I have just assumed that the Ethmia funerella funerella in [MP2] is simply replaced by Ethmia quadrillella quadrillella, and that all other ssp's are not affectedother than by name. --msa
Ethmia comitella steppella Dubatolov, Ustjuzhanin & Zintshenko, 1997; Atalanta 28 (1/2): 168; TL: 7km ENE of vil. Nizhnii Tsasuchei, Onon River left bank
Ethmia charybdis Powell, 1973
California. See [maps]
Ethmia charybdis Powell, 1973; Smiths. Contr. Zool. 120: 80, 216 (list), pl. 1e, 6b; TL: California, Big Panoche Creek, at San Benito-Fresno County line
[GALEPS] Moths and Butterflies of Georgia and the Southeastern United States
James K. Adams; Dept. of Natural Science, Dalton State College, Dalton, GA ; http://www.daltonstate.edu/galeps/index.htm
[HBN] Francis Hemming, 1937
HÜBNER, A bibliographical and systematic account of the entomological works of Jacob Hübner and of the supplements thereto by Carl Geyer, Gottfried Franz von Frölich and Gottlieb August Wilhelm Herrich-Schäffer, Vol 1 & 2
[maps] Warning! The maps are automatically generated from the textual information, and the process does not always produce acceptable result; See about maps for more info.
[²] This may require parentheses or not. I don't have the necessary information for this taxon.
Some related literature:
Alphéraky, 1908
Tcheshuekrylye okrestnostei Taganroga. Dobavieni III [in russian] [Lepidoptera of the Taganrog district. Supplement III]
Horae Soc. ent. Ross. 38
: 558-618
Amsel, 1949
On the Microlepidoptera Collected by E. P. Wiltshire in Irak and Iran in the Years 1935 to 1938
Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent. 33
: 217-351, pl. 1-12
Amsel, 1953
Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der zoologischen Expedition des National-Museums in Prag nach der Türkei. 13. Microlepidoptera
Sb. ent. Odd. nár. Mus. Praze 28
: 411-429
Amsel, 1956
Kleinschmetterlinge vom mittleren Jordantal
Beitr. naturk. Forsch. SüdwDtl. 15
: 56-62, pl. 4
Amsel, 1959
Irakische Kleinschmetterlinge II
Bull. Soc. ent. Egypt. 43
: 41-83, pl. 1-10
Amsel, 1961
Microlepidopteren aus SW-Arabien der Ausbeuten H. Scott und E. B. Britton, 1937/38
Beitr. naturk. Forsch. SüdwDtl. 20
: 49-61
Amsel, 1969
Eine neue chinesische Ethmia-Art (Lepidoptera: Ethmiidae)
Beitr. naturk. Forsch. SüdwDtl. 28
: 75-76
Amsel, 1969
Die Afghanischen Ethmia-Arten (Lepidoptera: Ethmiidae) Ergebnisse der 1. und 2. Deutschen Afghanistan Expeditions der Landessammlungen für Naturkunde Karlsruhe
Beitr. naturk. Forsch. SüdwDtl. 28 (2)
: 115-119
Barnes & Busck, 1920
Notes and new species
Contr. nat. Hist. Lepid. N. Am. 4 (3)
: 211-278, pl. 26-40
Beutenmüller, 1888
On North American Tineidae
Ent. Amer. 4
: 29-30
Beutenmüller, 1889
On North American Tineidae
Ent. Amer. 5
: 9-10
Bradley, 1965
British Museum (Natural History) Ruwenzori Expedition 1952. Microlepidoptera
Br. Mus. Ruwensori Exp. 1952 2 (12)
: 81-121
Brown, Adamski, Hodges & Bahr, 2004
