[AfrL] Mark C. Williams
Checklist of Afrotropical Papilionoidea and Hesperoidea; Compiled by Mark C. Williams, 7th ed. (2008) (April 2007); Afrototropical Butterflies; e-mail:Mark C. Williams
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Some related literature:
Bethune-Baker, 1908
Descriptions of new Species of Butterflies of the Division Rhopalocera from Africa and from New Guinea
Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1908 (1)
: 110-126, pl. 8-9
Eliot, 1973
The higher classification of the Lycaenidae (Lepidoptera): a tentative Arrangement
Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.) 28 (6)
: 373-505 (162fgs), pl. 1-6
Clench in Fox, Lindsey, Clench & Miller, 1965
The Butterflies of Liberia
Mem. Amer. Ent. Soc. 19
: 1-438
Grose-Smith, 1898
Descriptions of new species of African butterflies in the Tring Museum
Novit. Zool. 5
: 350-358
Grose-Smith & Kirby, 1888; Grose-Smith & Kirby, 1892; Grose-Smith & Kirby, 1901
Rhopalocera Exotica, being Illustrations of New, Rare, and Unfigured Species of Butterflies
Rhop. Exot.
[1] 1: (Ornithoptera) 1-2, pl. 1 (1887),
[1] 2: (Ornithoptera) 3-4, pl. 2 (1892),
[1] 3: (Ornithoptera) [5-6] 1-2, pl. 3 (1900),
[1] 3: (Ornithoptera) 7-8, pl. 4 (1901),
[1] 1: (Papilio) 1-2, pl. 1 (1887),
[1] 1: (Papilio) 3-5,7-14, pl. 2-6 (1888),
[1] 1: (Papilio) 15-20, pl. 7-9 (1890),
[1] 1: (Papilio) 21-25, pl. 10-11 (1891),
[1] 2: (Papilio) 27-31, pl. 12-13 (1893),
[1] 2: (Papilio) 33-35, pl. 14 (1894),
[1] 2: (Papilio) 37-38, pl. 15 (1895),
[1] 2: (Papilio) 39-40, pl. 16 (1897),
[1] 3: (Papilio) 41-46, pl. 17-19 (1899),
[1] 3: (Papilio) 47-48, pl. 20 (1900),
[1] 3: (Papilio) 49-50, pl. 21 (1901),
[1] 3: (Papilio) 51-55, pl. 22-23 (1902),
[1] 1: (Delias) 1-3, pl. 1 (1889),
[1] 2: (Delias) 5-7, 9-11, pl. 2-3 (1893),
[1] 2: (Delias) 12-18, pl. 4-5 (1895),
[1] 2: (Delias) 20-22, pl. 6 (1896),
[1] 3: (Delias) 24-26, pl. 7 (1897),
[1] 3: (Delias) 28-35, pl. 8-9 (1901),
[1] 3: (Delias) 36-38, pl. 10 (1902),
[1] 1: (Pieridae) 1-3, pl. 1 (1888),
[1] 2: (Pinacopteryx) 1-4, pl. 1 (1893),
[1] 1: (Callosune) 1-3, pl. 1 (1889),
[1] 3: (Huphina) 1-7, pl. 1-2 (1898),
[1] 3: (Huphina) [8],9-10, pl. 3 (1899),
[1] 1: (Elodina) 1-4, pl. 1 (1890),
[1] 1: (Belenois) 1-4, pl. 1 (1892),
[1] 2: (Belenois) 5-8, pl. 2 (1892),
[1] 3: (Mylothris) 1-3, 5-7, pl. 1-2 (1900),
[1] 1: (Ixias) 1-3, pl. 1 (1888),
[1] 2: (Appias) 1-3, pl. 1 (1894),
[1] 1: (Pierinae) 5-7, pl. 2 (1889),
