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Some related literature:
Guenée in Boisduval & Guenée, 1852
Histoire Naturelle des Insectes. Species Général des Lépidoptéres. Tome Sixiéme. Noctuélites. Tome 2
Hist. nat. Ins., Spec. gén. Lépid. 6 (Noct. 2)
: 1-443,
Atlas (Noctuelites): pl. 1-24 (1858)
Druce, 1887
Descriptions of some new species of Lepidoptera Heterocera, mostly from Tropical Africa
Proc. zool. Soc. Lond. 1887
: 668-686, pl. 55
Fawcett, 1916
Notes on a collection of Heterocera made by Mr. W. Feather in British East Africa, 1911-13
Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1916
: 707-737, pl. 1
Holland, 1920
Lepidoptera of the Congo. Being a Systematic List of the Butterflies and Moths Collected by the American Museum of Natural History Congo Expedition Together with Descriptions of Some Hitherto Undescribed Species
Bull. Am. Mus. nat. Hist. 43 (6)
: 109-369, pl. 6-14
Saalmüller, 1891
Lepidopteren von Madagascar. Neue und wenig bekannte Arten zumeist aus der Sammlung der Senckenberg'schen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft zu Frankfurt am Main unter Berücksichtigung der gesammten Lepidopteren-fauna Madagascars
Lepid. Madagascar
(1): 1-246, pl. 1-6 (1884),
(2): 249-531, pl. 7-14 (1891)
Schaus in Schaus & Clemens, 1893
On a collection of Sierra Leone Lepidoptera
Sierra Leone Lep.
: 1-46, pl. 1-3
Walker, 1865
List of the Specimens of Lepidopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum
List Spec. Lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus. 31: 1-322 ([1865]),
32: 323-706 (1865),
33: 707-1120 (1865),
34: 1121-1534 ([1866]),
35: 1535-2040 (1866)
If you have corrections, comments or
information to add into these pages, just send mail to
Markku Savela
Keep in mind that the taxonomic information is copied from various sources, and may include many inaccuracies. Expert help is welcome.