Catalog of the type specimens of Gelechioidea (Lepidoptera) in the collection of the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC
Zootaxa 510: 1-160
Busck, 1902
Notes on North American Tineina
J. N.Y. ent. Soc. 10
: 89-100, pl. 12
Busck, 1904
A new species of Ethmia from the boreal region of Colorado
J. N.Y. Ent. Soc. 12 (1)
: 44
Busck, 1906
Tineid Moths from Southern Texas, with Description of New Species
Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 30 (1465)
: 721-736
Busck, 1907
New American TineinaProc. Ent. Soc. Wash. 8 (3-4)
: 86-99
Busck, 1908
Descriptions of North American Tineina
Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash. 9 (1-4)
: 85-95
Busck, 1910
Two New Species of Mexican Tineids
Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash. 11 (4)
: 212-213
Busck, 1910
Two new American species of the genus EthmiaProc. Ent. Soc. Wash. 12 (1)
: 53-54
Busck, 1912
New Microlepidoptera from Mexico
Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash. 14 (2)
: 83-87
Busck, 1913
New California Microlepidoptera
J. Ent. Zool. Pomona College 5
: 96-102
Busck, 1913
Seven new microlepidoptera from Mexico
Ins. Inscit. Menstr. 1 (11)
: 140-143
Busck, 1914
New genera and species of microlepidoptera from Panama
Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 47 (2043)
: 1-67
Busck, 1914
Seven new species of Ethmia from tropical America
Insec. Ins. Menstr. 2
: 53-57
Busck, 1915
Descriptions of new North American Microlepidoptera
Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash. 17 (2)
: 79-94
Busck, 1920
Descriptions of new Central American Microlepidoptera
Insec. Inscit. Mentr. 8
: 83-95
Busck, [1934]
Microlepidoptera of Cuba
Ent. Am. (n.s.) 13 (4)
: 151-202 [-?217], pl. 30-36
Butler, 1879
On a collection of Lepidoptera from Cachar, N.E. India
Trans. ent. Soc. Lond. 1879 (1)
: 1-8
Caradja, 1920
Beitrag zur Kenntnis der geographischen Verbreitung der Microlepitopteren des palaearktischen Faunengebietes nebst Beschreibung neuer Formen
Dt. ent. Z. Iris 34 (1/2)
: 75-179
Caradja, 1927
Die Kleinfalter der Stötzner'schen Ausbeute, nebst Zuträge aus meiner Sammlung
Mem. Sect. stiint. Acad. rom. (3) 4 (8)
: 361-428
Caradja, 1931
Beitrage zur Lepidopteren-Fauna Grossrumaniens für das Jahr 1930
Memle Sect. Stiint. Acad. rom. (3) 7 (8)
: 293-344
Meyrick in Caradja & Meyrick, 1935
Materialien zu einer Microlepidopteren Fauna der chinesischen Provinzen Kiangsu, Chekian und Hunan
Mat. Microlep. Fauna chin. Prov.
: 1-120 [?]
Chambers, 1877
The Tineina of Colorado
Bull. U.S. Geol. Surv. 3
: 121-145
Chambers, 1878
Descriptions of new Tineina from Texas, and others from more northern localities
Bull. Geol. Surv. Terr. 4
: 79-104
Chambers, 1880
Descriptions of some new Tineina, with notes on a few old species
J. Cincinnati Soc. nat. Hist. 2 (4)
: 179-194
Chrétien, 1907
Description de deux espèces nouvelles de Psecadia d'Algérie [Lép.]
