[maps] Warning! The maps are automatically generated from the textual information, and the process does not always produce acceptable result; See about maps for more info.
[BMP]; Corbet & Pendlebury, 1992
The butterflies of the Malay Peninsula. Fourth Edition revised by J. N. Eliot with plates by Bernard D'Abrera
Butterflies Malay Peninsula (4th edn)
: 1-595, pl. 1-69
[BAUR]; D'Abrera, 1977
Butterflies of the Australian Region (2nd edn)
Butts. Aust. Region: 1-416
de Nicéville, 1894
On new and little-known butterflies from the Indo-Malayan region
J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal 63 Pt.II (1)
: 1-59, pl. 1-5
de Nicéville, 1898
On New and Little-Known Butterflies from the Indo-Malayan, Austro-Malayan and Australian Regions
J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. 12 (1)
: 131-161, pl. X-Z,AA
Distant, 1884
Rhopalocera Malayana: a Description of the Butterflies of the Malay Peninsula
Rhopalocera Malayana
: 1-481, pl. 1-27,27A,27B,28-44
Distant, 1886
Contributions to a Knowledge of Malayan Entymology. 5
Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (5) 17 (102)
: 530-532
Distant & Pryer, 1887
On the Rhopalocera of Northern Borneo. Part I & II
Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (5) 19
(109): 41-56,
(112): 264-275
Doherty, 1889
On certain Lycaenidae from lower Tenasserim
J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal 58 Pt.II (4)
: 409-440, pl. 23
Doherty, 1891
New and rare Indian Lycaenidae
J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal 60 Pt.II (1)
: 32-38, pl. 1
Druce, 1873
A list of the Collections of diurnal Lepidoptera made by Mr. Lowe in Borneo, with Descriptions of new Species
Proc. zool. Soc. Lond. 1873 (2)
: 337-361, pl. 32-33
Druce, 1895
A Monograph of the Bornean Lycaenidae
Proc. zool. Soc. Lond. 1895 (3)
: 556-627, pl. 31-34
Druce, 1896
Further Contributions to our Knowledge of the Bornean Lycaenidae
Proc. zool. Soc. Lond. 1896 (3)
: 650-683, pl. 29-31
Eliot, 1973
The higher classification of the Lycaenidae (Lepidoptera): a tentative Arrangement
Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.) 28 (6)
: 373-505 (162fgs), pl. 1-6
Eliot, 1986
A review of the Miletini (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae)
Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent. ) 53 (1)
: 1-105, 108fgs
Fruhstorfer, 1914
II. Subfamilie: Gerydinae
in Seitz, Gross-Schmett Erde 9
: 803-808 (24 April, 1914),
: 809-823 (4 August, 1915)
Kheil, 1884
Zur Fauna des Indo-Malayischen Archipels. Die Rhoplalocera der Insel Nias
Rhopalocera Ins. Nias
: [1-5], 6-38, 5pls
[BOW]; Lewis, 1974
Butterflies of the World
Moore, 1884
Descriptions of some new Asiatic diurnal Lepidoptera; chiefly from specimens contained in the Indian Museum, Calcutta
J. asiat. Soc. Bengal 53 Pt.II (1)
: 16-52
Moulton, [1912]
A List of the Butterflies of Borneo with Descriptions of new Species (3)
J. Straits Asiat. Soc. 60
: 73-177, pl. 1
Rothschild, 1915
On the Lepidoptera in the Tring Museum sent by Mr. A. S. Meek from the Admiralty Islands, Dampier and Vulcan Islands
Novit. Zool. 22
(2): 192-208,
(3): 387-402
Röber, 1886
Neue Tagschmetterlinge der Indo-Australischen Fauna
Corr.-Bl. Ent. Ver. Iris 1 (3)
: 45-72, pl. 2-5
Semper, 1889
Die Schmetterlinge der Philippinischen Inseln. Reisen im Archipel der Philippinen
Reisen Philipp.
(1): 1-46, pl. 1-8, A (1886),
(2): 47-86, pl. 9-16 (1887),
(3): 87-134, pl. 17-24 (1888),
(4): 135-174, pl. 25-32 (1889),
(5): 175-238, pl. 33-38, B (1890),
(6): 239-270, pl. 39-46 (1891),
(7): 271-380, pl. 47-49 [iv] (1892),
: 381-728
Staudinger, 1889
Lepidoptera der Insel Palawan
Dt. ent. Z. Iris 2 (1)
: 3-180, pl. 1-2
Takanami, 1989
On some type specimens of Lycaenidae from South East Asia
Tyô to Ga 40 (1)
: 23-80
Tytler, 1915
Notes on some new and interesting butterflies from Manipur and the Naga Hills. Part 1-3
J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc.23 (2): 216-229 (1914),
23 (3): 502-515, pl. 1-2 (1915),
24 (1): 119-155, pl. 3-4 (1915)
Vane-Wright & de Jong, 2003
The butterflies of Sulawesi: annotated checklist for a critical island faunda
Zool. Verh. Leiden 343: 3-268, pl. 1-16
[BIR]; Wynter-Blyth, 1957
Butterflies of the Indian Region (1982 Reprint)
If you have corrections, comments or
information to add into these pages, just send mail to
Markku Savela
Keep in mind that the taxonomic information is copied from various sources, and may include many inaccuracies. Expert help is welcome.