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Some related literature:
Guenée in Boisduval & Guenée, 1857
Histoire Naturelle des Insectes. Species Général des Lépidoptéres. Volume 9. Uranides et Phalénites
Hist. nat. Ins., Spec. gén. Lépid. 9
: 1-514,
Atlas (Uranides & Phalenides): pl. 1-10, (Uranides) pl. 1 (1858),
Atlas (Uranides, Phalenides, Siculides): pl. 12-22, (1858) pl.
Ferguson, 1993
A revision of the species of Nematocampa (Geometridae: Ennominae) occurring in the United States adn Canada
J. Lep. Soc. 47: 60-77
[MNA17.2]; Ferguson, 2008
GEOMETROIDEA: Geometridae (Part); Ennominae (Part - Abraxini, Cassymini, Macariini)
Moths America N of Mexico 17.2
Grossbeck, 1907
Notes on certain described species of Geometridae, with descriptions of a few new species
Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 33
: 335-343
Grote, 1872
Descriptions of Lepidoptera from Alabama
Can. Ent. 4
: 101-102
Haworth, 1809
Lepidoptera Britannica, sistens digestimen novam lepidopterorum quae in Magna Britannica reperiunter ... adjunguntur dissertationes variae ad historiam naturalam spectantes
Lepid. Britannica
(1): 1-136 (1803),
(2): 137-376 ([1809]),
(3): 377-512 ([1811]),
(4): 513-609 (1828)
Herrich-Schäffer, [1855]
Sammlung neuer oder wenig bekannter aussereuropäischer Schmetterlinge, 1850-[1869]: Heterocera (Nachfalter)
Samml. aussereurop. Schmett. (I)
1 (1): pl. 1-4, f. 1-17 (1853),
1 (2): pl. 5-8, f. 18-38 (1853),
1 (3): pl. 9-12, f. 39-51 (1853),
1 (4): pl. 13-16, f. 52-76 (1853),
1 (5): pl. 17-20, f. 77-97 (1854),
1 (6): pl. 21-24, f. 98-114 (1854),
1 (7): pl. [25-28], f. 115-138 (1854),
1 (8): pl. [29-32], f. 139-153 (1854),
1 (9): pl. [33-36], f. 154-173 (1854),
1 (10): pl. [37-40], f. 174-201 (1854),
1 (11): pl. [41-44], f. 202-231 (1854),
1 (12): pl. [45-48], f. 232-258 (1854),
1 (13-17): pl. 49-68, f. 259-390 (1855),
1 (?18): pl. [69], f. 391-396 (1858),
1 (?19): pl. [70], f. 397-403 (1858),
1 (?20-21): pl. 71-78, f. 404-451 (1855),
1 (?22): pl. [79], f. 452-458 (1858),
1 (23-25): pl. 80-94, f. 459-540 (1856),
1 (26): pl. [95-96], f. 541-551 (1858),
1: 1-52 (1856),
1: 53-84 (1858),
2: pl. [97-100], f. 552-571 (1869)
[NACL]; Hodges, 1983
Check List of the Lepidoptera of America North of Mexico
Check List Lep. Am. N of Mexico
Hulst, 1900
New species of Lepidoptera
J. N.Y. Ent. Soc. 8
: 215-225
If you have corrections, comments or
information to add into these pages, just send mail to
Markku Savela
Keep in mind that the taxonomic information is copied from various sources, and may include many inaccuracies. Expert help is welcome.