Depressaria radiella (Goeze, 1783)
EU, ..., Nova Scotia, S.Canada, British Columbia - Arizona, Washington. See [maps]
Cow-parsnip Flat-body
Parsnip Webworm
- Phalaena (Tinea) radiella Goeze, 1783; Ent. Beyträge 3 (4):162
- Haemilis[sic] pastinacella Duponchel, 1838; Hist. Nat. Lépid. Fr. 11: 153, pl. 291, f. 4-5; TL: France
- Depressaria heraclei Haworth, 1811; (emend.)
- Depressaria sphondiliella Bruand, 1851; Mém. Soc. Doubs 3 (3, livr. 5-6): 39, no. 1288
- ?Depressaria sphondiliella Bruand, 1851; 73 [??]
- Depressaria ontariella Bethune, 1870; Can. Ent. 2 (1): 3; TL: [Port Credit], Ontario, Canada
- Depressaria caucasica Christoph, 1877; Horae Soc. ent. Ross. 12 (3): 293, (4) pl. 8, f. 66
- obscura Dufrane, 1957; Bull. Inst. Sci. nat. Belg. 33 (32): 11; TL: Belgium
- = Depressaria pastinacella ; [NHM card]
- marginata Dufrane, 1957; Bull. Inst. Sci. nat. Belg. 33 (32): 11; TL: Belgium
- = Depressaria pastinacella ; [NHM card]
- lineata Dufrane, 1957; Bull. Inst. Sci. nat. Belg. 33 (32): 11; TL: France
- = Depressaria pastinacella ; [NHM card]
- Phalaena heracliana Linnaeus, 1758; auth.
Larva on
Heracleum sphondylium,
Pastinaca ,
Larva on
Heracleum lanatum,
Pastinaca sativa Hodges, 1974, Moths Amer. N of Mexico 6.2: 65 McKenna & Berenbaum, 2003, J. Lep. Soc. 57 (1): 39
Depressaria absynthiella Herrich-Schäffer, 1865
Canary Is., France, Ausria, S.Germany, .... See [maps]
- Depressaria absynthiella; [NHM card]
- Depressaria (Depressaria) absynthiella; [FE]; [RFEL]
Larva on
Artemisia absinthium,
Artemisia canariensis,
A. frigida [RFEL]
Depressaria artemisiae Nickerl, 1864
EU, ..., Washington, British Columbia, Montana, SW.Manitoba. See [maps]
- Depressaria artemisiae Nickerl, 1864; Wiener Ent. Monat. 8 (1): 4; TL: Prague
- Depressaria dracunculi Clarke, 1933; Can. Ent. 65: 90, pl. 5; TL: Snake R., Whitman Co., opposite Clarkston, Washington
Larva on
Artemisia campestris,
Artemisia borealis ssp. bottnica
Larva on
Artemisia drancunculoides Hodges, 1974, Moths Amer. N of Mexico 6.2: 63
Larva on
Artemisia campestris,
Artemisia borealils [RHEL]
Depressaria marcella Rebel, 1901
Morocco, Tunisia, Spain, Hungary, Sicily, Dalmatia, Asia Minor, Palestine, .... See [maps]
- Depressaria (Depressaria) marcella; [FE]
D. m. marcidella Walsingham, 1907 Morocco
- Depressaria marcella marcidella; [NHM card]
Depressaria heydenii Zeller, 1854
Alps. See [maps]
- Depressaria heydenii; [NHM card]
- Depressaria (Depressaria) heydenii; [FE]
Depressaria depressana (Fabricius, 1775)
NAF, EU, Asia Minor, Palestine. See [maps]
