Hippotion aporodes Rothschild & Jordan, 1912
Tropical Africa. See [maps]
- Hippotion aporodes Rothschild & Jordan, 1912; Novit. Zool. 19 (1): 135
- horus (Röber, 1921)
- nigrofasciata (Aurivillius, 1925)
- Hippotion aporodes; [HMW]
Hippotion aurora Rothschild & Jordan, 1903
H. a. delicata Rothschild & Jordan, 1915 Farquhar I.
- Hippotion aurora delicata Rothschild & Jordan, 1915; Novit. Zool. 22 (2): 293; TL: Farquhar Island, N.E. of Madagascar
- Hippotion aurora delicata; [HMW]
H. a. gloriosana Rothschild & Jordan, 1915 Gloriosa I.
- Hippotion aurora gloriosana Rothschild & Jordan, 1915; Novit. Zool. 22 (2): 293, pl. 20, f. 4; TL: Gloriosa Island, N.W. of Madagascar
- Hippotion aurora gloriosana; [HMW]
Hippotion balsaminae (Walker, 1856)
Africa. See [maps]
Balsam Striped Hawk
- ?Xylophanes pinastrina; Moore, 1882, Lepid. Ceylon 2 (1): 18, pl. 87, f. 2
- Theretra pinastrina;
- Hippotion balsaminae; [HMW]
Larva on
Jussiaea repens,
Impatiens ? [HMCSA]
Hippotion batschii (Keferstein, 1870)
- Hippotion batschii; [HMW]
Hippotion boerhaviae (Fabricius, 1775)
India - Solomon Islands, Australia, Japan. See [maps]
- Hippotion boerhaviae; Rothschild & Jordan, 1903, 756; [HMW]
Larva on
Hippotion brennus (Stoll, 1782)
Australia. See [maps]
- Sphinx brennus Stoll, 1782
- Chaerocampa[sic] johanna Kirby, 1877
- Panacra maculiventris Miskin, 1891
- Hippotion rubribrenna Joicey & Kaye, 1917; Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) 20 (118): 307; TL: Dutch New Guinea, Central Arfak Mts., 3500ft
- Hippotion funebris Gehlen, 1926
- Hippotion novaebrittaniae Clark, 1932
- Hippotion viettei Darge, 1975
Hippotion brunnea (Semper, 1896) Buru
Hippotion butleri (Saalmüller, 1884)
Hippotion celerio (Linnaeus, 1758)
SEU, AF, tr, AC, AS, Australia, New Zealand. See [maps]
Silver-striped Hawk-moth
Silver Striped Hawk
Grape-vine hawk-moth
Vine Hawk Moth
Grand Sphinx de la Vigne
Esfinge de la Parra
csíkos szender
- Sphinx celerio Linnaeus, 1758; Syst. Nat. (Edn 10) 1: 491
- Sphinx tisiphone Linnaeus, 1758; Syst. Nat. (Edn 10) 1: 492
- Phalaena inquilinus Harris, [1780]; Expos. Ins.: 93
- Elpenor phoenix Oken, 1815; Lehrbuch Naturgesch. 3 (Zool.) (1): 760
- Hippotion ocys Hübner, [1819]; Verz. bek. Schmett. (9): 135
- augustii (Trimoulet, 1858)
- Deilephila albolineata Montrouzier, 1864; Ann. Soc. linn. Lyon (n.s.) 11: 250
- brunnea (Tutt, 1904)
- pallida (Tutt, 1904)
- unicolor (Tutt, 1904)
- Hippotion sieberti Closs, 1910
- Hippotion rosea Closs, 1911
- Hippotion luecki Closs, 1912
Larva on
Vitis ,
Galium ,
Epilobium ,
Linaria ,
Daucus ,
Rumex ,
Lonicera ,
Fuchsia [BSW],
Galium verum,
Colocasia esculenta,
Vitis vinifera,
Parthenocissus [Don Herbison-Evans]
Larva on
Vitis ,
Cissus ,
Impatiens [HMCSA]
Hippotion chloris Rothschild & Jordna, 1907
Hippotion commatum Rothschild & Jordan, 1915 Rook I.
- Hippotion commatum Rothschild & Jordan, 1915; Novit. Zool. 22 (2): 290, pl. 20, f. 3; TL: Rook Island
- Hippotion commatum; [HMW]
Hippotion dexippus Fawcett, 1915
- Hippotion dexippus; [HMW]
Hippotion echeclus (Boisduval, [1875])
Hong Kong, India - Philippines, Sulawesi, Sumba. See [maps]
- Hippotion echeclus; Rothschild & Jordan, 1903, 754; [HMW]
Larva on
Boerhavia ,
Sesamum ,
Monochoria [MOB3], 172
Hippotion eson (Cramer, [1779])
South Africa, E.Africa, C.Africa, Uganda. See [maps]
Common Striped Hawk
- Sphinx eson Cramer, [1779]; Uitl. Kapellen 3 (17-21): 57, pl. 226, f. c
- gracilis (Butler, 1875)
- luridus (Gehlen, 1944)
Larva on
Ampelopsis ,
Richardia ,
Caladium ,
Impatiens [HMCSA]
Hippotion geryon (Boisduval, [1875])
Hippotion griveaudi Carcasson, 1968
- albolineata (Griveaud, 1959); (preocc.)
- Hippotion griveaudi; [HMW]
Hippotion hateleyi Holloway, 1990
- Hippotioin hateleyi; [HMW]
Hippotion irregularis (Walker, 1856)
W.Africa, C.Africa, Tanganyika. See [maps]
Irregular Striped Hawk
- Hippotion irregularis; [HMW]
Hippotion isis Rothschild & Jordan, 1903 Africa?
