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Some related literature:
Bienert, [1870]
Lepidopterologische Ergebnisse einer Reise in Persien in den Jahren 1858 und 1859. Inauguraldissertation
Lepid. Erg. Reise Persiens: 56pp
Christoph, 1882
Neue Lepidopteren des Amurgebietes
Bull. Soc. imp. Nat. Moscou 57 (1)
: 5-47
Lederer, 1864
Zur Lepidopteren-Fauna von Imeretien und Grusien
Wien. ent. Monats. 8 (5)
: 165-172, pl. 3
Lederer, 1871
Nachtrag zur verzeichnisse der von Herrn Jos. Haberhauer bei Astrabad in Persien gesamelten Schmetterlinge
Horae Soc. ent. ross. 8 (1)
: 3-28, pl. 1-2
[RFEL]; Leley, 2016
Annotated catalogue of the insects of Russian Far East. Volume II. Lepidoptera
Cat. ins. Russian Far East. 2
: 1-812
Lvovsky, 1995
New and little known genera and species of the broad-winged moths Lepidoptera: Oecophoridae, Depressariidae of Palaearctic fauna
Ent. Obozr. 74 (1)
: 138-152,
Ent. Rev. 75 (3): 41-55 (1996)
Lvovsky, 2003
Check-list of the broad-winged moths (Oecophoridae s.l.) of Russia and adjacent countries
Nota lepid. 25 (4)
: 213-220
If you have corrections, comments or
information to add into these pages, just send mail to
Markku Savela
Keep in mind that the taxonomic information is copied from various sources, and may include many inaccuracies. Expert help is welcome.