- Pyralis depressana Fabricius, 1775; Syst. Ent.: 655
- Tinea depressella Fabricius, 1798
- ?Tinea depressella Hübner, [1813]; Samml. eur. Schmett. [8]: pl. 61, f. 407
- bluntii Curtis, 1829²; British Entomology: 221
- = Depressaria depressella ; [NHM card]
- Depressaria depressella var. amasiella Staudinger, 1879; Horae Soc. Ent. Ross. 15 (2-3): 300
- Depressaria depressella var. prangosella Walsingham, 1903; Ent. mon. Mag. 39: 268; TL: Spain, Sevilla, Coria del Rio; Morocco, Tangier
- Depressaria depressella var. laetella Krulikovsky, 1906; Soc. Ent. 21 (7): 51
- Depressaria rhodochlora Meyrick, 1923; Entomologist 56: 278; TL: Cyprus
- Depressaria depressella amasiella; [NHM card]
- Depressaria depressella prangosella; [NHM card]
- Depressaria rhodochlora; [NHM card]
- Depressaria depressana; [NHM card]
- Depressaria (Depressaria) depressana; [FE]; [RFEL]
Larva on
Daucus carota,
Pimpinella ,
Pastinaca ,
Seseli ,
Peucedanum oreoselinum
Larva on
(for prangosella) Prangos ferulacea Walsingham, 1903, Ent. mon. Mag. 39: 268
Larva on
Pimpinella ,
Peucedanum ,
Daucus ,
Pastinaca ,
Heracleum ,
Angelica [RFEL]
Depressaria chaerophylli Zeller, 1839
Libya, EU, Caucasus, Palestine. See [maps]
- Depressaria chaerophylli rarissimella; [NHM card]
- Depressaria chaerophylli; [NHM card]
- Depressaria (Depressaria) chaerophylli; [FE]
Larva on
Chaerophyllum temulentum,
C. bulbosum
Depressaria ultimella Stainton, 1849
CEU, Holland, Uralsk. See [maps]
- Depressaria ultimella; [NHM card]
- Depressaria (Depressaria) ultimella; [FE]; [RFEL]
Larva on
Oenanthe ,
Sium ,
Cicuta ,
Apium [RFEL]
Depressaria silesiaca Heinemann, 1870
- Depressaria silesiaca Heinemann, 1870; Schmett. Dtl. Scweitz. (2) 3: 184
- Schistodepressaria freyi Hering, 1924; Notulae Ent. 4 (3): 80, f. 5-6
- Depressaria silesiaca; [NHM card]
- Depressaria (Depressaria) silesiaca; [FE]; [RFEL]
Larva on
Achillea millefolium,
Artemisia vulgaris
Larva on
Artemisia ,
Achillea ,
Anthemis ,
Tanacetum [RFEL]
Depressaria halophilella Chrétien, 1908
S.France, .... See [maps]
- Depressaria halophilella Chrétien, 1908; Naturaliste 30 (504): 60; TL: Cote d'Azur
- Depressaria (Depressaria) halophilella; [FE]
Depressaria pimpinellae Zeller, 1839
NEU, CEU, Hungary. See [maps]
- Depressaria pimpinellae Zeller, 1839; Isis [32] 1839 (3): 196
- Depressaria reichlini Heinemann, 1870; Schmett. Dtl. Scweitz. (2) 3: 173
- Depressaria pimpinellae ab. levisticae Krulikowsky, 1908; Soc. Ent. 23 (3): 18; TL: Wiatka; Kasan
- hungarica Szent-Ivány, 1943; Fragm. faun. hung. 6: 99; TL: Hungary
- = Depressaria reichlini ; [NHM card]
