[HBN] Francis Hemming, 1937
HÜBNER, A bibliographical and systematic account of the entomological works of Jacob Hübner and of the supplements thereto by Carl Geyer, Gottfried Franz von Frölich and Gottlieb August Wilhelm Herrich-Schäffer, Vol 1 & 2
[LEPIFORUM] Lepiforum; Bestimmung von Schmetterlingen (Lepidoptera) und ihren Präimaginalstadien
[maps] Warning! The maps are automatically generated from the textual information, and the process does not always produce acceptable result; See about maps for more info.
Some related literature:
Bálint, 1992
Faunistic data of Lycaenid butterflies from the Himalayan Region I (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae)
Linn. Belg. 13 (8)
: 395-422
Bethune-Baker, 1914
Synonymic Notes on the Ruralidae
Ent. Rec. J. Var. 26
(5): 133-136,
(6): 159-164
Bethune-Baker, 1916
Descriptions of new species of Lepidoptera
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (8) 17 (101)
: 378-385
Bytinski-Salz & Brandt, 1937
New Lepidoptera from Iran
Ent. Rec. J. Var. (Suppl.) 49
: 1-9,
: 9-15
Charmeux & Desse, 2011
Deux nouveaux Polyommatini du Tadjikistan : Turanana laspura panjensis ssp. nova et Agriades pheretiades ishkashimensis ssp. nova (Lepidoptera : Lycaenidae)
Bull. Lép. Parisiens 20 (48): 7-13
Charmeux & Pagès, 2004
Une nouvelle espèce du genre Turanana du Pakistan (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae)
Phegea 32 (2)
: 63-69
Christoph, 1877
Sammelergebnisse aus Nordpersion, Krasnowodsk in Turkmenien und dem Daghestan
Horae Soc. ent. Ross. 12
(2): 181-192,
(3): 197-299 (1877),
(4): pl. 5-8
Coutsis, 2004
Revision of the Turanana endymion species-group (Lycaenidae)
Nota lep.27 (4): 251-272,
28 (3/4): 202 (2005)
Coutsis, 2006
Additional revisionary actions and corrections in the Turanana endymion species-group (Lepidoptera)
Nota lep. 29 (1/2)
: 17-25
Dubatolov, 1989
[New species of butterfly (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae, Satyridae) from Middle Asia]
Trudy Zool. inst. AN SSSR, 200: 136-140 (Russian)
Eliot, 1973
The higher classification of the Lycaenidae (Lepidoptera): a tentative Arrangement
Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.) 28 (6)
: 373-505 (162fgs), pl. 1-6
Eckweiler, 1984
Eine neue Unterart von Turanana cytis (Christoph, 1877) aus Türkisch-Kurdistan (Lep., Lycaenidae)
Nachr. Ent. Ver. Apollo NF 5 (2/3)
: 63-70
Evans, 1932
The Identification of Indian Butterflies (edn. 2)
Indian Butterflies (edn. 2)
: iii-x,1-454, pl. 1-32
Forster, 1937
Liste der von H. und E. Kotzsch im Hindukusch erbeuteten Lycaeniden
Mitt. Münch. Ent. Ges. 27 (2)
: 57-64, pl. 4-5
Freyer, 1852
Neuere Beiträge zur Schmetterlingskunde mit Abbildungen nach der Natur. (81-100)
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: 1-20 (1846),
: 21-82 (1848),
: 83-104 (1849),
: 105-146 (1850),
: 147-198 (1851),
: (1852)
Gerhard, 1851
Versuch einer Monographie der europäischen Schmetteringsarten: Thecla, Polyomattus[sic], Lycaena, Nemeobius. Als Beitrag zur Schmetterlingskunde
Versuch Mon. europ. Schmett.
(1): 1-4, pl. 1-4 (1850),
(2): 5, pl. 5-8 (1850),
(3): 7-8, pl. 9-12 (1850),
(4): 9, pl. 13-16 (1851),
(5): 11, pl. 17-20 (1851),
(6): 13, pl. 21-24 (1851),
(7): 15, pl. 25-28 (1851),
(8): 17, pl. 29-32 (1851),
(9): 19, pl. 33-36 (1852),
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Syst. Bearb. Schmett. Europ. 1
(9): Title ("1843"),
(1): [1-3], 4-16, (ii) pl. 1-5, f. 1-29 (1843),
(2): 17-40, (ii) pl. 29-34, f. 131-156 (1843),
(3): 41-56, (ii) pl. 6-12, f. 30-60, pl. 35-36, f. 157-164 (1844),
(4): 57-80, (ii) pl. 13-22, f. 61-107 (1844),
(5): 81-90, (ii) pl. 23-28, f. 108-130, pl. 37-41, f. 165-189 (1844),
(6): 91-98, (ii) pl. 42-44, f. 190-203 (1844),
(7): 99-114, (ii) pl. 45-52, f. 204-248 (1844),
(9): 115-122 (1844),
(10): 123-146, (ii) pl. 53-57, f. 249-274 (1845),
(11): 147-162 (1845),
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(14): (ii) pl. 66-70, f. 316-338, (iii) pl. 4-5, f. 18-30 (1846),
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(32): (ii) pl. 78-82, f. 377-400 (1848),
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(54): (ii) pl. 119-123, f. 571-596 (1852),
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A molecular phylogeny of the subfamily Polyommatinae (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae)
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If you have corrections, comments or
information to add into these pages, just send mail to
Markku Savela
Keep in mind that the taxonomic information is copied from various sources, and may include many inaccuracies. Expert help is welcome.