COST-G6 Conference
on Digital Audio Effects 
December 7-9, 2000
Verona, Italy

Dipartimento Scientifico e Tecnologico - Aula Tessari
Universita' di Verona
strada Le Grazie, 15 - Verona

 DAFx-00 PROGRAM: Presentations

time  authors title  chairpersons
wednesday, december 6th
21.00-24.00 Welcome Party
thursday, december 7th
9.00-9.10 Opening 
9.10-10.40 Paper Session 1 Processing and Effects E. Favreau - J. Rudi
INVITED TALK J. Chowning Digital sound synthesis, acoustics, and perception: a rich intersection
G. Evangelista Real-time time-varying frequency warping via short-time Laguerre transform
G. Zoia and A. Alberti A virtual DSP architecture for MPEG-4 structured audio 
F. Keiler, D. Arfib, and U. Zoelzer Efficient linear prediction for digital audio effects
10.40-11.00 Coffee Break
11.00-12.30 Paper Session 2 Reverberation and 3-D Sound J. Casajus - J. Tro
INVITED TALK J.M. Jot Efficient models for interactive environmental audio spatialization
S. Bilbao Digital waveguide networks as multidimensional wave digital filters
T. Lokki and M. Karjalainen An auditorily motivated analysis method for room impulse responses 
A. Jost and J.M. Jot Transaural 3-D audio with user-controlled calibration 
14.00-15.20 Paper Session 3 Synthesis and Modeling G. Evangelista - U. Zoelzer
M. Desainte-Catherine and P. Hanna Statistical approach for  sounds modeling 
D. Schwarz A system for data-driven concatenative sound synthesis
G. Polotti and G. Evangelista Harmonic-band wavelet coefficient modeling for pseudo-periodic sounds processing
I. Bisnovatyi Flexible software framework for modal synthesis 
15.20-16.10 Poster Session 1 poster run-through + coffee break
16.10-17.30 Paper Session 4 Sound Analysis and Exploration A. Melka -  T. Todoroff
G. Tzanetakis and P. Cook 3D graphics tools for sound collections
C. Spevak Analysing auditory representations for sound classification with self-organising neural networks 
M. Leman Visualization and calculation of the roughness of acoustical musical signals using the Synchronization Index Model (SIM)
O'Maidin and M. Fernstrom The best of two worlds: retrieving and browsing
21.00-23.00 B. Maderna, L. Nono, L. Berio Concert
(Auditorium del Conservatorio)
friday, december 8th
9.00-10.30 Paper Session 5 Control of Sound Effects G. De Poli - J. Tro
INVITED TALK M. Stroppa High-level musical control paradigms for Digital Signal Processing
C. Chafe, S. Wilson, R. Leistikow, D. Chisholm, and G. Scavone A simplified approach to high quality music and sound over IP 
D. Oboril, M. Balik, J. Schimmel, Z. Smekal, and P. Krkavec  Modelling digital musical effects for signal processors, based on real effect manifestation analysis 
J. Tro Aspects of control and perception
10.30-11.00 Coffee Break
11.00-12.30 Paper Session 6 Processing and Effects J. Casajus - U. Zoelzer
INVITED TALK S. Sapir Interactive digital audio environments: gesture as a musical parameter
H. Penttinen, A. Harma, and M. Karjalainen Digital guitar body mode modulation with one driving parameter
A. De Goetzen, N. Bernardini, and D. Arfib Traditional (?) implementations of a phase vocoder: the tricks of the trade 
C. Drioli and F. Avanzini Model-based synthesis and transformation of voiced sounds
14.00-15.20 Paper Session 7 Reverberation and 3-D Sound D. Arfib - N. Bernardini
L. Dahl and J.M. Jot A reverberator based on absorbent all pass filters 
G. Campos and D. Howard A parallel 3D digital waveguide mesh model with tetrahedral topology for room acoustic simulation 
F. Beltran and J.R. Beltran Multi-loudspeaker reverberation system 