- uhrikmeszarosi Szent-Ivány, 1943; Fragm. faun. hung. 6: 100; TL: Hungary
- = Depressaria reichlini ; [NHM card]
- Depressaria reichlini; [NHM card]
- Depressaria pimpinellae; [NHM card]
- Depressaria (Depressaria) pimpinellae; [FE]
Larva on
Pimpinella ,
P. major,
P. saxifraga
Depressaria bupleurella Heinemann, 1870
- Depressaria bupleurella Heinemann, 1870; Schmett. Dtl. Scweitz. (2) 3: 171
- Depressaria bupleurella; [NHM card]
- Depressaria (Depressaria) bupleurella; [FE]
Depressaria badiella (Hübner, 1796)
Libya, EU, Caucasus, ..., Mongolia. See [maps]
- Depressaria badiella unicolor; [NHM card]
- Depressaria bruneella[sic, recte brunneella]; [NHM card]
- Depressaria (Depressaria) badiella; [FE]; [RFEL]
Larva on
Hypochoeris radiata,
Sonchus arvensis,
Larva on
Heracleum ,
Pastinaca [RFEL]
D. b. badiella
- Depressaria (Depressaria) badiella badiella; [FE]
D. b. frustratella Rebel, 1936 Sardinia
- Depressaria (Depressaria) badiella frustratella; [FE]
Depressaria corticinella Zeller, 1854
Hungary, Balkans, Greece, SWEU, Asia Minor, Palestine. See [maps]
- Depressaria uhrykella; [NHM card]
- Depressaria corticinella; [NHM card]
- Depressaria (Depressaria) corticinella; [FE]
Depressaria daucivorella Ragonot, 1889
France, ..., Iraq. See [maps]
- Depressaria daucivorella Ragonot, 1889; Bull. Soc. ent. Fr. (6) 9: cvi
- Depressaria mesopotamica Amsel, 1949; Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent. 33: 314
- Depressaria daucivorella; [NHM card]
- Depressaria (Depressaria) daucivorella; [FE]
Depressaria libanotidella Schläger, 1849
Italy. See [maps]
- Depressaria laserpitii Nickerl, 1864; Wiener Ent. Monat. 8 (1): 1; TL: Engadin
- bantiella (Rocci, 1934) (Schistodepressaria); Boll. Soc. ent. ital. 66: 224
- nigrella (Rocci, 1934) (Schistodepressaria); Boll. Soc. ent. ital. 66: 226
- Depressaria libnotidella laserpitii; [NHM card]
- Depressaria (Depressaria) libanotidella; [FE]; [RFEL]
Larva on
Seseli libanotis
Larva on
Libanotis ,
Laserpitium ,
Chaerophyllum ,
Peucedanum [RFEL]
Depressaria villosae Corley & Buchner, 2018
Portugal, Spain, Greece. See [maps]
- Depressaria villosae Corley & Buchner, 2018; Ent. Rec. J. Var. 130: 105; TL: Portugal, Trás-os-Montes, Parâmio, Vilarinho, 780m
Larva on
Pimpinella villosa Corley & Buchner, 2018, Ent. Rec. J. Var. 130: 105
Depressaria velox Staudinger, 1859
SEU. See [maps]
- Depressaria (Depressaria) velox; [FE]
Depressaria daucella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
..., Washington, Oregon, California. See [maps]
- nervosa (Haworth, 1811); auth.
