Metron Godman in Godman & Salvin, [1900]
Metron (Hesperiinae) ; [NL4A] , 71
Metron chrysogastra (Butler, 1870)
Mexico - Amazon, Trinidad. See [maps ]
Metron chrysogastra ; [BOW] : pl. 83, f. 35; [NL4A] , #1745
M. c. chrysogastra Venezuela, Colombia
M. c. gades Evans, 1955 Peru
chrysogastra gades Evans, 1955; ; TL : Peru
Metron chrysogastra gades ; [NL4A] , #1745b
M. c. hypodesma (Plötz, 1882) Brazil(Rio de Janeiro, Pará)
chrysogastra hypodesma (Plötz, 1882) (Hesperia ); ; TL : Brazil, Rio de Janeiro/Pará
Metron chrysogastra hypodesma ; [NL4A] , #1745c
Metron leucogaster (Godman, [1900])
-. See [maps ]
Metron leucogaster ; [NL4A] , #1746
M. l. leucogaster Panama, Colombia
Metron fascia Draudt, 1923; ; TL : Colombia
= Metron leucogaster leucogaster ; [NL4A] , #1746a
Metron leucogaster leucogaster ; [NL4A] , #1746a
M. l. ambrosei (Weeks, 1906) Venezuela
Metrocles amborosei ; Bell, 1946, (missp.)
Metron leucogaster ambrosei ; [NL4A] , #1746b
M. l. leucomelas (Röber, 1925) Brazil(Rio Grande do Sul)
leucogaster leucomelas (Röber, 1925) (Zenis ); ; TL : Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul
Metron leucogaster leucomelas ; [NL4A] , #1746c
Metron noctis (Kaye, 1914)
Trinidad, Argentina. See [maps ]
Metron oropa (Hewitson, 1877)
Paraguay, Brazil(Rio de Janeiro). See [maps ]
Hesperia oropa Hewitson, 1877; ; TL : Brazil, Rio de Janeiro
Hesperia angulina Plötz, 1883; ; TL : Brazil
Metrocles doello-juradoi Jörgensen, 1935; ; TL : Paraguay
Hesperia orope ; Godman, 1907, (missp.)
Metron oropa ; [BOW] : pl. 83, f. 36; [NL4A] , #1748
Metron schrottkyi (Giacomelli, 1911)
-. See [maps ]
Thymelicus ? schrottkyi Giacomelli, 1911; ; TL : Argentina
Metron schrottkyi ; [NL4A] , #1749
M. s. schrottkyi Argentina
Thymelicus ? schrottky ; Giacomelli, 1911, (missp.)
Metron schrottkyi schrottkyi ; [NL4A] , #1749a
M. s. hypochlora (Draudt, 1923) Peru
schrottkyi hypochlora (Draudt, 1923) (Metrocles ); ; TL : Peru
Metron schrottkyi hypochlora ; [NL4A] , #1749b
M. s. tomba Evans, 1955 Brazil(Mato Grosso)
schrottkyi tomba Evans, 1955; ; TL : Brazil, Mato Grosso
Metron schrottkyi tomba ; [NL4A] , #1749c
Metron zimra (Hewitson, 1877)
Brazil, Surinam, Colombia, Venezuela. See [maps ]
Hesperia zimra Hewitson, 1877; ; TL : Brazil
Pamphila fasciana Möschler, 1877; ; TL : Surinam
Pamphila voranus Mabille, 1891; Bull. Soc. Ent. Belg. 35 (18): clxxii ; TL : Colombia
Pamphila verdanta Weeks, 1906; Psyche 13 (2-3) : 67 ; TL : Suapure, Venezuela
28.11.2015 (6)
Some related literature:
Butler, 1870
Descriptions of some new diurnal Lepidoptera, chiefly Hesperiidae
Trans. ent. Soc. Lond. 1870 (4)
: 485 -520
Godman & Salvin, [1900]; Godman in Godman & Salvin, [1900]
Biologia Centrali-Americana. Rhopalocera. (1887-1901)
Biol. centr.-amer., Lep. Rhop.
2 : 1 -782,
3 : pl. 1 -112
Hayward, 1940
Hesperioidea Argentina XII
An. Soc. cienc. argent. 130
: 70 -94
Hewitson, 1877
Descriptions of twenty-five new Species of Hesperidae
Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (4) 19 (109)
: 76 -85
[NL4A]; Lamas, 2004
Checklist: Part 4A, Hesperioidea - Papilionoidea
Atlas of Neotropical Lepidoptera
[BOW]; Lewis, 1974
Butterflies of the World
Mabille, 1891
Description d'Hespérides nouvelles (1-3)
Bull. Soc. Ent. Belg. 35
(16): lix -lxxxviii,
(17): cvi -cxxi,
(18): clxviii -clxxxvii
Weeks, 1906
New Lepidoptera from Venezuela
Psyche 13 (2-3)
: 67 -73
If you have corrections, comments or
information to add into these pages, just send mail to
Markku Savela
Keep in mind that the taxonomic information is copied from various sources, and may include many inaccuracies. Expert help is welcome.