[HBN] Francis Hemming, 1937
HÜBNER, A bibliographical and systematic account of the entomological works of Jacob Hübner and of the supplements thereto by Carl Geyer, Gottfried Franz von Frölich and Gottlieb August Wilhelm Herrich-Schäffer, Vol 1 & 2
[maps] Warning! The maps are automatically generated from the textual information, and the process does not always produce acceptable result; See about maps for more info.
Some related literature:
Bendib & Minet, 1999
Lithosiine main lineages and their possible interrelationships. I. - Definition of new or resurrected tribes (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae)
Ann. Soc. ent. Fr. (N.S.) 35 (3-4)
: 241-263
Dubatolov, Kishida & Wang, 2012
New records of lichenmoths from the Nanling Mts., Guangdong, South China, with description of new genera and species (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae: Lithosiinae)
Tinea 21 (4)
: 25-52
Dubatolov, Tshistjakov & Viidalepp, 1993
A list of the Lithosiinae of the territory of the former USSR (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae)
Atalanta 24 (1/2)
: 165-175
van Eecke, 1926
De Heterocera van Sumatra II & III
Zool. Meded. 9
(3): 28-49,
(14): 258-299
Hampson, 1893
Illustrations of typical specimens of Lepidoptera Heterocera in the collection of the British Museum. Part 9. The macrolepidoptera heterocera of Ceylon
Ill. typical Spec. Lep. Het. Colln Br. Mus. 9
: 1-182, pl. 157-176
Hampson, 1894
The Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma
Fauna Br. India (Moths) 2
: v-xxii,
: 1-609
Hampson, 1896
The Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma
Fauna Br. India (Moths) 4
: ix-xxviii,
: 1-594
Hampson, 1898
The moths of India. Supplementary paper to the volumes in "The fauna of British India". Part I-II
J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. 11
(2): 277-297, pl. A (1897),
(3): 438-662 (1898),
(4): 698-724 (1898)
Hampson, 1900
Catalogue of the Arctiadae (Nolinae, Lithosinae) in the collection of the British Museum
Cat. Lep. Phalaenae Br. Mus. 2
: i-xx, 1-589, pl. 18-35
Hampson, 1918
Descriptions of New Genera and Species of Amatidae, Lithosidae, and NoctuidaeNovit. zool. 25 (1)
: 93-217
Haworth, 1809
Lepidoptera Britannica, sistens digestimen novam lepidopterorum quae in Magna Britannica reperiunter ... adjunguntur dissertationes variae ad historiam naturalam spectantes
Lepid. Britannica
(1): 1-136 (1803),
(2): 137-376 ([1809]),
(3): 377-512 ([1811]),
(4): 513-609 (1828)
Herrich-Schäffer, [1855]
Systematische Bearbeitung der Schmetterlinge von Europa, zugleich als Text, Revision und Supplement zu J. Hübner's Sammlung europäischer Schmetterlinge, Sechter un letzter Band, 1843-1856
Syst. Bearb. Schmett. Europ. 6
(1): (i) pl. I (1843),
(3): (i) I-II, pl. II-IV (1844),
(6): (i) pl. V (1844),
(7): (i) pl. VI (1844),
(8): (i) III-X, pl. VII-VIII (1844),
(9): (i) pl. IX-XI (1844),
(11): (i) pl. XII (1845),
(13): (i) XI-XIV, pl. XIII-XIV (1846),
(17): (i) pl. XVI (1846),
(22): (ii) pl. I-III (1847),
(35): (i) pl. XV (1848),
(36): (i) pl. XVII-XIX (1848),
(37): (i) pl. XX (1849),
(?38): (i) XV-XVIII (1849),
(38): (i) pl. XXI-XXII (1849),
(40): (ii) I-II-IV, pl. IV-IX (1849),
(48): [1], 2-24 (1851),
(55): 25-80, (iv) [1], 2-36 (1852),
(60): (ii) V-VIII, pl. X-XIV (iv) 37-40 (1853),
(65): (iv) 41-60 (1854),
(66): (iv) 61-72 (1855),
(68): 81-152 (1855),
(69): 153-178, (Index univ.) [1], 2-48 (1856),
(69): (Schlusswort) i-iv (1856)
[MOB7]; Holloway, 2001
Family Arctiidae, subfamily Lithosiinae
Moths of Borneo 7
Hübner, 1796
Sammlung europäischer Schmetterlinge. III. Bombyces - Spinner ("Zweyte Band" - part)
Samml. eur. Schmett. [3]
: 101-154,
: pl. 1-43, f. 1-189 (1800-1803),