Larva on
Oenanthe aquatica,
Oenanthe crocata,
Cicuta ,
Berula ,
Carum ,
Daucus ,
Larva on
Cicuta douglasi Hodges, 1974, Moths Amer. N of Mexico 6.2: 66,
Oenanthe sarmentosa McKenna & Berenbaum, 2003, J. Lep. Soc. 57 (1): 39
Larva on
Carum ,
Pastinaca ,
Oenanthe ,
Sium [RFEL]
Depressaria zelleri Staudinger, 1880
Asia Minor. See [maps]
- Depressaria zelleri; [NHM card]
- Depressaria (Depressaria) zelleri; [FE]
Depressaria beckmanni Heinemann, 1870
Alps, Balkans. See [maps]
- Depressaria beckmanni Heinemann, 1870; Schmett. Dtl. Scweitz. (2) 3: 179
Depressaria sordidatella Tengström, 1848
- Depressaria sordidatella; [NHM card]
- Depressaria (Depressaria) sordidatella; [FE]; [RFEL]
Larva on
Anthriscus ,
Angelica ,
Peucedanum ,
Aegopodium ,
Larva on
Anthriscus ,
Chaerophyllum ,
Pastinaca ,
Peucedanum ,
Conium [RFEL]
Depressaria incognitella Hannemann, 1990
- Depressaria (Depressaria) incognitella; [FE]
Depressaria pulcherrimella Stainton, 1849
CEU, SEU, .... See [maps]
- Depressaria semenovi; [NHM card]
- Depressaria pulcherimella[sic, recte pulcherrimella]; [NHM card]
- Depressaria (Depressaria) pulcherrimella; [FE]
Larva on
Pimpinella saxifraga
Depressaria douglasella Stainton, 1849
Switzerland, Dalmatia, Balkans, Sicily, .... See [maps]
- Depressaria douglasella thoracella; [NHM card]
- Depressaria douglasella; [NHM card]
- Depressaria (Depressaria) douglasella; [FE]
Depressaria floridella Mann, 1864
Asia Minor, Palestine. See [maps]
- Depressaria floridella; [NHM card]
- Depressaria (Depressaria) floridella; [FE]
Depressaria nemolella Svensson, 1982
Sweden, .... See [maps]
- Depressaria nemolella; [NHM card]
- Depressaria (Depressaria) nemolella; [FE]
Depressaria indecorella Rebel, 1917 Orenburg
- Depressaria indecorella; [NHM card]
- Depressaria (Depressaria) indecorella; [FE]
Depressaria krasnowodskella Hannemann, 1953
Turkmenistan. See [maps]
- Depressaria krasnowodskella; [NHM card]
- Depressaria (Depressaria) krasnowodskella; [FE]
Depressaria lacticapitella Klimesch, 1942
Austria, .... See [maps]
- Depressaria lacticapitella; [NHM card]
- Depressaria (Depressaria) lacticapitella; [FE]
Depressaria hofmanni Stainton, 1861
Germany, Switzerland, Asia Minor. See [maps]
- Depressaria hofmanni Stainton, 1861; Nat. Hist. Br. Tineina 6: 176, pl. 5, f. 2
- Depressaria hofmanni; [NHM card]
- Depressaria (Depressaria) hofmanni; [FE]
Depressaria emeritella Stainton, 1849
Germany, England, ..., ?. See [maps]
- Depressaria emeritella; [NHM card]
- Depressaria (Depressaria) emeritella; [FE]
identification uncertain 603x653 (~83Kb) Russia: Moscow area (36°25'E, 56°00'N), 9.5.2009, Photo © D. Smirnov
Larva on
Tanacetum vulgare
Depressaria albipunctella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
SEU, Libya, .... See [maps]
- Depressaria albipunctella; [NHM card]
- Depressaria (Depressaria) albipunctella; [FE]
Depressaria olerella Zeller, 1854
EU, .... See [maps]
- Depressaria olerella; [NHM card]
- Depressaria (Depressaria) olerella; [FE]; [RFEL]
Larva on
Achillea millefolium,
Tanacetum vulgare,
Pyrethrum corymbosum [RFEL]
Depressaria ululana Rössler, 1866
Portugal, W.Germany. See [maps]
- Depressaria ululana; [NHM card]
