl. 3 (1900),
[1] 3: (Ornithoptera) 7-8, pl. 4 (1901),
[1] 1: (Papilio) 1-2, pl. 1 (1887),
[1] 1: (Papilio) 3-5,7-14, pl. 2-6 (1888),
[1] 1: (Papilio) 15-20, pl. 7-9 (1890),
[1] 1: (Papilio) 21-25, pl. 10-11 (1891),
[1] 2: (Papilio) 27-31, pl. 12-13 (1893),
[1] 2: (Papilio) 33-35, pl. 14 (1894),
[1] 2: (Papilio) 37-38, pl. 15 (1895),
[1] 2: (Papilio) 39-40, pl. 16 (1897),
[1] 3: (Papilio) 41-46, pl. 17-19 (1899),
[1] 3: (Papilio) 47-48, pl. 20 (1900),
[1] 3: (Papilio) 49-50, pl. 21 (1901),
[1] 3: (Papilio) 51-55, pl. 22-23 (1902),
[1] 1: (Delias) 1-3, pl. 1 (1889),
[1] 2: (Delias) 5-7, 9-11, pl. 2-3 (1893),
[1] 2: (Delias) 12-18, pl. 4-5 (1895),
[1] 2: (Delias) 20-22, pl. 6 (1896),
[1] 3: (Delias) 24-26, pl. 7 (1897),
[1] 3: (Delias) 28-35, pl. 8-9 (1901),
[1] 3: (Delias) 36-38, pl. 10 (1902),
[1] 1: (Pieridae) 1-3, pl. 1 (1888),
[1] 2: (Pinacopteryx) 1-4, pl. 1 (1893),
[1] 1: (Callosune) 1-3, pl. 1 (1889),
[1] 3: (Huphina) 1-7, pl. 1-2 (1898),
[1] 3: (Huphina) [8],9-10, pl. 3 (1899),
[1] 1: (Elodina) 1-4, pl. 1 (1890),
[1] 1: (Belenois) 1-4, pl. 1 (1892),
[1] 2: (Belenois) 5-8, pl. 2 (1892),
[1] 3: (Mylothris) 1-3, 5-7, pl. 1-2 (1900),
[1] 1: (Ixias) 1-3, pl. 1 (1888),
[1] 2: (Appias) 1-3, pl. 1 (1894),
[1] 1: (Pierinae) 5-7, pl. 2 (1889),
[1] 2: (Dismorphia) 1-4, pl. 1 (1896),
[1] 2: (Dismorphia) 5-9, 11-15, pl. 2-3 (1897),
[2] 1: (Asthipa) 1-3, pl. 1 (1890),
[2] 2: (Asthipa) 5-6, pl. 2 (1896),
[2] 2: (Ravadeba) 7, pl. 1 (1896),
[2] 2: (Mycalesis) 1-4, pl. 1 (1895),
[2] 2: (Mycalesis) 5-12, pl. 2-3 (1896),
[2] 3: (Mycalesis) 13-18, pl. 4-5 (1902),
[2] 3: (Libythea) 1-2, pl. 1 (1902),
: (Ragadia-Argyronympha-Hypocysta) : 1-6, pl. [1] (1895),
[2] 2: (Pedaliodes) 1-5, pl. 1 (1893),
[2] 2: (Pedaliodes) 7-9, pl. 2 (1894),
[2] 2: (Pedaliodes) 10-14, pl. 3 (1895),
[2] 3: (Pedaliodes) 15-20, pl. 4-5, (Oxeoschistus) 1 (1900),
[2] 3: (Pronophila) 1-2, pl. 1, (Oxeoschistus) 2-3, pl. 1 (1900),
[2] 2: (Elymnias) 1-4, pl. 1 (1896),
[2] 3: (Elymnias) 5-6, pl. 2, (Bruasa) 6-7, pl. 1 (1897),
[2] 1: (Morpho) 1-2, pl. 1 (1890),
[2] 3: (Morphotenaris-Hyantis) 1-3, pl. [1] (1898),
[2] 2: (Tenaris) 1-3, 5-7, pl. 1-2 (1894),
[2] 2: (Tenaris) 9-11, pl. 3 (1895),
[2] 2: (Tenaris) 13-15, pl. 4 (1896),
[2] 3: (Tenaris) 17-18, pl. 5 (1898),
[2] 1: (Heliconius) 1-3, pl. 1 (1892),
[2] 1: (Acraea) 1-6, pl. 1-2 (1889),
[2] 1: (Acraea) 7-10, pl. 3 (1892),
[2] 2: (Acraea) 11-14, pl. 4 (1892),
[2] 2: (Acraea) 15-18, pl. 5 (1894),
[2] 3: (Acraea) 19-29, pl. 6-8, (Planema) 29-30, pl. [1] (1901),
[2] 1: (Cethosia) 1-2, pl. 1 (1889),
[2] 3: (Cirrhochroa) 1, pl. [1], (Cupha) 2-4, pl. [1] (1898),
[2] 2: (Terinos) 1-2, pl. 1 (1894),
[2] 1: (Thaleropis) 1-3, pl. 1 (1891),
[2] 2: (Doleschallia) 1-3,5-7, pl. 1-2 (1893),
[2] 2: (Kallima) 1-3, pl. 1 (1892),
[2] 1: (Hypolimnas) 1-2, pl. 1 (1891),
[2] 3: (Hypolimnas) 3-4, pl. 2 (1897),
