Thespieus Godman in Godman & Salvin, [1900]
Thespicus ; Kaye, 1925, (missp.)
Tespieus ; Zikán, 1928, (missp.)
Thespeus ; Breyer, 1945, (missp.)
Thespius ; Nicolay, 1973, (missp.)
Thespias ; Murray, 2000, (missp.)
Thepieus ; Orellana, Warren & Mielke, 2002, (missp.)
Thespieus (Hesperiinae) ; [NL4A] , 81
Thespieus abatira (Zikán, 1938)
Brazil(Rio de Janeiro). See [maps ]
Thespicus[sic] abatira Zikán, 1938; ; TL : Brazil, Rio de Janeiro
Thespieus abatira ; [NL4A] , #2146
Thespieus abauna (Zikán, 1938)
Brazil(Rio de Janeiro). See [maps ]
Thespicus[sic] abauna Zikán, 1938; ; TL : Brazil, Rio de Janeiro
Thespieus abauna ; [NL4A] , #2147
Thespieus argentina Draudt, 1923
Argentina. See [maps ]
Thespieus argentina Draudt, 1923; ; TL : Argentina
Thespieus argentina ; [NL4A] , #2148
Thespieus aspernatus Draudt, 1923
Paraguay. See [maps ]
Thespieus aspernatus Draudt, 1923; ; TL : Paraguay
Thespieus aspernatus ; [NL4A] , #2149
Thespieus caraca Evans, 1955
Brazil(Minas Gerais). See [maps ]
Thespieus caraca Evans, 1955; ; TL : Brazil, Minas Gerais
Thespieus caraca ; [NL4A] , #2150
Thespieus castor Hayward, 1948
Brazil(Santa Catarina). See [maps ]
Thespieus castor Hayward, 1948; ; TL : Brazil, Santa Catarina
Thespieus castor ; [NL4A] , #2151
Thespieus catochra (Plötz, 1882)
Brazil(Rio Grande do Sul), Uruguay, Argentina. See [maps ]
Thespieus dalman (Latreille, [1824])
Mexico - Colombia, Peru, Brazil. See [maps ]
Hesperia dalmani[sic, recte dalman ] ;
Goniloba dalmanni[sic, recte dalman ] ; Westwood, 1852
Proteides dalmani[sic, recte dalman ] ; Kirby, 1871
Thracides dalmannii[sic, recte dalman ] ; Berg, 1882
Thespieus dalmani[sic, recte dalman ] ; Godman & Salvin, [1900], Biol. centr.-amer., Lep. Rhop. 2 : 520 , 3 pl. 96 , f. 37-40
Thespieus dalman ; Brown & Mielke, 1967, J. Lep. Soc. 21 (2) (3): 166 ; [BOW] : pl. 87, f. 30; [NL4A] , #2153
Thespieus duidensis Bell, 1932
Venezuela. See [maps ]
Thespieus duidensis Bell, 1932; ; TL : Venezuela
Thespieus duidensis ; [NL4A] , #2154
Thespieus ethemides (Burmeister, 1878)
Argentina, Brazil(Rio Grande do Sul). See [maps ]
Thracides ethemides Burmeister, 1878; ; TL : Argentina
Thespieus dissultus Draudt, 1923; ; TL : Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul
Thespieus ethemides ; [BOW] : pl. 87, f. 30 (text); [NL4A] , #2155
Thespieus fassli (Draudt, 1923)
Peru. See [maps ]
Hylephila fassli Draudt, 1923; ; TL : Peru
Thespieus fassli ; [NL4A] , #2156
Thespieus fulvangula (Weymer, 1890)
Ecuador. See [maps ]
Hesperia fulvangula Weymer, 1890; Reisen Süd-America : 126 ; TL : Ecuador
Thespieus minus Bell, 1942; ; TL : Ecuador
Thespieus fulvangula ; [NL4A] , #2157
Thespieus haywardi Evans, 1937
Argentina(Tucumán, La Rioja). See [maps ]
Thespieus haywardi Evans, 1937; ; TL : Argentina
Thespieus haywardi ; [NL4A] , #2158
Thespieus hieroglyphica Draudt, 1923
Bolivia. See [maps ]
Thespieus hieroglyphica Draudt, 1923; ; TL : Bolivia
Thespieus hieroglyphica ; [NL4A] , #2159
Thespieus himella (Hewitson, 1868)
Brazil(Rio de Janeiro). See [maps ]
Hesperia himella ; Hewitson, 1873, Ill. exot. Butts [5] (Hesperia V*-VI): [108 ], pl. [54 ], f. 49-50
Goniloba hymella ; Mabilde[?], 1896, (missp.)
