Glaucopsyche alexis (Poda, 1761)
SEU, CEU, !SWEU, Caucasus, S.Siberia, Kazakhstan, Middle Asia, Mongolia. See [maps]
Green-underside Blue
Western Green Underwing [?]
Manchas verdes
Modraszek aleksis
- Papilio alexis Poda, 1761; Ins. Mus. Graecensis: 77; TL: Austria, Harz
- Papilio cyllarus Rottemburg, 1775; Der Naturforscher 6: 20
- Papilio damaetas Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775; Ank. syst. Schmett. Wienergegend: 183
- bronte (Bergträsser, 1779) (Papilio)
- dimus (Bergträsser, 1779) (Papilio)
- phobos (Bergträsser, 1779) (Papilio)
- dymus (Herbst, 1804) (Papilio); in Jablonsky, Naturs. Schmett. 11: pl. 309, f. 10-11
- Lycaena alexis ab. ♀ casanensis Krulikovsky, 1890; Bull. Soc. imp. Nat. Moscou (n.s.) 4 (2): 223
- Lycaena cyllarus ♂ ab. andereggi Rühl, 1891; Soc. ent. 6 (7): 51
- Lycaena cyllarus ♂ ab. subtus-impunctata [= subtusimpuctata] Oberthür, 1896; Étud. d'Ent. 20: 16, pl. 3, f. 21
- Lycaena cyllarus ♂ ab. subtus-partim-punctata [= subtuspartimpunctata] Oberthür, 1896; Étud. d'Ent. 20: pl. 3, f. 22
- Lycaena cyllarus ♂ ab. subtus-radiata [= subtusradiata] Oberthür, 1896; Étud. d'Ent. 20: 16, pl. 3, f. 23
- punctata Muschamp, 1909²; Bull. Soc. Lépid. Genevé 1: 264
- Lycaena alexis ab. ♀ caerulea Courvoisier, 1913; Ent. Mitt. 2 (10): 293
- Lycaena cyllarus ♀ f. mitterbergeri Stauder, 1915; Z. Wiss. InsektBiol. 11 (1/2): 4
- Glaucopsyche cyllarus pauper Verity, 1919; Ent. Rec. J. Var. 31: 29
- Glaucopsyche cyllarus f. completa Verity, 1919; Ent. Rec. J. Var. 31: 29
- Glaucopsyche alexis aeruginosa ab. subalexis Obraztsov, 1936; Z. Öst. EntVer. 21: 48
- = Glaucopsyche alexis aeruginosa ; [NHM card]
- caerulescens Beuret, 1964; Die Lycaeniden der Schweiz (2): 199
- mirabilis Beuret, 1964; Die Lycaeniden der Schweiz (2): 199
- tenuimarginata Beuret, 1964; Die Lycaeniden der Schweiz (2): 199
- violacea Beuret, 1964; Die Lycaeniden der Schweiz (2): 199
- basipuncta Agenjo, 1967; Eos 42: 297
- Papilio damaetas; Hübner, [1799-1800], Samml. eur. Schmett. [1]: 45, pl. 56, f. 266-268
- Glaucopsyche damaetas; [NHM card]
- Lycaena cyllarus; Grum-Grshimailo, 1890, in Romanoff, Mém. Lép. 4: 415
- Glaucopsyche alexis andereggi; [NHM card]
- Glaucopsyche pauper; [NHM card]
- Glaucopsyche alexis; [BARU, #368]; [EBW]; [BOW]: pl. 9, f. 21; [NHM card]; [BRU2]: 151, pl. 65, f. 1-6; [Otakar Kudrna]; Korb & Bolshakov, 2011, Eversmannia Suppl. 2: 80
- Glaucopsyche (Glaucopsyche) alexis; [FE]
450x327 (~34Kb) underside Turunc, SW Turkey 11/04/95, Photo © Simon Coombes
533x400 (~44Kb) underside A road in an oak forest on the coastal mountains being a lowered western extreme of the Great Caucasus, in the vicinity of the railway station Grushovaya Balka, Novorossiisk District, Krasnodarskii Krai Province, Russia. 29th June 1990, Photo © Oleg Kosterin