- Depressaria (Depressaria) ululana; [FE]
Depressaria tenebricosa Zeller, 1854
SWEU, Sardinia, Sicily, Dalmatia, Croatia, Asia Minor, Palestine. See [maps]
- Depressaria tenebricosa; [NHM card]
- Depressaria (Depressaria) tenebricosa; [FE]
Depressaria leucocephala Snellen, 1884
SE.Siberia. See [maps]
- Depressaria (Depressaria) leucocephala; [FE]; [RFEL]
Larva on
Artemisia vulgaris [RFEL]
Depressaria adustatella Turati, 1927
Morocco, Algeria, Libya. See [maps]
- Depressaria adustatella Turati, 1927; Memorie Soc. Ent. Ital. 66: 339, pl. 8, f. 17
- Depressaria delphinias Meyrick, 1936; Exotic Microlep. 4 (20): 623
- Depressaria subtenebricosa Hannemann, 1953; Mitt. zool. Mus. Berl. 29: 315
- = Depressaria delphinias ; [NHM card]
- = ; [FE]
- Depressaria delphinias; [NHM card]
- Depressaria adustatella; [NHM card]
- Depressaria (Depressaria) adustatella; [FE]
Depressaria genistella Walsingham, 1903
SWEU. See [maps]
- Agonopterix genistella; [NHM card]
- Depressaria (Depressaria) genistella; [FE]
Depressaria cinderella Corley, 2002
Portugal. See [maps]
- Depressaria cinderella Corley, 2002; Nota lepid. 24 (4): 29; TL: Portugal, Alto Alentejo, Serra de São Mamede, Minhota, 650m
- Depressaria cinderella; [NHM card]
- Depressaria (Depressaria) cinderella; [FE]
Larva on
Conopodium capillifolium Corley, 2002, Nota lepid. 24 (4): 31
Depressaria radiosquamella Walsingham, 1898
Corsica, .... See [maps]
- Depressaria radiosquamella; [NHM card]
- Depressaria (Depressaria) radiosquamella; [FE]
Depressaria millefoliella Chrétien, 1908
France, .... See [maps]
- Depressaria millefoliella; [NHM card]
- Depressaria (Depressaria) millefoliella; [FE]
Depressaria subalbipunctella Lvovsky, 1981
Caucasus. See [maps]
- Depressaria subalbipunctella Lvovsky, 1981; Trudy zool. Inst. Leningr. 103: 78
- Depressaria subalbipunctella; [NHM card]
- Depressaria (Depressaria) subalbipunctella; [FE]
Depressaria venustella Hannemann, 1990
- Depressaria (Depressaria) venustella; [FE]
Depressaria afghanella Amsel, 1972 Afhanistan
Depressaria assalella Chrétien, 1915
Algeria. See [maps]
Depressaria chlorothorax Meyrick, 1921
Asia Minor, Palestine. See [maps]
- Depressaria chlorothorax; [NHM card]
Depressaria clausulata Meyrick, 1911
S.Africa. See [maps]
Depressaria colossella Caradja, 1920
- Depressaria colossella; [NHM card]
- Depressaria (Depressaria) colossella; [RFEL]
Larva on
Phellodendron amurense,
Maackia amurensis [RFEL]
Depressaria danilevskyi Lvovsky, 1981
Tadzhikistan. See [maps]
- danilevskyi Lvovsky, 1981; Trudy zool. Inst. Leningr. 103: 73
- Depressaria danilevskyi; [NHM card]
Depressaria despoliatella Erschoff, 1874
Turkestan. See [maps]
- Depressaria despoliatella; [NHM card]
Depressaria djakonovi Lvovsky, 1981
- Depressaria djakonovi Lvovsky, 1981; Trudy zool. Inst. Leningr. 103: 82
- Depressaria djakonovi; [NHM card]
- Depressaria (Depressaria) djakonovi; [RFEL]
Depressaria falkovitshi Lvovsky, 1990
- Depressaria (Depressaria) falkovitshi; [RFEL]
Depressaria filipjevi Lvovsky, 1981
- Depressaria filipjevi Lvovsky, 1981; Trudy zool. Inst. Leningr. 103: 80
- Depressaria filipjevi; [NHM card]
- Depressaria (Depressaria) filipjevi; [RFEL]
Larva on