Thespieus himella ; [BOW] : pl. 87, f. 31; [NL4A] , #2160
Thespieus homochromus Mielke, 1978
Brazil(Paraná). See [maps ]
Thespieus homochromus Mielke, 1978; ; TL : Brazil, Paraná
Thespieus homochromus ; [NL4A] , #2161
Thespieus inez Nicolay, 1973
Colombia. See [maps ]
Thespius[sic] inez Nicolay, 1973; J. Lep. Soc. 27 (4) : 255, f. 28, 28a, 33-35; TL : Archabuco, 2200m, Dept. of Boyacá, Colombia
Thespieus jora Evans, 1955
Brazil(Paraná). See [maps ]
Thespieus jora Evans, 1955; ; TL : Brazil, Paraná
Thespieus lutetia (Hewitson, [1866])
Brazil, Argentina. See [maps ]
Hesperia lutetia Hewitson, [1866]; Trans. ent. Soc. Lond. (3) 2 (6) : 495 ; TL : Brazil, Rio de Janeiro
Thespieus chlorocephala Röber, 1925; ; TL : Brazil
Thespieus moneraspernatus Hayward, 1939; ; TL : Argentina
Hesperia lutetia ; Hewitson, 1873, Ill. exot. Butts [5] (Hesperia V*-VI): [108 ], pl. [54 ], f. 53-54
Proteides lutelia ; Weeks, 1901, (missp.)
Thespieus cholorocephala ; Nekrutenko, 2003, (missp.)
Thespieus lutetia ; [NL4A] , #2164
Thespieus macareus (Herrich-Schäffer, 1869)
Mexico - Venezuela. See [maps ]
Chestnut-marked Skipper
Goniloba macareus Herrich-Schäffer, 1869
?Goniloba macareus Herrich-Schäffer, 1868; Prodr. Syst. Lep. 3 : 72
Hesperia emacareus Plötz, 1882
Thespieus cacajo Dyar, 1913; ; TL : Mexico, Guerrero; Morelos
Thespieus macarens ; Strand, 1920, (missp.)
Thespieus macareus ; Godman & Salvin, [1900], Biol. centr.-amer., Lep. Rhop. 2 : 520 , 3 pl. 96 , f. 41-43; [NACL] , #4124; [BOW] : pl. 87, f. 32; [Opler ]; [NL4A] , #2165
Thespieus matucanae Lindsey, 1925
Peru. See [maps ]
Thespieus matucanae Lindsey, 1925; ; TL : Peru
Thespieus matucanae ; [NL4A] , #2166
Thespieus opigena (Hewitson, 1866)
Ecuador, Peru. See [maps ]
Thespieus othna (Butler, 1870)
Mexico, Brazil. See [maps ]
T. o. othna Colombia, Venezuela
Thespieus bogotana Draudt, 1923; ; TL : Colombia
= Thespieus othna othna ; [NL4A] , #2168a
Thespieus othna othna ; [NL4A] , #2168a
T. o. tinka Evans, 1955 Colombia
othna tinka Evans, 1955; ; TL : Colombia
Thespieus othna tinka ; [NL4A] , #2168b
Thespieus peruviae Lindsey, 1925
Peru. See [maps ]
Thespieus peruviae Lindsey, 1925; ; TL : Peru
Thespieus peruviae ; [NL4A] , #2169
Thespieus pinda Evans, 1955
Peru. See [maps ]
Thespieus pinda Evans, 1955; ; TL : Peru
Thespieus pinda ; [NL4A] , #2170
Thespieus tapayuna (Zikán, 1938)
Brazil(Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo), Colombia. See [maps ]
Thespicus[sic] tapayuna Zikán, 1938; ; TL : Brazil, Rio de Janeiro
Thespieus paula Evans, 1955; ; TL : Brazil, São Paulo
Thespieus tayayuna ; Anon., 1939, (missp.)
Thespieus tapayuna ; [BOW] : pl. 87, f. 34 (text); [NL4A] , #2171
Thespieus thona Evans, 1955
Peru. See [maps ]
Thespieus thona Evans, 1955; ; TL : Peru
Thespieus thona ; [NL4A] , #2172
Thespieus tihoneta (Weeks, 1901)
-. See [maps ]
Thespieus tihoneta ; [NL4A] , #2173
T. t. tihoneta Bolivia
Thespieus superior Draudt, 1923; ; TL : Bolivia
= Thespieus tihoneta tihoneta ; [NL4A] , #2173a
Nisoniades tithoneta ; Sharp, 1901, (missp.)
