Telemiades Hübner, [1819]
Telemiades amphion (Geyer, 1832)
Mexico - Brazil. See [maps ]
T. a. amphion Surinam, Brazil(Pará), Venezuela
Proteides amphion Hübner, [1819]; (nom. nud.)
= Telemiades amphion amphion ; [NL4A] , #1096a
Plesioneura compressa Möschler, 1877; Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 26 : 336 , pl. 4 , f. 22; TL : Surinam
= Telemiades amphion amphion ; [NL4A] , #1096a
Proteides zethos Plötz, 1882; ; TL : Brazil(Pará)
= Telemiades amphion amphion ; [NL4A] , #1096a
Aethilla buffumi Weeks, 1906; Can. Ent. 38 (5): 174 ; TL : Suapure, Venezuela
= Telemiades amphion amphion ; [NL4A] , #1096a
Telemiades amphion amphion ; [NL4A] , #1096a
T. a. fides Bell, 1949 Mexico, Panama
Telemiades fides Bell, 1949; ; TL : Panama
Telemiades amphion fides ; [NL4A] , #1096b
T. a. marpesus (Hewitson, 1876) Brazil
Telemiades marpessus ; Kirby, 1878, (missp.)
Telemiades nessus ; Brown, 1987, (missp.)
Telemiades amphion marpesus ; Brown & Mielke, 1967, J. Lep. Soc. 21 (2) (3): 161 ; [NL4A] , #1096c
T. a. misitheus Mabille, 1888 Peru
amphion misitheus Mabille, 1888; ; TL : Peru
Telemiades amphion misitheus ; [NL4A] , #1096d
T. a. pekahia (Hewitson, 1868) Venezuela
amphion pekahia (Hewitson, 1868) (Pterygospidea ); ; TL : Venezuela
Ephyriades pakahia ; Mabille, 1903, (missp.)
Telemiades amphion pekahia ; [NL4A] , #1096e
Telemiades antiope (Plötz, 1882)
-. See [maps ]
Proteides antiope Plötz, 1882; ; TL : Colombia,Brazil, Pará
Telemiades antiope ; [NL4A] , #1097
T. a. antiope Colombia, Brazil(Pará)
Telemiades antiopa ; Mabille & Boullet, 1912, (missp.)
Telemiades anthiope ; Bell, 1946, (missp.)
Telemiades antiope antiope ; [NL4A] , #1097a
T. a. tosca Evans, 1953 Brazil(Amazonas)
antiope tosca Evans, 1953; ; TL : Brazil, Amazonas
Telemiades antiope tosca ; [NL4A] , #1097b
Telemiades avitus (Stoll, [1781])
Mexico, Guianas, Surinam, Brazil, Argentina. See [maps ]
Papilio avitus Stoll, [1781]; in Cramer, Uitl. Kapellen 4 (29-31): 123 , pl. 354 , f. D, E[?]; TL : Surinam
Telemiades lurideolus Mabille, 1877; ; TL : Brazil
Plesioneura lamus Mabille, 1888; ; TL : Brazil, Pará
Telemiades xantho Hayward, 1939; ; TL : Argentina
Telemiades centrites (Hewitson, 1870)
-. See [maps ]
Eudamus centrites Hewitson, 1870; ; TL : Ecuador
Telemiades centrites ; [NL4A] , #1099
T. c. centrites Ecuador
Telemiades centrides ; Murray, 2000, (missp.)
Telemiades centrites centrites ; [NL4A] , #1099a
T. c. contra Evans, 1953 Ecuador
centrites contra Evans, 1953; ; TL : Ecuador
Telemiades centrites contra ; [NL4A] , #1099b
T. c. gallius (Mabille, 1888) Panama, Colombia
Telegonus gallius Mabille, 1888; Le Naturaliste (2) 2 : 170, f. 5; TL : Panama, Chiriqui
Thymele chrysorrhoea Godman & Salvin, [1893]; Biol. centr.-amer., Lep. Rhop. 2 : 315 , 3 pl. 78 , f. 13-14; TL : Panama, Volcan de Chiriqui
= Telemiades centrites gallius ; [NL4A] , #1099c
Thymele chrysorrhaea ; Mabille, 1903, (missp.)
Thymele chrysorrhoea ; Godman & Salvin, [1893], Biol. centr.-amer., Lep. Rhop. 2 : 315 , 3 pl. 78 , f. 13-14
Thymele gallius ; Godman & Salvin, [1893], Biol. centr.-amer., Lep. Rhop. 2 : 315 ; [BOW] : pl. 80, f. 46 (text)
Telemiades centrites gallius ; [NL4A] , #1099c
Telemiades choricus (Schaus, 1902)
Mexico. See [maps ]
Telemiades choricus ; [NL4A] , #1100
Telemiades delalande (Latreille, [1924])
Brazil(Amazonas, ...), .?., Costa Rica. See [maps ]
Hesperia delalande Latreille, [1924]; ; TL : Brazil
Pterygospidea panthea Hewitson, 1868; ; TL : Brazil, Amazonas
Achlyodes amaurus Mabille, 1889; ; TL : Brazil, Amazonas
Echelatus lucina Schaus, 1913; Proc. zool. Soc. Lond. 1913 (3) : 358 , pl. 54 , f. 8; TL : Costa Rica, Guapiles
Nisoniades lalandii ; Westwood, 1852, (missp.)