Artemisia [RFEL]
Depressaria golovushkini Lvovsky, 1995
- Depressaria (Depressaria) golovushkini; [RFEL]
Larva on
Diospyros [RFEL]
Depressaria fuscipedella Chrétien, 1915
N.Africa. See [maps]
- Depressaria fuscipedella; [NHM card]
Depressaria fuscovirgatella Hannemann, 1967
Iran. See [maps]
- fuscovirgatella Hannemann, 1967; Ent. Tidskr. 88: 166
- Depressaria fuscovirgatella; [NHM card]
Depressaria illepida Hannemann, 1958
Iran. See [maps]
- illepida Hannemann, 1958; Dt. ent. Z. 5 1: 461
Depressaria indelibatella Hannemann, 1971
Mongolia. See [maps]
- Depressaria indelibatella; [NHM card]
Depressaria jugurthella (Lucas, 1849)
Algeria. See [maps]
- Depressaria jugurthella; [NHM card]
Depressaria karmeliella Amsel, 1935 Palestine
- Depressaria karmeliella; [NHM card]
Depressaria kasyi Hannemann, 1976
Afghanistan. See [maps]
Depressaria kondarella Lvovsky, 1981
Tadzhikistan. See [maps]
- kondarella Lvovsky, 1981; Trudy zool. Inst. Leningr. 103: 75
Depressaria latisquamella Chrétien, 1922
Morocco. See [maps]
- Depressaria latisquamella; [NHM card]
Depressaria longipennella Lvovsky, 1981
Turkmenistan. See [maps]
- longipennella Lvovsky, 1981; Trudy zool. Inst. Leningr. 103: 75
- Depressaria longipennella; [NHM card]
Depressaria macrotrichella Rebel, 1917
N.Iran, Egypt. See [maps]
- Depressaria macrotrichella; [NHM card]
Depressaria manglisiella Lvovsky, 1981
Georgia. See [maps]
- manglisiella Lvovsky, 1981; Trudy zool. Inst. Leningr. 103: 78
- Depressaria manglisiella; [NHM card]
Depressaria orthobathra Meyrick, 1918
S.Africa. See [maps]
Depressaria pagmanella Amsel, 1972
Afghanistan. See [maps]
Depressaria panurga Meyrick, 1920
S.Africa. See [maps]
Depressaria parahofmanni Hannemann, 1958
Iran. See [maps]
- parahofmanni Hannemann, 1958; Dt. ent. Z. 5 1: 564
- Depressaria parahofmanni; [NHM card]
Depressaria peregrinella Hannemann, 1967
Iran. See [maps]
- peregrinella Hannemann, 1967; Ent. Tidskr. 88: 167
- Depressaria peregrinella; [NHM card]
Depressaria petronoma Meyrick, 1934²
Japan. See [maps]
- petronoma Meyrick, 1934²; Exotic Microlep. 4 (15): 475
Depressaria platytaeniella Hannemann, 1977
Afghanistan. See [maps]
- platytaeniella Hannemann, 1977; Dt. ent. Z. 24 (1-3): 41
- Depressaria platytaeniella; [NHM card]
Depressaria prospicua Meyrick, 1914
S.Africa. See [maps]
Depressaria pyrenaella Sumpich, 2013
SWEU. See [maps]
Depressaria rhodoscelis Meyrick, 1920
S.Africa. See [maps]
Depressaria riadella Amsel, 1972
Arabia. See [maps]
Depressaria rubripalpella Chrétien, 1922
Morocco. See [maps]
- Depressaria rubripalpella; [NHM card]
Depressaria ruticola Christoph, 1873
NAF, Iran, Palestine. See [maps]
Depressaria saharae Gaston & Vives, 2017
-. See [maps]
- Depressaria saharae Gaston & Vives, 2017; Arquivos Ent. 17: 352; TL: Spain, Burgos, La Vid, 850m
Depressaria schaidurovi Lvovsky, 1981
Kazakhstan. See [maps]
- schaidurovi Lvovsky, 1981; Trudy zool. Inst. Leningr. 103: 75
- Depressaria schaidurovi; [NHM card]
Depressaria sibirella Lvovsky, 1981
- Depressaria sibirella Lvovsky, 1981; Trudy zool. Inst. Leningr. 103: 80
Depressaria spectrocentra Meyrick, 1935²
Japan. See [maps]
- spectrocentra Meyrick, 1935²; Exotic Microlep. 4 (18-19): 593
