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Some related literature:
Berg, 1882
Farrago Lepidopterologica. Contribuciones al estudio de la fauna Argentina y paises limitrofes
An. Soc. cient. argent. 13
: 164-184,
(5): 213-223,
: 257-279
Druce, 1897
Descriptions of some new Species of Heterocera from Tropical America
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6) 20 (117)
: 299-305
Dyar, 1914
Report on the lepidoptera of the Smithsonian Biological Survey of the Canal Zone
Proc. U.S. nat. Mus. 47 (2050)
: 139-350
Hampson, 1910
Catalogue of the Lepidoptera Phalaenae in the British Museum
Cat. Lepid. Phalaenae Br. Mus.9: i-xv, 1-552, pl. 137-147,
10: pl. 148-149
[POOLE]; Poole, 1989
Lepidopterorum catalogus (New Series) 118: Noctuidae
Lepid. cat. (n.s.) 118:
Schaus, 1904
New species of American Heterocera
Trans. Amer. ent. Soc. 30
: 135-179
Todd & Poole, 1981
A revision of the agaristid genus Aucula Walker (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
J. Lep. Soc. 35: 194
: 194-215
Walker, 1862
Characters of undescribed Lepidoptera in the Collection of A. Fry, Esq.
Trans. ent. Soc. Lond. (3) 1
: 253-262
If you have corrections, comments or
information to add into these pages, just send mail to
Markku Savela
Keep in mind that the taxonomic information is copied from various sources, and may include many inaccuracies. Expert help is welcome.