Ebrietas Godman & Salvin, [1896]
Elrietas ; A. Hall, 1939, (missp.)
Ebrietes ; Fulton, 1967, (missp.)
Ebritas ; Okano, 1981, (missp.)
Ebrietis ; Cock, 2000, (missp.)
Ebrietas (Pyrgini) ; [NL4A] , 46
Ebrietas anacreon (Staudinger, 1876)
-. See [maps ]
537x534 (~35Kb) Belize, Central America, Photo © John Shuey
E. a. anacreon Mexico, Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil(Rio de Janeiro, Pará, Amazonas)
Achlyodes (Helias?) albunea Staudinger, 1876; (nom. nud.)
= Ebrietas anacreon anacreon ; [NL4A] , #733a
Achlyodes (Helias?) claudianus Staudinger, 1876; (nom. nud.)
= Ebrietas anacreon anacreon ; [NL4A] , #733a
Achlyodes ecliptica Butler, 1877; Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1877 (2) : 154 ; TL : Rio Tapajos; Parit, Rio Purus [Brazil, Pará/Amazonas]
= Ebrietas anacreon anacreon ; [NL4A] , #733a
Achlyodes tortricinus Plötz, 1884; Jb. nassau. Ver. Naturk. 37 (1884) : 27 ; TL : Panama; Venezuela
= Ebrietas anacreon anacreon ; [NL4A] , #733a
Antigonus undulata Plötz, 1884; (nom. nud.)
= Ebrietas anacreon anacreon ; [NL4A] , #733a
Achlyodes halidus Mabille, 1891; Bull. Soc. Ent. Belg. 35 (16): lxvi ; TL : Mérida
= Ebrietas anacreon anacreon ; [NL4A] , #733a
Ebrietas eccliptica ; Mabille, 1903, (missp.)
Achlyodes diptica ; Weeks, 1911, (missp.)
Ebrietas alburnea ; Hayward, 1939, (missp.)
Ebrietas anacraeon ; Martin, 1941, (missp.)
Ebrietas tortracinus ; Hayward, 1973, (missp.)
Ebrietas ecliptica ; Godman & Salvin, [1896], Biol. centr.-amer., Lep. Rhop. 2 : 420 , 3 pl. 88 , f. 8-10
Ebrietas anacreon anacreon ; Brown & Mielke, 1967, J. Lep. Soc. 21 (2) (3): 163 ; [NL4A] , #733a
E. a. leucophaea Mabille & Boullet, 1917 Colombia, Ecuador, Brazil
anacreon leucophaea Mabille & Boullet, 1917; ; TL : Colombia,Ecuador,Brazil
Ebrietas anacreon leucophaea ; [NL4A] , #733b
E. a. triseriata (Plötz, 1884) Venezuela
anacreon triseriata (Plötz, 1884) (Antigonus ); ; TL : Venezuela
Ebrietas anacreon triseriata ; [NL4A] , #733c
Ebrietas badia (Plötz, 1884)
Venezuela, Peru. See [maps ]
Antigonus badia Plötz, 1884; ; TL : Peru
Ebrietas badia Plötz; [BOW] : pl. 82, f. 38 (text)
Ebrietas badia ; [NL4A] , #734
Ebrietas elaudia (Plötz, 1884)
-. See [maps ]
Antigonus elaudia Plötz, 1884; ; TL : Venezuela,Panama
Ebrietas elaudia ; [NL4A] , #735
E. e. elaudia Venezuela, .?., Panama
Ebrietas claudia ; Draudt, 1922, (missp.)
Ebrietas elaudia elaudia ; [NL4A] , #735a
E. e. livius (Mabille, 1898) Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Mexico?
Ebrietas livius Mabille, 1898; ; TL : Bolivia
Ebrietas minor Mabille & Boullet, 1917; ; TL : Peru,Ecuador
= Ebrietas elaudia livius ; [NL4A] , #735b
Ebrietas elaudia livius ; [NL4A] , #735b
Ebrietas evanidus Mabille, 1898
Mexico, .?., French Guiana, .?., Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador. See [maps ]
Ebrietas evanidus Mabille, 1898; ; TL : French Guiana,Bolivia
Ebrietas morio Mabille & Boullet, 1917; ; TL : Peru,Ecuador
Ebrietas evanides ; Ribeiro, 1931, (missp.)