- Depressaria spectrocentra; [NHM card]
Depressaria subhirtipalpis Hannemann, 1958
Iran. See [maps]
- subhirtipalpis Hannemann, 1958; Dt. ent. Z. 5 1: 463
- Depressaria subhirtipalpis; [NHM card]
Depressaria subnervosa Oberthür, 1888
Algeria. See [maps]
Depressaria tabghaella Amsel, 1935 Palestine
Depressaria varzobella Lvovsky, 1982
Tadzhikistan. See [maps]
- varzobella Lvovsky, 1982; Ent. Obozr. 61 (3): 582
Depressaria atrostrigella Clarke, 1941
SW.Manitoba, Colorado. See [maps]
Depressaria palousella Clarke, 1941
Washington. See [maps]
- Depressaria palousella; Brown, Adamski, Hodges & Bahr, 2004, Zootaxa 510: 105; Hodges, 1974, Moths Amer. N of Mexico 6.2: 63, pl. 4, f. 5; [NACL], #920; [Sangmi Lee & Richard Brown]
- Depressaria plaousella[sic, recte palousella]; [NHM card]
Depressaria cinereocostella Clemens, 1864
SW.Manitoba, Nova Scotia - NA.Georgia, Nebraska. See [maps]
Larva on
Oxypolis rigidior,
Sium suave,
Cicuta maculata,
Carum carvi,
Ligusticum scoticum Hodges, 1974, Moths Amer. N of Mexico 6.2: 64
Depressaria juliella Busck, 1908
Washington, Oregon, Wyoming, Utah, New Mexico. See [maps]
Larva on
Cicuta occidentals Hodges, 1974, Moths Amer. N of Mexico 6.2: 65,
Cicuta maculata McKenna & Berenbaum, 2003, J. Lep. Soc. 57 (1): 39
Depressaria eleanorae Clarke, 1941
W.Ontario, Maine. See [maps]
Depressaria alienella Busck, 1904
Nova Scotia, Connecticut, S.Canada, British Columbia - California, Arizona, Northwest Territories. See [maps]
Larva on
Artemisia ,
Achillea Hodges, 1974, Moths Amer. N of Mexico 6.2: 67
Depressaria artemisiella McDunnough, 1927
British Columbia, Utah. See [maps]
- Depressaria artemisiella McDunnough, 1927; Can. ent. 59: 271; TL: Seton L., British Columbia
Larva on
Artemisia Hodges, 1974, Moths Amer. N of Mexico 6.2: 67
Depressaria constancei Clarke, 1947
Oregon, California. See [maps]
Larva on
Lomatium californicum Hodges, 1974, Moths Amer. N of Mexico 6.2: 78
Depressaria betina Clarke, 1947
California - Washington. See [maps]
- Depressaria betina; Brown, Adamski, Hodges & Bahr, 2004, Zootaxa 510: 24; Hodges, 1974, Moths Amer. N of Mexico 6.2: 68, pl. 4, f. 23, 32-34; [NACL], #929; [NHM card]; [Sangmi Lee & Richard Brown]
Larva on
Lomatium nudicaule,
L. triternatum,
L. columbianum,
L. dissectum Hodges, 1974, Moths Amer. N of Mexico 6.2: 68,
Lomatium triternatum McKenna & Berenbaum, 2003, J. Lep. Soc. 57 (1): 39
Depressaria whitmani Clarke, 1941
California, Washington, Colorado, Montana. See [maps]
Larva on
Lomatium macrocarpum Hodges, 1974, Moths Amer. N of Mexico 6.2: 70
Depressaria schellbachi Clarke, 1947
Arizona, Wyoming. See [maps]
Larva on
Lomatium macdougalii Hodges, 1974, Moths Amer. N of Mexico 6.2: 70
Depressaria angelicivora Clarke, 1952
Montana, Washington. See [maps]
Larva on
Angelica arguta Hodges, 1974, Moths Amer. N of Mexico 6.2: 70 McKenna & Berenbaum, 2003, J. Lep. Soc. 57 (1): 39
Depressaria leptotaeniae Clarke, 1933
Oregon, Alberta, Idaho, Washington. See [maps]
- Depressaria leptotaeniae Clarke, 1933; Can. Ent. 65: 87, pl. 4; TL: Pullman, Washington
Larva on
Lomatium dissectum McKenna & Berenbaum, 2003, J. Lep. Soc. 57 (1): 39,
Leptotaenia multifida?