: pl. 44-57, f. 190-247 (1803-1808),
: pl. 58-59, f. 248-254 (1809-1810),
: pl. 60-63, f. 255-268 (1810-1813),
: pl. 64-65, f. 269-276 (1818-1819),
: pl. 66, f. 277-281 (1819-1822),
: pl. 67, f. 282 (1823),
: pl. 68-69, f. 283-294 (1823-1824),
: pl. 70, f. 295-298 (1827),
: pl. 71-74, f. 299-314 (1827-1828),
: pl. 75-76, f. 315-322 (1828-1829),
: pl. 77-80, f. 323-340 (1830-1831),
: pl. 81, f. 341-346 (1834-1836),
: pl. 82, f. 347-350 (1836),
: pl. 83, f. 351-355 (1836-1838)
Inoue, 1961
Checlist of the Lepidoptera of Japan. Part 6. Hyblaeidae - Sphingidae
Checklist Lep. Japan. (6): 621-8683
Inoue, 1980
Synonymic Notes on Some Lithosiinae, Arctiidae, from Japan and Taiwan, with Descriptions of Three New Species : Lepidoptera
Tyô to Ga 30 (3,4)
: 159-171
Linnaeus, 1761
Fauna Suecica Sistens Animalia Sueciae Regni: Mamalia, Aves, Amphibia, Pisces, Insecta, Vermes. Distributa per Classes, Ordines, Genera, Species, cum differentiis Specierum, Synonymis Auctorum, Nominibus Incolarrum, Locis Natalium, Descriptionibus Insectorum
Fauna Suecica (Edn 2)
: 1-578
Lucas, 1894
Descriptions of new Australian Lepidoptera, with additional Localities for known Species
Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) 8 (2)
: 133-166
Millière, 1865
Iconographie et description de Chenilles et Lépidoptères
Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon (n.s.) 10
: 187-212, pl. 37-40,
: 217-244, pl. 41-44
Moore, 1878
A revision of certain Genera of European and Asiatic Lithosidae with Characters of new Genera and Species
Proc. zool. Soc. Lond. 1878
: 3-37, pl. 1-3
[AUCL]; Nielsen & Rangsi, 1996
Checklist of the Lepidoptera of Australia
Monogr. Aust. Lepid. 4: 1-529
Piepers & Snellen, 1904
Énumeration des Lépidoptères Hétérocères de Java
Tijdschr. Ent. 47
: 43-62,
: 136-167, pl. 10-11
Plötz, 1880
Verzeichniss der von Professor Dr. R. Bucholz in West-Africa gesammelten Schmetterlinge
Stettin ent. Ztg 41
(1-3): 76-88,
(4-6): 189-206,
(7-9): 298-307
Rambur, [1866]
Catalogue systematique des lépidoptères de l'Andalousie
Cat. syst. Lépid. Andalousie
(1): 1-92 (1858),
(2): 93-442 ([1866])
Retzius, 1783
Genera et Species Insectorum
Gen. Spec. Ins.
: 7-220
Rothschild, 1913
New Lithosianae
Novit. Zool. 20 (1)
: 192-226
Seitz, 1915
Die Indo-Australischen Spinner und Schwärmer
Gross-Schmett. Erde 10
: 1-909
Semper, 1899
Die Schmetterlinge der Philippinischen Inseln. Beitrage zur Indo-Malayischen Lepidopteren-fauna. Zweiter Band. Die Nachtfalter. Heterocera
Reisen Archipel. Philipp. 2
: 381-728 (1896-1902),
: pl. A-J,50-51,K-N,52-54,O-P,55-59,Q-T,60-63,U,64-66,V
[SPRK]; Seppänen, 1970
Suomen suurperhostoukkien ravintokasvit
Animalia Fennica 14
Singh, Singh & Joshi, 2014
A Checklist of Subfamily Arctiinae (Erebidae: Noctuoidea: Lepidoptera) from India
Rec. Zool. Survey India. Occ. Pap 367
: 1-76
Turner, 1899
Notes on Australian Lepidoptera
Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 23
: 9-21
Uffeln, 1912
Nudaria mundana var. alpina m.
Ent. Zs. 26: 13
: 13
Walker, [1865]
List of the Specimens of Lepidopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum
List Spec. Lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus. 31: 1-322 ([1865]),
32: 323-706 (1865),
33: 707-1120 (1865),
34: 1121-1534 ([1866]),
35: 1535-2040 (1866)
Wu & Han, 2015
Two new records of genus Nudaria Haworth, 1809 (Lepidoptera, Erebidae, Arctiinae, Lithosiini) from China
J. Asia-Pacif. Biodiv. 8
: 230-232
If you have corrections, comments or
information to add into these pages, just send mail to
Markku Savela
Keep in mind that the taxonomic information is copied from various sources, and may include many inaccuracies. Expert help is welcome.