Polyommatinae Sinisiivet Blues Weak Blues
  • Plebejinae
Tribe Lycaenesthini Ciliate Blues Hairtails
  • Lampidini
Tribe Polyommatini
  • Everini
  • Plebejini
  • Zizeerini
Subtribe Brephidina
Subtribe Pithecopina
Subtribe Niphandina
Subtribe Danina
Subtribe Azanina
Subtribe Theclinesthina
Subtribe Lycaenopsina
Subtribe Jamidina
Subtribe Cacyreina
Subtribe Actizerina
Subtribe Uranothaumatina
Subtribe Lampidina
  • Lampidini Eliot, 1973
Subtribe Zizulina
Subtribe Catochrysopsina
Subtribe Scolitantidina
Subtribe Castaliina
Subtribe Oboroniina
Subtribe Leptotina
Subtribe Zizeeriina
Subtribe Fameganina
Subtribe Everina
Subtribe Polyommatina
Multiple species
[group-1.jpg] 1020x677 (~550Kb) On fresh horse dung. Blues: Plebejus (Lycaeides) idas ongodai, Plebejus argus, Cyaniris semiargus. Skippers: Pyrgus alveus; Fritillaries: Melitaea didyma, Mellicta sp. A path in an open larch forest in the forest belt upper part, south-estern slope of the Tanmalyg River valley, Khan-Deer cluster of the Ubsunurskaya Kotlovina State Biosphaera Nature Reserve, the Khor-Taiga Mts. within the Khemchik Mountain Range, West Sayan, Chaa-Khol Kozhuun of Tyva Republic (Tuva), South Siberia, Russia. 4th July 2004, Photo © Oleg Kosterin [group-2.jpg] 933x671 (~446Kb) On a fresh horse dung. Blues: Plebejus (Lycaeides) idas ongodai, Plebejus argus, Cyaniris semiargus. Fritillaries: Melitaea didyma, Melitaea diamina, Mellicta sp. A path in an open larch forest in the forest belt upper part, south-estern slope of the Tanmalyg River valley, Khan-Deer cluster of the Ubsunurskaya Kotlovina State Biosphaera Nature Reserve, the Khor-Taiga Mts. within the Khemchik Mountain Range, West Sayan, Chaa-Khol Kozhuun of Tyva Republic (Tuva), South Siberia, Russia. 4th July 2004, Photo © Oleg Kosterin [group-3.jpg] 960x677 (~397Kb) On a fresh horse dung. Blues: Plebejus (Lycaeides) idas ongodai, Plebejus argus, Cyaniris semiargus. Fritillaries: Melitaea didyma, Melitaea diamina, Mellicta sp. A path in an open larch forest in the forest belt upper part, south-estern slope of the Tanmalyg River valley, Khan-Deer cluster of the Ubsunurskaya Kotlovina State Biosphaera Nature Reserve, the Khor-Taiga Mts. within the Khemchik Mountain Range, West Sayan, Chaa-Khol Kozhuun of Tyva Republic (Tuva), South Siberia, Russia. 4th July 2004, Photo © Oleg Kosterin
[group-4.jpg] 1170x1015 (~544Kb) On a fresh horse dung. Blues: Plebejus (Lycaeides) idas ongodai, Polyommatus erotides, Cyaniris semiargus, Albulina orbitulus, Aricia nicias; Fritillaries: Melitaea didyma, Melitaea diamina, Mellicta sp. A path in an open larch forest in the forest belt upper part, south-estern slope of the Tanmalyg River valley, Khan-Deer cluster of the Ubsunurskaya Kotlovina State Biosphaera Nature Reserve, the Khor-Taiga Mts. within the Khemchik Mountain Range, West Sayan, Chaa-Khol Kozhuun of Tyva Republic (Tuva), South Siberia, Russia. 4th July 2004, Photo © Oleg Kosterin
Subfamily ?

Candalini and Cupidopsis do not belong into Polyommatinae.Stradomsky, 2016, Caucasian Ent. Bull. 12 (1): 153

Tribe Candalidini Eliot, 1973
Tribe ?
Section Section Cupidopsis

21.3.2019 (1573)


Some related literature:

If you have corrections, comments or information to add into these pages, just send mail to Markku Savela
Keep in mind that the taxonomic information is copied from various sources, and may include many inaccuracies. Expert help is welcome.