[1] 2: (Dismorphia) 1-4, pl. 1 (1896),
[1] 2: (Dismorphia) 5-9, 11-15, pl. 2-3 (1897),
[2] 1: (Asthipa) 1-3, pl. 1 (1890),
[2] 2: (Asthipa) 5-6, pl. 2 (1896),
[2] 2: (Ravadeba) 7, pl. 1 (1896),
[2] 2: (Mycalesis) 1-4, pl. 1 (1895),
[2] 2: (Mycalesis) 5-12, pl. 2-3 (1896),
[2] 3: (Mycalesis) 13-18, pl. 4-5 (1902),
[2] 3: (Libythea) 1-2, pl. 1 (1902),
: (Ragadia-Argyronympha-Hypocysta) : 1-6, pl. [1] (1895),
[2] 2: (Pedaliodes) 1-5, pl. 1 (1893),
[2] 2: (Pedaliodes) 7-9, pl. 2 (1894),
[2] 2: (Pedaliodes) 10-14, pl. 3 (1895),
[2] 3: (Pedaliodes) 15-20, pl. 4-5, (Oxeoschistus) 1 (1900),
[2] 3: (Pronophila) 1-2, pl. 1, (Oxeoschistus) 2-3, pl. 1 (1900),
[2] 2: (Elymnias) 1-4, pl. 1 (1896),
[2] 3: (Elymnias) 5-6, pl. 2, (Bruasa) 6-7, pl. 1 (1897),
[2] 1: (Morpho) 1-2, pl. 1 (1890),
[2] 3: (Morphotenaris-Hyantis) 1-3, pl. [1] (1898),
[2] 2: (Tenaris) 1-3, 5-7, pl. 1-2 (1894),
[2] 2: (Tenaris) 9-11, pl. 3 (1895),
[2] 2: (Tenaris) 13-15, pl. 4 (1896),
[2] 3: (Tenaris) 17-18, pl. 5 (1898),
[2] 1: (Heliconius) 1-3, pl. 1 (1892),
[2] 1: (Acraea) 1-6, pl. 1-2 (1889),
[2] 1: (Acraea) 7-10, pl. 3 (1892),
[2] 2: (Acraea) 11-14, pl. 4 (1892),
[2] 2: (Acraea) 15-18, pl. 5 (1894),
[2] 3: (Acraea) 19-29, pl. 6-8, (Planema) 29-30, pl. [1] (1901),
[2] 1: (Cethosia) 1-2, pl. 1 (1889),
[2] 3: (Cirrhochroa) 1, pl. [1], (Cupha) 2-4, pl. [1] (1898),
[2] 2: (Terinos) 1-2, pl. 1 (1894),
[2] 1: (Thaleropis) 1-3, pl. 1 (1891),
[2] 2: (Doleschallia) 1-3,5-7, pl. 1-2 (1893),
[2] 2: (Kallima) 1-3, pl. 1 (1892),
[2] 1: (Hypolimnas) 1-2, pl. 1 (1891),
[2] 3: (Hypolimnas) 3-4, pl. 2 (1897),
[2] 3: (Hypolimnas) 5-6, pl. 3 (1898),
[2] 1: (Euxanthe) 1-3, pl. 1 (1890),
[2] 1: (Hestina) 1-3, pl. 1 (1891),
[2] 1: (Cymothoe) 1-4, pl. 1 (1890),
[2] 3: (Limenitis) 1-3, pl. 1 (1899),
[2] 2: (Neptis) 1-4, pl. 1 (1895),
[2] 3: (Neptis) 5-11, pl. 2-3 (1899),
[2] 3: (Neptis) 13-17, pl. 4-5 (1900),
[2] 1: (Euthalia-Tanaecia) 1-3, pl. 1 (1889),
[2] 1: (Euthalia) 5-10, pl. 2-3 (1891),
[2] 2: (Euthalia) 11-14, pl. 4 (1894),
[2] 3: (Euthalia) 15, pl. 5, (Dichorragia) 16, pl. 1 (1898),
[2] 1: (Apatura) 1-3, pl. 1 (1892),
[2] 1: (Euphaedra) 1-2, pl. 1 (1889),
[2] 1: (Euryphene) 1-3, pl. 1 (1889),
[2] 1: (Charaxes) 1-2,[3-4] pl. 1-2 (1887),
[2] 1: (Charaxes) [5], pl. 3 (1888),
[2] 1: (Charaxes) 7-9, pl. 4 (1890),
[2] 1: (Charaxes) 11-13, pl. 5 (1891),
[2] 1: (Mynes) 1-2, pl. 1 (1888),
[2] 2: (Mynes) 3-6, pl. 2 (1894),
[2] 2: (Prothoe) 1-2, pl. 1 (1896),
