[HBN] Francis Hemming, 1937
HÜBNER, A bibliographical and systematic account of the entomological works of Jacob Hübner and of the supplements thereto by Carl Geyer, Gottfried Franz von Frölich and Gottlieb August Wilhelm Herrich-Schäffer, Vol 1 & 2
[LAMAS-NEO] Gerardo Lamas
Bibliography of butterflies; An Annocated Bibliography of the Neotropical Butterflies and Skipper (Lepididoptera: Papilionoidea and Hesperioidea); Revised Electronic Edition (2007)
[LEPIFORUM] Lepiforum; Bestimmung von Schmetterlingen (Lepidoptera) und ihren Präimaginalstadien
[maps] Warning! The maps are automatically generated from the textual information, and the process does not always produce acceptable result; See about maps for more info.
Some related literature:
Agassiz, 1846
Nomina systematica Generum Lepidopterorum, tam viventium quam fossilium
Nomina syst. Gen. Lep.
: 1-70
Arora, 1983
On the Lepidopterous fauna of Andaman and Nicobar group of Islands (India). Family Arctiidae
Rec. Zool. Surv. India, Occ. Paper 60
: 1-49
Barlow, 1982
An Introduction to the Moths of South East Asia
Intr. Moths of South East Asia: 305pp, ix, 50pls
Bethune-Baker, 1904
New Lepidoptera from British New Guinea
Novit. Zool. 11 (2)
: 367-429, pl. 4-6
Bethune-Baker, 1910
Description of new Species of Heterocera from New Guinea
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (8) 6 (35)
: 441-458
Boisduval, 1832
Voyage de découvertes de l'Astrolabe exécuté par ordre du Roi, pendant les années 1826-1827-1828-1829, sous le commandément de M. J. Dumont d'Urville. Faune entomologique de l'Océan Pacifique, avec l'illustration des insectes nouveaux recueillis pendant le voyage. Lépidoptères
in d'Urville, Voy. Astrolabe (Faune ent. Pacif.) 1
: 1-267, pl. 1-5
Guenée in Boisduval & Guenée, 1857
Histoire Naturelle des Insectes. Species Général des Lépidoptéres. Volume 10. Uranides et Phalénites
Hist. nat. Ins., Spec. gén. Lépid. 10
: 1-584,
Atlas (Uranides, Phalenides): pl. 1-11, (Uranides) pl. 1 (1858),
Atlas (Uranides, Phalenides, Siculides): pl. 12-22, (Siculides) pl. 1 (1858)
Butler, 1881
Illustrations of typical specimens of Lepidoptera Heterocera in the collection of the British Museum
Ill. typical Spec. Lep. Het. Colln Br. Mus. 5
: i-xii, 1-74, pl. 78-100
Butler, 1881
Descriptions of some new Species of Heterocerous Lepidoptera from Sumatra
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) 8
: 379-381
Butler, 1883
Descriptions of some new Species of Lepidoptera
Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (5) 12 (69)
: 158-161
Butler, 1887
Descriptions of new species of Bombycid Lepidoptera from the Solomon Islands
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) 19 (111)
: 214-225
Daniel, 1943
Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Arctiidae Ostasiens unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Ausbeuten H. Höne's aus diesem Gebiet (Lep., Het.)
Mitt. Münch. Ent. Ges. 33
(1): 247-269, pl. 13,
(3): 673-759, pl. 14-22
Druce, 1889
List of the Lepidoptera Heterocera, with descriptions of the new species, collected by Mr. C.M. Woodford at Aola, Guadalcanar Island, Solomon Islands
Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1888
: 570-580, pl. 29
de Vos & Dubatolov, 2010
Tiger moths of Eurasia (Lepidoptera: Arctiinae)
Neue Ent. Nachr. 65
: 1-106
Dugdale, 1971
Entomology of the Aucklands and other islands south of New Zealand: Lepidoptera, exluding non-crambine Pyralidae
Pacif. Ins. Monogr. 27
: 55-172
van Eecke, 1927
Een en ander over de soorten van het genus "Nyctemera Hübn."