Telemiades delalandei ; Evans, 1953, (missp.)
Telemiades delalande ; [NL4A] , #1101
Telemiades epicalus Hübner, [1819]
Surinam, , French Guiana, Brazil(Amazonas), Venezuela. See [maps ]
Telemiades epicalus Hübner, [1819]; ; TL : Surinam
Eudamus phasias Hewitson, 1867; Descr. One Hundred new Spec. Hesp. (1) : 17; TL : Brazil, Amazonas
Telemiades arcturus Herrich-Schäffer, 1869; (repl. name); TL : Surinam
Eumesia potomoni Ehrmann, 1907; ; TL : Venezuela
Telemiades diores Mabille & Boullet, 1912; ; TL : S.Amer.
Telemiades diores var. obscurus Mabille & Boullet, 1912; ; TL : French Guiana
Telemiades crameri Evans, 1953; (unavail.); TL : Surinam
Telemiades phassias ; Mabille, 1903, (missp.)
Telemiades epicatus ; Mabille & Boullet, 1912, (missp.)
Eumesia potomani ; Holland, 1927, (missp.)
Telemiades epicaulis ; Raguso & Llorente, 1997, (missp.)
Telemiades phasias ; Godman & Salvin, [1893], Biol. centr.-amer., Lep. Rhop. 2 : 317 , 3 pl. 78 , f. 17
Telemiades epicalus ; [NL4A] , #1102
Telemiades laogonus (Hewitson, 1876)
-. See [maps ]
Telemiades logonus[sic] ; [BOW] : pl. 87, f. 24 (text, missp.)
Telemiades laogonus ; [NL4A] , #1103
T. l. laogonus Brazil, Argentina
Telemiades simplicius Hayward, 1933; ; TL : Argentina
= Telemiades laogonus laogonus ; [NL4A] , #1103a
Telemiades laogonus laogonus ; [NL4A] , #1103a
T. l. nicola (Plötz, 1882) Brazil(Pará)
laogonus nicola (Plötz, 1882) (Proteides ); ; TL : Brazil, Pará
Telemiades litanicus (Hewitson, 1876)
Brazil(Amazonas). See [maps ]
Telemiades litanicus ; [NL4A] , #1104
Telemiades megallus Mabille, 1888
Mexico, Panama, Colombia. See [maps ]
Telemiades megallus Mabille, 1888; Le Naturaliste (2) 2 : 221, f. 3; TL : W.Colombia
Telemiades meris (Plötz, 1886)
-. See [maps ]
Arteurotia meris Plötz, 1886; ; TL : Colombia
Telemiades meris ; [NL4A] , #1106
T. m. meris Colombia
Telemiades meris meris ; [NL4A] , #1106a
T. m. brazus Bell, 1949 Brazil
meris brazus Bell, 1949; ; TL : Brazil, Santa Catarina
nicomedes (Plötz, 1881) (Eudamus ); (preocc. Möschler, 1879); TL : Brazil
= Telemiades meris brazus ; [NL4A] , #1106b
Telemiades meris brazus ; [NL4A] , #1106b
Telemiades nicomedes (Möschler, 1879)
Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, French Guinana. See [maps ]
Telegonus nicomedes Möschler, 1879; ; TL : Colombia,Brazil
Echelatus punctatus Mabille & Boullet, [1917]
Echelatus punctatus Mabille & Boullet, 1917; ; TL : French Guinana
Telemiades nicomedes ; [BOW] : pl. 87, f. 26 (text); [NL4A] , #1107
Telemiades penidas (Hewitson, 1867)
Brazil(Pará), Surinam, Peru, Venezuela. See [maps ]
Eudamus penidas Hewitson, 1867; ; TL : Brazil, Pará
Telemiades ceramina Herrich-Schäffer, 1869; ; TL : ?
Telegonus mygdon Möschler, 1877; ; TL : Surinam
Proteides aesopus Plötz, 1882; ; TL : "Java"
Telemiades uncinata Plötz, 1882; (nom. nud.)
