[LAMAS-NEO] Gerardo Lamas
Bibliography of butterflies; An Annocated Bibliography of the Neotropical Butterflies and Skipper (Lepididoptera: Papilionoidea and Hesperioidea); Revised Electronic Edition (2007)
[Opler] Opler & Warren, 2003 (April)
Butterflies of North America. 2. Scientific Names List for Butterfly Species of North America, north of Mexico.
[maps] Warning! The maps are automatically generated from the textual information, and the process does not always produce acceptable result; See about maps for more info.
Some related literature:
Brown & Mielke, 1967
Lepidoptera of the Central Brazil Plateau. I. Preliminary list of Rhopalocera
J. Lep. Soc. 21 (2)
(2): 77-106,
(3): 145-168
Butler, 1877
On the Lepidoptera of the Amazons, collected by James W. H. Trail, Esq. during the years 1873 to 1875
Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1877 (2)
: 105-156, pl. 3
Cock, 1985 Cymaenes fina, sp. n. (Hesperiidae) from Trinidad, W. I.
J. Lep. Soc. 39 (1): 48-50
Dyar, 1913
Results of the Yale Peruvian expedition of 1911. Lepidoptera
Proc. U.S. natn. Mus. 45 (2006)
: 627-649
Dyar, 1917
Miscellaneous new American Lepidoptera
Ins. Insc. Menstr. 5 (4-6)
: 65-69
Latreille, [1824]
Encyclopédie Méthodique. Histoire naturelle Entomologie, ou histoire naturelle des crustacés, des arachnides et des insectes
Encyclopédie Méthodique 9
(1): 3-328 (1819),
(2): 329-828 ([1824])
Mielke, 1968
Lepidoptera of the Central Brazil Plateau. II. New Genera, Species and Subspecies of Hesperiidae
J. Lep. Soc. 22: 1-20
Möschler, 1879
Neue exotische Hesperidae
Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 28 (Abh.)
: 203-230
[NAB]; Pyle, 1981
Field Guide to North American Butterflies, National Audubon Society
Schaus, 1902
Descriptions of New American Butterflies
Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 24 (1262)
: 383-460
Schaus, 1913
New Species of Rhopalocera from Costa Rica
Proc. zool. Soc. Lond. 1913 (3)
: 339-367, pl. 50-54
Scudder, 1872
A systematic Revision of some of the American Butterflies; with brief notes on those known to occur in Essex County, Mass.
4th Ann. Rep. Peabody Acad. Sci. (1871)
: 24-83,errata
Weeks, 1901
Descripitions of ten new butterflies of the genus PamphilaProc. New England Zool. Club 2
: 91-97
Additional information sources:
Dr. Gustavo R. Canals
62 Nº 339 Dto. 1 (1 y 2); La Plata B1904AGM; Buenos Aires - Argentina; e-mail:Gustavo Canals; Telefax: 54 221 422 3937
If you have corrections, comments or
information to add into these pages, just send mail to
Markku Savela
Keep in mind that the taxonomic information is copied from various sources, and may include many inaccuracies. Expert help is welcome.