Ent. Ber. Amst. 7
: 220-223
van Eecke, 1929
Fauna Buruana. Lepidoptera Heterocera, fam. Zygaenidae, Syntomidae and Arctiidae
Treubia 7 (4)
: 341-350, pl. 7
Felder, 1861
Lepidopterorum Amboinensium a Dre. L. Doleschall annis 1856-58 collectorum species novae
S.B. Akad. Wiss. Wien 43 (1)
: 26-44
Fletcher, 1957
Macroheterocera of Rennell Island
in Wolff, Nat. Hist. Rennell Island, 2
: 31-66
Gistl, 1848
Naturgeschichte des Thierreichs für höhere Schulen
Naturg. Thiereichs: -
Goodger & Watson, 1995
An illustrated catalogue, with generic diagnosis and species distribution, of the Afrotropical Arctiinae (Lepidoptera: Arctiinae)
The Afrotropical Tiger-Moths
: 1-65
Guenée, 1868
New species, &c., of Heterocerous Lepidoptera from Canterburgy, New Zealand, collected by Mr. R.W. Fereday
Ent. mon. Mag. 5
: 1-6,
: 38-43,
: 61-65,
: 92-95
Herrich-Schäffer, [1855]
Systematische Bearbeitung der Schmetterlinge von Europa, zugleich als Text, Revision und Supplement zu J. Hübner's Sammlung europäischer Schmetterlinge, Sechter un letzter Band, 1843-1856
Syst. Bearb. Schmett. Europ. 6
(1): (i) pl. I (1843),
(3): (i) I-II, pl. II-IV (1844),
(6): (i) pl. V (1844),
(7): (i) pl. VI (1844),
(8): (i) III-X, pl. VII-VIII (1844),
(9): (i) pl. IX-XI (1844),
(11): (i) pl. XII (1845),
(13): (i) XI-XIV, pl. XIII-XIV (1846),
(17): (i) pl. XVI (1846),
(22): (ii) pl. I-III (1847),
(35): (i) pl. XV (1848),
(36): (i) pl. XVII-XIX (1848),
(37): (i) pl. XX (1849),
(?38): (i) XV-XVIII (1849),
(38): (i) pl. XXI-XXII (1849),
(40): (ii) I-II-IV, pl. IV-IX (1849),
(48): [1], 2-24 (1851),
(55): 25-80, (iv) [1], 2-36 (1852),
(60): (ii) V-VIII, pl. X-XIV (iv) 37-40 (1853),
(65): (iv) 41-60 (1854),
(66): (iv) 61-72 (1855),
(68): 81-152 (1855),
(69): 153-178, (Index univ.) [1], 2-48 (1856),
(69): (Schlusswort) i-iv (1856)
[MOB6]; Holloway, 1988
The Moths of Borneo: Family Arctiidae, Subfamilies Syntominae, Euchromiinae, Arctiinae; Noctuidae misplaced in Arctiidae (Camptoloma, Aganainae)
Moths of Borneo 6
Hopffer, 1874
Beitrag zur Lepidoptera-Fauna von Celebes
Stettin ent. Ztg 35 (1-3)
: 17-47
Joicey & Talbot, 1916
New Lepidoptera from Dutch New Guinea
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (8) 17 (97)
: 68-90, pl. 5-8
Kirby, 1892
A synonymic catalogue of Lepidoptera Heterocera (Moths). Sphinges and Bombyces
Syn. Cat. Lepid. Het. 1
: 1-951
Linnaeus, 1758
Systema Naturae per Regna Tria Naturae, Secundum Clases, Ordines, Genera, Species, cum Characteribus, Differentiis, Symonymis, Locis. Tomis I. 10th Edition
Syst. Nat. (Edn 10) 1
: 1-338,
: 339-824
Lucas, 1891
On Queensland and other Australian Lepidoptera, with Description of New Species
Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) 6 (2)
: 277-306
Mabille, [1880]
Recensement des Lépidoptères hétérocères observés jusqu'à ce jour à Madagascar
Ann. Soc. ent. Fr. (5) 9
: 291-348
Matsumura, 1930
New species and form of Arctiidae from Japan
Insecta Matsumurana, 5
: 31-40, pl. 1
Meyrick, 1886
On the synonymy of some species of Nyctemera
Ent. Mon. Mag. 23
: 15-16
Meyrick, 1889
On some Lepidoptera from New Guinea
Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1889
: 455-522
Moore, 1878
A list of the Lepidopterous Insects collected by Mr. Ossian Limborg in Upper Tenasserim, with Descriptions of new Species