Thespieus tihoneta tihoneta ; [NL4A] , #2173a
T. t. ovallei Bell, 1938 Colombia
tihoneta ovallei Bell, 1938; ; TL : Colombia
Thespieus tihoneta ovallei ; [NL4A] , #2173b
T. t. pampa Evans, 1955 Peru
tihoneta pampa Evans, 1955; ; TL : Peru
Thespieus tihoneta pampa ; [NL4A] , #2173c
Thespieus vividus (Mabille, 1891)
Brazil(Rio de Janeiro). See [maps ]
Thespieus oividus[sic, recte vividus ] ; Hoffmann, 1934
Thespieus vividis[sic, recte vividus ] ; Hayward, 1940
Thespieus viridis[sic, recte vividus ] ; Biezanko et al., 1960
Thespieus vividus ; [NL4A] , #2174
Thespieus xarina Hayward, 1948
Argentina. See [maps ]
Thespieus xarina Hayward, 1948; ; TL : Argentina
Thespieus xarima ; Okano, 1981, (missp.)
Thespieus xarina ; [NL4A] , #2175
Thespieus xarippe (Butler, 1870)
-. See [maps ]
Thespieus xarippe ; [NL4A] , #2176
T. x. xarippe
Thespieus xarippe xarippe ; [NL4A] , #2176a
T. x. hallia Evans, 1955 Colombia
xarippe hallia Evans, 1955; ; TL : Colombia
Thespieus xarippe hallia ; [NL4A] , #2176b
Thespieus zikani Mielke, 1971
Colombia. See [maps ]
Thespieus zikani Mielke, 1971; ; TL : Colombia
Thespieus zikani ; [NL4A] , #2177
28.11.2015 (32)
Some related literature:
Brown & Mielke, 1967
Lepidoptera of the Central Brazil Plateau. I. Preliminary list of Rhopalocera
J. Lep. Soc. 21 (2)
(2): 77 -106,
(3): 145 -168
Butler, 1870
Descriptions of some new diurnal Lepidoptera, chiefly Hesperiidae
Trans. ent. Soc. Lond. 1870 (4)
: 485 -520
Latreille, [1824]
Encyclopédie Méthodique. Histoire naturelle Entomologie, ou histoire naturelle des crustacés, des arachnides et des insectes
Encyclopédie Méthodique 9
(1): 3 -328 (1819),
(2): 329 -828 ([1824])
Godman & Salvin, [1900]; Godman & Salvin, [1901]; Godman in Godman & Salvin, [1900]
Biologia Centrali-Americana. Rhopalocera. (1887-1901)
Biol. centr.-amer., Lep. Rhop.
2 : 1 -782,
3 : pl. 1 -112
Herrich-Schäffer, 1868
Prodromus Systematics Lepidopterorum
Prodr. Syst. Lep. 3
: 1 -84
Hewitson, 1873
Illustrations of new species of exotic Butterflies selected chiefly from the collections of W. Wilson Saunders and William C. Hewitson
Ill. exot. Butts [5]
: (Systematic Index) V ,
(Anteros): [1 -2], pl. [1 ] (1867),
(Erycina & Necyria): [3 -4], pl. [2 ] (1870),
(Erycina Symmachia &c): [5 -6], pl. [3 ] (1875),
(Necyria & Esthemopsis): [7 -8], pl. [4 ] (1872),
(Calydna): [9 -10], pl. [5 ] (1854),
(Calydna II): [11 -12], pl. [6 ] (1859),
(Theope): [13 -14], pl. [7 ] (1860),
(Symmachia): [15 -16], pl. [8 ] (1867),
(Symmachia & Charis II): [17 -18], pl. [9 ] (1871),
(Charis): [19 -20], pl. [10 ] (1866),
(Emesis): [21 -22], pl. [11 ] (1872),
(Nymphidium I): [23 -24], pl. [12 ] (1853),
(Nymphidium II-III): [25 -28], pl. [13 -14] (1865),
(Nymphidium IV): [29 -30], pl. [15 ] (1871),
(Lemonias I): [31 -32], pl. [16 ] (1853),
(Lemonias II): [33 -34], pl. [17 ] (1858),
(Lemonias III-IV): [35 -38], pl. [18 -19] (1863),
(Lemonias V): [39 -40], pl. [20 ] (1872),
(Lemonias & Baeotis): [41 -42], pl. [21 ] (1875),
(Lemonias & Baeotis): [43 -44], pl. [22 ] (1874),
(Pachythone & Cremna): [45 -46], pl. [23 ] (1873),
