Eremohadena Ronkay, Varga & Fabian, 1995
Eremohadena Ronkay, Varga & Fabian, 1995; ; TS : Mamestra siri Erschoff
Iberihadena Fibiger & Ronkay, 2007
Megahadena Ronkay, Varga Gyulai, 2002
Subgenus Iberihadena (Eremohadena) Fibiger & Ronkay, 2007; Noct. Eur. 9 : 204
Eremohadena (Apameini) ; [FE ]
Eremohadena (Pseudohadenina) ; [NE9] , 204; [FE ]
Subgenus Eremohadena
Eremohadena (Eremohadena)
The coluteae species-group
Eremohadena ochronota Gyulai & Ronkay, 2001
Eremohadena (Eremohadena) ochronota ; [NE9] , 204
Eremohadena coluteae (Bienert, [1870])
E. c. banghaasi (Bytinski-Salz & Brandt, 1937)
Pseudohadena banghaasi Bytinski-Salz & Brandt, 1937; (9); TL : Iran, Keredj
Pseudohadena banghaasi ; [POOLE]
Eremohadena (Eremohadena) coluteae banghaasi ; [NE9] , 204
E. c. korshunovi (Ronkay & Varga, 1993)
Eremohadena (Eremohadena) coluteae korshunovi ; [NE9] , 204
E. c. rhodostola (Boursin, 1962)
Pseudohadena arvicola rhodostola Boursin, 1962; 305; TL : 20km N of Damas
Eremohadena (Eremohadena) coluteae rhodostola ; [NE9] , 204
Eremohadena raja Ronkay, Varga & Gyulai, 2002
Pakistan. See [maps ]
Eremohadena (Eremohadena) raja ; [NE9] , 204
Eremohadena siri (Erschoff, 1874)
Turkestan, W.Mongolia. See [maps ]
Eremohadena roseotinctoides (Poole, 1989)
Pseudohadena roseotinctoides Poole, 1989; [POOLE] : 849 (repl. Pseudohadena siri roseotincta Brandt, 1941); TL : Iran, Kouh i Taftan
Pseudohadena siri roseotincta Brandt, 1941; 851 (preocc. Pseudohadena chenopodiphaga f. roseotincta Turati); TL : Iran, Kouh i Taftan
Eremohadena (Eremohadena) roseotinctoides ; [NE9] , 204
Eremohadena orias (Ronkay & Varga, 1993)
Eremohadena (Eremohadena) orias ; [NE9] , 204
Eremohadena roseonitens (Oberthür, 1887)
SWEU, Algeria. See [maps ]
Mamestra roseonitens Oberthür, 1887; Bull. Soc. ent. Fr. (6) 7 : xlix ; TL : [Algeria] Biskra
Pseudohadena rosenitens espugnensis Lajonquiére, 1964; 291, f. 3; TL : Spain, Sierra de Espuna, Alhamade Murcia
Eremohadena adscripta (Püngeler, 1914)
Xinjiang, .... See [maps ]
Pseudohadena adscripta Püngeler, 1914; 44, pl. 2, f. 4; TL : [Xingjiang,] Aksu; Chamil-Hami
Pseudohadena adscripta ; [POOLE]
Eremohadena (Eremohadena) adscripta ; [NE9] , 204
Eremohadena pugnax (Alphéraky, 1892)
SW.Siberia. See [maps ]
Eremohadena oxybela (Boursin, 1963)
Pseudohadena oxybela Boursin, 1963; 38, pl. 9, f. 1-2; TL : [Xinjiang] Kuldzha
Pseudohadena oxybela ; [POOLE]
Eremohadena (Eremohadena) oxybela ; [NE9] , 204
The chenopodiphaga species-group
Chenopodiphaga ; [NE9] , 204
Eremohadena chenopodiphaga (Rambur, 1832)
SEU. See [maps ]
Larva on
Chenopodium fruticosum ,
Atriplex portulacoides ,
Salsola soda Hampson, 1908, [POOLE]
E. c. erubescens (Staudinger, 1901) Algeria, ...
Eremohadena (Eremohadena) chenopodiphaga erubescens ; [NE9] , 204
E. c. roseotincta (Turati, 1929) Libya, ...
Pseudohadena chenopodiphaga f. roseotincta Turati, 1929; 108; TL : Tripoli, Sidi Messri
= Pseudohadena chenopodiphaga ; [POOLE]
Eremohadena (Eremohadena) chenopodiphaga roseotincta ; [NE9] , 204
Eremohadena eibinevoi Fibiger, Kravchenko, Li, Mooser & Müller, 2006
Eremohadena (Eremohadena) eibinevoi ; [NE9] , 204
Eremohadena halimi (Millière, 1877)
SWEU. See [maps ]
Pseudohadena halimi ; [POOLE]
Eremohadena (Eremohadena) halimi ; [NE9] , 204
Eremohadena immunda (Eversmann, 1842)
Larva on
Chenopodium ?
