Elachista Treitschke, 1833
Subgenus Elachista
  • Subgenus Elachista (Elachista); Kaila, 1999, Syst. Ent. 24: 166 (list); [FE]
  • Subgenus Atachia (Elachista); [ALA]
The gleichenella species-group
The bifasciella species-group
The pulchella species-group
The cerusella species-group
The freyerella species-group
The saccharella species-group
The praelineata species-group
The tetragonella species-group
Subgenus Aphelosetia Stephens, 1834
The bedellella species-group
The dispilella species-group
The argentella species-group
The ? species-group
Subgenus Dibrachia Sinev & Sruoga, 1992
  • Dibrachia Sinev & Sruoga, 1992; Zool. Zh. 71 (7): 153; TS: Elachista kalki Parenti
Subgenus Hemiprosopa Braun, 1948
Subgenus ?

Unknown or unplaced taxa

  • Elachista (Elachista) sp.nr. kilmunella; Kaila, Nupponen, Junnilainen, Nupponen, Kaitila & Olschwang, 2003, Ent. Fennica 14 (2): 87 (Russia, S.Ural, Cheliabinsk, 52°39´N 59°34´E, 350m, Arkaim res. nr. Amurskii vill.)

  • Elachista sp. nr. biatomella
  • Elachista (Elachista) sp. nr. biatomella; Kaila, Nupponen, Junnilainen, Nupponen, Kaitila & Olschwang, 2003, Ent. Fennica 14 (2): 84, f. 35-36 (Ajat River)

  • Elachista (Aphelosetia) sp. nr. dispunctella; Kaila, Nupponen, Junnilainen, Nupponen, Kaitila & Olschwang, 2003, Ent. Fennica 14 (2): 83 (Volgograd, 80km NW Volgograd nr. Ilovla village)

  • Elachista conjunctella; [NHM card]

  • Elachista bicristatella; [NHM card]
  • Elachista duplicatella; [NHM card]

  • macrocerella (Costa, 1834) (Elachista); Annuar. zool. Napoli 1834: 76
  • Elachista macrocerella; [NHM card]

  • Elachista malifoliella; [NHM card]

  • Elachista obscurella Blanchard, 1852; in Gay, Hist. Chile, (Zool.) 7: 111; TL: Chile

  • Phigalia ochremaculella Chambers, 1875; Can. Ent. 7 (6): 107; TL: Texas

17.3.2019 (684)


Some related literature:

If you have corrections, comments or information to add into these pages, just send mail to Markku Savela
Keep in mind that the taxonomic information is copied from various sources, and may include many inaccuracies. Expert help is welcome.