Bull. Soc. ent. Fr. 1907
: 323-325
Chrétien, 1915
Contribution a la connaissance de lépidoptères du Nord de l'Afrique
Ann. Soc. ent. Fr. 84
: 289-374
Christoph, 1877
Sammelergebnisse aus Nordpersion, Krasnowodsk in Turkmenien und dem Daghestan
Horae Soc. ent. Ross. 12
(2): 181-192,
(3): 197-299 (1877),
(4): pl. 5-8
Christoph, 1882
Neue Lepidopteren des Amurgebietes
Bull. Soc. imp. Nat. Moscou 57 (1)
: 5-47
Clarke, 1950
A new genus and three new species of Microlepidoptera from California (Ethmiidae)
J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 40 (5)
: 161-163
Danilevski, 1969
Two remarkable new species of winter moths from the deserts of Soviet Central Asia: Dasyethmia hiemalis gen. et sp. n. (Lepidoptera, Ethmiidae) and Cheimoptera pennigera, gen. et sp. n. (Lepidoptera, Geometridae) [in Russian]
Ent. Obozr. 48 (1)
: 176-191
Danilevski, 1975
New moths of the Genus Ethmia Hb. (Lepidoptera, Ethmiidae) from the USSR [in Russian]
Ent. Obozr. 54 (3)
: 615-616
Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775
Ankündung eines systematischen Werkes von den Schmetterlingen der Wienergegend
Ank. syst. Schmett. Wienergegend
: 1-322, pl. 1a-b
Diakonoff, 1948
Mémoires de l'Institut scientifique de Madagascar
Mém. Ins. sci. Madagascar (A) 1 (1)
: 22-30
Diakonoff, 1966
Records and descriptions of South Asiatic Microlepidoptera
Tijds. Ent. 109 (3)
: 49-88, pl. 1
Diakonoff, [1968]
Microlepidoptera of the Philippine Islands
Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. 257
: 1-484
Diakonoff & Sattler, 1966
Description of a new species of Ethmiidae (Lepidoptera)
Ent. Ber. 26
: 189-191
Dietz, 1905
Revision of the genera and species of the tineid subfamilies Amydriinae and Tineinae inhabiting North America
Trans. Am. ent. Soc. 31
: 1-96
Domingo & Baixeras in Domingo, Huemer & Baixeras, 2003
Ethmia penyagolosella sp. n. (Lepidoptera, Ethmiidae), a new species from Spain
Nachr. Ent. Ver. Apollo NF 24 (4)
: 183-188
Dubatolov & Ustjuzhanin, 1998
A new Ethmia species (Ethmiidae) from Turkmenistan
Nota lepid. 21 (2)
: 101-105
Dubatolov, Ustjuzhanin & Zintshenko, 1997
A review of the Ethmiidae of the Asian part of Russia and neighbourding territories
Atalanta 28 (1/2)
: 161-171
Duponchel, 1835
Histoire naturelle des Lépidoptères ou Papillons de France. Nocturnes 6
Hist. nat. Lépid. Fr. 9
: 1-626, pl. 237-266
Duponchel, 1836
Histoire naturelle des Lépidoptères ou Papillons de France. Nocturnes 7
Hist. Nat. Lépid. Fr. 10
: 1-384, pl. 267-286
Dyar, 1902
A review of the genus Ethmia with descriptions of new species
J. N.Y. Ent. Soc. 10
: 202-208
Erschoff, 1874
Travels in Turkestan. Volume 2. Zoogeographical Investigations. Lepidoptera [in Russian]
in Fedschenko, Travels in Turkestan. 2 (5)
: 1-128, pl. 1-6
Erschoff, [1877]
Diagnosen neuer Lepidopteren aus den verschiedene Provinzen des Russischen Reiches
Horae Soc. ent. Ross. 12 (4)
: 336-348
Eversmann, 1844
Fauna Lepidopterologica Volgo-Uralensis Exhibens Lepidopterum Species quas per Viginti quinque Annos in Pvorinciis Volgam Fluvium inter et Montes Uralenses sitis Observatis et Descripsit
