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School Science Experiment - Demonstrating the properties of waves on an Oscilloscope

Sound waves from a SG on a 'scope.png

This is a standard demonstration used in many schools and colleges to demonstrate the basic principles of waves.

Setting Up

A signal generator is connected to an oscilloscope & a loudspeaker. Some signal generators have two outputs: In this case the high impedence output goes to the osciiloscope, the low to the speaker. If there is only one output connection stackable 4mm plugs[?] are used to connect both devices to the signal generator.

The oscilloscope is adjusted so that there is a clear sine wave trace that extend for about half the screen and has two or three clear waves visible when the signal generator is set at a medium frequency and mid volume.

Demonstrating the Amplitude and Frequency

Waves on an oscillascope.png

The advantage of setting the demonstration up in this manner over the more traditional plugging a microphone into the input of the scope, is that the signal generator produces perfect sine waves which keeps everything nice and straightforward.

See Also

Demonstrating properties of waves with a ripple tank

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