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Sung Chiao-jen

Sung Chiao-jen (宋教仁) (Pinyin: Song4 Jiao4-ren2) (1882March 22, 1913) was a Chinese revolutionary and political leader.

Birth given name: Lian (鍊 Lian4)
: Dunchu (鈍初 Dun4-chu1)

In 1905 Sung helped found and was a leading activist in the Revolutionary Alliance[?], which was an organization dedicated to the overthrow of the Manchu Qing Dynasty and the formation of a republic, the Min Guo.

He died of wounds from an assassination in Shanghai on March 20, 1913 at a Shanghai rail station when he was planning to deliver speeches for supporting a cabinet system. Yuan Shikai was speculated to be the instigator of this plot.

See also: Kuomintang

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