Fauna Lep. Volgo-Uralensis ...: 633pp, xvi
Felder & Rogenhofer, 1875
Reise der österreichischen Fregatte Novara um die Erde in den Jahren 1857, 1858, 1859 unter den Behilfen des Commodore B. von Wüllerstorf-Urbair. Zoologischer Theil. Band 2. Abtheilung 2. Lepidoptera. Rhopalocera
Reise Fregatte Novara, Bd 2 (Abth. 2)
(1): 1-136, pl. 1-21 (Rhop.) (C. & R. Felder, [1865]),
(2): 137-378, pl. 22-47 (Rhop.) (C. & R. Felder, 1865),
(3): 379-536, pl. 48-74 (Rhop.) (C. & R. Felder, 1867),
(4): 537-548, pl. 75-120, (Inhalts-Verz.) 1-9 (pl. 1-74), (Felder & Rogenhofer, 1874) ,
(5): pl. 121-140, (erklärung) 1-10 (pl. 75-107), (Inhalts-Verz.) 1-20 (pl. 108-140), (Felder & Rogenhofer, 1875)
Fernald, 1891
New N. A. Microlepidoptera
Can. Ent. 23 (2)
: 29-31
Fuchs, 1903
Neue Kleinfalter des Mittelmeergebiets
Stettin ent. Ztg 64 (1)
: 3-16
Grote, 1881
North American moths, with a preliminary catalogue of the species of Hadena and PoliaBull. U.S. Geol. Surv. 6 (2)
: 257-277
Guenée, 1879
Étude sur les Yponomeutides
Ann. Soc. ent. Fr. (5) 9
: 281-290
Haworth, 1828
Lepidoptera Britannica, sistens digestimen novam lepidopterorum quae in Magna Britannica reperiunter ... adjunguntur dissertationes variae ad historiam naturalam spectantes
Lepid. Britannica
(1): 1-136 (1803),
(2): 137-376 ([1809]),
(3): 377-512 ([1811]),
(4): 513-609 (1828)
Heppner, 1988
A new species of Ethmia (Oecophoridae: Ethmiinae) from the Florida Keys
J. Lep. Soc. 42 (4)
: 281-284
Herrich-Schäffer, 1854
Systematische Bearbeitung der Schmetterlinge von Europa, zugleich als Text, Revision und Supplement zu J. Hübner's Sammlung europäischer Schmetterlinge, Die Schaben und Federmotten, (1847-) 1853-1855)
Syst. Bearb. Schmett. Europ. 5
(22): (ii) pl. 1-10, f. 1-71 (1847),
(30): (ii) pl. 11-15, f. 72-107 (1848),
(34): (ii) pl. 16-18, f. 108-131 (1848),
(39): (ii) pl. 19-23, f. 132-165 (1849),
(42): (ii) pl. 24-29, f. 166-212, pl. 31, f. 218-222, pl. 33-35, f. 229-245, (iii) pl. 1-2, f. 1-12 (1850),
(44): (ii) pl. 30, f. 213-217, pl. 32, f. 223-228, pl. 36, f. 246-249, pl. 38, f. 257-264, pl. 40-41, f. 272-281 (1850),
(46): (ii) pl. 37, f. 250-256, pl. 39, f. 265-271, pl. 42-45, f. 282-313 (1851),
(48): (ii) pl. 46-47, f. 314-328, pl. 49-50, f. 336-350 (1851),
(53): (ii) pl. 48, f. 329-335, pl. 51-53, f. 351-376, pl. 57, f. 403-412, pl. 59-62, f. 421-455, (iv) pl. 1, f. 1-10 (1851),
(55): (ii) pl. 54, f. 377-384, pl. 56, f. 395-402 (1852),
(57): (ii) pl. 96-103, f. 735-814 (1852),
(58): (ii) pl. 55, f. 385-394, pl. 58, f. 413-420, pl. 63-72, f. 456-546 (1853),
(59): (ii) pl. 73-74, f. 547-563, pl. 80-84, f. 606-645 (1853),
(60): (ii) pl. 85, f. 646-654, pl. 86, f. [655-661],
(61): (ii) pl. 87-88, f. 662-680, pl. 94-95, f. 718-734, pl. 105-108, f. 827-866, (iii) pl. 4-6, f. 20-37 (1853),
(62): (ii) pl. 75-79, f. 564-605, pl. 89-93, f. 681-717 (1854),
(63): (ii) pl. 104, f. 815-826, pl. 109-112, f. 867-910, (iii) pl. 3, f. 13-19, f. 38-40, pl. 7, f. 41-47 (1854),
(67): Title "1853-1855" (1855),
(60): [1], 2-72 (1853),