Larva on
Leguminosae ,
Lathyrus pratensis,
Vicia sepium,
V. cracca,
Hedysarum alpinum [SPRK],
Medicago ,
Astragalus ,
Onobrychis ,
Chamaecytisus ,
Genista [BARU],
Hedysarum songoricum,
(Zailiisky Alatau) [BRU2], 151
G. a. alexis SEU, CEU, S.Siberia, Tian-Shan, Ghissar-Darvaz
- Glaucopsyche alexis alexis; [BRU2]: 151
G. a. tristis (Gerhard, 1853)
- Glaucopsyche alexis tristis; [NHM card]
G. a. blachieri (Millière, 1887) Carpathians
- Glaucopsyche alexis blachieri; [BRU2], 151
G. a. lugens (Caradja, 1893) Caucasus, Transcaucasia, Kopet-Dagh
- Lycaena cyllarus ab. (et var.?) lugens Caradja, 1893; Dt. ent. Z: 177
- = Glaucopsyche alexis viriato ; [NHM, [ ?? ] card]
- Glaucopsyche alexis lugens; [BRU2], 151
G. a. punctata (Gouin, 1904)
- alexis punctata (Gouin, 1904) (Lycaena); Pr.-verb. Soc. Linn. Bordeaux 59: lxxi
- Glaucopsyche alexis punctata; [NHM card]
G. a. illustris (Stauder, 1915)
- Glaucopsyche alexis illustris; [NHM card]
G. a. pauperella de Sagarra, 1926 Spain
- Glaucopsyche alexis pauperella; [NHM card]
G. a. maritimalpium Verity, 1928 Algeria
- Glaucopsyche alexis maritimalpium; [NHM card]
G. a. melanoposmater Verity, 1928 Tunisia, Algeria
- Glaucopsyche alexis melanoposmater; [BMAT]: 35, pl. 11, f. 44-46; [NHM card]
Larva on
Coronilla varia,
Medicago sativa,
M. lupulina,
Melilotus officinalis,
Trifolium repens,
T. pratense,
Vicia cracca,
Lotus sp.,
Pisum sp.,
Phaseolus sp.,
Gentiana sp.,
Astragalus sp.,
Onobrychis spp.,
Cytisus [BMAT]
G. a. subpauper Verity, 1928 France
- Glaucopsyche alexis subpauper; [NHM card]
G. a. melconi de Sagarra, 1930 Spain
- Glaucopsyche alexis melconi; [NHM card]
G. a. parvandereggi Verity, 1938
- Glaucopsyche alexis parvandereggi; [NHM card]
G. a. latina (Hartig, 1940) Italy
- alexis latina (Hartig, 1940) (Lycaena); Mem. Soc. ent. ital. 18: 187
- Glaucopsyche alexis latina; [NHM card]
G. a. morena Agenjo, 1967
- alexis morena Agenjo, 1967; Eos 42: 296
- Glaucopsyche alexis morena; [NHM card]
G. a. naevusnanus Agenjo, 1967
- alexis naevusnanus Agenjo, 1967; Eos 42: 297
- Glaucopsyche alexis naevusnanus; [NHM card]
G. a. antolinezi Agenjo, 1967
- alexis antolinezi Agenjo, 1967; Eos 42: 297
- Glaucopsyche alexis antolinezi; [NHM card]
G. a. helena Agenjo, 1967
- alexis helena Agenjo, 1967; Eos 42: 297
- Glaucopsyche alexis helena; [NHM card]
G. a. lopedevega Agenjo, 1967
- alexis lopedevega Agenjo, 1967; Eos 42: 297
- Glaucopsyche alexis lopedevega; [NHM card]
G. a. superornata Agenjo, 1967
- alexis superornata Agenjo, 1967; Eos 42: 297
- Glaucopsyche alexis superornata; [NHM card]