Proc. zool. Soc. Lond. 1878 (4)
: 821-859, pl. 51-53 (1879)
Moore, 1879
Description of new Genera and Species of Asiatic Lepidoptera Heterocera
Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1879
: 387-417, pl. 32-34
Moore, 1882
The Lepidoptera of Ceylon
Lepid. Ceylon 2
(1): 1-72, pl. 72-107 (1882),
(2): 73-162, pl. 108-143 ([1883])
[AUCL]; Nielsen & Rangsi, 1996
Checklist of the Lepidoptera of Australia
Monogr. Aust. Lepid. 4: 1-529
Nieuwenhuis, 1946
Lepidoptera van den Banggaai-archipel
Tijdschr. Ent. 87
: 37-61, pl. 2
Nieuwenhuis, 1948
Lepidoptera van den Banggaai-Archipel II
Tijdschr. Ent. 89
: 139-148, pl. 12
Pagenstecher, 1898
Beiträge zur Lepidopteren-fauna des malayischen archipels. (XII)
Jahrb. Nassau Ver. Naturk. 51
: 179-200
Pagenstecher, 1900
Die Lepidopterenfauna des Bismarck-Archipels. (2). Die Nachtfalter
Zoologica, Stutt. 12 (29)
: 1-268, pl. 1-2
Pagenstecher, 1901
Beiträge zur Lepidopteren fauna des Malayischen Archipels. XIV. Über die Gattung Nyctemera Hübn. und ihre verwandten
Jahrb. Nassau Ver. Naturk. 54
: 91-179, pl. 2
Prout, 1918
New Heterocera in the Joicey collection
Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (9) 1 (4)
: 312-318
Roepke, 1948
Lepidoptera Heterocera from the summit of Mt. Tanggamus 2100 m, in Southern Sumatra
Tijdschr. Ent. 89
: 209-232, pl. 13-14
Roepke, 1949
The genus Nyctemera Hubner
Trans. R. ent. Soc. Lond. 100 (2)
: 47-70, pl. 1-2
Roepke, 1954
Some new or little known lepidoptera from Indonesia and New Guinea. I.
Tijdschr. Ent. 97
: 257-262, pl. 3
Roepke, 1957
The genus Nyctemera Huebner. II
Tijdschr. Ent. 100 (2)
: 147-178, pl. 3, 8-9
Rothschild, 1915
Lepidoptera of the British Ornithologists' Union and Wollaston Expeditions in the Snow Mountains, Southern Dutch New Guinea
in Rothschild & Durrant, Lep. B.O.U. Exp. New Guinea
: 1-146,
: 147-148,
: 149-162,
: 163-168,
: 169-182,
: pl. 1-2
Rothschild, 1915
On Lepidoptera from the islands of Ceram (Seran), Buru, Bali, and Misol
Novit. Zool. 22
(1): 105-144,
(2): 209-227
Rothschild, 1920
Heterocera. Collected in Korinchi, West Sumatra, by Messrs. H.C. Robinson and C. Boden Kloss
J. Fed. Malay States Mus. 8 (3)
: 107-139
Rothschild, 1933
New species and subspecies of Arctiinae
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (10) 11 (62)
: 167-194
Röber, 1891
Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Indo-Australischen Lepidopteren-Fauna
Tijdschr. Ent.34: 261-334 (1891),
35: 85-86, pl. 3-6 (1892)
Salmon & Bradley, 1956
Lepidoptera from the Cape Expedition and Antipodes Islands
Rec. Dom. Mus. Wellington 3
: 61-81
Schaller, 1788
Beiträge zur Geschichte exotischer Papiliones
Natuforscher Berlin 23
: 49-53, pl. 1
Schultze, 1908
New and little-known Lepidoptera from the Philippine Islands
Philippine J. Sci. (A) 3
: 27-39, pl. 1
Schultze, 1910
Contributions to the Lepidopterous fauna of the Philippines
Philippine J. Sci. (D) 5
: 161-180, pl. 1
Seitz, 1915
Die Indo-Australischen Spinner und Schwärmer
Gross-Schmett. Erde 10
: 1-909
Semper, 1899
Die Schmetterlinge der Philippinischen Inseln. Beitrage zur Indo-Malayischen Lepidopteren-fauna. Zweiter Band. Die Nachtfalter. Heterocera