(61): (ii) pl. 116, f. 939-950 (1853),
(62): 73-96 (1854),
(63): 97-120, (ii) pl. 114, f. 921-930 (1854),
(64): 121-168, (ii) pl. 115, f. 931-938, pl. 117-124, f. 951-1030 (1854),
(65): 169-224, (ii) pl. 113, f. 911-920 (1854),
(66): 225-288 (1855),
(67): 289-394 (1855),
(68): (index) [1], 2-52 (1855)
[NACL]; Hodges, 1983
Check List of the Lepidoptera of America North of Mexico
Check List Lep. Am. N of Mexico
Hübner, 1789
Beiträge zur Geschichte der Schmetterlinge, Band 1, Vierter Theil
Beitr. Gesch. Schmett. 1 (4)
: 1-50, pl. 1-4
Hübner, [1813]
Sammlung europäischer Schmetterlinge. III. Bombyces - Spinner ("Zweyte Band" - part)
Samml. eur. Schmett. [3]
: 101-154,
: pl. 1-43, f. 1-189 (1800-1803),
: pl. 44-57, f. 190-247 (1803-1808),
: pl. 58-59, f. 248-254 (1809-1810),
: pl. 60-63, f. 255-268 (1810-1813),
: pl. 64-65, f. 269-276 (1818-1819),
: pl. 66, f. 277-281 (1819-1822),
: pl. 67, f. 282 (1823),
: pl. 68-69, f. 283-294 (1823-1824),
: pl. 70, f. 295-298 (1827),
: pl. 71-74, f. 299-314 (1827-1828),
: pl. 75-76, f. 315-322 (1828-1829),
: pl. 77-80, f. 323-340 (1830-1831),
: pl. 81, f. 341-346 (1834-1836),
: pl. 82, f. 347-350 (1836),
: pl. 83, f. 351-355 (1836-1838)
Hübner, 1796; Hübner, [1810]
Sammlung europäischer Schmetterlinge. VIII. Tineae - Schaben ("Sechste Band" - part)
Samml. eur. Schmett. [8]
: [1-12], 13-70, [77-78] (1796),
: pl. 1-37, f. 1-258 (1796),
: pl. 38-42, f. 259-293 (1800-1805),
: pl. 43-44, f. 294-307 (1805-1810),
: pl. 45-63, f. 308-426 (1810-1813),
: pl. 64-66, f. 427-444 (1814-1817),
: pl. 67, f. 445-450 (1818-1819),
: pl. 68, f. 451-456, pl. [69], f. [457-463] (1823-1824),
: pl. 70, f. 464-470 (1832),
: pl. 71, f. 471-477 (1834-1836)
Kun, 2002
New Ethmiinae (Lepidoptera: Elachistidae) species from Southeast Asia II
Ann. Hist. Mus. Nat. Hung. 94
: 169-179
Kun, 2002
Taxonomic notes on the Korean Ethmia (Lepidoptera: Oecophoridae; Ethmiidae)
Insecta Koreana 19 (2): 131-136
Kun, 2004
A review of the Ethmia lineatonotella species group, with description of two new species (Lepidoptera, Ethmiidae)
Acta zool. hung. 50 (4)
: 337-351
Kun, 2007
Studies on Palaearctic Ethmia Hübner, 1819 (Lepidoptera: Elachistidae)
Ann. Hist. Mus. Nat. Hung 99
: 101-114
Kun & Szabóky, 2000
Survey of the Taiwanese Ethmiinae (Lepidoptera, Oceophoridae) with description of three new species
Acta Zool Acad. Sci. Hung. 46 (1): 53-78
de Lattin, 1963
Über die Arten der Ethmia pusiella L.-Gruppe (Lepid.-Ethmiidae)
Beitr. naturk. Forsch. SüdwDtl. 22
: 45-64
Lederer, [1870]
Nachtrag zur verzeichnisse der von Herrn Jos. Haberhauer bei Astrabad in Persien gesamelten Schmetterlinge
Horae Soc. ent. ross. 8 (1)
: 3-28, pl. 1-2
[RFEL]; Leley, 2016
Annotated catalogue of the insects of Russian Far East. Volume II. Lepidoptera
Cat. ins. Russian Far East. 2
: 1-812
Linnaeus, 1758
Systema Naturae per Regna Tria Naturae, Secundum Clases, Ordines, Genera, Species, cum Characteribus, Differentiis, Symonymis, Locis. Tomis I. 10th Edition
Syst. Nat. (Edn 10) 1
: 1-338,
: 339-824
Lower, 1903
Descriptions of New Species of Xysmatodoma, &c.
