Ethmia Hübner, [1819]
The distigmatella species-group
The lybiella species-group
The vittalbella species-group
The dodecea species-group
The semilugens species-group
The papiella species-group
The rothschildi species-group
The albitogata species-group
The terminella species-group
The aurifluella species-group
The pyrausta species-group
The bipunctella species-group
The chrysopyga species-group
The haemorrhoidella species-group
The suspecta species-group
The wursteri species-group
The amasina species-group
The nigripedella species-group
The dehiscens species-group
The assamensis species-group
The lineatonotella species-group
The nigroapicella species-group
The crocosoma species-group
The tripunctella species-group
The lapidella species-group
The ditreta species-group
The charybdis species-group
The macelhosiella species-group
The piperella species-group
The hagenella species-group
The kirbyi species-group
The mulleri species-group
The cypraeella species-group
The exornata species-group
The notatella species-group
The baliostola species-group
The confusella species-group
The longimaculella species-group
The conglobata species-group
The cyanea species-group
The gigantea species-group
The trifurcella species-group
The prattiella species-group
The joviella species-group
The hammella species-group
The punctessa species-group

11.4.2019 (339)


Some related literature:

If you have corrections, comments or information to add into these pages, just send mail to Markku Savela
Keep in mind that the taxonomic information is copied from various sources, and may include many inaccuracies. Expert help is welcome.