Reisen Archipel. Philipp. 2
: 381-728 (1896-1902),
: pl. A-J,50-51,K-N,52-54,O-P,55-59,Q-T,60-63,U,64-66,V
Singh, Singh & Joshi, 2014
A Checklist of Subfamily Arctiinae (Erebidae: Noctuoidea: Lepidoptera) from India
Rec. Zool. Survey India. Occ. Pap 367
: 1-76
Snellen, 1879
Lepidoptera van Celebes verzameld door Mr. M.C. Piepers, met aanteekeningen en beschrijving der nieuwe soorten
Tijdschr. Ent. 22
: 61-126, pl. 6-10
Snellen, 1880
Natuurlijke Historie. Achtse afdeeling. Lepidoptera door P. C. T. Snellen, met eene inleiding door Joh. F. Snelleman. Midden-Sumatra
Midden-Sumatra, 4 (8)
: 1-84, pl. 1-2 (?1880, ?1884, [1886]),
: 85-92, pl. 3-5 ([1892])
Snellen, 1898
Mededeelingen over Nyctemera en Chalcosia met beschrijvingen van nieuwe soorten
Tijdschr. Ent. 41
: 23-30, pl. 1
Linnaeus in Sparrman, 1768
Iter in Chinam quod praeside D. D. Car. v. Linné
Amoenitates Acad. 7
: 497-506
Stoll, [1781]
Uitlandsche Kapellen (Papillons exotiques)
in Cramer, Uitl. Kapellen 4
(26b-28): 29-90, pl. 305-336 (1780),
(29-31): 91-164, pl. 337-372 (1781),
(32-32): 165-252, 1-29, pl. 373-400 (1782)
Swinhoe, 1891
New species of Heterocera from the Khasia Hills. Part I
Trans. ent. Soc. Lond.1891 (4): 473-495, pl. 19,
1892 (1): 1-20, pl. 1
Swinhoe, 1892
Catalogue of Eastern and Australian Lepidoptera Heterocera in the Collection of the Oxford University Museum (Part 1)
Cat. Het. Mus. Oxford (1)
: 1-324, viii, pl. 1-8
Swinhoe, 1893
New species of Oriental moths
Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (6) 12 (69)
: 210-225
Swinhoe, 1901
New Genera and Species of Eastern and Australian Moths
Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (7) 7
(41): 463-473,
(42): 489-501
Swinhoe, 1903
On the genus Deilemera Hübner
Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1903 (1)
: 53-85
Swinhoe, 1904
On some new Butterflies and Moths from the East
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7) 14 (84)
: 417-424
Swinhoe, 1906
New and little-known Species of Eastern and Australian Heterocera
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7) 18 (108)
: 403-416
Swinhoe, 1908
New Eastern Lepidoptera
Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) 1 (1)
: 60-68
Swinhoe, 1915
New Species of Indo-Malayan Lepidoptera
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (8) 16 (93)
: 170-186
Swinhoe, 1917
New species of Indo-Malayan Lepidoptera
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (8) 19
(112): 331-343,
(113): 409-416
Swinhoe, 1917
New Indo-Malayan Species of Lepidoptera
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (8) 20 (116)
: 157-166
Talbot, 1929
Descriptions of some moths collected by Messrs. C., F., and J. Pratt in New Guinea, Ceram, Buru, and Sumatra
Bull. Hill Mus. 3
: 87-95
Tams, 1935
Insects of Samoa and other Samoan Terrestial Arthropoda. Part III. Lepidoptera, fasc. 4, Heterocera
Insects Samoa 3 (4)
: 169-289, pl. 6-18
Tams, 1935
Resultats Scientifiques du Voyage aux Index Orientales Néerlandaises d LL. AA. RR. le Prince et la Princesse Léopold de Belgique, Volume IV, Fascicule 12, Lepidoptera II, 2. Heterocera
Mém. Mus. R. Hist. Nat. Belg. 4 (12)
: 33-64, 11pls
Vollenhoven, 1863
Bijdrage tot de kennis van het vlindergeslacht Leptosoma Boisd.