G. a. viriato Agenjo, 1967
- alexis viriato Agenjo, 1967; Eos 42: 297
- Glaucopsyche alexis viriato; [NHM card]
G. a. velada Gómez Bustillo, 1973 Spain
- Glaucopsyche alexis velada; [NHM card]
G. a. mironi Coutsis, 1976 Greece
- Glaucopsyche alexis mironi; [NHM card]
Glaucopsyche hazeri Karbalaye & Harandi, 2007
N.Iran. See [maps]
- Glaucopsyche hazeri Karbalaye & Harandi, 2007; Atalanta 38 (1/2): 177; TL: Ghare Ayyoub Mt Dehaj (280km NW Kerman City) 30.8N -54.84W, Kerman Prov., 2300-2500m
Glaucopsyche aeruginosa (Staudinger, 1881)
Dzhungaria, N.Tian-Shan. See [maps]
G. a. tshatkala (Korb, 1997) W.Tian-Shan
- Albulina tshatkala Korb, 1997; Lambillionea 97 (3): 436; TL: Uzbekistan, Chatkal Mts, Kumbel range, Beldersaj valley
Glaucopsyche melanops (Boisduval, 1829)
SWEU, Morocco, Algeria. See [maps]
Black-eyed Blue
Escamas azules
- Polyommatus melanops Boisduval, 1829; Eur. Lepid. Index Meth.: 13; TL: France
- Papilio saportae Geyer, 1832; Samml. eur. Schmett. [1]: pl. 188, f. 922-925
- Lycaena melanops ♂ ab. subtus-partim-impunctata [= subtuspartimimpunctata] Oberthür, 1896; Étud. d'Ent. 20: pl. 3, f. 35
- Lycaena melanops ♂ ab. subtus-radiata [= subtusradiata] Oberthür, 1896; Étud. d'Ent. 20: pl. 3, f. 36
- Lycaena melanops ab. unipuncta Rebel, [1909]; in Berge, Schmetterlingsbuch (edn 9): 74
- Lycaena melanops ab. elongata Seitz, 1909; Gross-Schmett. Erde 1: 320
- f. paucipuncta (Courvoisier, 1912); Dt. ent. Z. Iris 26 (1): 63
- f. caeca (Courvoisier, 1912); Dt. ent. Z. Iris 26 (1): 63
- Lycaena melanops medio-punctata [= mediopunctata] Oberthür, 1915; Étud. Lépid. Comp. 10: 391, 428, pl. 290, f. 2363
- Lycaena melanops ♀ ab. caerulea Wagner, 1919; Int. Ent. Zs. 13: 157
- Glaucopsyche melanops ab. boursini Mezger, 1927; Bull. Soc. ent. Fr. 1927: 213
- Glaucopsyche melanops ab. ocellata Mezger, 1927; Bull. Soc. ent. Fr. 1927: 214
- minor (Heinrich, 1938) (Lycaena); Dt. ent. Zs. 1938 (1): 11
- Lycaena melanops ab. semicaeca Heinrich, 1938; Dt. ent. Zs. 1938 (1): 11
- Lycaena cyllarus ab. azurea Silbernagel, 1946; Acta Soc. ent. bohem. 37: 117
- ?Lycaena saportae Hübner; [NHM card]
- Glaucopsyche melanops; [BOW]: pl. 9, f. 23; [NHM card]; [Otakar Kudrna]
- Glaucopsyche (Glaucopsyche) melanops; [FE]
450x392 (~33Kb) upperside Manilva, Andalucia, Spain 03/04/96, Photo © Simon Coombes
450x371 (~27Kb) underside Manilva, Andalucia, Spain 03/04/96, Photo © Simon Coombes
Larva on
Dorycnium ,
Genista ,
Lotus ,
(in the flowers) [H&R]
G. m. marchandii (Boisduval, 1834)
G. m. algirica (Heyne, 1895) Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, S.Spain
- Glaucopsyche melanops algirica; [BMAT]: 36, pl. 11, f. 31-37