Eremohadena pexa (Staudinger, 1889)
Turkestan. See [maps ]
Eremohadena toerpexa Ronkay & Gyulai, 2006
Eremohadena (Eremohadena) toerpexa ; [NE9] , 204
The catalampra species-group
Eremohadena catalampra Ronkay, Varga & Gyulai, 2002 Chinese Turkestan
Eremohadena (Eremohadena) catalampra ; [NE9] , 204
E. c. cyanochlora Ronkay, Varga & Gyulai, 2002 Transalai
Eremohadena (Eremohadena) catalampra cyanochlora ; [NE9] , 204
Subgenus Iberihadena Fibiger & Ronkay in Fibiger & Hacker, 2007
Subgenus Iberihadena (Eremohadena) Fibiger & Ronkay, 2007; Noct. Eur. 9 : 204
Eremohadena mariana (Lajonquiére, 1964)
SWEU. See [maps ]
Pseudohadena mariana Lajonquiére, 1964; 46; TL : Spain, Sierra de Espuna, Murcia Province
Pseudohadena mariana ; [POOLE]
Eremohadena (Iberihadena) mariana ; [NE9] , 204
Eremohadena immunis (Staudinger, 1889)
Turkestan. See [maps ]
E. i. lesghica (Boursin, 1943) Iran, ...
Pseudohadena immunis lesghica Boursin, 1944; 82, pl. 2, f. 15; TL : [Iran] Daghestan, N of Bazar-Djuzi and E of Kurush-Dagh, Schakh-Dagh
Eremohadena (Iberihadena) immunis lesghica ; [NE9] , 204
Subgenus Megahadena Ronkay, varga & Gyulai, 2002
Megahadena (Eremohadena) ; [NE9] , 204
Eremohadena rjabovi (Boursin, 1970)
Pseudohadena rjabovi Boursin, 1970; 66, f. 95; TL : Persia, Derbend, 25km N of Teheran
Pseudohadena rjabovi ; [POOLE]
Eremohadena (Megahadena) rjabovi ; [NE9] , 204
Eremohadena megaptera (Boursin, 1970)
Pseudohadena megaptera Boursin, 1970; 69, f. 100-103; TL : Afghanistan, Sarobi, E of Kabul
Pseudohadena megaptera ; [POOLE]
Eremohadena (Megahadena) megaptera ; [NE9] , 204
23.5.2019 (21)
Some related literature:
Alphéraky, 1892
Lepidoptera nova a Gr. Grum-Grshimailo in Asia Centrali novissime lecta
Horae Soc. ent. ross. 26 (3-4)
: 444 -459
Bienert, [1870]
Lepidopterologische Ergebnisse einer Reise in Persien in den Jahren 1858 und 1859. Inauguraldissertation
Lepid. Erg. Reise Persiens : 56pp
Christoph, 1889
Lepidoptera aus dem Achal-Tekke-Gebiete. Vierter Theil
in Romanoff, Mém. Lépid. 5
: 1 -58, pl. 1 -3
Erschoff, 1874
Travels in Turkestan. Volume 2. Zoogeographical Investigations. Lepidoptera [in Russian]
in Fedschenko, Travels in Turkestan. 2 (5)
: 1 -128, pl. 1 -6
Eversmann, 1842
Quaedam Lepidopterorum. Species novae, in Rossia Orientali observatae, nunc descriptae et depictae
Bull. Soc. imp. Nat. Moscou 1842 (3)
: 543 -565, pl. 5 -6
[NE9]; Fibiger & Hacker, 2007; Fibiger & Ronkay in Fibiger & Hacker, 2007
Noctuidae Europaeae (Amphipyrinae, Condicinae, Eriopinae, Xyleninae (Part))
Noct. Eur. 9
: 1-410
Hampson, 1908
Catalogue of the Lepidoptera Phalaenae in the British Museum
Cat. Lepid. Phalaenae Br. Mus.
7 : i -xv [?], 1 -709, pl. 108 -122,
8 : pl. 123 -124
Millière, 1877
Iconographie et description de six espèces de chenilles inédites des environs de Cannes (Alpes-Maritimes) avec leurs Papillons a peine connus
Ann. Soc. ent. Belg. 20
: 58 -66, pl. 1
Oberthür, 1887
[Lépidopteres d'Algérie]
Bull. Soc. ent. Fr. (6) 7
: xlviii -xlix,[48 -49],
: lvii -lix,[57 -59],
: lxvii ,[67 -68],
: lxxvi ,[76 ],
: lxxxiii -lxxxiv,[83 -84],
: xcix -c,[99 -100]
[POOLE]; Poole, 1989
Lepidopterorum catalogus (New Series) 118: Noctuidae
Lepid. cat. (n.s.) 118 :
Rambur, 1832
Catalogue des Lépidoptéres de l'ile Corse, avec la description et la figure des espéces inédites (1)
Ann. Soc. ent. Fr. 1
: 245 -295
Staudinger, 1889
Centralasiatische Lepidopteren
Stettin Ent. Ztg 50 (1-3)
: 16 -60
Staudinger in Staudinger & Rebel, 1901
Catalog der Lepidopteren des palaearktischen Faunengebiets. I. Famil. Papilionidae - Hepialidae
Cat. Lep. palaearct. Faunengeb. 1
: 1 -411
If you have corrections, comments or
information to add into these pages, just send mail to
Markku Savela
Keep in mind that the taxonomic information is copied from various sources, and may include many inaccuracies. Expert help is welcome.