(Hades, Uraneis, &c): [47 -48], pl. [24 ] (1870),
(Limnas I-II): [49 -52], pl. [25 -26] (1853),
(Limnas & Panara): [53 -54], pl. [27 ] (1875),
(Limnas &c): [55 -56], pl. [28 ] (1876),
(Limnas & Ithomeis): [57 -58], pl. [29 ] (1870),
(Chamaelimnas & Ithomiola): [59 -60], pl. [30 ] (1871),
(Hermathena &c): [61 -62], pl. [31 ] (1875),
(Ogyris): [63 -64], pl. [32 ] (1853),
(Pentila & Liptena): [65 -66], pl. [33 ] (1866),
(Pentila & Liptena II): [67 -68], pl. [34 ] (1873),
(Lycaena): [69 -70], pl. [35 ] (1876),
(Pyrrhopyga I-II): [71 -74], pl. [36 -37] (1857),
(Pyrrhopyga): [75 -76], pl. [38 ] (1869),
(Pyrrhopyga II-III): [77 -80], pl. [39 -40] (1871),
(Pyrrhopyga IV): [81 -82], pl. [41 ] (1873),
(Pyrrhopyga V & Erycides): [83 -84], pl. [42 ] (1875),
(Ismene I-II): [85 -88], pl. [43 -44] (1867),
(Eudamus): [89 -90], pl. [45 ] (1873),
(Eudamus II-III): [91 -94], pl. [46 -47] (1875),
(Chaetocneme): [95 -96], pl. [48 ] (1874),
(Hesperia I-II): [97 -100], pl. [49 -50] (1867),
(Hesperia III): [101 -102], pl. [51 ] (1868),
(Hesperia IV): [103 -104], pl. [52 ] (1869),
(Hesperia V): [105 -106], pl. [53 ] (1872),
(Hesperia V*-VI): [107 -110], pl. [54 -55] (1873),
(Hesperia VII): [111 -112], pl. [56 ] (1876),
(Leucochitonea): [113 -114], pl. [57 ] (1869),
(Leucochitonea II): [115 -116], pl. [58 ] (1875),
(Pterygospidea): [117 -118], pl. [59 ] (1873),
(Cyclopides): [119 -120], pl. [60 ] (1874),
(Cyclopides & Hesperilla): [121 -122], pl. [61 ] (1874)
Hewitson, [1866]
Descriptions of new Hesperidae
Trans. ent. Soc. Lond. (3) 2 (6)
: 479 -501
Hewitson, 1868
Descriptions of one Hundred new Species of Hesperidae. (2)
Descr. One Hundred new Spec. Hesp. (2): [2] + pp. 25 (from sp. 7 hypaepa)-56
[NACL]; Hodges, 1983
Check List of the Lepidoptera of America North of Mexico
Check List Lep. Am. N of Mexico
[NL4A]; Lamas, 2004
Checklist: Part 4A, Hesperioidea - Papilionoidea
Atlas of Neotropical Lepidoptera
[BOW]; Lewis, 1974
Butterflies of the World
Mabille, 1891
Description d'Hespérides nouvelles (1-3)
Bull. Soc. Ent. Belg. 35
(16): lix -lxxxviii,
(17): cvi -cxxi,
(18): clxviii -clxxxvii
Nicolay, 1973
Descriptions of new Neotropical Hesperiidae
J. Lep. Soc. 27 (4) : 243-257, 35fgs
Plötz, 1882
Die Hesperiinen-Gattung Hesperia Aut. und ihre Arten
Stettin ent. Ztg 43
(7-9): 314 -344,
(10-12): 436 -456
Weeks, 1901
New diurnal Lepidoptera from South America
Can. Ent. 33 (12)
: 321 -324
Weymer in Weymer & Maassen, 1890
Lepidoptera gesammelt auf einer Reise durch Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Brasilien, Argentinien und Bolivien in den Jahren 1868-1877 von Alphons Stübel
Reisen Süd-America
: 1 -182, pl. 1 -9
Additional information sources:
Dr. Gustavo R. Canals
62 Nº 339 Dto. 1 (1 y 2); La Plata B1904AGM; Buenos Aires - Argentina; e-mail: Gustavo Canals ; Telefax: 54 221 422 3937
If you have corrections, comments or
information to add into these pages, just send mail to
Markku Savela
Keep in mind that the taxonomic information is copied from various sources, and may include many inaccuracies. Expert help is welcome.