- Glaucopsyche melanops algerica[sic, recte algirica?]; [NHM card]
600x435 (~47Kb) underside Morocco, Djebel Siroua, Anti-Atlas, Photo © Michel Tarrier
Larva on
Ononis atlantica,
Adenocarpus anagyrifolius,
Hedysarum ,
Dorycnium decumbens,
D. suffruticosum,
Genista sp.,
Lotus hispidus [BMAT]
G. m. wheeleri (Chapman, 1905)
- Lycaena melanops var. wheeleri Chapman, 1905; Proc. ent. Soc. Lond. 1905: iii
- Glaucopsyche melanops wheeleri; [NHM card]
G. m. alluaudi (Oberthür, 1922) Morocco
- Lycaena melanops var. alluaudi Oberthür, 1922; Étud. Lépid. Comp. 19 (1): 113, (2) pl. 545, f. 4585-4586; TL: Glaoui, Reraya, Asni, Arround (Morocco)
- Glaucopsyche melanops alluaudi; [BMAT]: 36, pl. 11, f. 38-43
- Glaucopsyche alluaudi; [NHM card]
- Glaucopsyche melanopsalluaudi[sic, recte alluaudi]; [NHM card]
600x435 (~36Kb) underside Morocco, Djebel Azourki, Haut Atlas, Photo © Jean Delacre
600x435 (~26Kb) underside Morocco, Djebel Azourki, Haut Atlas, Photo © Jean Delacre
Larva on
Adenocarpus anagyrifolius [BMAT]
G. m. diversa (de Sagarra, 1926) Spain
- Glaucopsyche melanops diversa; [NHM card]
G. m. fasciata (Turati, 1928) Cyrenaica
- Glaucopsyche melanops fasciata; [NHM card]
G. m. williamsi (Hemming, 1931) Portugal, Spain
- Glaucopsyche melanops williamsi; [NHM card]
G. m. bamba Agenjo, 1967
- Glaucopsyche melanops bamba Agenjo, 1967; Eos 43 (1-2): 18; TL: Monte Santiuste, 894m, Pampliega, Burgos
- Glaucopsyche melanops bamba; [NHM card]
G. m. cantabra Agenjo, 1967
- Glaucopsyche melanops cantabra Agenjo, 1967; Eos 43 (1-2): 18; TL: Espinama, 819m, Picos de Europa, Santander
- Glaucopsyche melanops cantabra; [NHM card]
G. m. arcasi Agenjo, 1967
- Glaucopsyche melanops arcasi Agenjo, 1967; Eos 43 (1-2): 19; TL: Aranjuez, 480m
- Glaucopsyche melanops arcasi; [NHM card]
G. m. justoi Agenjo, 1967
- Glaucopsyche melanops justoi Agenjo, 1967; Eos 43 (1-2): 19; TL: Elche, 81m, Alicante
- Glaucopsyche melanops f. minuscula Agenjo, 1967; Eos 43 (1-2): 20
- = Glaucopsyche melanops justoi ; [NHM card]
- Glaucopsyche melanops justoi; [NHM card]
G. m. loechenis Gómez Bustillo, 1973 Spain
- Glaucopsyche melanops loechenis; [NHM card]
Glaucopsyche paphos Chapman, 1920 Cyprus
- Glaucopsyche paphos; [NHM card]; [Otakar Kudrna]
- Glaucopsyche (Glaucopsyche) paphos; [FE]
Glaucopsyche charybdis (Staudinger, 1886)
Amu-Darja River vally, S.Ghissar, Fergana. See [maps]
- Lycaena charybdis Staudinger, 1886; Stett. Ent. Ztg. 47 (7-9): 226; TL: umgenged Margelan und Namangan [Ferghana Valley, Uzbekistan]
- Lycaena charybdis ab. exuta Schultz, 1906; Ent. Zs. 19 (36): 214; TL: Namangan, Marghelan, Akh-Kourgan, Kokaity