Telemiades megalloides Schaus, 1902; Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 24 (1262) : 428 ; TL : Peru
Pythonides hoyti Weeks, 1906; Ent. News 17 (6) : 202 ; TL : Suapure, Venezuela
Telemiades ceramina ; [BOW] : pl. 87, f. 26
Telemiades penidas ; [NL4A] , #1108
Telemiades sila Evans, 1953
Venezuela. See [maps ]
Telemiades sila Evans, 1953; ; TL : Venezuela
Telemiades sila ; [NL4A] , #1109
Telemiades squanda Evans, 1953
Brazil(Rio de Janeiro). See [maps ]
Telemiades squanda Evans, 1953; ; TL : Brazil, Rio de Janeiro
Telemiades squanda Evans; [BOW] : pl. 87, f. 26 (text)
Telemiades squanda ; [NL4A] , #1110
Telemiades trenda Evans, 1953
Surinam, .... See [maps ]
Telemiades trenda Evans, 1953; ; TL : Surinam
Telemiades trenda ; [NL4A] , #1111
Telemiades vansa Evans, 1953 Guyana
Telemiades vansa Evans, 1953; ; TL : Guyana
Telemiades vansa ; [NL4A] , #1112
Telemiades vespasius (Fabricius, 1793)
Surinam, Brazil. See [maps ]
Hesperia vespasius Fabricius, 1793; ; TL : "Indiis"
Hesperia curtius Fabricius, 1793; ; TL : Surinam
Eudamus phlius Plötz, 1881; ; TL : Brazil
Telegonus vespacius ; Shepard, 1931, (missp.)
Telemiades vespasius ; [NL4A] , #1113
22.12.2011 (18)
[BCA] electronic
[BOA] Interactive Listing of American Butterflies
Listado Interactivo de la Mariposas Americanas; Butterflies of America
[HBN] Francis Hemming, 1937
HÜBNER, A bibliographical and systematic account of the entomological works of Jacob Hübner and of the supplements thereto by Carl Geyer, Gottfried Franz von Frölich and Gottlieb August Wilhelm Herrich-Schäffer, Vol 1 & 2
Warning! The maps are automatically generated from the textual information, and the process does not always produce acceptable result; See about maps for more info.
Some related literature:
Brown & Mielke, 1967
Lepidoptera of the Central Brazil Plateau. I. Preliminary list of Rhopalocera
J. Lep. Soc. 21 (2)
(2): 77 -106,
(3): 145 -168
Godman & Salvin, [1893]
Biologia Centrali-Americana. Rhopalocera. (1887-1901)
Biol. centr.-amer., Lep. Rhop.
2 : 1 -782,
3 : pl. 1 -112
Hewitson, 1867
Descriptions of one Hundred new Species of Hesperidae. (1)
Descr. One Hundred new Spec. Hesp. (1): [2] + ii + 25pp (+ 25 sp. no. 6 cynaca)
Hewitson, 1876
Descriptions of twenty new Species of Hesperidae
Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (4) 18 (106)
: 347 -355
Hübner, [1819]
Verzeichniss bekannter Schmettlinge, 1816-[1826]
Verz. bek. Schmett.
(1): [1 -3], 4 -16 (1816),
(2): 17 -32 (1819),
(3): 33 -48 (1819),
(4): 49 -64 (1819),
(5): 65 -80 (1819),
(6): 81 -96 (1819),
(7): 97 -112 (1819),
(8): 113 -128 (1819),
(9): 129 -144 (1819),
(10): 145 -160 (1819),
(11): 161 -176 (1819),
(12): 177 -192 (1820),
(13): 193 -208 (1820),
(14): 209 -224 (1821),
(15): 225 -240 (1821),
(16): 241 -256 (1821),
(17): 257 -272 (1823),
(18): 273 -288 (1823),
(19): 289 -304 (1823),
(20): 305 -320 (1825),
(21): 321 -336 (1825),
(22): 337 -352 (1825),
(23-27): 353 -431 ([1825])
Geyer, 1832
Zuträge zur Sammlung exotischer Schmettlinge, Vol. 4 [1826]-1832
Zuträge Samml. exot. Schmett. 4
: pl. [104 -131], f. 601-764 (1826),
: pl. [132 -137], f. 765-800 (1827 - 1831),
: [1 -3], 4 -6, [7 ], 8 -48 (1832)
[NL4A]; Lamas, 2004
Checklist: Part 4A, Hesperioidea - Papilionoidea
Atlas of Neotropical Lepidoptera
[BOW]; Lewis, 1974
Butterflies of the World
Möschler, 1877
Beiträge zur Schmetterlings-Fauna von Surinam
Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 26
: 293 -352, pl. 3 -4
Schaus, 1902
Descriptions of New American Butterflies
Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 24 (1262)
: 383 -460
Schaus, 1913
New Species of Rhopalocera from Costa Rica
Proc. zool. Soc. Lond. 1913 (3)
: 339 -367, pl. 50 -54
Stoll, [1781]
Uitlandsche Kapellen (Papillons exotiques)
in Cramer, Uitl. Kapellen 4
(26b-28): 29 -90, pl. 305 -336 (1780),
(29-31): 91 -164, pl. 337 -372 (1781),
(32-32): 165 -252, 1 -29, pl. 373 -400 (1782)
Weeks, 1906
New species of butterflies
Ent. News 17 (6)
: 195 -204
Weeks, 1906
New Lepidoptera
Can. Ent. 38
(3): 76 -80,
(5): 174 -178
If you have corrections, comments or
information to add into these pages, just send mail to
Markku Savela
Keep in mind that the taxonomic information is copied from various sources, and may include many inaccuracies. Expert help is welcome.