A. Sontacchi and R. Hoeldrich Enhanced 3D sound field synthesis and reproduction system by compensating interfering reflexions
15.20-16.10 Poster Session 2 poster run-through + coffee break
16.10-17.30 Paper Session 8 Modeling for Synthesis and Transformation M. Erne - G. Evangelista
J. Tuisku Considerations on window switching with the biorthogonal modulated lapped transform
M. Laurson, C. Erkut, and V. Valimaki Methods for modeling realistic playing in plucked-string synthesis: analysis, control and synthesis
F. Pesce Realtime-stretching of speech signals 
G. Bertini, Magrini M., and L. Tarabella  Spectral data management tools for additive synthesis
20.00-24.00 Social Dinner
saturday, december 9th
9.00-10.30 Paper Session 9 Sound Analysis and Exploration N. Bernardini - G. De Poli
J.P. Bello and M. Sandler Blackboard system and top-down processing for the transcription of simple polyphonic music
A. Klapuri, T. Virtanen, and J.M. Holm  Robust multipitch estimation for the analysis and manipulation of polyphonic musical signals
F. Gouyon, F. Pachet, and O. Delerue On the use of zero-crossing rate for an application of classification of percussive sounds 
C.A. Traube and J.O. Smith Estimating the plucking point on a guitar string 
10.30-11.00 Coffee Break
11.00-12.50 Paper Session 10 Physical Modeling D. Arfib - V. Syrovy
INVITED TALK V. Valimaki and L.Savioja Interpolated and Warped 2-D Digital Waveguide Mesh algorithms
S. Serafin and J.O. Smith A multirate, finite-width, bow-string  interaction  model
D.T. Murphy and D.M. Howard 2-D digital waveguide mesh topologies in room acoustics modelling 
N. Castagne and C. Cadoz Physical models synthesis: balance between realism and computing speed 
S. Stoffels  Full mesh warping techniques 
Poster Session 1 (dec. 7)
F. Fontana, D. Rocchesso, and E. Apollonio Using the waveguide mesh in modelling 3D resonators 
N. Laurenti and G. De Poli A method for spectrum separation and envelope estimation of the residual in spectrum modeling of musical sound 
S. Zabarella and C. Drioli Transformation of instrumental sound related noise by means of adaptive filtering techniques 
C. Feldbauer and R. Hoeldrich Realization of Vold-Kalman tracking filter. A least squares problem. 
P. Fernandez-Cid et al A Java framework for FX development 
S. Bilbao Digital waveguide networks for inhomogeneous media 
Y. Jafry A modular real-time PC-based audio processing tool for effect developers, engineers, musicians, and educators
G. Monti and M. Sandler Monophonic transcription with autocorrelation 
C.M. Burtner and S. Serafin Extended performance techniques for a virtual instrument 
Poster Session 2 (dec. 8)
J.G. Escudero Continuous and discrete Fourier spectra of aperiodic sequences for sound modeling
P. Huang, S. Serafin, and J.O. Smith Modeling high-frequency modes  of complex resonators using a waveguide mesh 
S. Marchand Compression of sinusoidal modeling parameters
S. Leitner, A. Sontacchi, and R. Hoeldrich  Multichannel sound reproduction system for binaural signals - the ambisonic approach 
D. Bonsi and D. Stanzial Acoustic test of a basic audio dereverberation process 
D. Carugo Development of a surround encoding algorithm
C. Feldbauer and R. Hoeldrich Analysis, resynthesis and interpolation of car interior noise 
L. Turicchia, G. De Poli, G.A. Mian, and R. Nobili Audio analysis by a model of the physiological auditory system
O. Izmirli Non-harmonic sinusoidal modeling synthesis using short-time high-resolution parameter analysis 

Conservatorio Statale di Musica
"F.E. Dall'Abaco", Verona
Centro Internazionale
per la Ricerca Strumentale
Last updated on: Thu Nov 21, 2000