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Some related literature:
Butler, 1876
Notes on the Lepidoptera of the family Zygaenidae, with descriptions of new genera and species
J. Linn. Soc. Lond. Zool. 12 (60-62)
: 342-407, pl. 27-28
Druce, 1898
Description of some new species of Heterocera
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7) 1
(2): 146-149,
(3): 207-215
C. & R. Felder, 1862
Observationes de Lepidoteris nonullis Chinae centralis et Japoniae
Wien. ent. Monats. 6
(1): 22-32,
(2): 33-40
Felder, 1874
Reise der österreichischen Fregatte Novara um die Erde in den Jahren 1857, 1858, 1859 unter den Behilfen des Commodore B. von Wüllerstorf-Urbair. Zoologischer Theil. Band 2. Abtheilung 2. Lepidoptera. Rhopalocera
Reise Fregatte Novara, Bd 2 (Abth. 2)
(1): 1-136, pl. 1-21 (Rhop.) (C. & R. Felder, [1865]),
(2): 137-378, pl. 22-47 (Rhop.) (C. & R. Felder, 1865),
(3): 379-536, pl. 48-74 (Rhop.) (C. & R. Felder, 1867),
(4): 537-548, pl. 75-120, (Inhalts-Verz.) 1-9 (pl. 1-74), (Felder & Rogenhofer, 1874) ,
(5): pl. 121-140, (erklärung) 1-10 (pl. 75-107), (Inhalts-Verz.) 1-20 (pl. 108-140), (Felder & Rogenhofer, 1875)
Hampson, [1893]
The Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma 1
Fauna Br. India (Moths) 1
: v-xxii,
: 1-527
Hampson, 1898
Catalogue of the Lepidoptera Phalaenae in the British Museum. 1: SyntomidaeCat. Lep. Phalaenae Br. Mus. 1
: i-xxi, 1-559, pl. 1-17
Hampson, 1911
Descriptions of new Genera and Species of Syntomidae, Arctiadae, Agaristidae, and NoctuidaeAnn. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) 8 (46)
: 393-445
Herrich-Schäffer, [1855]
Sammlung neuer oder wenig bekannter aussereuropäischer Schmetterlinge, 1850-[1869]: Heterocera (Nachfalter)
Samml. aussereurop. Schmett. (I)
1 (1): pl. 1-4, f. 1-17 (1853),
1 (2): pl. 5-8, f. 18-38 (1853),
1 (3): pl. 9-12, f. 39-51 (1853),
1 (4): pl. 13-16, f. 52-76 (1853),
1 (5): pl. 17-20, f. 77-97 (1854),
1 (6): pl. 21-24, f. 98-114 (1854),
1 (7): pl. [25-28], f. 115-138 (1854),
1 (8): pl. [29-32], f. 139-153 (1854),
1 (9): pl. [33-36], f. 154-173 (1854),
1 (10): pl. [37-40], f. 174-201 (1854),
1 (11): pl. [41-44], f. 202-231 (1854),
1 (12): pl. [45-48], f. 232-258 (1854),
1 (13-17): pl. 49-68, f. 259-390 (1855),
1 (?18): pl. [69], f. 391-396 (1858),
1 (?19): pl. [70], f. 397-403 (1858),
1 (?20-21): pl. 71-78, f. 404-451 (1855),
1 (?22): pl. [79], f. 452-458 (1858),
1 (23-25): pl. 80-94, f. 459-540 (1856),
1 (26): pl. [95-96], f. 541-551 (1858),
1: 1-52 (1856),
1: 53-84 (1858),
2: pl. [97-100], f. 552-571 (1869)
[MOB6]; Holloway, 1988
The Moths of Borneo: Family Arctiidae, Subfamilies Syntominae, Euchromiinae, Arctiinae; Noctuidae misplaced in Arctiidae (Camptoloma, Aganainae)
Moths of Borneo 6
Joannis, 1912
Description de trois nouvelles espèces de Lépidoptères hétèrocères de Cochinchine
Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1912
: 286-289
Kirti, Singh & Joshi, 2014
Taxonomic Studies on Three Caeneressa Species (Lepidoptera: Syntominae) from India with Special Reference to Their External Genitalia
Anim. Syst. Evol. Divers. 30 (1): 33-38
Kollar, 1848