Trans. R. Soc. S. Austr. 27
: 216-239
Lower, 1923
Descriptions of New Australian Lepidoptera
Trans. Proc. R. Soc. S. Aust. 47
: 54-57
Mabille, 1906
Notes sur plusieurs lépidoptères de la faune paléarctique
Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 75
: 31-36
Mann, 1861
Zur Lepidopteren-fauna von Amasia
Wien. Ent. Mon. 5
(5): 155-162,
(6): 183-193
Kun in Mey, 2004
The Lepididoptera of the Brandberg Massif in Namibia
Esperiana Mem. 1: 103-106,...,151-154 ?
Mey, 2011
Basic pattern of Lepidoptera diversity in southwestern Africa
Esperiana Mem. 6
: 1-316
Meyrick, 1887
Descriptions of new Lepidoptera
Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) 1 (4)
: 1037-1048
Meyrick, 1902
Descriptions of New Species of Lepidoptera (Oecophoridae)
Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 26
: 133-174
Meyrick, 1906
Descriptions of Indian micro-lepidoptera (2-4)
J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. 17
(1): 133-153 (1906),
(2): 403-417 (1906),
(3): 730-754 (1907),
(4): 976-994 (1907)
Meyrick, 1908
Descriptions of African Micro-Lepidoptera
Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1908
: 716-756
Meyrick, 1911
in Gardiner, No. XII. Tortricina and Tineina. Results of the Percy Sladen Trust Expedition to the Indian Ocean in 1905
Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. (2) 14
: 263-307
Meyrick, 1911
Descriptions of South African Micro-Lepidoptera
Ann. Transv. Mus. 3 (1)
: 63-83
Meyrick, 1912
Descriptions of South American Micro-Lepidoptera
Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1911 (4)
: 673-718
Meyrick, 1914
Descriptions of Indian Micro-Lepidoptera (18)
J. Bombay nat. hist. Soc. 23
(1): 118-130
Meyrick, 1920
Voyage de Ch. Alluaud et R. Jeannel en Afrique Orientale (1911-1812). Résultats scientifique. Insectes Lépidoptères. 2. Microlepidoptera
in Alluaud & Jeannel, Voyage Afr. Orientale, Ins. Lép. 2
: 33-120
Meyrick, 1921
Descriptions of South African Micro-Lepidoptera. Part 1
Ann. Transv. Mus. 8 (2)
: 49-148
Meyrick, 1923
Voyage du Compte Jacques de Rohan Chabot dans l'Angola. Descriptions d'espèces nouvelles de Microlépidoptères
Bull. Mus. hist. nat. Paris 29
: 563-566
Meyrick, 1925
New Malayan micro-Lepidoptera
Treubia 6 (3-4)
: 428-433
Meyrick, 1926
New South African Microlepidoptera
Ann. S. Afr. Mus. 23
: 325-351
Meyrick, 1930
Ergebnisse einer zoologischen Sammelreise nach Brasilien, insbesonderer in das Amazonasgebiet, ausgeführt von Dr. H. Zerny. V. Theil. Micro-Lepidoptera
Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien 44
: 223-268, pl. 1-2
Millière, 1867
Iconographie et Description de Chenilles et Lépidoptères inédits