- Lycaena charybdis; Grum-Grshimailo, 1890, in Romanoff, Mém. Lép. 4: 418, pl. 9, f. 7a-b; [NHM card]
- Glaucopsyche charybdis; [BRU2]: 152, pl. 64, f. 61-63; Korb & Bolshakov, 2011, Eversmannia Suppl. 2: 81; Tshikolovets, 2017, Zootaxa 4358 (1): 113
Glaucopsyche piasus (Boisduval, 1852)
W.USA. See [maps]
Arrowhead Blue
- Lycaena piasus; Godman & Salvin, [1887], Biol. centr.-amer., Lep. Rhop. 2: 105
- Cyaniris ladon piasus; Dyar, 1903, Bull. U.S. nat. Mus. 52: 45; Fruhstorfer, 1910, Stettin ent. Ztg. 71 (2): 304
- Glaucopsyche piasus; [NACL], #4371; [NHM card]; [Opler]; [NL4A], #1088; Pelham, 2008, J. Res. Lepid. 40: 252
Larva on
Lupinus argenteus,
Lupinus hirsutissimus,
L. albifrons,
L. caudatus,
L. excubitus ssp. halli,
Astragalus [BNA]
G. p. sagittigera (C. & R. Felder, [1865]) California
G. p. daunia (Edwards, 1871)
G. p. toxeuma Brown, 1971 British Columbia
- Glaucopsyche piasus toxeuma Brown, 1971; J. Lep. Soc. 25: 245; TL: Garnett Valley, Summerlanc, B.C
G. p. nevada Brown, 1975 Nevada, ...
- Glaucopsyche (Phaedrotes) piasus nevada Brown, 1975; Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash. 77 (4): 501; TL: Bob Scott Campgroun, Toiyabe National Forest, Lander Co., Nevada, 7300-7500ft
G. p. umbrosa Emmel, Emmel & Mattoon, 1998 California
- Glaucopsyche piasus umbrosa Emmel, Emmel & Mattoon, 1998; Syst. W. N.Am. Butts. (14): 172; TL: California, San Diego Co., Laguna Mtns, slope ca. 0.2 E of Big Laguna Lake, 5450'
G. p. excubita Emmel, Emmel & Mattoon, 1998 California
- Glaucopsyche piasus excubita Emmel, Emmel & Mattoon, 1998; Syst. W. N.Am. Butts. (14): 173; TL: California, Inyo Co., Bishop Creek
G. p. gabrielina Emmel, Emmel & Mattoon, 1998 California
- Glaucopsyche piasus gabrielina Emmel, Emmel & Mattoon, 1998; Syst. W. N.Am. Butts. (14): 174; TL: California, Los Angeles Co., ridge running E from Mt Islip, WNW of Windy Gap, 7600-8000'
- Phaedrotes piasus var. catalina ab. ♂ gorgonioi Gunder, 1925; Ent. News 36: 4, pl. 1, f. P; TL: San Gorgonio Mtn, San Bernardino Co., California
Glaucopsyche lygdamus (Doubleday, 1841)
N.America. See [maps]
Silvery Blue
- Nomiades lygdamas[sic, recte lygdamus]; Dyar, 1903, Bull. U.S. nat. Mus. 52: 43
- Glaucopsyche lygdamus; [NACL], #4372; [BARU, #367]; [EBW]; [BOW]: pl. 19, f. 20; [NHM card]; [BNA]: 399, pl. 35, f. 395; [Opler]; [NL4A], #1087; Pelham, 2008, J. Res. Lepid. 40: 254; [RFEL]
identification uncertain 600x556 (~35Kb) underside USA: Table Mtn, (~ 47°18N 120°34W), Kittitas Co., WA, 19.7.1999, Photo © Markku Savela
identification uncertain 600x504 (~47Kb) underside USA: Near Crystal Mtn, (46°57'51N 121°28'53W), Pierce Co., WA, 27.7.1999, Photo © Markku Savela