Depressaria yakimae Clarke, 1941
S.Washington. See [maps]
Larva on
Pteryxia terebenthina foeniculacea Hodges, 1974, Moths Amer. N of Mexico 6.2: 72
Depressaria multifidae Clarke, 1933
Oregon, S.Washington, Idaho. See [maps]
- Depressaria multifidae Clarke, 1933; Can. Ent. 65: 85, pl. 4; TL: Snake R., Whitman Co., opposite Clarkston, Washington
Larva on
Lomatium columbianum Hodges, 1974, Moths Amer. N of Mexico 6.2: 72,
Lomatium grayi,
Pteryxia terebinthina var. californica,
P. terebinthina var. foeniculacea McKenna & Berenbaum, 2003, J. Lep. Soc. 57 (1): 39
Depressaria moya Clarke, 1947
California. See [maps]
Larva on
Lomatium vaginatum Hodges, 1974, Moths Amer. N of Mexico 6.2: 74
Depressaria besma Clarke, 1947
W.Washington. See [maps]
Larva on
Lomatium utriculatum Hodges, 1974, Moths Amer. N of Mexico 6.2: 74
Depressaria pteryxiphaga Clarke, 1952
Wyoming, Utah. See [maps]
Larva on
Preryxia terebinthina Hodges, 1974, Moths Amer. N of Mexico 6.2: 74,
Pteryxia terebinthina var. calcarea McKenna & Berenbaum, 2003, J. Lep. Soc. 57 (1): 39
Depressaria togata Walsingham, 1889
Montana, British Columbia - Arizona, Oregon, Washington. See [maps]
- Depressaria thustra; Brown, Adamski, Hodges & Bahr, 2004, Zootaxa 510: 138
- Depressaria togata; Hodges, 1974, Moths Amer. N of Mexico 6.2: 75, pl. 5, f. 11-12, 15; [NACL], #939; [NHM card]; [Sangmi Lee & Richard Brown]
Larva on
Lomatium ambiguum,
Lomatium triternatum macrocarpum,
Perideridia bolanderi,
Preryxia terebenthina foeniculacea Hodges, 1974, Moths Amer. N of Mexico 6.2: 75,
Lomatium togata,
brandegei McKenna & Berenbaum, 2003, J. Lep. Soc. 57 (1): 39
Depressaria armata Clarke, 1952
Washington, Oregon. See [maps]
Larva on
Lomatium brandegei Hodges, 1974, Moths Amer. N of Mexico 6.2: 75
Depressaria angustati Clarke, 1941
Washington. See [maps]
- Depressaria angustati Clarke, 1941; Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 90 (3107): 189, pl. 36, f. 198, pl. 48, f. 287; TL: Skyline Ridge, Mt Baker distr., Whatcom Co., Washington, 6200'
Larva on
Lomatium angustatum Hodges, 1974, Moths Amer. N of Mexico 6.2: 76
If you have corrections, comments or
information to add into these pages, just send mail to
Markku Savela
Keep in mind that the taxonomic information is copied from various sources, and may include many inaccuracies. Expert help is welcome.