[3] 3: (Erycinidae) 1-10, pl. 1-2 (1902),
[3] 2: (Dicallaneura-etc) 1-6, pl. 1 (1897),
[3] 3: (Dicallaneura-etc) 7-11, pl. 2 (1901),
[3] 1: (Lycaenidae) 1-4,[5-9] 1-5, pl. 1-2 (1887),
[3] 1: (Lycaenidae) 11-17, 19-22, pl. 3-5 (1888),
[3] 1: (Lycaenidae) 23-25, 27-29, 31-33, pl. 6-8 (1889),
[3] 1: (Lycaenidae) 35-48, pl. 9-11 (1890),
[3] 1: (Lycaenidae) 49-51,53-64, pl. 12-15 (1891),
[3] 2: (Lycaenidae) 65-68, pl. 16 (1892),
[3] 1: (Lycaenidae) [69-72] 57-60, pl. 17 (1892),
[3] 2: (Lycaenidae) [73-77] 61-65,79-84, pl. 18-19 (1892),
[3] 2: (Lycaenidae) 85-107, pl. 20-23 (1893),
[3] 2: (Lycaenidae) 109-120, pl. 24-25 (1894),
[3] 3: (Lycaenidae) 121-125, pl. 26 (1900),
[3] 3: (Lycaenidae) 127-131, 133-141, pl. 27-29 (1901),
[3] 3: (Lycaenidae) 143-146, pl. 30 (1902),
[3] 2: (Hypochrysops) 1-6, pl. 1 (1894),
[3] 2: (Hypochrysops) 7-13, 15-22, pl. 2-3 (1895),
[3] 2: (Thysonotis) 23-25, 27-31, pl. 1-2 (1895),
[3] 2: (Waigeum) 34-38, pl. 1 (1896),
[3] 2: (Thysonotis) 39-46, pl. 3-4 (1896),
[3] 2: (Holochila) 1-4, pl. 1 (1896),
[3] 2: (Holochila) 5-8, pl. 2 (1897),
[3] 2: (Pseudonotis) 1-3, pl. [1], (Epimastidia) 4-5, pl. [1], (Lampides) 5-8, pl. [1] (1897),
[3] 2: (Lampides) 9-10, pl. 2, (Thysonotis) 47, pl. 5 (1897),
[3] 3: (Holochila) 9-11, pl. 3 (1898),
[3] 3: (Arhopala) 1-7, pl. 1-2 (1898),
[3] 3: (Arhopala) 9-12, pl. 3, (Ilerda) 13, pl. [1], (Horaga) 14-15, pl. [1] (1902),
[3] 3: (Thysonotis) 47x,48-50, pl. 6 (1898),
[3] 3: (Hypochrysops) 23-26, pl. 4 (1898),
[3] 3: (Holochila) 13-15, pl. 4 (1899),
[3] 3: (Hypochrysops) 27-29, pl. 5, (Waigeum) [30], pl. 2 (1899),
[3] 3: (Holochila) 17-19, pl. 5 (1899),
[3] 3: (Thysonotis) 51-54, pl. 7 (1899),
[3] 3: (Jamides) 11-14, pl. 1 (1900),
[3] 3: (Hypolycaena-etc) 1-4, pl. [1] (1900),
[3] 3: (Hypochrysops) 31-33, pl. 6, (Thysonotis) 55-56, pl. 8 (1900),
[3]: (Additions-Corrections) 1-2,[3],vii-x
Hawker-Smith, 1933
New species and races of Lipteninae (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae)
Stylops 2 (1)
: 1-12
Henning & Henning, 2004
A review of the liptenid Teriomima Kirby genus group (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae: Poritiinae) with descriptions of a new genus, a new subgenus, ten new species and four new subspecies
Metamorphosis 15 (1)
: 3-61
Hewitson, 1866
Illustrations of new species of exotic Butterflies selected chiefly from the collections of W. Wilson Saunders and William C. Hewitson.