Aufzählung und Beschreibung der von Freiherr C. v. Hügel auf seiner Reise durch Kaschmir und das Himaleygebirge gesammelten Insekten
in Hügel, Kaschmir und das Reich der Siek 4
: 393-564, pl. 1-28
Leech, 1889
On a collection of Lepidoptera from Kiukiang
Trans. ent. Soc. Lond. 1889 (1)
: 99-148, pl. 7-9
Leech, 1898
New Species of Syntomis from China
Entomologist 31
: 152-154
Lu, Chen & Wu, 2012
Catalogue of Ctenuchinina Heppner, 1992 from China (Lepidoptera: Erebidae, Arctiinae)
SHILAP Revta lepid. 40 (160)
: 447-463
Matsumura, 1911
Thousand Insects of Japan. Supplement III. [Zoku Nihon senchu zukai]
Thous. Ins. Japan (Suppl.) 3
: 1-147, pl. 30-41
Moore, 1871
Descriptions of some new Insects collected by Dr. Anderson during the Expedition to Yunan
Proc. zool. Soc. Lond. 1871
: 244-249, pl. 18
Moore, 1878
A list of the Lepidopterous Insects collected by Mr. Ossian Limborg in Upper Tenasserim, with Descriptions of new Species
Proc. zool. Soc. Lond. 1878 (4)
: 821-859, pl. 51-53 (1879)
Moore, 1879
Descriptions of new Indian Lepidopterous Insects from the collection of the late Mr. W.S. Atkinson
Descr. Indian lep. Atkinson
(1): 1-88, pl. 1-3 (1879),
(2): 89-198, pl. 4-5 (1882),
(3): 199-299, pl. 6-8 (1888)
Obraztsov, 1957
The Chinese Caeneressa species (Lepidoptera, Ctenuchidae)
Bull. Mus. comp. Zool. Harvard 116 (7)
: 389-438
Pagenstecher, 1885
Beiträge zur Lepidopteren-Fauna des malayischen Archipels. (2)
Jahrb. Nassau. Ver. Naturk. 38
: 1-71, 181
Rothschild, 1910
Descriptions of new Syntomidae
Novit. Zool. 17
(3): 429-445
Rothschild, 1912
New Bornean Aegeriidae and SyntomidaeNovit. Zool. 19
: 122-124
Rothschild, 1912
Some unfigured Syntomidae, Aegeriadae, and Arctianae
Novit. Zool. 19
: 375-377, pl. 3-5
Rothschild, 1920
Heterocera. Collected in Korinchi, West Sumatra, by Messrs. H.C. Robinson and C. Boden Kloss
J. Fed. Malay States Mus. 8 (3)
: 107-139
Seitz, 1913
Die Indo-Australischen Spinner und Schwärmer
Gross-Schmett. Erde 10
: 1-909
Singh, Singh & Joshi, 2014
A Checklist of Subfamily Arctiinae (Erebidae: Noctuoidea: Lepidoptera) from India
Rec. Zool. Survey India. Occ. Pap 367
: 1-76
Swinhoe, 1891
New species of Heterocera from the Khasia Hills. Part I
Trans. ent. Soc. Lond.1891 (4): 473-495, pl. 19,
1892 (1): 1-20, pl. 1
Walker, 1854
List of the Specimens of Lepidopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum
List Spec. Lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus.1: 1-278 (1854),
2: 279-581 (1854),
3: 583-775 (1855),
4: 777-976 (1855),
5: 977-1258 (1855),
6: 1259-1508 (1855),
7: 1509-1808 (1856)
Walker, 1859
Catalogue of Heterocerous Lepidoptera collected at Singapore by Mr. A. R. Wallace, with Descriptions of New Species
J. Proc. Linn. Soc. Lond. (Zool.) 3
: 183-196
Walker, 1862
Catalogue of the Heterocerous Lepidopterous Insects collected at Sarawak, in Borneo, by Mr. A. R. Wallace, with Descriptions of New Species
J. Proc. Linn. Soc. (Zool.) 6
: 82-145, 171-198
If you have corrections, comments or
information to add into these pages, just send mail to
Markku Savela
Keep in mind that the taxonomic information is copied from various sources, and may include many inaccuracies. Expert help is welcome.