Serpophaga Gould, 1839
Serpophaga (Tyrannidae) ; [AVTAX ]
Serpophaga cinerea (Tschudi, 1844)
Serpophaga cinerea ; [AVTAX ]
S. c. cinerea
Serpophaga cinerea cinerea ; [AVTAX ]
S. c. grisea Lawrence, 1871
Serpophaga cinerea grisea ; [AVTAX ]
Serpophaga hypoleuca Sclater & Salvin, 1866
Serpophaga hypoleuca ; [AVTAX ]
S. h. hypoleuca
Serpophaga hypoleuca hypoleuca ; [AVTAX ]
S. h. pallida Snethlage, 1907
Serpophaga hypoleuca pallida ; [AVTAX ]
S. h. venezuelana Zimmer, 1940
Serpophaga hypoleuca venezuelana ; [AVTAX ]
Serpophaga nigricans (Vieillot, 1817)
Serpophaga nigricans ; [AVTAX ]
Serpophaga subcristata (Vieillot, 1817)
Serpophaga subcristata ; [AVTAX ]
S. s. straminea (Temminck, 1822)
Serpophaga subcristata straminea ; [AVTAX ]
S. s. subcristata
Serpophaga subcristata subcristata ; [AVTAX ]
Serpophaga munda Berlepsch, 1893
Serpophaga munda ; [AVTAX ]
Serpophaga griseicapilla Straneck, 2007
Serpophaga griseicapilla ; [AVTAX ]
21.6.2011 (6)
If you have corrections, comments or
information to add into these pages, just send mail to
Markku Savela
Keep in mind that the taxonomic information is copied from various sources, and may include many inaccuracies. Expert help is welcome.