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Some related literature:
Arora, 1983
On the Lepidopterous fauna of Andaman and Nicobar group of Islands (India). Family Arctiidae
Rec. Zool. Surv. India, Occ. Paper 60
: 1-49
Debauche, 1938
Amatidae et Lihosiidae nouveaux ou peu connus
Bull. Mus. R. Hist. nat. Belg. 14 (9)
: 1-21
van Eecke, 1920
Studien over indo-australische Lepidoptera. IV. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Heterocera-fauna der ost-indische Kolonien
Zool. Meded. 5 (13)
: 112-138
van Eecke, 1929
Fauna Buruana. Lepidoptera Heterocera, fam. Zygaenidae, Syntomidae and Arctiidae
Treubia 7 (4)
: 341-350, pl. 7
Felder, 1874
Reise der österreichischen Fregatte Novara um die Erde in den Jahren 1857, 1858, 1859 unter den Behilfen des Commodore B. von Wüllerstorf-Urbair. Zoologischer Theil. Band 2. Abtheilung 2. Lepidoptera. Rhopalocera
Reise Fregatte Novara, Bd 2 (Abth. 2)
(1): 1-136, pl. 1-21 (Rhop.) (C. & R. Felder, [1865]),
(2): 137-378, pl. 22-47 (Rhop.) (C. & R. Felder, 1865),
(3): 379-536, pl. 48-74 (Rhop.) (C. & R. Felder, 1867),
(4): 537-548, pl. 75-120, (Inhalts-Verz.) 1-9 (pl. 1-74), (Felder & Rogenhofer, 1874) ,
(5): pl. 121-140, (erklärung) 1-10 (pl. 75-107), (Inhalts-Verz.) 1-20 (pl. 108-140), (Felder & Rogenhofer, 1875)
Hampson, 1900
Catalogue of the Arctiadae (Nolinae, Lithosinae) in the collection of the British Museum
Cat. Lep. Phalaenae Br. Mus. 2
: i-xx, 1-589, pl. 18-35
[MOB7]; Holloway, 2001
Family Arctiidae, subfamily Lithosiinae
Moths of Borneo 7
de Joannis, 1928
Lépidoptères Hétérocères du Tonkin
Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 97
: 241-368, pl. 1-2
Moore, 1882
The Lepidoptera of Ceylon
Lepid. Ceylon 2
(1): 1-72, pl. 72-107 (1882),
(2): 73-162, pl. 108-143 ([1883])
Rothschild, 1912
New Lithosianae
Novit. Zool. 19 (2)
: 212-246
Rothschild, 1915
Lepidoptera of the British Ornithologists' Union and Wollaston Expeditions in the Snow Mountains, Southern Dutch New Guinea
in Rothschild & Durrant, Lep. B.O.U. Exp. New Guinea
: 1-146,
: 147-148,
: 149-162,
: 163-168,
: 169-182,
: pl. 1-2
Rothschild, 1920
Heterocera. Collected in Korinchi, West Sumatra, by Messrs. H.C. Robinson and C. Boden Kloss
J. Fed. Malay States Mus. 8 (3)
: 107-139
Draudt in Seitz, 1914
Die Indo-Australischen Spinner und Schwärmer
Gross-Schmett. Erde 10
: 1-909
Singh, Singh & Joshi, 2014
A Checklist of Subfamily Arctiinae (Erebidae: Noctuoidea: Lepidoptera) from India
Rec. Zool. Survey India. Occ. Pap 367
: 1-76
Walker, 1854
List of the Specimens of Lepidopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum
List Spec. Lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus.1: 1-278 (1854),
2: 279-581 (1854),
3: 583-775 (1855),
4: 777-976 (1855),
5: 977-1258 (1855),
6: 1259-1508 (1855),
7: 1509-1808 (1856)
Walker, 1863
List of the Specimens of Lepidopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum
List Spec. Lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus.27: 1-286 (1863),
28: 287-562 (1863),
29: 563-835 (1864),
30: 837-1096 (1864)
If you have corrections, comments or
information to add into these pages, just send mail to
Markku Savela
Keep in mind that the taxonomic information is copied from various sources, and may include many inaccuracies. Expert help is welcome.