Ned. Tijdschr. Dierk. 1
: 35-51
de Vos, 1995 Nyctemera groenendaeli spec. nov. from New Guinea (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae, Nyctemerinae)
Nahcr. Ent. Ver. Apollo 15 (4)
: 481-489
de Vos, 1996 Nyctemera pseudokala sp.nov. and N. mastrigti sp.nov., two new species from Indonesia (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae, Nyctemerinae)
Nachr. Ent. Ver. Apollo 17 (3)
: 301-311
de Vos, 1997
A revision of Nyctemera kebeae (Bethune-Baker, 1904) (with descriptions of two new subspecies) and N. warmasina (Bethune-Baker, 1910) (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae, Nyctemerinae)
Nachr. Ent. Ver. Apollo 18 (1)
: 1-12
de Vos, 2002
Revision of the Nyctemera evergista group (= subgenus Deilemera Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae, Arctiinae, Nyctemerini)
Nachr. Ent. Ver. Apollo 23 (1/2)
: 7-32
de Vos, 2007
Revision of the Nyctemera clathratum complex (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae)
Tijdschr. Ent. 150 (1)
: 39-54
de Vos & Cerný, 1999
A review of the Philippine species of the genus Nyctemera Hübner, [1820] with descriptions of new species and subspecies (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae, Nyctemerinae)
Nachr. Ent. Ver. Apollo 20 (2)
(2): 133-188,
(3/4): 310 (Corrigendum)
Walker, 1854; Walker, 1856
List of the Specimens of Lepidopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum
List Spec. Lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus.1: 1-278 (1854),
2: 279-581 (1854),
3: 583-775 (1855),
4: 777-976 (1855),
5: 977-1258 (1855),
6: 1259-1508 (1855),
7: 1509-1808 (1856)
Walker, 1859
Catalogue of Heterocerous Lepidoptera collected at Singapore by Mr. A. R. Wallace, with Descriptions of New Species
J. Proc. Linn. Soc. Lond. (Zool.) 3
: 183-196
Walker, [1865]; Walker, 1866
List of the Specimens of Lepidopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum
List Spec. Lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus. 31: 1-322 ([1865]),
32: 323-706 (1865),
33: 707-1120 (1865),
34: 1121-1534 ([1866]),
35: 1535-2040 (1866)
West, 1932
Further descriptions of tnew species of Japanese, Formosan and Philippine Heterocera
Novit. zool. 37
: 207-228
Weymer, 1885
Exotische Lepidopteren. III. Beitrag zur Lepidoperen-Fauna von Nias
Stettin ent. Ztg. 46 (4-6)
: 257-285, pl. 1-2
Wileman, 1911
New Lepidoptera-Heterocera from Formosa
Entomologist 44
(572): 29-32,
(573): 60-62,
(574): 109-111,
(575): 148-152,
(576): 174-176,
(577): 204-206
Wileman, 1915
A new genus and five new species of Heterocera from the Philippines
Entomologist 48
: 110-112
If you have corrections, comments or
information to add into these pages, just send mail to
Markku Savela
Keep in mind that the taxonomic information is copied from various sources, and may include many inaccuracies. Expert help is welcome.