Ill. exot. Butts [1]
: (Systematic Index) I,
(Ornithoptera and Papilio): [1-2], pl. [1] (1855),
(Papilio II): [3-4], pl. [2] (1856),
(Papilio III): [5-6], pl. [3] (1858),
(Papilio IV): [7-8], pl. [4] (1859),
(Papilio V): [9-10], pl. [5] (1861),
(Papilio VI): [11-12], pl. [6] (1864),
(Papilio VII-VIII): [13-16], pl. [7-8] (1865),
(Papilio IX): [17-18], pl. [9] (1868),
(Papilio X-XII): [19-22], pl. [10-12] (1869),
(Papilio XIII): [23-24], pl. [13] (1873),
(Papilio XIV): [25-26], pl. [14] (1875),
(Papilio XV): [27-28], pl. [15] (1877),
(Pieris I): [29-30], pl. [16] (1852),
(Pieris II): [31-32], pl. [17] (1853),
(Pieris III-VI): [33-40], pl. [18-21] (1861),
(Pieris VII): [41-42], pl. [22] (1862),
(Pieris VIII): [43-44], pl. [23] (1866),
(Euterpe): [45-46], pl. [24] (1860),
(Euterpe II): [47-48], pl. [25] (1872),
(Euterpe and Leptalis): [49-50], pl. [26] (1853),
(Leptalis II): [51-52], pl. [27] (1857),
(Leptalis III): [53-54], pl. [28] (1858),
(Leptalis IV): [55-56], pl. [29] (1860),
(Leptalis V-VII): [57-62], pl. [30-32] (1870),
(Callidryas and Eronia): [63-64], pl. [33] (1867),
(Euploea): [65-66], pl. [34] (1858),
(Euploea II): [67-68], pl. [35] (1866),
(Heliconia I): [69-70], pl. [36] (1853),
(Heliconia II-III): [71-74], pl. [37-38] (1854),
(Heliconia IV): [75-76], pl. [39] (1858),
(Heliconia V): [77-78], pl. [40] (1867),
(Heliconia VI): [79-80], pl. [41] (1871),
(Heliconia and Tithorea VII): [81-82], pl. [42] (1873),
(Heliconia VIII): [83-84], pl. [43] (1875),
(Athesis): [85-86], pl. [44] (1872),
(Mechanitis I): [87-88], pl. [45] (1856),
(Mechanitis II-III): [89-92], pl. [46-47] (1860),
(Ithomia I): [93-94], pl. [48] (1851),
(Ithomia II): [95-96], pl. [49] (1852),
(Ithomia III): [97-98], pl. [50] (1853),
(Ithomia IV-V): [99-102], pl. [51-52] (1854),
(Ithomia VI-XIII): [103-118], pl. [53-60] (1855)
Hewitson, 1873
Illustrations of new species of exotic Butterflies selected chiefly from the collections of W. Wilson Saunders and William C. Hewitson
Ill. exot. Butts [5]
: (Systematic Index) V,
(Anteros): [1-2], pl. [1] (1867),
(Erycina & Necyria): [3-4], pl. [2] (1870),
(Erycina Symmachia &c): [5-6], pl. [3] (1875),
(Necyria & Esthemopsis): [7-8], pl. [4] (1872),
(Calydna): [9-10], pl. [5] (1854),
(Calydna II): [11-12], pl. [6] (1859),
(Theope): [13-14], pl. [7] (1860),
(Symmachia): [15-16], pl. [8] (1867),
(Symmachia & Charis II): [17-18], pl. [9] (1871),
(Charis): [19-20], pl. [10] (1866),
(Emesis): [21-22], pl. [11] (1872),
(Nymphidium I): [23-24], pl. [12] (1853),
(Nymphidium II-III): [25-28], pl. [13-14] (1865),
(Nymphidium IV): [29-30], pl. [15] (1871),
(Lemonias I): [31-32], pl. [16] (1853),
(Lemonias II): [33-34], pl. [17] (1858),
(Lemonias III-IV): [35-38], pl. [18-19] (1863),
(Lemonias V): [39-40], pl. [20] (1872),
(Lemonias & Baeotis): [41-42], pl. [21] (1875),
(Lemonias & Baeotis): [43-44], pl. [22] (1874),
(Pachythone & Cremna): [45-46], pl. [23] (1873),
(Hades, Uraneis, &c): [47-48], pl. [24] (1870),
(Limnas I-II): [49-52], pl. [25-26] (1853),
