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Robert Freitas

Robert A. Freitas Jr. (http://www.rfreitas.com) is a research scientist at Zyvex[?] Corporation. He holds degrees in physics, psychology, and law, and has written (http://www.rfreitas.com/index.htm#Publications) more than 100 technical papers, book chapters, or popular articles on a diverse set of scientific, engineering, and legal topics. He co-edited the 1980 NASA feasibility analysis of self-replicating space factories (http://www.islandone.org/MMSG/aasm/) and later authored the first detailed technical design study of a medical nanorobot (http://www.foresight.org/Nanomedicine/Respirocytes.html) ever published in a refereed biomedical journal.

Most recently, Freitas authored Nanomedicine, the first book-length technical discussion of the potential medical applications of molecular nanotechnology and medical nanorobotics. Volume I (http://www.nanomedicine.com/NMI.htm) was published in October 1999 by Landes Bioscience while Freitas was a Research Fellow at the Institute for Molecular Manufacturing in Palo Alto, California.

Volume IIA (http://www.nanomedicine.com/NMIIA.htm) has recently been completed and Freitas is currently working on completing Volumes IIB and III of Nanomedicine. He is also exploring molecular assembler (http://www.molecularassembler.com) design.

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