Hippotion joiceyi Clark, 1922
Hippotion leucophalus Röber, 1929
- Hippotion leucophalus; [HMW]
Hippotion moorei Jordan, 1926 Tanganyika
- canens (Jordan, 1926)
- nuimaculata (Zhu & Wang, 1997)
Hippotion osiris (Dalman, 1823)
AF, Madagascar, Seychells, Komori, Spain. See [maps]
Large Striped Hawk-moth
Le Deiléphile Osyris
Larva on
Vitis ,
Fuchsia ,
Daucus ,
Epilobium ,
Rumex ,
Impatiens [BSW],
Cissus ,
Richardsonia [HMCSA]
Hippotion paukstadti Cadiou, 1995
- Hippotion paukstadti; [HMW]
Hippotion pentagramma Hampson, 1910
- Hippotion pentagramma; [HMW]
Hippotion psammochroma Basquin, 1989
- Hippotion psammochroma; [HMW]
Hippotion rafflesii (Butler, 1877)
Hong Kong, ..., Ceylon. See [maps]
H. r. dyokeae Hogenes & Treadaway, 1998
- Hippotion rafflesii dyokeae; [HMW]
Hippotion rebeli Rothschild & Jordan, 1903
E.Africa, Sudan. See [maps]
Rebel's Striped Hawk
- Hippotion rebeli Rothschild & Jordan, 1903; Novit. Zool. 9 (Suppl.): 761, pl. 5, f. 12; TL: Sudan
- fusa (Berio, 1948)
- invertita (Berio, 1948)
- pallidissima (Berio, 1948)
- placta (Berio, 1948)
- stricta (Berio, 1948)
- suffusa (Berio, 1948)
- undulata (Berio, 1948)
Hippotion rosae (Butler, 1882)
South Africa - E.Africa (along the coast). See [maps]
Grey Hippotion
H. r. guichardi Carcasson, 1968
- Hippotion rosae guichardi; [HMW]
Hippotion roseipennis (Butler, 1882)
Rhodesia - E.Africa. See [maps]
Small Striped Hawk
- Hippotion roseipennis; [HMW]
Larva on
Cissus [HMCSA]
Hippotion rosetta (Swinhoe, 1892) Indo-Australian Tropics - Solomons
Larva on
Borreria [MOB3], 173
Hippotion saclavorum (Boisduval, 1933)
- Hippotion saclavorum; [HMW]
Hippotion scrofa (Boisduval, 1832)
Australia. See [maps]
Coprosma Hawk Moth
- Deilephila scrofa Boisduval, 1832
- scrofa (Walker, 1856); (preocc.)
- Deilephila porcia Wallengren, 1860
- bernardus (Koch, 1865)
- Chaerocampa[sic] ignea Butler, 1875
Larva on
Epilobium ,
Coprosma repens,
Ipomoea ,
Fuchsia [Don Herbison-Evans]
Hippotion socotrensis (Rebel, 1899)
- Hippotion socotrensis; [HMW]
H. s. diyullus Fawcett, 1915
- Hippotion socotrensis diyullus; [HMW]
Hippotion stigma (Rothschild & Jordan, 1903)
Hippotion talboti Clark, 1930
Hippotion velox (Fabricius, 1793)
India - Fiji, New Caledonia, Australia, Indonesia, New Guinea. See [maps]
- Sphinx velox Fabricius, 1793; Ent. Syst. 3 (1): 378
- Sphinx vigil Guérin-Méneville, 1843; in Delessert, Souvenirs Voy. Inde (2): 80, pl. 23, f. 1
- Panacra lignaria Walker, 1856; List Spec. Lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus. 8: 156
- Sphinx phoenyx Herrich-Schäffer, [1856]; Samml. aussereurop. Schmett. (I) 1 (23-25): pl. 83, f. 478
- Chaerocampa[sic] swinhoei Moore, 1866; Proc. zool. Soc. Lond. 1866 (2): 362
- Choerocampa yorkii Boisduval, [1875]
- Panacra rosea Rothschild, 1894; Novit. Zool. 1 (1): 79, pl. 6, f. 14; TL: Lifu, Loyalty Islands
- Panacra lifuensis Rothschild, 1894; Novit. Zool. 1 (1): 79; TL: Lifu, Loyalty Islands
- Panacra griseola Rothschild, 1894; Novit. Zool. 1 (1): 80; TL: Lifu, Loyalty Islands
- Panacra pseudovigil Rothschild, 1894; Novit. Zool. 1 (1): 80
- Hippotion obanawae Matsumura, 1908
- Hippotion beddoesii Clark, 1922
- Hippotion noel Clark, 1923
- Hippotion velox ab. tainanensis Matsumura, 1927; J. Coll. Agric. Hokkaido Imp. Univ. 19 (1): 5; TL: Formosa, Tainan
- Hippotion tainanensis Clark, 1932
- Hippotion taiwanensis Riotte, 1975
- Hippotion japetum Riotte, 1994; Entomologist (Lond.), 104: 296
- Panacra lifuensis; Rothschild, 1896, Novit. Zool. 3 (4): 600, pl. 14, f. 12
- Panacra griseola; Rothschild, 1896, Novit. Zool. 3 (4): 600, pl. 14, f. 13
- Panacra vigil; Moore, 1882, Lepid. Ceylon 2 (1): 25, pl. 87, f. 3, 3a-b
- Hippotion velox; Rothschild & Jordan, 1903, 749; [HMW]
Larva on
Pisonia aculeata,
P. umbellifera,
Alocasia indica,
Ipomoea batatas [Don Herbison-Evans],
Brassica ,
Morinda [MOB3], 170
If you have corrections, comments or
information to add into these pages, just send mail to
Markku Savela
Keep in mind that the taxonomic information is copied from various sources, and may include many inaccuracies. Expert help is welcome.