[2] 3: (Hypolimnas) 5-6, pl. 3 (1898),
[2] 1: (Euxanthe) 1-3, pl. 1 (1890),
[2] 1: (Hestina) 1-3, pl. 1 (1891),
[2] 1: (Cymothoe) 1-4, pl. 1 (1890),
[2] 3: (Limenitis) 1-3, pl. 1 (1899),
[2] 2: (Neptis) 1-4, pl. 1 (1895),
[2] 3: (Neptis) 5-11, pl. 2-3 (1899),
[2] 3: (Neptis) 13-17, pl. 4-5 (1900),
[2] 1: (Euthalia-Tanaecia) 1-3, pl. 1 (1889),
[2] 1: (Euthalia) 5-10, pl. 2-3 (1891),
[2] 2: (Euthalia) 11-14, pl. 4 (1894),
[2] 3: (Euthalia) 15, pl. 5, (Dichorragia) 16, pl. 1 (1898),
[2] 1: (Apatura) 1-3, pl. 1 (1892),
[2] 1: (Euphaedra) 1-2, pl. 1 (1889),
[2] 1: (Euryphene) 1-3, pl. 1 (1889),
[2] 1: (Charaxes) 1-2,[3-4] pl. 1-2 (1887),
[2] 1: (Charaxes) [5], pl. 3 (1888),
[2] 1: (Charaxes) 7-9, pl. 4 (1890),
[2] 1: (Charaxes) 11-13, pl. 5 (1891),
[2] 1: (Mynes) 1-2, pl. 1 (1888),
[2] 2: (Mynes) 3-6, pl. 2 (1894),
[2] 2: (Prothoe) 1-2, pl. 1 (1896),
[3] 3: (Erycinidae) 1-10, pl. 1-2 (1902),
[3] 2: (Dicallaneura-etc) 1-6, pl. 1 (1897),
[3] 3: (Dicallaneura-etc) 7-11, pl. 2 (1901),
[3] 1: (Lycaenidae) 1-4,[5-9] 1-5, pl. 1-2 (1887),
[3] 1: (Lycaenidae) 11-17, 19-22, pl. 3-5 (1888),
[3] 1: (Lycaenidae) 23-25, 27-29, 31-33, pl. 6-8 (1889),
[3] 1: (Lycaenidae) 35-48, pl. 9-11 (1890),
[3] 1: (Lycaenidae) 49-51,53-64, pl. 12-15 (1891),
[3] 2: (Lycaenidae) 65-68, pl. 16 (1892),
[3] 1: (Lycaenidae) [69-72] 57-60, pl. 17 (1892),
[3] 2: (Lycaenidae) [73-77] 61-65,79-84, pl. 18-19 (1892),
[3] 2: (Lycaenidae) 85-107, pl. 20-23 (1893),
[3] 2: (Lycaenidae) 109-120, pl. 24-25 (1894),
[3] 3: (Lycaenidae) 121-125, pl. 26 (1900),
[3] 3: (Lycaenidae) 127-131, 133-141, pl. 27-29 (1901),
[3] 3: (Lycaenidae) 143-146, pl. 30 (1902),
[3] 2: (Hypochrysops) 1-6, pl. 1 (1894),
[3] 2: (Hypochrysops) 7-13, 15-22, pl. 2-3 (1895),
[3] 2: (Thysonotis) 23-25, 27-31, pl. 1-2 (1895),
[3] 2: (Waigeum) 34-38, pl. 1 (1896),
[3] 2: (Thysonotis) 39-46, pl. 3-4 (1896),
[3] 2: (Holochila) 1-4, pl. 1 (1896),
[3] 2: (Holochila) 5-8, pl. 2 (1897),
[3] 2: (Pseudonotis) 1-3, pl. [1], (Epimastidia) 4-5, pl. [1], (Lampides) 5-8, pl. [1] (1897),
[3] 2: (Lampides) 9-10, pl. 2, (Thysonotis) 47, pl. 5 (1897),
[3] 3: (Holochila) 9-11, pl. 3 (1898),
[3] 3: (Arhopala) 1-7, pl. 1-2 (1898),
[3] 3: (Arhopala) 9-12, pl. 3, (Ilerda) 13, pl. [1], (Horaga) 14-15, pl. [1] (1902),
[3] 3: (Thysonotis) 47x,48-50, pl. 6 (1898),
[3] 3: (Hypochrysops) 23-26, pl. 4 (1898),
[3] 3: (Holochila) 13-15, pl. 4 (1899),
[3] 3: (Hypochrysops) 27-29, pl. 5, (Waigeum) [30], pl. 2 (1899),
[3] 3: (Holochila) 17-19, pl. 5 (1899),
[3] 3: (Thysonotis) 51-54, pl. 7 (1899),
[3] 3: (Jamides) 11-14, pl. 1 (1900),
[3] 3: (Hypolycaena-etc) 1-4, pl. [1] (1900),
[3] 3: (Hypochrysops) 31-33, pl. 6, (Thysonotis) 55-56, pl. 8 (1900),
[3]: (Additions-Corrections) 1-2,[3],vii-x
Grünberg, 1910
Neue westafrikanische Lepidopteren. Gesammelt von Herrn Gunter Tessman in Sud-Kamerun und Spanisch-Guinea (Uellegebiet)
