Dichagyris Lederer, 1857
Subgenus Dichagyris Lederer, 1857
The vallesiaca species-group
The multicuspis species-group
  • Multicuspis; [NE3], 101, 104
The candelisequa species-group
  • Candelisequa; [NE3], 101
The melanura species-group
  • Melanura; [NE3], 101, 105
The celebrata species-group
  • Celebrata; [NE3], 101, 108
The himalayensis species-group
  • Himalayensis; [NE3], 101, 109
The renigera species-group
  • Renigera; [NE3], 102, 109
The erubescens species-group
  • Erubescens; [NE3], 102, 110
The constanti species-group
  • Constanti; [NE3], 102, 110
The ? species-group
The serraticornis species-group
  • Serraticornis; [NE3], 111
The truculenta species-group
  • Truculenta; [NE3], 111, 113
The forcipula species-group
  • Forcipula; [NE3], 112, 113
The signifera species-group
  • Signifera; [NE3], 112, 118
The ? species-group
Subgenus Pseudorthosia Grote, 1874
  • Pseudorthosia (Dichagyris); [MNA27.1], 77, 113
Subgenus Stenosomides Strand, 1942
  • Stenosomides Strand, 1942; Folia zool. hydrobiol. 11: 390 (repl. Stenosoma Turati, 1924); TS: Stenosoma synesia Turati
  • Stenosoma Turati, 1924; (preocc. Stenosoma Leach, [1814]); TS: Stenosoma synesia Turati
Subgenus Mesembragrotis Barnes & Benjamin, 1927
  • Mesembragrotis (Dichagryis); [MNA27.1], 77, 115
Subgenus Loxagrotis McDunnough, [1929]
The aclivis species-group
The mizteca species-group
The salina species-group
The limenia species-group
The grandipennis species-group
Subgenus Albocosta Fibiger & Lafontaine in Fibiger, 1997
  • Albocosta Fibiger & Lafontaine, 1997; Noct. Eur. 3: 126; TS: Noctua musiva Hübner
  • Pseudochropleura Beck, [1992]; Atalanta 22 (2/4): 181 (nom. nud.); TS: Noctua musiva Hübner
  • Basistriga Fibiger & Lafontaine, 1997; Noct. Eur. 3: 125; TS: Noctua flammatra Denis & Schiffermüller
Subgenus Pseudorichia Lafontaine, 2004
The madida species-group
The aphronus species-group
The larga species-group

23.7.2019 (141)


Some related literature:

If you have corrections, comments or information to add into these pages, just send mail to Markku Savela
Keep in mind that the taxonomic information is copied from various sources, and may include many inaccuracies. Expert help is welcome.