(Limnas & Panara): [53-54], pl. [27] (1875),
(Limnas &c): [55-56], pl. [28] (1876),
(Limnas & Ithomeis): [57-58], pl. [29] (1870),
(Chamaelimnas & Ithomiola): [59-60], pl. [30] (1871),
(Hermathena &c): [61-62], pl. [31] (1875),
(Ogyris): [63-64], pl. [32] (1853),
(Pentila & Liptena): [65-66], pl. [33] (1866),
(Pentila & Liptena II): [67-68], pl. [34] (1873),
(Lycaena): [69-70], pl. [35] (1876),
(Pyrrhopyga I-II): [71-74], pl. [36-37] (1857),
(Pyrrhopyga): [75-76], pl. [38] (1869),
(Pyrrhopyga II-III): [77-80], pl. [39-40] (1871),
(Pyrrhopyga IV): [81-82], pl. [41] (1873),
(Pyrrhopyga V & Erycides): [83-84], pl. [42] (1875),
(Ismene I-II): [85-88], pl. [43-44] (1867),
(Eudamus): [89-90], pl. [45] (1873),
(Eudamus II-III): [91-94], pl. [46-47] (1875),
(Chaetocneme): [95-96], pl. [48] (1874),
(Hesperia I-II): [97-100], pl. [49-50] (1867),
(Hesperia III): [101-102], pl. [51] (1868),
(Hesperia IV): [103-104], pl. [52] (1869),
(Hesperia V): [105-106], pl. [53] (1872),
(Hesperia V*-VI): [107-110], pl. [54-55] (1873),
(Hesperia VII): [111-112], pl. [56] (1876),
(Leucochitonea): [113-114], pl. [57] (1869),
(Leucochitonea II): [115-116], pl. [58] (1875),
(Pterygospidea): [117-118], pl. [59] (1873),
(Cyclopides): [119-120], pl. [60] (1874),
(Cyclopides & Hesperilla): [121-122], pl. [61] (1874)
Jackson, 1967
The synonymy in Citrinophila Kirby and further notes on Epitola Westwood and Alaena Boisduval (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae)
J. Nat. Hist. 1
: 327-336
Joicey & Talbot, 1921
New Lepidoptera Collected by Mr. T. A. Barns, in East Central Africa. New Forms of Rhopalocera
Bull. Hill Mus. 1 (1)
: 44-118, pl. 5-16
Kirby, 1887
Descriptions of new Species of Papilionidae, Pieridae, and _Lycaenidae
Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (5) 19 (113)
: 360-369
Kirby, 1890
Descriptions of new Species of African Lycaenidae, chiefly from the Collections of Dr Staudinger and Mr Henley Grose Smith
Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (6) 6 (33)
: 261-274
Schultze, 1917
Weitere neue Rhopaloceren aus der Ausbeute der II. Inner-Afrika-Expedition des Herzogs Adolf Friedrich zu Meclenburg
Archiv Naturg. 82 A (3)
: 34-39
Schultze in Schultze & Aurivillius, 1923
Ergebnisse der Zweiten Deutschen Zentral-Afrika-Expedition 1910-1911 unter Führung Adolf Friedrichs, Herzogs zu Mecklenburg. Lepidoptera. III. Teil
Zweiten Dt. Zentral-Afrika-Exped. (Zool.) 1 (Lep 3)
: 1113-1242, pl. 49-50
[EBW]; Smart, 1976
The Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Butterfly World
Illust. Encyp. Butt. World: -
Stempffer, 1967
The genera of the African Lycaenidae (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera)
Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent) Suppl. 10
: 1-322
If you have corrections, comments or
information to add into these pages, just send mail to
Markku Savela
Keep in mind that the taxonomic information is copied from various sources, and may include many inaccuracies. Expert help is welcome.