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A predator is an animal or other organism which hunts and kills other organisms for food. Most predators are carnivores. Some predators are omnivores or insectivores or bacteriophages. The difference between a predator and a parasite is that for a predator killing the prey is necessary for consuming it, but for parasites it is not. Some biologists consider herbivores to be predators as well, but this is arguable as many herbivores only consume parts of their prey, leaving the rest alive. This kind of herbivores would qualify better as parasites. As usual in ecology, there is no consensus on the distinction, some researchers prefer functional definitions like the one outlined above, some rather look into the ecological dynamics the relationships between the species create.

The RQ-1 Predator is an unmanned aerial vehicle employed by the United States military for reconnaisance.
When studying criminal activity, predator is sometimes used to describe a criminal, most commonly in the phrase "sexual predator". The term "superpredator" has also been used to refer to a theorized individual, from an urban ghetto, who has developed a strong aversion to modern society.
Predator is a 1987 science fiction movie starring Arnold Schwarzenegger.

wikipedia.org dumped 2003-03-17 with terodump