Iolana iolas (Ochsenheimer, 1816)
-. See [maps]
Iolas Blue
- Iolana iolas; [EBW]; [BOW]: pl. 9, f. 30-31; [NHM card]; [BRU2]: 153, pl. 65, f. 19-21; Korb & Bolshakov, 2011, Eversmannia Suppl. 2: 82; [Otakar Kudrna]; [FE]; Dumont, 2004, Linneana Belg. 19 (8): 338, pl. 1-2, f. 25-32, 35
Larva on
Colutea cilicica [BRU2], 154
Larva on
Colutea abrorescens Dumont, 2004, Linneana Belg. 19 (8): 340
I. i. iolas Hungary, Italy, Yugoslavia, S.Bulgaria, Greece, Albania
- bureschi Hemming, 1931; Trans. ent. Soc. Lond. 79 (2): 327
- magnaiolas Beuret, 1964; Die Lycaeniden der Schweiz (2): 187, 192 [?]
- Iolana iolas obscuriolas Betti, 1977; Alexanor 10 (2): 89; TL: S.Hungary, Mecsek Mtn, Pécs, 200m
I. i. wulschlegeli (Oberthür, 1915) Switzerland (Valais), N.Italy, SE.France
I. i. protogenes (Fruhstorfer, 1917) SE.France
Iolana debilitata (Schultz, 1905)
-. See [maps]
600x435 (~115Kb) underside Morocco, Djebel Lekst, Anti-Atlas, Photo © Michel Tarrier
600x435 (~50Kb) underside Morocco, Djebel Lekst, Anti-Atlas, Photo © Jean Delacre
Larva on
Colutea arborescens [BMAT]
Larva on
Colutea arborescens ssp. gallica Dumont, 2004, Linneana Belg. 19 (8): 342
I. d. debilitata Morocco (Tizi-n-Test), N.Algeria, Spain
- Lycaena iolas var. powelli Oberthür, 1911; Bull. Soc. ent. Fr. 1911: 268; TL: Géryville [El Bayadh] (Algeria)
- iolas saritae (Fernandez Rubio & Gomez Bustillo, 1973) (Maculinea); Cuadernos Cienc. biol. 2 (2): 78
I. d. farriolsi de Sagarra, 1930 Spain
Iolana andreasi (Sheljuzhko, 1919)
-. See [maps]
Larva on
Colutea buhsei,
C. atabajevii,
C. gifana,
C. gracilis Dumont, 2004, Linneana Belg. 19 (8): 342
I. a. andreasi Kopet-Dagh, S.Turkmenistan
I. a. khayyami Bernardi, 1964 N.Iran (Damavand)
Iolana lessei Bernardi, 1964
Armenia, Turkey. See [maps]
Larva on
Colutea melanocalyx,
C. cilicica,
C. armena Dumont, 2004, Linneana Belg. 19 (8): 343
Iolana kermani Dumont, 2004
C.Iran (Kerman). See [maps]
- Iolana kermani Dumont, 2004; Linneana Belg. 19 (8): 345; TL: Iran, Kerman, Jiroft NW, Gardaneh, Sarbishan, env. Shingara, 2700-2900m
Larva on
Colutea persica Dumont, 2004, Linneana Belg. 19 (8): 346
Iolana arjanica Rose, 1979
S.Iran. See [maps]
- Jolana jolas arjanica Rose, 1979; Atalanta 10: 155; TL: S.Iran, Fars, Dasht-e-Arjan, 75km westl. Shiraz, 2000-2200m
Larva on
Colutea persica Dumont, 2004, Linneana Belg. 19 (8): 347
Iolana alfierii Wiltshire, 1948
S.Jordan, Egypt (Sinai). See [maps]
Larva on
Colutea istria Dumont, 2004, Linneana Belg. 19 (8): 347
Iolana gigantea (Grum-Grshimailo, 1885)
Tadjikistan, SE.Kirghistan, SE.Uzbekistan. See [maps]
- ?giganthea; (missp.)
- Lycaena gigantea; Grum-Grshimailo, 1890, in Romanoff, Mém. Lép. 4: 418, pl. 9, f. 8a-b
- Glaucopsyche iphicles; [NHM card]
- Polyommatus gigantea; [NHM card]
- Iolana gigantea; [BRU2]: 153, pl. 65, f. 16-18; Dumont, 2004, Linneana Belg. 19 (8): 349, pl. 1-2, f. 3-4; Korb & Bolshakov, 2011, Eversmannia Suppl. 2: 82; Tshikolovets, 2017, Zootaxa 4358 (1): 114
Larva on
Colutea paulsenii [BRU2], 153
Larva on
Colutea jarmolenkoi,
C. paulsenii Dumont, 2004, Linneana Belg. 19 (8): 349
Iolana gilgitica (Tytler, 1926)
N.Pakistan (Chitral). See [maps]
Larva on
Colutea paulsenii Dumont, 2004, Linneana Belg. 19 (8): 349
If you have corrections, comments or
information to add into these pages, just send mail to
Markku Savela
Keep in mind that the taxonomic information is copied from various sources, and may include many inaccuracies. Expert help is welcome.