Ebrietas evanidas ; Monreo & Miller, 1967, (missp.)
Ebrietas evanidus ; [NL4A] , #736
532x533 (~32Kb) Belize, Central America, Photo © John Shuey
Ebrietas infanda (Butler, 1877)
Mexico - Venezuela - Brazil, Argentina. See [maps ]
Aethilla infanda Butler, 1877; Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1877 (2) : 149 ; TL : Tunantins, [Brazil, Amazonas]
Anastrus perfidus Mabille, 1883; ; TL : Brazil,Venezuela
Ebrietas isus Godman, 1907; (nom. nud.)
Ebrietas osyris f. obscurior Hayward, 1933; ; TL : Argentina
Achlyodes isis ; Campos, 1927, (missp.)
Ebrietas infanda ; [BOW] : pl. 82, f. 38 (text); [NL4A] , #737
Ebrietas osyris (Staudinger, 1876)
Mexico - Amazon. See [maps ]
Antigonus osyris ; Plötz, 1884, Jb. nassau. Ver. Naturk. 37 (1884) : 23
Ebrietas osyris ; Godman & Salvin, [1896], Biol. centr.-amer., Lep. Rhop. 2 : 419 , 3 pl. 88 , f. 4; Godman & Salvin, [1901], Biol. centr.-amer., Lep. Rhop. 2 : 740 ; [BOW] : pl. 82, f. 38; [NL4A] , #738
Ebrietas sappho Steinhauser, 1974
Mexico, El Salvador. See [maps ]
Ebrietas sappho Steinhauser, 1974; ; TL : El Salvador
27.11.2015 (7)
[BAMONA] Opler, Pavulaan, Stanford & Pogue
Butterflies and Moths of North America; Mountain Prairie Information Node
[BCA] electronic
[BOA] Interactive Listing of American Butterflies
Listado Interactivo de la Mariposas Americanas; Butterflies of America
[John Shuey]
e-mail: jshuey at tnc.org; Director of Conservation Science; Indiana Office of The Nature Conservancy; http://www.nature.org
[LAMAS-NEO] Gerardo Lamas
Bibliography of butterflies; An Annocated Bibliography of the Neotropical Butterflies and Skipper (Lepididoptera: Papilionoidea and Hesperioidea); Revised Electronic Edition (2007)
Warning! The maps are automatically generated from the textual information, and the process does not always produce acceptable result; See about maps for more info.
Some related literature:
Brown & Mielke, 1967
Lepidoptera of the Central Brazil Plateau. I. Preliminary list of Rhopalocera
J. Lep. Soc. 21 (2)
(2): 77 -106,
(3): 145 -168
Butler, 1877
On the Lepidoptera of the Amazons, collected by James W. H. Trail, Esq. during the years 1873 to 1875
Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1877 (2)
: 105 -156, pl. 3
Godman & Salvin, [1896]; Godman & Salvin, [1901]
Biologia Centrali-Americana. Rhopalocera. (1887-1901)
Biol. centr.-amer., Lep. Rhop.
2 : 1 -782,
3 : pl. 1 -112
[NL4A]; Lamas, 2004
Checklist: Part 4A, Hesperioidea - Papilionoidea
Atlas of Neotropical Lepidoptera
[BOW]; Lewis, 1974
Butterflies of the World
Mabille, 1891
Description d'Hespérides nouvelles (1-3)
Bull. Soc. Ent. Belg. 35
(16): lix -lxxxviii,
(17): cvi -cxxi,
(18): clxviii -clxxxvii
Plötz, 1884
Die Hesperiinen-Gruppe der Achlyoden
Jb. nassau. Ver. Naturk. 37 (1884)
: 1 -55
Staudinger, 1876
Neue Lepidopteren des südamerikanischen Faunengebietes
Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, 25 (1)
: 89 -124
If you have corrections, comments or
information to add into these pages, just send mail to
Markku Savela
Keep in mind that the taxonomic information is copied from various sources, and may include many inaccuracies. Expert help is welcome.