S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berl. 1910 (10)
: 469-480
Hawker-Smith, 1926
Some new Lycaenidae in the Congo Museum
Rev. zool. afr. 14
: 237-241
Hawker-Smith, 1933
New species and races of Lipteninae (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae)
Stylops 2 (1)
: 1-12
Henning & Henning, 2004
A review of the liptenid Teriomima Kirby genus group (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae: Poritiinae) with descriptions of a new genus, a new subgenus, ten new species and four new subspecies
Metamorphosis 15 (1)
: 3-61
Hewitson, 1866
Illustrations of new species of exotic Butterflies selected chiefly from the collections of W. Wilson Saunders and William C. Hewitson
Ill. exot. Butts [5]
: (Systematic Index) V,
(Anteros): [1-2], pl. [1] (1867),
(Erycina & Necyria): [3-4], pl. [2] (1870),
(Erycina Symmachia &c): [5-6], pl. [3] (1875),
(Necyria & Esthemopsis): [7-8], pl. [4] (1872),
(Calydna): [9-10], pl. [5] (1854),
(Calydna II): [11-12], pl. [6] (1859),
(Theope): [13-14], pl. [7] (1860),
(Symmachia): [15-16], pl. [8] (1867),
(Symmachia & Charis II): [17-18], pl. [9] (1871),
(Charis): [19-20], pl. [10] (1866),
(Emesis): [21-22], pl. [11] (1872),
(Nymphidium I): [23-24], pl. [12] (1853),
(Nymphidium II-III): [25-28], pl. [13-14] (1865),
(Nymphidium IV): [29-30], pl. [15] (1871),
(Lemonias I): [31-32], pl. [16] (1853),
(Lemonias II): [33-34], pl. [17] (1858),
(Lemonias III-IV): [35-38], pl. [18-19] (1863),
(Lemonias V): [39-40], pl. [20] (1872),
(Lemonias & Baeotis): [41-42], pl. [21] (1875),
(Lemonias & Baeotis): [43-44], pl. [22] (1874),
(Pachythone & Cremna): [45-46], pl. [23] (1873),
(Hades, Uraneis, &c): [47-48], pl. [24] (1870),
(Limnas I-II): [49-52], pl. [25-26] (1853),
(Limnas & Panara): [53-54], pl. [27] (1875),
(Limnas &c): [55-56], pl. [28] (1876),
(Limnas & Ithomeis): [57-58], pl. [29] (1870),
(Chamaelimnas & Ithomiola): [59-60], pl. [30] (1871),
(Hermathena &c): [61-62], pl. [31] (1875),
(Ogyris): [63-64], pl. [32] (1853),
(Pentila & Liptena): [65-66], pl. [33] (1866),
(Pentila & Liptena II): [67-68], pl. [34] (1873),
(Lycaena): [69-70], pl. [35] (1876),
(Pyrrhopyga I-II): [71-74], pl. [36-37] (1857),
(Pyrrhopyga): [75-76], pl. [38] (1869),
(Pyrrhopyga II-III): [77-80], pl. [39-40] (1871),
(Pyrrhopyga IV): [81-82], pl. [41] (1873),
(Pyrrhopyga V & Erycides): [83-84], pl. [42] (1875),
(Ismene I-II): [85-88], pl. [43-44] (1867),
(Eudamus): [89-90], pl. [45] (1873),
(Eudamus II-III): [91-94], pl. [46-47] (1875),
(Chaetocneme): [95-96], pl. [48] (1874),
(Hesperia I-II): [97-100], pl. [49-50] (1867),
(Hesperia III): [101-102], pl. [51] (1868),
(Hesperia IV): [103-104], pl. [52] (1869),
(Hesperia V): [105-106], pl. [53] (1872),
(Hesperia V*-VI): [107-110], pl. [54-55] (1873),
