Polia Ochsenheimer, 1816
The "NA" species-group
The ? species-group

Unknown or unplaced taxa

  • Polia abnormis Draudt, 1950; 33, pl. 2, f. 4; TL: Tai-pei-shan; Mien-shan

  • Polia accessa Herrich-Schäffer, 1856; 7, f. 48; TL: Amberg [Germnay]

  • Polia albirena Draudt, 1950; 26, pl. 2, f. 2; TL: South Shensi, Tsingling, Tai-pei-shan

  • Polia ardelio Draudt, 1924; 99, pl. 15, row e; TL: Bolivia, Cuesta von Gillutincara

  • Polia atrirena Hampson, 1905; 158, pl. 82, f. 25; TL: British East Africa, Ndimu

  • Agrotis aya Dognin, 1897; 412; TL: Loja
  • Mamestra zobira Schaus, 1898; 110; TL: Mexico, Orizaba; Jamaica

  • Polia bruchi Polia, 1947; 75; TL: Argentine, Cordoba, La Cabana

  • Polia caneosparsata Dognin, 1914; 5; TL: Colombia, Paramo del Quindin

  • Mamestra canosticta Druce, 1905; 373; TL: Bolivia

  • Polia chalcia Hampson, 1905; 154, pl. 82, f. 18; TL: Guatemala, Cerro Zunil

  • Polia costigeroides Poole, 1989; [POOLE]: 822 (repl. Agrotis costigera Moore, 1881); TL: [Himachal Pradesh], Solun; [Meghalaya] Cherra Pundi
  • Agrotis costigera Moore, 1881; 350 (preocc. Agrotis costigera Walker, 1858); TL: [Himachal Pradesh], Solun; [Meghalaya] Cherra Pundi
    • = Polia ? costigeroides ; [POOLE]

  • Polia costirufa Draudt, 1950; 28, pl. 2, f. 9; TL: [Sichuan], Batang

  • Polia cuprescens Hampson, 1905; 163, pl. 82, f. 32; TL: Mashonaland, Salisbury

  • Mamestra eversmanni Staudinger, 1900; 367, pl. 6, f. 14; TL: [Xinjiang] Korla

  • Hecatera fasciata Leech, 1889; 134, pl. 9, f. 8; TL: Kiukiang

  • Hadena ferrisparsa Hampson, 1894; 201; TL: Simla; Dalhousie

  • Amathes gasiva Schaus, 1898; 108; TL: Mexico, Las Vigas

  • Mamestra gavisa Schaus, 1898; 142; TL: Mexico, Las Viags, Cobre de Perote
  • Hadena gavisa;
  • Polia ? gavisa; [POOLE]

  • Polia hemichrysea Köhler, 1968; 11, pl. 2, f. 2; TL: Bolivia, Rio Songo, Cuticucho

  • Hadena knyvetti Hampson, 1894; 203; TL: Sikkim
  • Polia cnivetti Hampson, 1905; 146 (emend.); TL: Sikkim

  • Hecatera laeta Maassen, 1890; 145, pl. 6, f. 29

  • Apamea lebruni Mabille, 1885; 63; TL: Patagonia, Santa Cruz

  • Polia livia Freyer, 1833; 169, pl. 95, f. 3; TL: Switzerland

  • Caradrina maerens Butler, 1882; 125; TL: Chile, Las Zorras

  • Mamestra marea Schaus, 1894; 227; TL: Mexico, Jalapa

  • Polia mareoides Köhler, 1968; 9, pl. 1, f. 7; TL: Bolivia, Yungas de Corani

  • Hecatera mohosa Dognin, 1897; 412; TL: Loja

  • Polia muelleri Draudt, 1924; 97, pl. 15, row b

  • Hadena nagaensis Hampson, 1894; 201; TL: Naga Hills

  • Apamea nervina Dognin, 1897; 408; TL: Loja; Zamora valley

  • Hecatera olivocincta Guenée, 1852; 30; TL: Brazil, Nouvelle-Fribourg [Rio de Janeiro]
  • Mamestra folia Schaus, 1894; 227; TL: Parana, Castro
    • = Polia ? olivocincta ; [POOLE]

  • Polia opinabilis Draudt, 1924; 103, pl. 16, row a; TL: Bolivia, Cuest von Cillutincara

  • Hadena orizabena Schaus, 1898; 142; TL: Mexico, Orizaba

  • Polia ornatissima Wileman, 1911; 175; TL: Formosa, Rantaizan

  • Mamestra paranica Schaus, 1903; 231; TL: Parana, Castro
  • Polia paranica f. albescens Draudt, 1924; 102, pl. 15, row i (preocc. Polia albescens Guenée)

  • Hadena ? pennitarsis Walker, 18858; 1726; TL: Brazil

  • Polia pernix Freyer, 1838; 57, pl. 232, f. 2-3; TL: Southern France

  • Mamestra poliastis Hampson, 1902; 268; TL: British East Africa, Machakos; Nairobi; Mashonaland, Salisbury; Transvaal; Pretoria; Cape Colony, Transkei

  • Polia praecontigua Turati, 1933; 18; TL: Himalaya, Pjau, Biaho Valley

  • Mamestra psittacus Herrich-Schäffer, [1854]; Samml. aussereurop. Schmett. (I) 1: 80, 1 (11) pl. 42, f. 216; TL: Venezuela
  • Valleria[sic] jocosa Schaus, 1894; 230; TL: Mexico, Jalapa

  • Thargelia pusilla Püngeler, 1900; 118, pl. 4, f. 10; TL: Aschabad

  • Polia roberti Draudt, 1924; 111, pl. 17, row d; TL: Mexico, Orizaba

  • Polia rosina Köhler, 1947; 75; TL: Argentina, Missiones, Eldorado

  • Mamestra sadales Druce, 1898; 477, pl. 93, f. 19; TL: Mexico, Guerrero, Omilteme

  • Polia stevensii Guenée, 1852; 38; TL: Central India

  • Hadena subjecta Walker, 1857; 588; TL: Brazil

  • Mamestra subpicta Schaus, 1898; 111; TL: Mexico, Orizaba

  • Mamestra tolimae Zerny, 1916; 176, pl. 5, f. 26; TL: Colombia, Monte Tolima

  • Polia tucumana Köhler, 1979; 38, f. 2; TL: Argentina, Tucuman, Siambon

  • Mamestra viriditincta Schaus, 1903; 230; TL: Parana, Castro

23.7.2019 (35)


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Keep in mind that the taxonomic information is copied from various sources, and may include many inaccuracies. Expert help is welcome.