1035x909 (~119Kb) male USA: Washington, King Co., Captain Point, 7.8.2011 (47.761N 121.194W), Photo © Markku Savela
958x863 (~109Kb) underside male USA: Washington, King Co., Captain Point, 7.8.2011 (47.761N 121.194W), Photo © Markku Savela
Larva on
Astragalus miser,
A. adsurgens,
Astragalus trichopodus ssp. leucopsis,
Hedysarum boreale,
Lathyrus venosus,
L. japonicus,
L. ochroleucus,
Lathyrus jepsonii var. californicus,
Lotus scoparius,
L. purshianus,
Lupinus ammophilus,
L. argenteus,
L. polycarpus,
L. arboreus,
L. succulentus,
L. bakeri,
L. caudatus,
L. floribundus,
L. parviflorus,
L. sericeus,
L. variicolor,
L. arcticus var. subalpinus,
L. polyphyllus var. superbus,
Medicago sativa,
Melilotus alba,
Oxytropis lambertii,
Thermopsis montana,
Thermopsis divaricarpa,
Vicia villosa,
V. caroliniana,
V. sativa,
V. cracca,
V. gigantea,
V. americana [BNA]
Glaucopsyche laetifica (Püngeler, 1898)
SE.Kazakhstan, S.Kazakhstan. See [maps]
- Lycaena cyllarus var. laetifica Püngeler, 1898; Soc. Ent. 13 (8): 57; TL: Ili-Gebiet [Ili River Valley, SE. Kazakhstan]
- Lycaena laetifica Püngeler, 1899; Dt. Ent. Z. Iris 12 (1): 95; TL: Ili-Gebiet
Larva on
Glycyrrhiza uralensis [BRU2], 152
G. l. safidensis Blom, 1979 Iran
- laetifica safidensis Blom, 1979; Ent. Ber. Amst. 39 (12): 186; TL: Iran
Glaucopsyche seminigra Howarth & Povolný, 1976
Kopet-Dagh, Talysh Mts.?, Iran, Afghanistan. See [maps]
G. s. seminigra Afghanistan
- Glaucopsyche seminigra seminigra; [BRU2], 152
G. s. sofidensis Blom, 1979 Kopet-Dagh
- Glaucopsyche seminigra sofidensis; [BRU2], 152
Glaucopsyche lycormas (Butler, 1866)
S.Siberia (east of Ob), Far East, Sakhalin, Mongolia, NE.China, Korea, Japan. See [maps]
Larva on
Fabaceae [BARU]
Glaucopsyche argali (Elwes, 1899)
-. See [maps]
Larva on
Oxytropis spp. [BRU2], 153
G. a. arkhar Lukhtanov, 1990 Saur, Manrak, Kurchum Mts.
- Glaucopsyche argali arkhar Lukhtanov, 1990; Vestn. zool. 6: 21; TL: E.Kazakhstan, Saur mtn range, ca. Zaisan, 1000m
G. a. chingiz Churkin, 2005 Mongolia
- Glaucopsyche argali chingiz Churkin, 2005; ; TL: Mongolia, Khovd aimak, Khazhingiin Nuruu mts, 35km SE of Tzetzeg somon, 2700m
Glaucopsyche astraea Freyer, [1851]
Asia Minor, Kurdistan. See [maps]
- Glaucopsyche astraea; [BOW]: pl. 9, f. 23 (text only); [NHM card]
G. a. eckweileri Koçak, 1979 SW.Turkey
- Glaucopsyche astraea eckweileri Koçak, 1979; Atalanta 10 (4): 310; TL: SW.Turkey, Antalya Prov., Kohu mtns, Dokuzgöl, 1600-1800m
- Glaucopsyche astraea eckweileri; [NHM card]
If you have corrections, comments or
information to add into these pages, just send mail to
Markku Savela
Keep in mind that the taxonomic information is copied from various sources, and may include many inaccuracies. Expert help is welcome.