(Hesperia VII): [111-112], pl. [56] (1876),
(Leucochitonea): [113-114], pl. [57] (1869),
(Leucochitonea II): [115-116], pl. [58] (1875),
(Pterygospidea): [117-118], pl. [59] (1873),
(Cyclopides): [119-120], pl. [60] (1874),
(Cyclopides & Hesperilla): [121-122], pl. [61] (1874)
Holland, 1890
Descriptions of New West African Lycaenidae. (1)
Psyche 5
: 423-431
Holland, 1920
Lepidoptera of the Congo. Being a Systematic List of the Butterflies and Moths Collected by the American Museum of Natural History Congo Expedition Together with Descriptions of Some Hitherto Undescribed Species
Bull. Am. Mus. nat. Hist. 43 (6)
: 109-369, pl. 6-14
Jackson, 1962
Notes on the Epitolinae with descriptions of a new genus and new species and subspecies (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae)
Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.) 12 (3)
: 123-163, pl. 1-13
Karsch, 1893
Die Insecten der Berglandschaft Adeli im Hinterlande von Togo (Westafrika). 1. Abtheilung: Apterygota, Odonata, Orthoptera Saltatoria,Lepidoptera Rhopalocera
Berl. ent. Z. 38 (1/2)
: 1-266, pl. 1-6
Kheil, 1905
Lepidopteros de la Guinea Espanola
Mem. Real Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 1
: 161-181
Kirby, 1887
Descriptions of new Species of Papilionidae, Pieridae, and _Lycaenidae
Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (5) 19 (113)
: 360-369
Kirby, 1890
Descriptions of new Species of African Lycaenidae, chiefly from the Collections of Dr Staudinger and Mr Henley Grose Smith
Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (6) 6 (33)
: 261-274
Lamas, 2007
Four new names for Afrotropical Lycaenidae
Metamorphosis 18 (4)
: 128-130
Larsen, 1995
Liptena priscilla a new liptenid butterfly from Nigeria (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae)
Ent. Rec. J. Var. 107 (1-2)
: 29-32
[BK]; Larsen, 1996
The Butterflies of Kenya and their natural history
Butterflies of Kenya
Lathy, 1903
An Account of a Collection of Rhopalocera made on the Anambara Creek in Nigeria, West Africa
Trans. ent. Soc. Lond. 1903 (2)
: 182-206, pl. 8
[BOW]; Lewis, 1974
Butterflies of the World
Mabille, 1890
Voyage de M. Ch. Allaud dans le territoire d'Assinie (Afrique occidentale) en juillet et aout 1886. Lépidoptéres avec des notes sur quelques autres espéces d'Afrique
Ann. Soc. ent. Fr. (6) 10
: 17-51, pl. 2-3
Möschler, 1887
Beiträge zur Schmetterlings-Fauna der Goldküste
Abh. Senckenb. nat. Ges. 15
: 49-100, pl., f. 1-24
Rebel, 1914
Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Expedition R. Grauernach. Zentralafrika. 1909-1911. Lepidoptera
Ann. Mus. Wien. 28
: 219-294, pl. 17-24
Roche, 1954
Revisional notes on the genus Epitola Westwood (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae)
Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist. (Net.) 3 (13)
: 489-502, pl. 19-22