Icon. Desc. Chenilles Lepid. 2
: 1-506, pl. 51-100
Moore, [1868]
On the Lepidopterous Insects of Bengal. Part II & III
Proc. zool. Soc. Lond. 1867
: 44-98, pl. 6-7 (1867),
: 612-686, pl. 32-33 (1868)
Walsingham in Moore, [1887]
The Lepidoptera of Ceylon
Lepid. Ceylon 3
(1): 1-88, pl. 144-157 (1884),
(2): 89-304, pl. 158-181 ([1885]),
(3): 305-392, pl. 182-195 ([1886]),
(4): 393-578, pl. 196-215 (1887)
Moriuti, 1963
Ethmiidae from the Amami-Gunto Islands, southern frontier of Japan, collected by mr. T. Kodama in 1960
Tyô to Ga 14 (2)
: 35-39
Müller-Rutz, 1922
Die Schmetterlinge der Schweiz. (4. Nachtrag, Kleinschmetterlinge)
Mitt. Schweiz. Ent. Ges. 13 (5)
: 217-259
Möschler, 1884
Beiträge zur Schmetterlings-Fauna des Kafferlands
Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 33
: 267-310, pl. 16
Möschler, 1889; Möschler, 1890
Die Lepidopteren-Fauna der Insel Portorico
Abh. senckenb. nat. Ges. 16
: 69-360, 1pl
[AUCL]; Nielsen & Rangsi, 1996
Checklist of the Lepidoptera of Australia
Monogr. Aust. Lepid. 4: 1-529
Nupponen, 2015
Interesting records of Ethmiinae from the former USSR, with description of Ethmia ustyurtensis Nupponen, sp. n. from Kazakhstan (Lepidoptera: Gelechioidea, Elachistidae)
SHILAP Revta lepid. 43 (169)
: 125-131
Rebel in Osthelder, 1936
Lepidopteren-Fauna von Marasch in türkisch Nordsyrien
Mitt. Münch. Ent. Ges. 25 (3)
: 67-90
Rebel in Osthelder, 1940
Lepidopteren-fauna von Marasch in türkisch Nordsyrien. Nachtrag
Mitt. Münch. Ent. Ges. 30
Pallas, 1771
Reise durch verschiedene Provinzen des Russischen Reichs in den Jahren 1768-1774
Reise Russ. Reich. 1: 1-504, 23pls
Phillips in Phillips, Powell, Hallwachs & Janzen, 2014; Phillips, Powell, Hallwachs & Janzen, 2014
A synopsis of the genus Ethmia Hübner in Costa Rica: biology, distribution, and description of 22 new species (Lepidoptera, Gelechioidea, Depressariidae, Ethmiinae), with emphasis on the 42 species known from Área de Conservación Guanacaste
ZooKeys 461
: 1-86
Powell, 1959
Studies on Genus Ethmia Huebner in Western North America (Lepidoptera: Gelechioidea)
Wasmann J. Biol. 17 (1)
: 133-151
Powell, 1971
Biological Studies on Moths of the Genus Ethmia in California
J. Lep. Soc. 25 (Suppl. 3)
: 1-68
Rebel, 1901
Neue paläarktische Tineen
Dt. ent. Z. Iris 13 (2)
: 161-188
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Denksch. Akad. Wiss. Wien. 71 (2)
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If you have corrections, comments or
information to add into these pages, just send mail to
Markku Savela
Keep in mind that the taxonomic information is copied from various sources, and may include many inaccuracies. Expert help is welcome.