Schultze, 1912
Neue Rhopaloceren aus dem tropischen Westafrika
Ent. Rundsch. 29 (14)
: 91-93
Schultze, 1917
Weitere neue Rhopaloceren aus der Ausbeute der II. Inner-Afrika-Expedition des Herzogs Adolf Friedrich zu Meclenburg
Archiv Naturg. 82 A (3)
: 34-39
Schultze & Aurivillius, 1923
Ergebnisse der Zweiten Deutschen Zentral-Afrika-Expedition 1910-1911 unter Führung Adolf Friedrichs, Herzogs zu Mecklenburg. Lepidoptera. III. Teil
Zweiten Dt. Zentral-Afrika-Exped. (Zool.) 1 (Lep 3)
: 1113-1242, pl. 49-50
[EBW]; Smart, 1976
The Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Butterfly World
Illust. Encyp. Butt. World: -
Staudinger, [1892]
Neue afrikanische Lycaeniden
Dt. Ent. Z. Iris 4 (2)
: 215-223
Röber in Staudinger & Schatz, 1892
Exotische Schmetterlinge. II Theil. Die Familien und Gattungen der Tagfalter systematisch und analytisch bearbeitet
Exot. Schmett. 2
(1): 1-32, pl. 1-10 (1885),
(2): 33-92, pl. 11-16 (1886),
(3): 93-136, pl. 17-26 (1887),
(4): 137-180, pl. 27-34 (1888),
(5): 181-224, pl. 35-42 (1889),
(6): 225-284, pl. 43-50 (1892)
Stempffer, 1951
Description de quelques Lycaenidae nouveaux de la faune ethiopienne
Bull. Soc. ent. Fr. 56
: 66-71
Stempffer, 1954
Contribution a l'etude des Lycaenidae de l'Afrique Equatoriale
Ann. Mus. R. Congo Belge (8) 27
: 7-48
Stempffer, 1956
Contribution à l'étude des Lépidoptères Lycaenidae l'Afrique Equatoriale
Ann. Mus. R. Congo Belge (8) 49
: 1-54
Stempffer, 1961
Contribution a l'etude des Lepidopteres Lycaenidae de l'Afrique equatoriale
Ann. Mus. Afr. Centr. (8) 94
: 1-73
Stempffer, 1964
Contribution a l'etude des Lycaenides d'Afrique tropicale et equatoriale
Bull. I.F.A.N. (A) 26 (4)
: 1225-1287
Stempffer, 1967
The genera of the African Lycaenidae (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera)
Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent) Suppl. 10
: 1-322
Stempffer, 1969
Liste des Lepidopteres Lycaenidae de Cote d'Ivoire actuellement connus (2e note)
Bull. Inst. Fond. Afr. Noire (A) 31
: 927-950
Stempffer, Bennett & May, 1974
A revision of some groups of Liptena Westwood (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae)
Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.) 30
: 109-181, pl. 1-6
Suffert, 1904
Neue afrikansche Tagfalter aus dem kön. zool. Museum, Berlin, und meiner Sammlung
Dt. Ent. Z. Iris 17 (1)
: 12-107, pl. 1-3
Talbot, 1935
New species and forms of African Lycaenidae
Ent. mon. Mag. 71
: 69-78,
: 115-127,
: 147-153
Talbot, 1937
New African Lycaenidae and Nymphalidae, and two new Diestogyna
Trans. R. ent. Soc. Lond. 86
: 59-72
If you have corrections, comments or
information to add into these pages, just send mail to
Markku Savela
Keep in mind that the taxonomic information is copied from various sources, and may include many inaccuracies. Expert help is welcome.